Items of Type Other

Number of items: 7.
Colin, Anna.
Not-clock Exhibition or Was It Just an Excuse to Dream?.
Vibeke Mascini, Amsterdam.
Diker Vanberg, Aysem.
Response to Call for Evidence - Technology Adoption Review.
Department for Science, Innovation & Technology, London.
Kumar, Akshi.
UK Parliament POSTnote Contribution: AI and Mental Healthcare: Ethical and Regulatory Considerations.
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST), London.
Kumar, Akshi.
UK Parliament POSTnote Contribution: AI and Mental Healthcare: Opportunities and Delivery Considerations.
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST), London.
Millora, Chris.
Book Review: Laboratories of Learning: Social Movements, Education and Knowledge-Making in the Global South.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, ISSN 0305-7925.
Online, Goldsmiths Research.
GRO Guidelines: Adding GRO links to academic promotion applications.
Goldsmiths, University of London, London.
Online, Goldsmiths Research.
GRO Guidelines: Adding text outputs to GRO.
Goldsmiths, University of London, London.