Material Benefits of the Immaterial: Academic Publishing in the Digisphere

Joncus, Berta. 2021. 'Material Benefits of the Immaterial: Academic Publishing in the Digisphere'. In: CHASE Doctoral Training Day. London, United Kingdom 10 September 2021. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Material Benefits. CHASE Doctoral Training Joncus.pdf - Supplemental Material

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Abstract or Description

A study day will train doctoral students in the ways that the Digital Humanities have, and have not, altered academic publishing. Because art and music have led computational innovations in the Digital Humanities, their digital publications will serve as case studies; the intended audience is all arts and humanities researchers whose objects of study pose transmission challenges apposite to those in art and music. Four themes will be addressed

1) Output and its Transmission. How have digital and computational tools altered the creation, and the transmission, of the object of study?

2) Remodelling Distribution. How have new formats changed distribution models?

3) Sustainability: Are solutions to sustainability traded between digital publications?

4) Open Access: How do emerging online publications, often staffed only by volunteers, compete with a university press publication in status, or financial resourcing?

After each speaker’s presentation, CHASE students will put questions to the speaker and their panel. For a final roundtable, CHASE students will be asked to chair and lead discussions.

During registration you will be asked whether you plan to attend remotely or in person.

Item Type:

Conference or Workshop Item (Other)

Departments, Centres and Research Units:



10 September 2021Completed

Event Location:

London, United Kingdom

Date range:

10 September 2021

Item ID:


Date Deposited:

18 Jun 2024 14:17

Last Modified:

18 Jun 2024 14:17


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