Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Scheel, Stephan

Number of items: 15.
Scheel, Stephan; Grommé, Francisca; Ruppert, Evelyn; Ustek-Spilda, Funda; Cakici, Baki and Takala, Ville.
Doing a transversal method: developing an ethics of care in a collaborative research project.
Global Networks, 20(3),
pp. 522-543.
ISSN 1470-2266
Ruppert, Evelyn and Scheel, Stephan.
The Politics of Method: Taming the New, Making Data Official.
International Political Sociology, 13(3),
pp. 233-252.
ISSN 1749-5679
Scheel, Stephan and Gutekunst, Miriam.
Studying Marriage Migration to Europe from Below: Informal Practices of Government, Border Struggles and Multiple Entanglements.
Gender, Place and Culture, 26(6),
pp. 847-867.
ISSN 0966-369X
Scheel, Stephan.
Recuperation through Crisis-Talk: Apprehending the European Border Regime as a Parasitic Apparatus of Capture.
South Atlantic Quarterly, 117(2),
pp. 267-289.
ISSN 0038-2876
Scheel, Stephan.
Real fake? Appropriating mobility via Schengen visa in the context of biometric border controls.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(16),
pp. 2747-2763.
ISSN 1369-183X
Scheel, Stephan.
Appropriating mobility and bordering Europe through romantic love: Unearthing the intricate intertwinement of border regimes and migratory practices.
Migration Studies, 5(3),
pp. 389-408.
ISSN 2049-5838
Scheel, Stephan.
Das Konzept der Autonomie der Migration überdenken? – Yes Please! [Rethinking the Concept of Autonomy of Migration? – Yes Please!].
Movements, 1(2),
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 2364-8732
Casas-Cortes, Maribel; Cobarrubias, Sebastian; De Genova, Nicholas; Garelli, Glenda; Grappi, Giorgio; Heller, Charles; Hess, Sabine; Kasparek, Bernd; Mezzadra, Sandro; Neilson, Brett; Peano, Irene; Pezzani, Lorenzo; Pickles, John; Rahola, Federico; Riedner, Lisa; Scheel, Stephan and Tazzioli, Martina.
New Keywords: Migration and Borders.
Cultural Studies, 29(1),
pp. 55-87.
ISSN 0950-2386
Scheel, Stephan and Ratfisch, Philipp.
Refugee Protection Meets Migration Management: UNHCR as a Global Police of Populations.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(6),
pp. 924-941.
ISSN 1369-183X
Scheel, Stephan.
Studying embodied encounters: autonomy of migration beyond its romanticization.
Postcolonial Studies, 16(3),
pp. 279-288.
ISSN 1368-8790
Scheel, Stephan.
Autonomy of Migration Despite Its Securitisation? Facing the Terms and Conditions of Biometric Rebordering.
Millennium, 41(3),
pp. 575-600.
ISSN 0305-8298
Book Section
Scheel, Stephan.
"The Secret is to Look Good on Paper”: Appropriating Mobility within and against a Machine of Illegalization.
In: Nicholas De Genova, ed.
The Borders of “Europe”: Autonomy of Migration, Tactics of Bordering.
Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, pp. 37-63.
ISBN 978-0-8223-6916-5
[Book Section]
Scheel, Stephan.
Das Europäische Grenzregime und die Autonomie der Migration: migrantische Kämpfe und die Versuche ihrer Regulation und Kontrolle [The European Border Regime and the Autonomy of Migration: Migrant Struggles and the attempts of controlling them].
In: Bettina Gruber and Viktorija Ratkovic, eds.
Migration, Flucht und Frieden: Perspektiven auf das Zusammenleben in der Postmigrantischen Gesellschaft [Migration, Flight and Peace: Perspectives on Convivality in the Postmigration Society.
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp. 15-30.
ISBN 9783830987246
[Book Section]
Scheel, Stephan and Squire, Vicki.
Forced Migrants as Illegal Migrants.
In: Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh; Gil Loescher; Kathy Long and Nando Sigona, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 188-199.
ISBN 978-0-19-965243-3
[Book Section]
Scheel, Stephan; Cakici, Baki; Grommé, Francisca; Ruppert, Evelyn; Takala, Ville and Ustek, Funda.
Transcending Methodological Nationalism through a Transversal Method? On the Stakes and Challenges of Collaboration.
ARITHMUS Working Paper Series, London.