Items where Division is "Educational Studies > Centre for Identities and Social Justice"

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Number of items at this level: 113.


Gobby, Brad; Karnovsky, Saul and Wilkins, Andrew. 2025. Using Foucault to interrogate teaching wellbeing as discourse. In: Richard Niesche and Denise Mifsud, eds. Thinking with Michel Foucault in Educational Leadership: Methodological and Conceptual Challenges. London: Bloomsbury. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Gokay, Bulent and Shain, Farzana. 2025. How to solve the universities’ financial crisis. LSE British Politics and Policy blog, London. [Other]

Hoque, Aminul. 2025. The complexity of transnationalism: A case study of the British-Bangladeshi diaspora. In: Ajaya K Sahoo, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Asian Diaspora and Nationalism. Abingdon: Routledge. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Hoque, Aminul and Chakraborthy, Sudip. 2025. ‘Dokkhina Sundari’ – a local story of climate emergency in Bangladesh. In: Miranda Matthews, ed. Educational Ecologies in Practice: Arts Interventions in the Earth Crisis. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031823374 [Book Section] (In Press)

Millora, Chris. 2025. Book Review: Laboratories of Learning: Social Movements, Education and Knowledge-Making in the Global South. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, ISSN 0305-7925. [Other]

Nicholson, Phil and Wilkins, Andrew. 2025. Intermediaries in local schooling landscapes: Partnership building and policy enactment during times of crisis. Journal of Education Policy, 40(1), pp. 89-110. ISSN 0268-0939 [Article]

Traianou, Anna. 2025. After the last good year: trade unions and educational reform in Greece. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 23(1), pp. 15-31. ISSN 1476-7724 [Article]


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Hoque, Aminul. 2024. 'Do we know who our students are? A culturally responsive pedagogy'. In: Ethnicity, Religion, and Muslim Education in a Changing World: Navigating Contemporary Perspectives on Multicultural Schooling in the UK - panel discussion and seminar. University of Birmingham, United Kingdom 4 June 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hoque, Aminul. 2024. Educating Muslim children: Developing a culturally responsive pedagogy. In: Karamat Iqbal and Tahir Abbas, eds. Ethnicity, Religion, and Muslim Education in a Changing World: Navigating Contemporary Perspectives on Multicultural Schooling in the UK. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 117-135. ISBN 9781032364834 [Book Section]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2024. 'Education as transformation'. In: Education and family-life: Empowerment Summit. 801 Old Kent Road, London, United Kingdom 15 June 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2024. 'My autobiography - Aminul Hoque'. In: My autobiography - Aminul Hoque. Laurel Park School, London, United Kingdom 14 May 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2024. 'The place of Islamophobia within debates on racism'. In: The place of Islamophobia within debates on racism - REACH Research Hub. Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 29 February 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2024. 'A very British history: British Bangladeshis - an interactive workshop'. In: A very British history: British Bangladeshis - an interactive workshop. Oaklands School, London, United Kingdom 17 January 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Traianou, Anna. 2024. The issue of ’vulnerability’ in researching political elites. Education Inquiry, ISSN 2000-4508 [Article] (In Press)

Traianou, Anna and Hammersley, Martyn. 2024. Interrogating the Concept of ‘Vulnerability’ in Social Research Ethics. Diametros – A Journal of Philosophy, ISSN 1733-5566 [Article]

Warmington, Paul. 2024. Permanent Racism: Race, Class and the Myth of Postracial Britain. Bristol: Policy Press/ Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781447360179 [Book]


Coşkun, Kerem; Çıkrıkçı, Ozkan; Liebovich, Betty and Kara, Cihan. 2023. Parent-child interaction in academic experiences: Scale development and validation. Current Psychology, 42(3), pp. 2268-2278. ISSN 1046-1310 [Article]

Hinitz, Blythe F. and Liebovich, Betty. 2023. History of Early Childhood Education in the United States. In: Susan C. Faircloth, ed. Oxford Bibliographies (Education - Curriculum and Pedagogy). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Book Section]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2023. 'British Bangladeshis and the question of 'home''. In: British Bangladeshis and the question of 'home'. Bishop Challenor School, London, United Kingdom 29 June 2023. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2023. 'Developing a culturally responsive pedagogy'. In: Haberdashers' Academies Trust South Annual Conference. London, United Kingdom 20 February 2023. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hoque, Aminul. 2023. Nadiya Hussain – a baker, a mother, a wife, a celebrity, a brown woman, a Muslim, a social justice campaigner…. A leader! In: Melanie C Brooks and Miriam D Ezzani, eds. Great Muslim Leaders: Lessons for Education. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, pp. 273-286. ISBN 9798887301815 [Book Section]

Millora, Chris. 2023. ‘Social-contextual’ approaches to family literacy programmes: policy and practice lessons from Nigeria, Mexico and Nepal. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, ISSN 0305-7925 [Article] (In Press)

Pearce, Sarah. 2023. ‘Why are we doing this if there’s no connection?’ The importance of prior experience in academic learning on a Master’s programme. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 47(4), pp. 563-575. ISSN 0309-877X [Article]

Traianou, Anna. 2023. Evaluation and its politics: trade unions and education reform in Greece. Education Inquiry, ISSN 2000-4508 [Article] (In Press)

Traianou, Anna. 2023. The intricacies of conditionality: education policy review in Greece 2015–2018. Journal of Education Policy, 38(2), pp. 342-362. ISSN 0268-0939 [Article]


Coskun, Kerem; Liebovich, Betty; Kara, Cihan and Cikrikci, Ozkan. 2022. Is theory of mind correlated with moral identity among primary school children? Journal of Social and Educational Research, 1(1), pp. 27-33. [Article]

Gillborn, David; McGimpsey, Ian and Warmington, Paul. 2022. The Fringe is the Centre: racism, pseudoscience and authoritarianism in the dominant English education policy network. International Journal of Educational Research, 115, 102056. ISSN 0883-0355 [Article]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2022. 'British Bangladeshi migration to UK'. In: British Bangladeshi migration to UK. Oaklands School, London, United Kingdom 27 January 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2022. 'Decolonising the curriculum'. In: Decolonising the curriculum @ We Move conference, Runnymede. University of Leeds, United Kingdom 3 September 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2022. 'Do we really know who our students are?'. In: Trinity-INC Lunchtime Seminar Series. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 4 February 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2022. 'Motivational talk and prizegiving'. In: Motivational talk and prizegiving. Stepney Green Secondary School, London, United Kingdom 6 July 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2022. 'Third-generation British-Bangladeshi Muslims and education: developing a culturally responsive pedagogy'. In: Department of Education Public Lecture Series. Department of Education, University of Oxford, United Kingdom 14 November 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2022. 'Understanding our communities: British Bangladeshis (on the back of the Windrush scandal)'. In: Understanding our communities: British Bangladeshis (on the back of the Windrush scandal) - Home Office. Home Office, London, United Kingdom 10 May 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2022. 'A very British history: British Bangladeshis'. In: A very British history: British Bangladeshis - a seminar discussion. Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom 8 November 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Poku, Veronica. 2022. Black Student Teachers' Experiences of Racism in the White School: Strategies of Resilence and Survival. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030960636 [Book]


Carlile, Anna; Butteriss, Ethan and Pullen Sansfaçon, Annie. 2021. “It’s like my kid came back overnight”: Experiences of trans and non-binary young people and their families seeking, finding and engaging with clinical care in England. International Journal of Transgender Health, 22(4), pp. 412-424. ISSN 1553-2739 [Article]

George, Rosalyn P. and Maguire, Meg. 2021. Academics ‘Staying on’ Post Retirement Age in English Universities Departments of Education: Opportunities, Threats and Employment Policies. British Journal of Educational Studies, 69(4), pp. 453-470. ISSN 0007-1005 [Article]

Hoque, Aminul. 2021. 'Altab Ali and the Battle of Brick Lane; Film screening and panel discussion'. In: Altab Ali and the Battle of Brick Lane; Film screening and panel discussion. London, United Kingdom 4 May 2021. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2021. 'Celebrating being British and Bangladeshi'. In: 50th Anniversary of Bangladesh Independence Day– Newham London’s online webinar. Newham, London, United Kingdom 26 March 2021. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2021. 'Digital online social research methods'. In: CHASE Virtual Encounters. University of East Anglia, United Kingdom 25 June 2021. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2021. 'A Very British History: British Bangladeshis'. In: Webinar, screening, Q&A - A Very British History: British Bangladeshis. Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 9 February 2021. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hoque, Aminul. 2021. 'A very British history: British Bangladeshis - (screening)'. In: Freedom and Independence Theatre Festival 2021. Brady Arts Centre, London E1, United Kingdom 19 November 2021. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Kennedy, Natacha. 2021. Agentic learning: the pedagogical implications of young trans people’s online learning strategies. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 29(5), pp. 733-752. ISSN 1468-1366 [Article]

Paechter, Carrie; Toft, Alex and Carlile, Anna. 2021. Non-binary young people and schools: pedagogical insights from a small-scale interview study. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 29(5), pp. 695-713. ISSN 1468-1366 [Article]

Shain, Farzana; Yildiz, Umit; Poku, Veronica and Gokay, Bulent. 2021. From silence to ‘strategic advancement’: institutional responses to ‘decolonising’ in higher education in England. Teaching in Higher Education, 26(7-8), pp. 920-936. ISSN 1356-2517 [Article]

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Zacharias, Thomas and Mullings-Lawrence, Sireita. 2021. Legacies of indenture: identity and belonging in post-colonial Jamaica. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(1), pp. 97-114. ISSN 0141-9870 [Article]



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George, Rosalyn P. and Maguire, Meg. 2019. Choice and Diversity in English Initial Teacher Education (ITE): Trainees' Perspectives. European Journal of Teacher Education, 42(1), pp. 19-35. ISSN 0261-9768 [Article]

Gilbert, Francis. 2019. Mindfulness and Creative Writing. Writing in Education(77), ISSN 1361-8539 [Article]

Gilbert, Francis. 2019. Snow on the Danube. London: Blue Door Press. ISBN 9781916475403 [Book]

Gilbert, Francis. 2019. The Teachers' Standards and English Teaching. Teaching English(19), pp. 33-36. ISSN 2051-7971 [Article]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2019. 'British-Islamic Identity: Third-Generation Bangladeshis from East London'. In: Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. Seminars: Hilary Term 2019. Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, University of Oxford, United Kingdom 20 February 2019. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kennedy, Natacha. 2019. Becoming: Discourses of trans emergence, epiphanies and oppositions. In: Ruth Pearce; Igi Moon; Kat Gupta and Deborah Lynn Steinberg, eds. The Emergence of Trans: Cultures, Politics and Everyday Lives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 46-59. ISBN 9781138504103 [Book Section]

Lewis, Kirstin and Demie, Feyisa. 2019. The school experiences of mixed race white and black Caribbean children in England. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42(12), pp. 2065-2083. ISSN 0141-9870 [Article]

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Pearce, Sarah and Lewis, Kirstin. 2019. Changing attitudes to cultural difference: perceptions of Muslim families in English schools. Cambridge Journal of Education, 49(1), pp. 1-14. ISSN 0305-764X [Article]


Branley, Duncan; Seale, Clive and Zacharias, Thomas. 2018. Doing a Literature Review. In: Clive Seale, ed. Researching Society and Culture. London: Sage, pp. 63-78. ISBN 9781473947160 [Book Section]

Carlile, Anna. 2018. School Surveillance, Control, and Resistance in the United Kingdom. In: Jo Deakin; Emmeline Taylor and Aaron Kupchik, eds. The Palgrave International Handbook of School Discipline, Surveillance, and Social Control. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 17-42. ISBN 9783319715582 [Book Section]

Gilbert, Francis. 2018. The Mindful English Teacher: A Toolkit for Learning and Well-Being. London: FGI Publishing. ISBN 978-1974255863 [Book]

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Hoque, Aminul. 2018. 'Excavating the importance of oral histories: unheard voices from the 1971 Bangladesh War of Resistance'. In: Histories in Professional Education: Recovering silent lives. London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom 29 May 2018. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hoque, Aminul and Waltham Forest Council. 2018. Waltham Forest Life Chances Commission: Enabling young people to thrive. [Professional Activity]

Kennedy, Natacha. 2018. Prisoners of Lexicon: Cultural Cisgenderism and Transgender Children. In: Erik Schneider and Christel Balthes-Löhr, eds. Normed Children: Effects of Gender and Sex Related Normativity on Childhood and Adolescence. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, pp. 297-312. ISBN 9783837630206 [Book Section]

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Liebovich, Betty. 2018. The McMillan Sisters, The Roots of the Open-Nursery, and Breaking the Cycle of Poverty. HSE – Social and Education History, 7(1), pp. 78-96. [Article]

Traianou, Anna. 2018. The Uncertain Future of pre-school Education in England (in Greek). Selidodeiktis: For Education and Society, [Article]


Gilbert, Francis. 2017. The Creative Writing Teacher’s Toolkit. Writing in Education, 2017(73), [Article]

Gilbert, Francis. 2017. Where did all the male teachers go? The Times, ISSN 0140-0460 [Article]

Platt, Len. 2017. Writing London and The Thames Estuary 1576-2016. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 9789004346659 [Book]


Carlile, Anna. 2016. Recent Trends in School Social Control in the UK. In: Emmeline Taylor and Aaron Kupchik, eds. Handbook on School Security, Surveillance and Punishment. Oxon: Routledge. [Book Section] (Submitted)

Gilbert, Francis. 2016. The Dark Alleyway. Writing in Education: NAWE Magazine, 1, [Article]

Hoque, Aminul. 2016. 'British 'others''. In: British 'others'. Diorama Art Studios, London, United Kingdom 28 April 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hoque, Aminul. 2016. 'Race, Islam & Identity: Perspectives from British Bangladeshi Youth'. In: Race, Islam & Identity: Perspectives from British Bangladeshi Youth. Stepney Green Secondary School, London, United Kingdom 22 February 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lewis, Kirstin. 2016. Helping mixed heritage children develop 'character and resilience' in schools. Improving Schools, 19(3), pp. 197-211. ISSN 1365-4802 [Article]

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Paechter, Carrie F. and Clark, Sheryl. 2016. Being ‘nice’ or being ‘normal’: girls resisting discourses of ‘coolness’. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 37(3), pp. 457-471. ISSN 0159-6306 [Article]

Pearce, Sarah. 2016. An emotional, intellectual and practical resource: black experiences and expertise on teaching about racism. Pedagogy Culture and Society, 24(1), pp. 161-168. ISSN 1468-1366 [Article]

Skinner, David; May, Vanessa and Rollock, Nicola. 2016. Self-Identity and Its Discontents: Sociology in the 1990s. Sociology, 50(6), NP13-NP23. ISSN 0038-0385 [Article]


Clark, Sheryl. 2015. '"I don't want to be skinny, I just want to be fit' Healthism discourse and girls' participation in physical activity'. In: Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy: 10th Biennial Conference of the Gender and Education Association. University of Roehampton, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Clark, Sheryl. 2015. Running into trouble: constructions of danger and risk in girls' access to outdoor space and physical activity. Sport, Education and Society, 20(8), pp. 1012-1028. ISSN 1357-3322 [Article]

Clark, Sheryl; Mountford-Zimdars, Anna and Francis, Becky. 2015. Risk, Choice and Social Disadvantage: Young People’s Decision-Making in a Marketised Higher Education System. Sociological Research Online, 20(3), pp. 110-123. ISSN 1360-7804 [Article]

Hoque, Aminul. 2015. Background Factors. The Teacher, p. 50. [Article]

Hoque, Aminul. 2015. British-Islamic Identity: Third-generation Bangladeshis from East London. London: Institute of Education Press, Trentham Books. ISBN 9781858566030 [Book]

Jarvis, Pam and Liebovich, Betty. 2015. British Nurseries, Head and Heart: McMillan, Owen and the genesis of the education/care dichotomy. Women's History Review, 24(6), pp. 917-937. ISSN 0961-2025 [Article]


Hoque, Aminul. 2014. Knowing our students' identities: British Bangladeshis in east London schools. Race Equality Teaching, 33(1), pp. 16-21. ISSN 1478-8551 [Article]


Hoque, Aminul. 2013. Book Review: Accidental immigrants and the search for home, by Carol E. Kelley. Women's Studies International Forum, 40, pp. 244-245. ISSN 0277-5395 [Article]


Pearce, Sarah. 2012. Confronting Dominant Whiteness in the Primary Classroom: progressive student teachers’ dilemmas and constraints. Oxford Review Of Education, 38(4), pp. 455-472. ISSN 0305-4985 [Article]


Pearce, Sarah. 2010. Understanding Institutional Racism. Race Equality Teaching, 28(2), pp. 15-18. ISSN 1478-8551 [Article]


Hansen, Janet S.; Walsh, Daniel J.; Liebovich, Betty and Myers, Robert G.. 2002. Mapping American Early Education. In: James W. Guthrie, ed. Encyclopedia of Education. USA: McMillan. ISBN 002865594X [Book Section]


Liebovich, Betty. 2000. Children's Self Assessment. Issues in Early Childhood Education: Curriculum, Teacher Education, & Dissemination of Information. Proceedings of the Lilian Katz Symposium (Champaign, IL, November 5-7, 2000), [Article]


Gleeson, Denis and Shain, Farzana. 1999. Managing Ambiguity: Between Markets and Managerialism — A Case Study of ‘Middle’ Managers in Further Education. The Sociological Review, 47(3), pp. 461-490. ISSN 0038-0261 [Article]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 01:28:07 2025 GMT.