Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Grommé, Francisca

Number of items: 19.
Grommé, Francisca and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Imagining Citizens as More than Data Subjects: A Methodography of a Collaborative Design Workshop on Co-producing Official Statistics.
Science & Technology Studies, 34(3),
pp. 103-124.
ISSN 2243-4690
Scheel, Stephan; Grommé, Francisca; Ruppert, Evelyn; Ustek-Spilda, Funda; Cakici, Baki and Takala, Ville.
Doing a transversal method: developing an ethics of care in a collaborative research project.
Global Networks, 20(3),
pp. 522-543.
ISSN 1470-2266
Grommé, Francisca and Scheel, Stephan.
Doing statistics, enacting the nation: the performative powers of categories.
Nations and Nationalism, 26(3),
pp. 576-593.
ISSN 1354-5078
Grommé, Francisca and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Population Geometries of Europe: The Topologies of Data Cubes and Grids.
Science, Technology, & Human Values, 45(2),
pp. 235-261.
ISSN 0162-2439
Ruppert, Evelyn; Grommé, Francisca; Ustek, Funda and Cakici, Baki.
Citizen Data and Trust in Official Statistics.
Economie et Statistique, 505,
pp. 171-184.
ISSN ISSN 0336-1454
Grommé, Francisca; Ruppert, Evelyn and Cakici, Baki.
Data Scientists: A New Faction of the Transnational Field of Statistics.
In: Hannah Knox and Dawn Nafus, eds.
Ethnography for a Data Saturated World.
Manchester: Manchester University Press.
ISBN 1526127598
[Book Section]
Grommé, Francisca.
Is Facebook the Future of the National Census?
The Conversation,
Grommé, Francisca.
Actor-Network Theory and Crime Studies: Explorations in Science and Technology ed. by Dominique Robert, Martin Dufresne [Review].
Technology & Culture, 59(1),
pp. 201-202.
ISSN 0040-165X
Grommé, Francisca; Ustek, Funda; Ruppert, Evelyn and Cakici, Baki.
Citizen Data and Official Statistics: Background Document to a Collaborative Workshop.
ARITHMUS Working Paper Series, London.
Grommé, Francisca.
Provocation: Technology, resistance and surveillance in public space.
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34(6),
pp. 1007-1024.
ISSN 0263-7758
Scheel, Stephan; Cakici, Baki; Grommé, Francisca; Ruppert, Evelyn; Takala, Ville and Ustek, Funda.
Transcending Methodological Nationalism through a Transversal Method? On the Stakes and Challenges of Collaboration.
ARITHMUS Working Paper Series, London.
Grommé, Francisca.
Data mining ‘problem youth’: Looking closer but not seeing better.
In: Irma Van der Ploeg and Jason Pridmore, eds.
Digitizing Identities: Doing Identity in a Networked World.
New York and London: Routledge, pp. 163-183.
ISBN 1138794635
[Book Section]
Grommé, Francisca.
Governance by pilot projects: Experimenting with surveillance in Dutch crime control.
Doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam
Grommé, Francisca.
Turning aggression into an object of intervention: Tinkering in a crime control pilot study.
Science as Culture, 24(2),
pp. 227-247.
ISSN 1470-1189
Grommé, Francisca.
Review of Magnet's 'When biometrics fail: Gender, race, and the technology of identity'.
Surveillance & Society, 11(1/2),
pp. 208-210.
ISSN 1477-7487
Grommé, Francisca.
Technologies of control: Identity cards and media censorship.
Science as Culture, 22(2),
pp. 272-278.
ISSN 0950-5431
Grommé, Francisca.
Surveillance in the supermarket: Technology and the pluralisation of crime control.
In: Gudrun Vande Walle; Evelien Van den Herrewegen and Nils Zurawski, eds.
Crime, security and surveillance: Effects for the surveillant and the surveilled.
The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, pp. 33-54.
ISBN 978-94-90-94765-1
[Book Section]