Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Ruppert, Evelyn

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Number of items: 67.
Grommé, Francisca and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Imagining Citizens as More than Data Subjects: A Methodography of a Collaborative Design Workshop on Co-producing Official Statistics.
Science & Technology Studies, 34(3),
pp. 103-124.
ISSN 2243-4690
Isin, Engin and Ruppert, Evelyn.
The birth of sensory power: How a pandemic made it visible?
Big Data & Society, 7(2),
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 2053-9517
Scheel, Stephan; Grommé, Francisca; Ruppert, Evelyn; Ustek-Spilda, Funda; Cakici, Baki and Takala, Ville.
Doing a transversal method: developing an ethics of care in a collaborative research project.
Global Networks, 20(3),
pp. 522-543.
ISSN 1470-2266
Grommé, Francisca and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Population Geometries of Europe: The Topologies of Data Cubes and Grids.
Science, Technology, & Human Values, 45(2),
pp. 235-261.
ISSN 0162-2439
Cakici, Baki; Ruppert, Evelyn and Scheel, Stephan.
Peopling Europe through Data Practices: Introduction to
the Special Issue.
Science, Technology & Human Values, 45(2),
pp. 199-211.
ISSN 0162-2439
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Doing words with things of the Internet.
Soziale Welt, 23,
pp. 458-470.
ISSN 0038-6073
Cakici, Baki and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Methods as Forces of Subjectivation: Experiments in the Remaking of Official Statistics.
Journal of Cultural Economy, 13(2),
pp. 221-235.
ISSN 1753-0350
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Different Data Futures: An Experiment in Citizen Data.
Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 35(4),
pp. 633-641.
ISSN 1874-7655
Ruppert, Evelyn and Scheel, Stephan.
The Politics of Method: Taming the New, Making Data Official.
International Political Sociology, 13(3),
pp. 233-252.
ISSN 1749-5679
Ratner, Helene and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Producing and Projecting Data: Aesthetic Practices of Government Data Portals.
Big Data & Society, 6(2),
Ruppert, Evelyn; Grommé, Francisca; Ustek, Funda and Cakici, Baki.
Citizen Data and Trust in Official Statistics.
Economie et Statistique, 505,
pp. 171-184.
ISSN ISSN 0336-1454
Ruppert, Evelyn and Gòrny, Dawid.
Reflections on a Collaboration: How do we know who we are?
Ruppert, Evelyn; Isin, Engin and Bigo, Didier.
Data Politics.
Big Data & Society, 4(2),
pp. 1-7.
ISSN 2053-9517
Ruppert, Evelyn and Gòrny, Dawid.
How do we know who we are? Reimaging government data through the digital arts.
Ruppert, Evelyn.
The Other Davos: A Sociologist Goes to the World Economic Forum.
The Sociological Review,
ISSN 0038-0261
Isin, Engin and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Citizen Snowden.
International Journal of Communication, 11,
pp. 843-857.
ISSN 1932-8036
Madsen, A.K.; Flyverbom, M.; Hilbert, M. and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Big Data: Issues for an International Political Sociology of Data Practices.
International Political Sociology, 10(3),
pp. 275-296.
ISSN 1749-5679
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Rethinking Empirical Social Sciences.
Dialogues in Human Geography, 3(3),
pp. 268-273.
ISSN 2043-8206
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Not Just Another Database: The Transactions that Enact Young Offenders.
Computational Culture,
pp. 1-13.
Ruppert, Evelyn; Law, John and Savage, Mike.
Reassembling Social Science Methods: the challenge of digital devices.
Theory, Culture & Society, 30(4),
pp. 22-46.
ISSN 0263-2764
Ruppert, Evelyn and Savage, Mike.
Transactional Politics.
The Sociological Review, 59(S2),
pp. 73-92.
ISSN 0038-0261
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Becoming Peoples: “Counting Heads in Northern Wilds”.
Journal of Cultural Economy, 2(1/2),
pp. 11-31.
ISSN 1753-0350
Ruppert, Evelyn.
"I is; therefore I am”: The Census as Narrative and Practice of Double Identification.
Sociological Research Online, 13(4),
pp. 1-16.
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Rights to Public Space: Regulatory Reconfigurations of Liberty.
Urban Geography, 27(3),
pp. 271-292.
ISSN 0272-3638
Isin, Engin and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Being Digital Citizens (Second Edition).
London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
ISBN 9781786614476
Ruppert, Evelyn and Isin, Engin.
Being Digital Citizens.
London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
ISBN 9781783480555
Ruppert, Evelyn.
The Moral Economy of Cities: Shaping Good Citizens.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
ISBN 9780802038869
Book Section
Bigo, Didier; Isin, Engin and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Data Politics.
In: Didier Bigo; Engin Isin and Evelyn Ruppert, eds.
Data Politics: Worlds, Subjects, Rights.
London: Routledge.
ISBN 1138053260
[Book Section]
Ruppert, Evelyn and Isin, Engin.
Data’s empire: postcolonial data politics.
In: Didier Bigo; Engin Isin and Evelyn Ruppert, eds.
Data Politics: Worlds, Subjects, Rights.
London: Routledge.
ISBN 1138053260
[Book Section]
Grommé, Francisca; Ruppert, Evelyn and Cakici, Baki.
Data Scientists: A New Faction of the Transnational Field of Statistics.
In: Hannah Knox and Dawn Nafus, eds.
Ethnography for a Data Saturated World.
Manchester: Manchester University Press.
ISBN 1526127598
[Book Section]
Ruppert, Evelyn.
A baroque sensibility for Big Data visualisations.
In: John Law and Evelyn Ruppert, eds.
Modes of Knowing: Resources from the Baroque.
UK: Mattering Press, pp. 136-165.
ISBN 978-0-9931449-8-1
[Book Section]
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Big Data Economies and Ecologies.
In: Linda McKie and Louise Ryan, eds.
An End to the Crisis of Empirical Sociology? Trends and Challenges in Social Science Research.
London: Routledge, pp. 12-26.
ISBN 9781138828674
[Book Section]
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Doing the Transparent State: open government data as
performance indicators.
In: R. Rottenburg; S. E. Merry; S-J Park and J Mugler, eds.
A World of Indicators: The making of governmental knowledge through quantification.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 127-150.
ISBN 9781107450837
[Book Section]
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Infrastructures of Census Taking.
In: Gordon Darroch, ed.
The Dawn of Canada's Century: Hidden Histories.
Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 51-70.
ISBN 9780773542525
[Book Section]
Ruppert, Evelyn.
In: Celia Lury and Nina Wakeford, eds.
Inventive Methods: The Happening of the Social.
London: Routledge, pp. 36-47.
ISBN 978-0-415-57481-5
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item
Ruppert, Evelyn.
'Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Different Data Futures: An Experiment in Citizen Data'.
In: Dag van de Sociologie, Dutch and Flemish Sociological Association Conference and the Third Van Doorn Lecture. Rotterdam, Netherlands.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Edited Book
Ruppert, Evelyn and Scheel, Stephan, eds.
Data Practices: Making Up a European People.
London: Goldsmiths Press.
ISBN 9781912685851
[Edited Book]
Bigo, Didier; Isin, Engin and Ruppert, Evelyn, eds.
Data Politics: Worlds, Subjects, Rights.
London: Routledge.
ISBN 1138053260
[Edited Book]
Law, John and Ruppert, Evelyn, eds.
Modes of Knowing: Resources from the Baroque.
Manchester: Mattering Press.
ISBN 978-0-9931449-8-1
[Edited Book]
Edited Journal
Scheel, Stephan; Ruppert, Evelyn and Ustek, Funda, eds.
Enacting migration through data practices,
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(4). 0263-7758
[Edited Journal]
Ruppert, Evelyn and Law, John, eds.
The Social Life of Methods: Devices,
Journal of Cultural Economy, 6(4). 1753-0350
[Edited Journal]
Ruppert, Evelyn and Ustek, Funda.
Body Counts: Counting Aylan Kurdi.
Project Report.
Visual Social Media Lab, University of Sheffield.
Ruppert, Evelyn; Harvey, Penny; Lury, Cellia; Mackenzie, Adrian; McNally, Ruth; Baker, Stephanie Alice; Kallianos, Yannis and Lewis, Camilla.
A Social Framework for Big Data.
Project Report.
CRESC, The University of Manchester and The Open University.
Ruppert, Evelyn; Harvey, Penny; Lury, Cellia; Mackenzie, Adrian; McNally, Ruth; Baker, Stephanie Alice; Kallianos, Yannis and Lewis, Camilla.
Background: A Social Framework for Big Data.
Project Report.
CRESC, University of Manchester and The Open University.
Grommé, Francisca; Ustek, Funda; Ruppert, Evelyn and Cakici, Baki.
Citizen Data and Official Statistics: Background Document to a Collaborative Workshop.
ARITHMUS Working Paper Series, London.
Scheel, Stephan; Cakici, Baki; Grommé, Francisca; Ruppert, Evelyn; Takala, Ville and Ustek, Funda.
Transcending Methodological Nationalism through a Transversal Method? On the Stakes and Challenges of Collaboration.
ARITHMUS Working Paper Series, London.
Ruppert, Evelyn; Harvey, Penny; Lury, Cellia; Mackenzie, Adrian; McNally, Ruth; Baker, Stephanie Alice; Kallianos, Yannis and Lewis, Camilla.
Socialising Big Data: From concept to practice.
CRESC, The University of Manchester and The Open University.
Ruppert, Evelyn and Encounters Collaborative, CRESC.
(Un)doing collaboration: reflections on the practices of collaborative research.
CRESC, University of Manchester and The Open University.
Ruppert, Evelyn; Kesten, Jamie; Murji, Karim and Neal, Sarah.
Knowing, communicating, sense making, place and urban disorder: young people and the 2011 riots.
Carter, Simon; Dodsworth, Francis; Ruppert, Evelyn and Watson, Sophie.
Thinking Cities Through Objects.
Law, John; Ruppert, Evelyn and Savage, Mike.
The Double Social Life of Methods.