Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Phillips, Angela

Number of items: 26.
Elvestad, Eiri; Phillips, Angela and Feuerstein, Mira.
Can Trust In Traditional News Media Explain Cross-National Differences In News Exposure Of Young People Online?
Digital Journalism, 6(2),
pp. 216-235.
ISSN 2167-0811
Lee-Wright, Peter; Phillips, Angela and Witschge, Tamara.
Changing Journalism.
Abingdon: Routledge.
ISBN ISBN10: 978-0-415-579545-4
Book Section
Phillips, Angela.
Viral Content.
In: Tim Vos and Folker Hanusch, eds.
The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc..
ISBN 9781118841679
[Book Section]
Phillips, Angela.
Spare Rib Magazine.
In: John Downing, ed.
Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media.
California: Sage, pp. 505-507.
ISBN 978-0-7619-2688-7
[Book Section]
Phillips, Angela.
Advice Columnists.
In: Bob Franklin, ed.
Pulling Newspapers Apart.
Oxford: Routledge, pp. 97-105.
ISBN 10-0415-42556-5
[Book Section]
Phillips, Angela.
Who Spoke and Who Was Heard in the Cartoons debate?
In: Elizabeth Eide; Risto Kunelius and Angela Phillips, eds.
Transnational Media Events: The Mohammed Cartoons and the Imagined Clash of Civilizations.
Gotenburg: Nordicom, pp. 99-116.
ISBN 978-9189471-64-1
[Book Section]
Edited Book