Large Group as critical pedagogy in Higher Education: professional arts therapies training through experiential embodied learning

Frizell, Caroline and Law, Agnes. 2024. 'Large Group as critical pedagogy in Higher Education: professional arts therapies training through experiential embodied learning'. In: ECARTE 17h European Arts Therapies Conference. Ghent University, Belgium 11 -14 September. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Abstract or Description

This presentation shares a collaborative research project carried out by a team of investigators from the staff community on the MA in Dance Movement Psychotherapy at Goldsmiths, University of London. The practice-led research inquired into the Dance Movement Psychotherapy Large Group (DMPLG) as central to a professional training programme. Working with the creativity of moving bodies and resisting normative pressures of identity politics, students and staff are enabled to respond to geopolitical challenges, locating this professional training simultaneously within personal, political and professional landscapes. Thus, social and political justice become embedded in the process of a non-directive critical pedagogy. In the DMPLG, a community of bodies are dancing relationally in dark times, staying with the trouble and moving within the tensions of diversity and difference, power and oppression. The presentation will outline this practice-led enquiry that drew on data generated from two streams. Firstly, prompts and provocations sent to the research team by the principal investigator, Caroline Frizell, in relation to their experience of the bi-termly DMPLG, as well as creative-process liaison meetings during the DMPLG cycle across one academic year. Secondly, two alumni focus groups enquired into how the experience of the DMPLG in training contributes to the professional practice of graduates. This paper will illuminate how teaching and learning can be optimised within the immediate intersectional context of the DMPLG process and in relation to wider departmental, institutional, social, cultural and political groupings.

Overall, this research project has demonstrated how the DMPLG offers an effective critical pedagogy, providing a teaching and learning space in which critical thinking and first-hand experiential experience come together. The research process also provided a rich source of nourishment for the research team, notwithstanding the contemporary pressures of working within the context of higher education institutions (HEI).

Item Type:

Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)

Departments, Centres and Research Units:

Social, Therapeutic & Community Engagement (STaCS)
Social, Therapeutic & Community Engagement (STaCS) > Centre for Community Engagement Research


13 September 2024Completed

Event Location:

Ghent University, Belgium

Date range:

11 -14 September

Item ID:


Date Deposited:

23 Sep 2024 08:23

Last Modified:

23 Sep 2024 08:24


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