Items where Division is "Music > Centre for Russian Music"

- Goldsmiths Departments, Centres and Research Units (28542)
- Music (1654)
- Centre for Russian Music (38)
- Music (1654)
Number of items at this level: 34.
Alexander, Tamsin.
Cosmopolitan Connections: Yevgeny Onegin as realist drame lyrique in Nice.
Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 20(2),
pp. 335-357.
ISSN 1479-4098
Alexander, Tamsin.
Decentralising via Russia: Glinka’s A Life for the Tsar in Nice, 1890.
Cambridge Opera Journal, 27(1),
pp. 35-62.
ISSN 0954-5867
Alexander, Tamsin.
Review: Rimsky-Korsakov and his World. Ed. by Marina Frolova-Walker.
Music & Letters, 100(4),
pp. 733-735.
ISSN 0027-4224
Alexander, Tamsin.
Tchaikovsky’s Yevgeny Onegin in Britain, 1892 and 1906: Slipping between High and Low, Future and Past, East and West.
Musiktheorie, 30(3),
pp. 223-234.
ISSN 0177-4182
Alexander, Tamsin and Helmers, Rutger.
Tsarist Russia and the Musical World: Introduction.
Nineteenth-Century Music Review, 20(2),
pp. 253-260.
ISSN 1479-4098
Artamonova, Elena.
Alexander Grechaninov and the Viola.
Alexander Grechaninov: Complete Music for Viola and Piano,
pp. 2-10.
Artamonova, Elena.
Between Tradition and Modernity : Sergei Vasilenko and His Unknown Works for Viola and Piano..
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Artamonova, Elena.
Unknown Sergey Vasilenko and his Viola compositions.
Journal of American Viola Society, 28(1),
pp. 33-47.
Ivashkin, Alexander V..
Alexander Raskatov's 'A Dog's Heart'.
Tempo, 65(256),
pp. 54-56.
ISSN 0040-2982
Ivashkin, Alexander V..
Amerikanskii vzgliad na Sovetskuiu muzyku [American View on Soviet Music].
Muzykal'naia Zhizn' [Musical Life], 2011(1),
pp. 56-57.
Ivashkin, Alexander V..
Dmitrii Shostakovich. Cello Concerto N0. 1 .
The New Collected Works Edition of Dmitrii Shostakovich Works. Critical Edition., 46,
pp. 63-113.
ISSN 979-0-706364-29-2
Ivashkin, Alexander V..
'Italiani in Russia: Presenza fisica e influenza virtuale sulla Musica'
[ Italians in Russia: Physical Presence and Virtual Influence on Music], in Rinascimento e Antirinascimento, Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux. Studi, vol. 22, ed. Lucia Tonini. Firenze: Casa Editrice Leo S.Olschki, 2012, 209-218.
Rinascimento e Antirinascimento. Firenze nella cultura russa fra Otto e Novecento,
pp. 209-218.
Ivashkin, Alexander V..
'Kod Schnittke' ['The Schnittke Code']. Al'fredu Schnittke posviashchaetsia [Dedicated to Alfred Schnittke: Schnittke Yearbook, 8], ed. Alla Bogdanova and Elena Dolinskaia. Moscow: Kompozitor, 2011: 13-24.
Al'fredu Schnittke posviashchaetsia [Dedicated to Alfred Schnittke: Schnittke Yearbook, 8], ed. Alla Bogdanova and Elena Dolinskaia. Moscow: Kompozitor, 2011, 8,
pp. 13-24.
ISSN 978-5-4254-0037-6
Ivashkin, Alexander V..
Live Performance.
In: "Concerto Performance", The Mariinsky Concert Hall, St Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Ivashkin, Alexander V..
Nikolai Korndorf: Complete Music for Cello, including world premiere recordings. Compact Disc (with own liner notes).
Ivashkin, Alexander V..
Tokyo: Shunjusha Publishing Company.
ISBN 978-4-393-93518-7
Ivashkin, Alexander V..
‘Shostakovich. Second Cello Concerto.’ In D.D. Shostakovich, New Collected Works Critical Edition, vol. 49. Moscow: DSCH, 2012, 83–124.
D.D. Shostakovich, New Collected Works Critical Edition, vol. 49. Moscow: DSCH, 2012, 83–124., 49,
pp. 83-124.
Ivashkin, Alexander V..
Stravinsky and Khrennikov: An Unlikely Alliance.
Mittelungen der Paul Sacher Stiftung, 26, April 2013, 12- 16(26),
pp. 12-16.
ISSN 1015-0536
Ivashkin, Alexander V..
Symbols, Metaphors and Irrationalities in Twentieth-Century Music.
In: Rafael Jimenez Catano and Ignacio Yarza, eds.
Mimesi, Verità e Fiction.
Rome: Edusc, pp. 69-88.
ISBN 88-8333-220-3
[Book Section]
Ivashkin, Alexander V. and Oerhlein, Josef.
Rostrospektive: zum Leben und Werk von Mstislaw Rostropowitsch. On the life and achievement of Mstislav Rostropovich.
Frankfurt-Schweinfurth: Reimund Maier Verlag.
ISBN 3-926300-30-2
Jeremiah-Foulds, Rachel Claire.
Forging the ‘Lady’s Hammer’: A Profile of Influence in the Life
and Music of Galina Ustvolskaya.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London