Items of Type Conference or Workshop Item

Number of items: 49.
Abdallah, Samer; Noland, Katy; Sandler, Mark; Casey, Michael A. and Rhodes, Christophe.
'Theory and Evaluation of a Bayesian Music Structure Extractor'.
In: International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. London, United Kingdom 11 - 15 September 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Drever, John L.; Melo, Andres and Wiggins, Geraint.
'Electroacoustic performance interfaces that learn from their users'.
In: International Computer Music Conference. Barcelona, Spain.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gillies, Marco; Robertson, Dale and Ballin, Daniel.
'Direct Manipulation-like Tools for Designing Intelligent Virtual Agents.'.
In: Intelligent Virtual Agents. UNDEFINED 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gillies, Marco and Slater, M..
'Non-verbal Communication for Correlational Characters'.
In: International Conference on Presence (Eighth). University College London 21-23 September 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gillies, Marco; Vinayagamoorthy, Vinoba; Robertson, Dale; Steed, A. and Ballin, Daniel.
'A Platform Independent Architecture for Virtual Characters and Avatars.'.
In: Intelligent Virtual Agents. Kos, Greece 12-14 September, 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Lewis, David and Rhodes, Christophe.
'Intelligent Tools for Interacting with a Corpus of Lute Music'.
In: Digital Resources in the Humanities. Lancaster, United Kingdom 4 - 8 September 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Negus, Keith.
'When the artist meets the audience: amour, anxiety and ambivalence'.
In: 13th Biennial IASPM Conference, Making Music, Making Meaning. Università La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, Italy 25-30 July 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Peleg, Mor; Steele, Rory; Thomson, Richard; Patkar, Vivek; Russell-Rose, Tony and Fox, John.
'Open-source Publishing of Medical Knowledge'.
In: Tenth Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (2005). United Kingdom 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rhodes, Christophe; Strandh, Robert and Mastenbrook, Brian.
'Syntax Analysis in the Climacs Text Editor'.
In: International Lisp Conference. Stanford, United States 19 - 22 June 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]