Authenticity, Craftsmanship, and Character in the Artworks of Grayson Perry

Hemingway, Christine A. and Starkey, Ken. 2024. Authenticity, Craftsmanship, and Character in the Artworks of Grayson Perry. Business Ethics Quarterly, ISSN 1052-150X [Article] (Forthcoming)

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Abstract or Description

In this review, we use the experience of visiting leading artist Grayson Perry’s retrospective Smash Hits exhibition, at the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh, UK, as a moment for reflection and as a challenge to the disenchantment of the world, narrowed by a definition of rationality that we can 'master all things by calculation', and that: 'there are no incalculable mysterious forces' (Weber 1981, 141). Smash Hits enacts a coming together to marvel at a rare blend of craftsmanship, design, imagination, the unconscious, and echoes of spirituality through the ages. It challenges us to think about how we let these elements into our own ways of thinking, doing and being, if indeed we do. And if not, what might be the price of excluding them?

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This article will be published in a revised form in Business Ethics Quarterly []. This version is published under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND licence. No commercial re-distribution or re-use allowed. Derivative works cannot be distributed.

Departments, Centres and Research Units:

Institute of Management Studies


10 September 2024Accepted

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Date Deposited:

20 Sep 2024 15:14

Last Modified:

23 Sep 2024 09:18

Peer Reviewed:

Yes, this version has been peer-reviewed.


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