Items Authored/Edited by Wiggins, Geraint

Number of items: 31.
Cameron, Daniel; Zioga, Ioanna; Lindsen, Job P.; Pearce, Marcus; Wiggins, Geraint; Potter, Keith and Bhattacharya, Joydeep.
Neural Entrainment is Associated with Subjective Groove and Complexity for Performed but not Mechanical Musical Rhythms.
Experimental Brain Research, 237(8),
pp. 1981-1991.
ISSN 0014-4819
Cameron, Daniel; Potter, Keith; Wiggins, Geraint and Pearce, Marcus.
Perception of Rhythmic Similarity is Asymmetrical, and is Influenced by Musical Training, Expressive Performance, and Musical Context.
Timing & Time Perception, 5(3-4),
pp. 211-227.
ISSN 2213-445X
Pontis, Sheila; Kefalidou, Genovefa; Blandford, Ann; Forth, Jamie; Makri, Stephann; Sharples, Sarah; Wiggins, Geraint and Woods, Mel.
Academics' responses to encountered information: Context matters.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(8),
pp. 1883-1903.
ISSN 2330-1643
Wiggins, Geraint and Bhattacharya, Joydeep.
Mind the gap: An attempt to bridge computational and neuroscientific approaches to study creativity.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8,
ISSN 1662-5161
Proutskova, Polina; Rhodes, Christophe; Crawford, Tim and Wiggins, Geraint.
Breathy, Resonant, Pressed - Automatic Detection Of Phonation Mode From Audio Recordings of Singing.
Journal of New Music Research, 42(2),
pp. 171-186.
ISSN 0929-8215
Whorley, Raymond; Rhodes, Christophe; Wiggins, Geraint and Pearce, Marcus.
Multiple Viewpoint Systems: Time Complexity and the Construction of Domains for Complex Musical Viewpoints in the Harmonisation Problem.
Journal of New Music Research, 42(3),
pp. 237-266.
Pearce, Marcus T.; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Wiggins, Geraint.
The role of expectation and probabilistic learning in auditory boundary perception: A model comparison.
Perception, 39(10),
pp. 1365-1391.
ISSN 0301-0066
Potter, Keith; Wiggins, Geraint and Pearce, Marcus T..
An Objective Basis for Music Theory: Information-Dynamic Analysis of Minimalist Music.
Musicae Scientiae, 11(2),
pp. 295-324.
ISSN 1029 8649
Book Section
Potter, Keith; Wilkins, Suzie and Wiggins, Geraint.
On the Nature of Subjectivity in Music Analysis: some observations on analysing an early score by Philip Glass.
In: Lauren Redhead and Vanessa Hawes, eds.
Music and/as Process.
Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 34-55.
ISBN 978-1-4438-9491-3
[Book Section]
Wiggins, Geraint and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Sloboda & Parker's recall paradigm for melodic memory: a new computational perspective.
In: Irene Deliege and Jane Davidson, eds.
Music and the Mind: Essays in honour of John Sloboda.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 161-188.
ISBN 978-0-19-958156-6
[Book Section]
Pearce, Marcus T.; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Wiggins, Geraint.
Melodic Grouping in Music Information Retrieval: New Methods and Applications.
In: Zbigniew W. Ras and Alicja Wieczorkowska, eds.
Advances in Music Information Retrieval Advances in Music Information Retrieval.
Berlin and New York: Springer, pp. 365-390.
ISBN 978-3-642-11673-5
[Book Section]
Wiggins, Geraint; Pearce, Marcus T. and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Computational Modelling of Music Cognition and Musical Creativity.
In: Roger T. Dean, ed.
The Oxford Handbook of Computer Music.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 383-420.
ISBN 978-0-19-533161-5
[Book Section]
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Wiggins, Geraint and Lewis, Martin.
High-level feature descriptors and corpus-based musicology: Techniques for modelling music cognition.
In: Albrecht Schneider, ed.
Systematic and Comparative Musicology: Concepts, Methods, Findings.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 133-155.
ISBN 978-3-631-57953-4
[Book Section]
McLean, Alex; Leymarie, Frederic Fol and Wiggins, Geraint.
Apollonius diagrams and the Representation of Sounds and Music.
In: , ed.
4th International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD).
Wales: IEEE, pp. 276-281.
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item
Whorley, Raymond Peter; Rhodes, Christophe; Wiggins, Geraint and Pearce, Marcus T..
'Harmonising Melodies: Why do we add the bass line first?'.
In: International Conference on Computational Creativity. Sydney, Australia.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Proutskova, Polina; Rhodes, Christophe; Wiggins, Geraint and Crawford, Tim.
'Breathy or Resonant - A Controlled and Curated Dataset for Phonation Mode Detection in Singing'.
In: International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Porto, Portugal.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Cameron, Daniel; Lindsen, Job P.; Pearce, Marcus; Wiggins, Geraint; Potter, Keith and Bhattacharya, Joydeep.
'Entrainment of Premotor Cortex Activity by Ambiguity in Musical Metre'.
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. Thessaloniki, Greece July 23-28.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Cameron, Daniel; Potter, Keith; Wiggins, Geraint and Pearce, Marcus T..
'Perception of Rhythmic Similarity in Reich’s Clapping Music: Factors and Models'.
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. Thessaloniki, Greece July 23-28.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Lewis, David; Woodley, Ron; Forth, Jamie; Rhodes, Christophe and Wiggins, Geraint.
'Tools for Music Scholarship and their Interactions: A Case Study'.
In: Supporting Digital Humanities. Copenhagen, Denmark.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Whorley, Raymond Peter; Wiggins, Geraint; Rhodes, Christophe and Pearce, Marcus T..
'Development of Techniques for the Computational Modelling of Harmony'.
In: International Conference on Computational Creativity. Lisbon, Portugal.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Lewis, David; Rhodes, Christophe and Wiggins, Geraint.
'Treating Inherent Ambiguity in Ground Truth Data: Evaluating a Chord Labelling Algorithm'.
In: 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR). Vienna, Austria 23 - 27 September 2007.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Drever, John L.; Melo, Andres and Wiggins, Geraint.
'Electroacoustic performance interfaces that learn from their users'.
In: International Computer Music Conference. Barcelona, Spain.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Abdallah, Samer; Noland, Katy; Sandler, Mark; Casey, Michael A. and Rhodes, Christophe.
'Theory and Evaluation of a Bayesian Music Structure Extractor'.
In: International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. London, United Kingdom 11 - 15 September 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]