Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Müllensiefen, Daniel

Number of items: 126.
Voitova, Tatjana; Bernhofs, Valdis and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The Influence of Psychosocial Skills on the Development of Musical Abilities: Cross-Sectional Results From Secondary School Pupils in Latvia.
Gifted Child Quarterly, 69(2),
pp. 184-201.
ISSN 0016-9862
Hake, Robin; Bürgel, Michel; Nguyen, Ninh K.; Greasley, Alinka; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Siedenburg, Kai.
Development of an adaptive test of musical scene analysis abilities for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners.
Behavior Research Methods, 56(6),
pp. 5456-5481.
ISSN 1554-351X
Eitel, Matthew; Ruth, Nicolas; Harrison, Peter; Frieler, Klaus and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Perception of Chord Sequences Modeled with Prediction by Partial Matching, Voice-Leading Distance, and Spectral Pitch-Class Similarity: A New Approach for Testing Individual Differences in Harmony Perception.
Music & Science, 7,
ISSN 2059-2043
Silas, Sebastian; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Kopiez, Reinhard.
Singing Ability Assessment: Development and validation of a singing test based on item response theory and a general open-source software environment for singing data.
Behavior Research Methods, 56(5),
pp. 4358-4384.
ISSN 1554-351X
Cocchini, Gianna; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Platania, Ruggero; Niglio, Chiara; Tricomi, Enrica; Veronelli, Laura and Judica, Elda.
Back and front peripersonal space: Behavioural and EMG evidence of top-down and bottom-up mechanisms.
Experimental Brain Research, 242(1),
pp. 241-255.
ISSN 0014-4819
Andrade, Paulo E.; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Andrade, Olga V.C.A.; Dunstan, Jade; Zuk, Jennifer and Gaab, Nadine.
Sequence Processing in Music Predicts Reading Skills in Young Readers: A Longitudinal Study.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 57(1),
pp. 43-60.
ISSN 0022-2194
Silas, Sebastian and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Learning and Recalling Melodies: A Computational Investigation Using the Melodic Recall Paradigm.
Music Perception, 41(2),
pp. 77-109.
ISSN 0730-7829
Lippolis, Mariangela; Carraturo, Guilio; Ferreri, Laura; Vuust, Peter; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Matarelli, Benedeta and Brattico, Elvira.
Sensitivity to Social Reward in Music Behavior Changes After Music Training in Preadolescence.
Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 19(4),
pp. 106-125.
ISSN 1895-1171
Yuan, Yuchen; Cronin, Charles; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Fujii, Shinya and Savage, Patrick E..
Perceptual and automated estimates of infringement in 40 music copyright cases.
Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 6(1),
pp. 117-134.
ISSN 2514-3298
Sadakata, Makiko; Yamaguchi, Yasumasa; Ohsawa, Chie; Matsubara, Masaki; Terasawa, Hiroko; von Schnehen, Andres; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Sekiyama, Kaoru.
The Japanese translation of the Gold-MSI: Adaptation and validation of the self-report questionnaire of musical sophistication.
Musicae Scientiae, 27(3),
pp. 798-810.
ISSN 1029-8649
Ruth, Nicolas; Tsigeman, Elina; Likhanov, Maxim; Kovas, Yulia and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Personality and engagement with music: Results from network modeling in three adolescent samples.
Psychology of Music, 51(4),
pp. 1223-1242.
ISSN 0305-7356
Anstee, Lottie; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Harrison, Peter M. C..
Handedness and musicality in secondary school students.
Music Perception, 40(5),
pp. 373-394.
ISSN 0730-7829
Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Masters, Nikhil; Steffens, Jochen; North, Adrian and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The Behavioural Economics of Music: Systematic review and future directions.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(5),
pp. 1177-1194.
ISSN 1747-0218
MacGregor, Chloe; Ruth, Nicolas and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Development and validation of the first adaptive test of emotion perception in music.
Cognition and Emotion, 37(2),
pp. 284-302.
ISSN 0269-9931
Floridou, Georgia A.; Mencke, Iris; Caprini, Francesco and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The Genesis of a Tune in the Mind: An Interview Study About Novel Involuntary Musical Imagery Repetition.
Music & Science, 6,
ISSN 2059-2043
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Elvers, Paul and Frieler, Klaus.
Musical development during adolescence: Perceptual skills, cognitive resources, and musical training.
Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1518(1),
pp. 264-281.
ISSN 0077-8923
Cinelyte, Urte; Cannon, Jonathan; Patel, Aniruddh D. and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Testing beat perception without sensory cues to the beat: the Beat-Drop Alignment Test (BDAT).
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84(8),
pp. 2702-2714.
ISSN 1943-3921
Lippolis, Mariangela; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Frieler, Klaus; Matarelli, Benedeta; Vuust, Peter; Cassibba, Rosalinda and Brattico, Elvira.
Learning to play a musical instrument in the middle school is associated with superior audiovisual working memory and fluid intelligence: A cross-sectional behavioral study.
Frontiers in Psychology, 13,
ISSN 1664-1078
Labonde, Philippe and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Determinants and trajectories of musical talent in adolescence. [Determinanten und Verläufe musikalischer Begabung im Jugendalter].
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 25(5),
pp. 1063-1094.
ISSN 1434-663X
Passarotto, Edoardo; Preckel, Franzis; Schneider, Michael and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Deliberate practice in music: Development and psychometric validation of a standardized measurement instrument.
Psychology of Music, 50(5),
pp. 1637-1655.
ISSN 0305-7356
Silas, Sebastian; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Gelding, Rebecca; Frieler, Klaus and Harrison, Peter M. C..
The Associations Between Music Training, Musical Working Memory, and Visuospatial Working Memory: An Opportunity for Causal Modeling.
Music Perception, 39(4),
pp. 401-420.
ISSN 0730-7829
Tsigeman, Elina; Silas, Sebastian; Frieler, Klaus; Likhanov, Maxim; Gelding, Rebecca; Kovas, Yulia and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The Jack and Jill Adaptive Working Memory Task: Construction, Calibration and Validation.
PLoS ONE, 17(1),
ISSN 1932-6203
Correia, A.I.; Castro, S.L.; MacGregor, Chloe; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Schellenberg, E.G. and Lima, César F..
Enhanced Recognition of Vocal Emotions in Individuals With Naturally Good Musical Abilities.
Emotion, 22(5),
pp. 894-906.
ISSN 1528-3542
Rose, Dawn; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Lovatt, Peter and Orgs, Guido.
The Goldsmiths Dance Sophistication Index (Gold-DSI): A Psychometric Tool to Assess Individual Differences in Dance Experience.
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 16(4),
pp. 733-745.
ISSN 1931-3896
Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Schofield, Kerry; Trahan, Tabitha and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
I’ve heard that brand before: the role of music recognition on consumer choice.
International Journal of Advertising, 41(8),
pp. 1567-1587.
ISSN 0265-0487
Ruth, Nicolas and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Survival of musical activities. When do young people stop making music?
PLoS ONE, 16(11),
ISSN 1932-6203
von Berg, Markus; Steffens, Jochen; Weinzierl, Stefan and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Assessing room acoustic listening expertise.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150(4),
pp. 2539-2548.
ISSN 0001-4966
Lin, Hsin-Rui; Kopiez, Reinhard; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Wolf, Anna.
The Chinese version of the Gold-MSI: Adaptation and validation of an inventory for the measurement of musical sophistication in a Taiwanese sample.
Musicae Scientiae, 25(2),
pp. 226-251.
ISSN 1029-8649
Ruth, Nicolas and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Associations between musical preferences and personality in female secondary school students.
Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain, 30(4),
pp. 202-211.
ISSN 0275-3987
Degé, Franziska; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Schwarzer, Gudrun.
Singing abilities and phonological awareness in 9- to 12-Year-Old children.
Yearbook of Music Psychology, 29(e66),
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 2511-8277
Lee, Harin and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The Timbre Perception Test (TPT): A new interactive musical assessment tool to measure timbre perception ability.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(7),
pp. 3658-3675.
ISSN 1943-3921
Schaal, Nora K; Politimou, Nina; Franco, Fabia; Stewart, Lauren and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The German Music@ Home: Validation of a questionnaire measuring at home musical exposure and interaction of young children.
PLoS ONE, 15(8),
ISSN 1932-6203
Schaal, Nora K; Politimou, Nina; Franco, Fabia; Stewart, Lauren and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The German Music@Home: Validation of a questionnaire measuring at home musical exposure and interaction of young children.
PLoS ONE, 15(8),
ISSN 1932-6203
Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Keller, Steve; Steffens, Jochen and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The Impact of Source Effects on the Evaluation of Music for Advertising: Are there Differences in How Advertising Professionals and Consumers Judge Music?
Journal of Advertising Research, 60(2),
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 0021-8499
Thiesen, Felix; Kopiez, Reinhard and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Duration, song section, entropy: Suggestions for a model of rapid music recognition processes.
Journal of New Music Research, 49(4),
pp. 334-348.
ISSN 0929-8215
Lima, César F.; Correia, Ana Isabel; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Castro, São Luís.
Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index (Gold-MSI): Portuguese version and associations with socio-demographic factors, personality and music preferences.
Psychology of Music, 48(3),
pp. 376-388.
ISSN 0305-7356
Gelding, Rebecca; Harrison, Peter M. C.; Silas, Sebastian; Johnson, Blake; Thompson, William and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
An efficient and adaptive test of auditory mental imagery.
Psychological Research,
ISSN 0340-0727
Preckel, Franzis; Golle, Jessika; Grabner, Roland; Jarvin, Linda; Kozbelt, Aaron; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Olszewski-Kubilius, Paula; Schneider, Wolfgang; Subotnik, Rena; Vock, Miriam and Worrell, Frank C..
Talent Development in Achievement Domains: A Psychological Framework for Within- and Cross-Domain Research.
Perspectives on Psychological Science,
pp. 1-32.
ISSN 1745-6916
MacGregor, Chloe and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The Musical Emotion Discrimination Task: A New Measure for Assessing the Ability to Discriminate Emotions in Music.
Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1955),
Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Steffens, Jochen and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Names and Titles Matter: The Impact of Linguistic Fluency and the Affect Heuristic on Aesthetic and Value Judgements of Music.
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 13(3),
pp. 277-292.
ISSN 1931-3896
Larrouy-Maestri, Pauline; Harrison, Peter M. C. and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The mistuning perception test: A new measurement instrument.
Behavior Research Methods, 51(2),
pp. 663-675.
ISSN 1554-3528
Fancourt, Daisy; Garnett, Claire; Spiro, Spiro; West, Robert and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
How do artistic creative activities regulate our emotions? Validation of the Emotion Regulation Strategies for Artistic Creative Activities Scale (ERS-ACA).
PLoS ONE, 14(2),
ISSN 1932-6203
Akkermans, J.; Schapiro, R.; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Jakubowski, Kelly; Shanahan, D.; Baker, D.; Busch, V.; Lothwesen, K.; Elvers, P.; Fischinger, T.; Schlemmer, K. and Frieler, K..
Decoding emotions in expressive music performances: A multi-lab replication and extension study.
Cognition and Emotion, 33(6),
pp. 1099-1118.
ISSN 0269-9931
Anglada-Tort, Manuel; Baker, Tom and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
False memories in music listening: exploring the misinformation effect and individual difference factors in auditory memory.
ISSN 0965-8211
Trahan, T; Durrant, Simon J.; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Williamson, Victoria J..
The music that helps people sleep and the reasons they believe it works: A mixed methods analysis of online survey reports.
PLoS ONE, 13(11),
ISSN 1932-6203
Heaton, Pam F.; Tsang, Wai-Fang; Jakubowski, Kelly; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Allen, Rory.
Discriminating autism and language impairment and specific language impairment through acuity of musical imagery.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 80,
pp. 52-63.
ISSN 0891-4222
Harrison, Peter M. C. and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Development and Validation of the Computerised Adaptive Beat Alignment Test (CA-BAT).
Scientific Reports, 8,
ISSN 2045-2322
Politimou, Nina; Stewart, Lauren; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Franco, Fabia.
Music@Home: A novel instrument to assess the home musical environment in the early years.
PLoS ONE(e01938),
ISSN 1932-6203
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Hennig, Christian and Howells, Hedie.
Using clustering of rankings to explain brand preferences with personality and socio-demographic variables.
Journal of Applied Statistics, 45(6),
pp. 1009-1029.
ISSN 0266-4763
Halpern, Andrea; Chan, Hong (Chloe); Müllensiefen, Daniel and Sloboda, John.
Audience reactions to repeating a piece on a concert programme.
Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, 14(2),
pp. 135-152.
ISSN 1749-8716
Anglada-Tort, Manuel and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The Repeated Recording Illusion. The Effects of Extrinsic and Individual Difference Factors on Musical Judgments.
Music Perception, 35(1),
pp. 94-117.
ISSN 0730-7829
Harrison, Peter M. C.; Collins, Tom and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Applying modern psychometric techniques to melodic discrimination testing: Item response theory, computerised adaptive testing, and automatic item generation.
Scientific Reports, 7,
ISSN 2045-2322
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Hennig, Christian and Howells, Hedie.
Using clustering of rankings to explain brand preferences with personality and socio-demographic variables.
Journal of Applied Statistics,
pp. 1-21.
ISSN 0266-4763
Baker, David J. and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Perception of Leitmotives in Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen.
Frontiers in Psychology, 8,
ISSN 1664-1078
Siedenburg, Kai and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Modeling Timbre Similarity of Short Music Clips.
Frontiers in Psychology, 8,
ISSN 1664-1078
Lee, Christopher S.; Brown, Lucinda and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
The Musical Impact of Multicultural London English (MLE) Speech Rhythm.
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 34(4),
pp. 452-481.
ISSN 0730-7829
de Fleurian, Remi; Blackwell, Tim; Ben-Tal, Oded and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Information-Theoretic Measures Predict the Human Judgment of Rhythm Complexity.
Cognitive Science, 41(3),
pp. 800-813.
ISSN 0364-0213
Pearce, Marcus and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Compression-based Modelling of Musical Similarity Perception.
Journal of New Music Research, 46(2),
pp. 135-155.
ISSN 0929-8215
Allen, Micah; Glen, James C.; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Schwarzkopf, Dietrich Samuel; Fardo, Francesca; Frank, Darya; Callaghan, Martina F. and Rees, Geraint.
Metacognitive ability correlates with hippocampal and prefrontal microstructure.
NeuroImage, 149,
pp. 415-423.
ISSN 1053-8119
Jakubowski, Kelly; Finkel, S.; Stewart, Lauren and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Dissecting an Earworm: Melodic Features and Song Popularity Predict Involuntary Musical Imagery.
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 11(2),
pp. 122-135.
ISSN 1931-3896
Lima, César F.; Brancatisano, Olivia; Fancourt, Amy; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Scott, Sophie K.; Warren, Jason D. and Stewart, Lauren.
Impaired socio-emotional processing in a developmental music disorder.
Nature Scientific Reports, 6(34911),
ISSN 2045-2322
Lewis, David; Crawford, Tim and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Instrumental idiom in the 16th century: embellishment
patterns in arrangements of vocal music.
Proceedings of the 17th conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval,
pp. 524-530.
Harrison, Peter; Musil, Jason and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Modelling Melodic Discrimination Tests: Descriptive and Explanatory Approaches.
Journal of New Music Research, 45(3),
pp. 265-280.
ISSN 0929-8215
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Harrison, Peter; Caprini, Francesco and Fancourt, Amy.
Investigating the importance of self-theories of intelligence and musicality for students' academic and musical achievement.
Frontiers in Psychology, 6,
ISSN 1664-1078
Greenberg, David M.; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Lamb, Michael E. and Rentfrow, Peter J..
Personality predicts musical sophistication.
Journal of Research in Personality, 58,
pp. 154-158.
ISSN 0092-6566
Müllensiefen, Daniel and Halpern, Andrea.
The Role of Features and Context in Recognition of Novel Melodies.
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 31(5),
pp. 418-435.
ISSN 0730-7829
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Fry, J.; Jones, Rhiannon; Jilka, Sagar R; Stewart, Lauren and Williamson, Victoria J..
Individual Differences Predict Patterns in Spontaneous Involuntary Musical Imagery.
Music Perception, 31(4),
pp. 323-338.
ISSN 0730-7829
Blackwell, Tim and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Comparing Perceptual and Computational Complexity for Short Rhythmic Patterns.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 126,
pp. 111-112.
ISSN 1877-0428
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Gingras, Bruno; Musil, Jason and Stewart, Lauren.
The Musicality of Non-Musicians: An Index for Assessing Musical Sophistication in the General Population.
PLoS ONE, 9(2),
ISSN 1932-6203
Omigie, Diana; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Stewart, Lauren.
The Experience of Music in Congenital Amusia.
Music Perception, 30(1),
pp. 1-18.
ISSN 0730-7829
Pearce, Marcus T.; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Wiggins, Geraint.
The role of expectation and probabilistic learning in auditory boundary perception: A model comparison.
Perception, 39(10),
pp. 1365-1391.
ISSN 0301-0066
Ewert, Sebastian; Müller, Meinard; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Clausen, Michael and Wiggins, Geraint A..
Case Study ``Beatles Songs'' — What can be Learned from Unreliable Music Alignments?
Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings,
pp. 1-16.
ISSN 1862 - 4405
Book Section
Müllensiefen, Daniel and Frieler, Klaus.
Statistical Methods in Music Corpus Studies: Application, Use Cases, and Best Practice Examples.
In: Daniel Shanahan; John Ashley Burgoyne and Ian Quinn, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Music and Corpus Studies.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780190945442
[Book Section]
Williamson, Victoria J. and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Earworms from three angles.
In: E Cambouropoulos,; C Tsougras; P Mavromatis and K Pastias, eds.
Proceedings of the ICMPC -‐ ESCOM 2012 Joint Conference: 12th Biennial International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music.
Thessaloniki: School of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessalonki, pp. 1124-1133.
ISBN 978 - 960 - 99845 - 1 - 5
[Book Section]
Wiggins, Geraint and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Sloboda & Parker's recall paradigm for melodic memory: a new computational perspective.
In: Irene Deliege and Jane Davidson, eds.
Music and the Mind: Essays in honour of John Sloboda.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 161-188.
ISBN 978-0-19-958156-6
[Book Section]
Pearce, Marcus T.; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Wiggins, Geraint.
Melodic Grouping in Music Information Retrieval: New Methods and Applications.
In: Zbigniew W. Ras and Alicja Wieczorkowska, eds.
Advances in Music Information Retrieval Advances in Music Information Retrieval.
Berlin and New York: Springer, pp. 365-390.
ISBN 978-3-642-11673-5
[Book Section]
Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Statistical techniques in music psychology: An update.
In: Rolf Bader; Christiane Neuhaus and Ulrich Morgenstern, eds.
Concepts, Experiments, and Fieldwork: Studies in Systematic Musicology and Ethnomusicology.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 193-215.
ISBN 978-3-631-58902-1
[Book Section]
Rhodes, Christophe; Lewis, David and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Bayesian Model Selection for Harmonic Labelling.
In: Timour Klouche and Thomas Noll, eds.
Mathematics and Computation in Music.
Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 107-116.
ISBN 9783642045783
[Book Section]
Wiggins, Geraint; Pearce, Marcus T. and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Computational Modelling of Music Cognition and Musical Creativity.
In: Roger T. Dean, ed.
The Oxford Handbook of Computer Music.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 383-420.
ISBN 978-0-19-533161-5
[Book Section]
Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Statistical techniques in music psychology: An update.
In: R Bader; C Neuhaus and C Morgenstern, eds.
Concepts, Experiments, and Fieldwork: Studies in Systematic Musicology.
Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp. 193-215.
ISBN 978-3-631-58902-1
[Book Section]
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Wiggins, Geraint and Lewis, Martin.
High-level feature descriptors and corpus-based musicology: Techniques for modelling music cognition.
In: Albrecht Schneider, ed.
Systematic and Comparative Musicology: Concepts, Methods, Findings.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 133-155.
ISBN 978-3-631-57953-4
[Book Section]
Lothwesen, Kai and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
What Makes the Difference? Pop Music Stars and TV Talent Show Contestants in Adolescents' Judgements.
In: Kari Kallioniemi; Kimi Kärki; Janne Mäkelä and Hannu Salmi, eds.
History of Stardom reconsidered: The refereed proceedings of the inaugural conference of IIPC, University of Turku, 9-11.11.2006.
Turku: International Institute for Popular Culture.
ISBN 978-951-29-3472-0
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Floridou, Georgia A. and Jakubowski, Kelly.
'Can correlations imply causation? Causal modeling and music psychology research.'.
In: Ninth Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. Manchester, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Van Balen, J; Burgoyne, J.A; Bountouridis, D; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Veltkamp, R.
'Corpus Analysis Tools for Computational Hook Discovery.'.
In: Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference 2014. Spain.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Baker, David; Rhodes, Christophe; Crawford, Tim and Dreyfus, Laurence.
'Recognition of leitmotives in Richard Wagner's music: chroma distance and listener expertise'.
In: European Conference on Data Analysis. Bremen, Germany 2 - 4 July 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Müllensiefen, Daniel and Cason, Robert.
'Singing from the same sheet: A new approach to measuring tune similarity and its legal implications'.
In: Seminar. Greenwich Univeristy, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Pawley, Alisun R. and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
'An empirical field study on sing-along behaviour in the North of England'.
In: 7th International Conference on Music Since 1900. Lancaster, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Müllensiefen, Daniel and Halpern, Andrea.
'What's Behind Hits and False Alarms in Musical Memory?'.
In: 4th Conference on the Neurosciences and Music. Edinburgh, United Kingdom June 9-11.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Finkel, S.; Jilka, Sagar R; Williamson, Victoria J.; Stewart, Lauren and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
'Involuntary musical imagery: Investigating musical features that predict earworms'.
In: Third International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus10), University of Cambridge, UK. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Müllensiefen, Daniel and Pendzich, Marc.
'Court decisions on music plagiarism and the predictive value of similarity algorithms'.
In: 7th Triennial Conference of the European Society of the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM 2009). University of Jyäskylä, Finland.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Lewis, David; Rhodes, Christophe and Wiggins, Geraint.
'Treating Inherent Ambiguity in Ground Truth Data: Evaluating a Chord Labelling Algorithm'.
In: 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR). Vienna, Austria 23 - 27 September 2007.
[Conference or Workshop Item]