Bangladeshi footballers from the east end of London: An ethnography of the dynamic role of football in resisting everyday 'lived' racisms

Hoque, Aminul. 2025. Bangladeshi footballers from the east end of London: An ethnography of the dynamic role of football in resisting everyday 'lived' racisms. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Powe, ISSN 1070-289X [Article] (Forthcoming)

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Abstract or Description

This article explores the intersectional racisms experienced by a group of Bangladeshi men from the east end of London in the late 1970s/ 80s and how 'football' was a vehicle of resistance towards the everyday lived experience of racialised violence and language The study adopts an ethnographic approach and also utilises online digital methods.

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Additional Information:

This will be a forthcoming publication of an article for a special journal issue for Identities online - Bangladeshi Diaspora (re)imagining home: racialisation, activism and advocacy, edited by Fatima Rajina and Nazia Hussein. The article has been accepted for this special edition, and will be peer reviewed for publication in mid 2025.

Departments, Centres and Research Units:

Educational Studies
Educational Studies > Centre for Identities and Social Justice


March 2025Submitted

Item ID:


Date Deposited:

19 Jun 2024 15:39

Last Modified:

19 Jun 2024 15:40


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