Items Authored/Edited by Crawford, Tim

Number of items: 39.
Crawford, Tim.
A digital corpus for exploring the lute music of John Dowland (1563-1626).
Journal of New Music Research,
ISSN 0929-8215
Weigl, David M.; Goebl, Werner; Hofmann, Alex; Crawford, Tim; Zubani, Federico; Liem, Cynthia S. and Porter, Alastair.
Read/Write Digital Libraries for Musicology.
DLfM 2020: 7th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology,
pp. 48-52.
Crawford, Tim.
Silvius Leopold Weiss and the Improvised Prelude.
Journal of the Lute Society fo America, 53,
pp. 105-144.
ISSN 0076-1524
Weigl, David M.; Lewis, David; Crawford, Tim; Knopke, Ian and Page, Kevin R..
On providing semantic alignment and unified access to music library metadata.
International Journal on Digital Libraries, 20(1),
pp. 25-47.
ISSN 1432-5012
Lewis, David; Crawford, Tim and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Instrumental idiom in the 16th century: embellishment
patterns in arrangements of vocal music.
Proceedings of the 17th conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval,
pp. 524-530.
Crawford, Tim and Lewis, Richard.
Music Encoding Initiative (Digital and Multimedia Scholarship).
Journal of the American Musicological Society, 69(1),
pp. 273-285.
ISSN 0003-0139
Lewis, Richard; Crawford, Tim and Lewis, David.
Exploring information retrieval, semantic technologies and workflows for music scholarship: the Transforming Musicology project.
Early Music, 43(4),
pp. 635-647.
ISSN 0306-1078
Proutskova, Polina; Rhodes, Christophe; Crawford, Tim and Wiggins, Geraint.
Breathy, Resonant, Pressed - Automatic Detection Of Phonation Mode From Audio Recordings of Singing.
Journal of New Music Research, 42(2),
pp. 171-186.
ISSN 0929-8215
Book Section
Crawford, Tim.
Luise Gottsched: Lute-playing heroine of her Age.
In: Andreas Schlegel, ed.
... in der verlorene Paradies: Festschrift in memoriam Annette Otterstedt.
Menziken, Switzerland: The Lute Corner, pp. 224-279.
ISBN 9783952323243
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item
Crawford, Tim and Lewis, David.
'Pragmatic Digital Musicology'.
In: Algomus seminar (invited talk). Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille (Cristal), Lille University, France 19 February 2024.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Cannam, Chris; Lewis, David and Crawford, Tim.
'ECOLM and Lute Tablature'.
In: 10th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM 2023). Milan, Italy 10 November 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Porter, Alastair; Crawford, Tim and Lewis, David.
'End-to-end loading of new music libraries to F-Tempo via IIIF'.
In: 10th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM 2023). Milan, Italy 10 November 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Lewis, David; Crawford, Tim and Badkobeh, Golnaz.
'Corpus-building and corpus-based musicology for the Early Modern Period: Towards a complete Electronic Corpus of Lute Music... and beyond'.
In: International Colloquium of Computational and Cognitive Musicology 2023. Athens, Greece 22-24 June 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Weigl, David M.; Goebl, Werner; Baker, David J.; Crawford, Tim; Zubani, Federico; Gkiokas, Aggelos; Gutierrez, Nicolas F.; Porter, Alastair and Santos, Patricia.
'Notes on the Music: A social data infrastructure for music annotation'.
In: 8th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM2021). Virtual Conference, GA, United States 28-30 July 2021.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Crawford, Tim; Badkobeh, Golnaz and Lewis, David.
'Searching Page-Images of Early Music Scanned with OMR: A Scalable Solution Using Minimal Absent Words'.
In: 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. Paris, France 24-27 September 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Crawford, Tim; Badkobeh, Golnaz and Lewis, David.
'Searching Page-Images of Early Music Scanned with OMR: A Scalable Solution Using Minimal Absent Words'.
In: Proceedings of the 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2018, Paris, France, September 23-27, 2018. Paris, France 23 – 27 September 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Sutcliffe, Richard; Crawford, Tim; Fox, Chris; Root, Deane L.; Hovy, Eduard and Lewis, Richard.
'Relating Natural Language Text to Musical Passages'.
In: Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval. Malaga, Spain.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Weigl, David M.; Lewis, David; Crawford, Tim and Page, Kevin R..
'Expert-guided semantic linking of music-library metadata for study and reuse'.
In: International Workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology. Knoxville, TN, United States.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Crawford, Tim; Fields, Ben; Lewis, David and Page, Kevin R..
'Explorations in Linked Data practice for early music corpora'.
In: Digital Libraries 2014. London, United Kingdom 8 - 12 September 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rhodes, Christophe; Crawford, Tim and d'Inverno, Mark.
'Duplicate detection in facsimile scans of early printed music'.
In: European Conference on Data Analysis. Bremen, Germany 2 - 4 July 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Baker, David; Rhodes, Christophe; Crawford, Tim and Dreyfus, Laurence.
'Recognition of leitmotives in Richard Wagner's music: chroma distance and listener expertise'.
In: European Conference on Data Analysis. Bremen, Germany 2 - 4 July 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Proutskova, Polina; Rhodes, Christophe; Wiggins, Geraint and Crawford, Tim.
'Breathy or Resonant - A Controlled and Curated Dataset for Phonation Mode Detection in Singing'.
In: International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Porto, Portugal.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Edited Book