Items Authored/Edited by Eley, Thalia C.

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Number of items: 70.
Nikolic, Milica; Hannigan, L.J.; Krebs, G.; Sterne, A; Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
Aetiology of Shame and its Association with Adolescent Depression and Anxiety: Results from a Prospective Twin and Sibling Study.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 63(1),
pp. 99-108.
ISSN 0021-9630
Krebs, G.; Hannigan, L.J.; Gregory, Alice M.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V. and Eley, Thalia C..
Reciprocal links between anxiety sensitivity and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in youth: a longitudinal twin study.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61(9),
pp. 979-987.
ISSN 0021-9630
Denis, Dan; Eley, Thalia C.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling; Zavos, Helena M. S.; Keers, Robert; Espie, Colin A.; Luik, Annemarie I; Badini, Isabella; Derveeuw, Sarah; Hodsoll, John and Gregory, Alice M..
Is digital cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia effective in treating sub-threshold insomnia: A pilot RCT.
Sleep Medicine, 66,
pp. 174-183.
ISSN 1389-9457
Murphy, Jennifer; Cheesman, Rosa; Gregory, Alice M.; Lau, Jennifer Y. F.; Ehlers, Anke; Catmur, Caroline; Bird, Geoffrey and Eley, Thalia C..
Estimating the stability of heartbeat counting in middle childhood: a twin study.
Biological Psychology, 148(107764),
ISSN 0301-0511
Ahmadzadeh, Yasmin I.; Eley, Thalia C.; Plomin, Robert; Dale, Philip S.; Lester, Kathryn J.; Oliver, Bonamy R; McMillan, Andrew and McAdams, Tom A..
Children of the Twins Early Development Study (CoTEDS): A Children-of-Twins Study.
Twin Research and Human Genetics,
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 1832-4274
Krebs, G.C.; Hannigan, L.J.; Gregory, Alice M.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V.; Maughan, Barbara and Eley, Thalia C..
Are punitive parenting and stressful life events environmental risk factors for obsessive-compulsive symptoms in youth? A longitudinal twin study.
European Psychiatry, 56,
pp. 35-42.
ISSN 0924-9338
Denis, Dan; Akhtar, Reece; Holding, Ben; Murray, C; Panatti, J; Claridge, Gordon; Sadeh, Avi; Barclay, Nicola L.; O'Leary, R; Maughan, Barbara; McAdams, Tom A.; Rowe, Richard; Eley, Thalia C.; Viding, Essi and Gregory, Alice M..
Externalizing Behaviors and Callous-Unemotional Traits: Different Associations With Sleep Quality.
Sleep, 40(8),
ISSN 0161-8105
Gregory, Alice M.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V.; Eley, Thalia C.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Schneider, Melanie N.; Parsons, Michael J. and Barclay, Nicola L..
A longitudinal twin and sibling study of associations between insomnia and depression symptoms in young adults.
Sleep, 39(11),
pp. 1985-1992.
ISSN 0161-8105
Waszczuk, M.A.; Coulson, A.; Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
A longitudinal twin and sibling study of the hopeless theory of depression in adolescence and young adulthood.
Psychological Medicine, 46(9),
pp. 1935-1949.
ISSN 0033-2917
Jelenkovic, Aline; Sund, Reijo; Hur, Yoon-Mi; Yokoyama, Yoshie; Hjelmborg, Jacob v. B.; Möller, Sören; Honda, Chika; Magnusson, Patrik K. E.; Pedersen, Nancy L.; Ooki, Syuichi; Aaltonen, Sari; Stazi, Maria A.; Fagnani, Corrado; D’Ippolito, Cristina; Freitas, Duarte L.; Maia, José Antonio; Ji, Fuling; Ning, Feng; Pang, Zengchang; Rebato, Esther; Busjahn, Andreas; Kandler, Christian; Saudino, Kimberly J.; Jang, Kerry L.; Cozen, Wendy; Hwang, Amie E.; Mack, Thomas M.; Gao, Wenjing; Yu, Canqing; Li, Liming; Corley, Robin P.; Huibregtse, Brooke M.; Derom, Catherine A.; Vlietinck, Robert F.; Loos, Ruth J. F.; Heikkilä, Kauko; Wardle, Jane; Llewellyn, Clare H.; Fisher, Abigail; McAdams, Tom A.; Eley, Thalia C.; Gregory, Alice M.; He, Mingguang; Ding, Xiaohu; Bjerregaard-Andersen, Morten; Beck-Nielsen, Henning; Sodemann, Morten; Tarnoki, Adam D.; Tarnoki, David L.; Knafo-Noam, Ariel; Mankuta, David; Abramson, Lior; Burt, S. Alexandra; Klump, Kelly L.; Silberg, Judy L.; Eaves, Lindon J.; Maes, Hermine H.; Krueger, Robert F.; McGue, Matt; Pahlen, Shandell; Gatz, Margaret; Butler, David A.; Bartels, Meike; van Beijsterveldt, Toos C. E. M.; Craig, Jeffrey M.; Saffery, Richard; Dubois, Lise; Boivin, Michel; Brendgen, Mara; Dionne, Ginette; Vitaro, Frank; Martin, Nicholas G.; Medland, Sarah E.; Montgomery, Grant W.; Swan, Gary E.; Krasnow, Ruth; Tynelius, Per; Lichtenstein, Paul; Haworth, Claire M. A.; Plomin, Robert; Bayasgalan, Gombojav; Narandalai, Danshiitsoodol; Harden, K. Paige; Tucker-Drob, Elliot M.; Spector, Timothy; Mangino, Massimo; Lachance, Genevieve; Baker, Laura A.; Tuvblad, Catherine; Duncan, Glen E.; Buchwald, Dedra; Willemsen, Gonneke; Skytthe, Axel; Kyvik, Kirsten O.; Christensen, Kaare; Öncel, Sevgi Y.; Aliev, Fazil; Rasmussen, Finn; Goldberg, Jack H.; Sørensen, Thorkild I. A.; Boomsma, Dorret I.; Kaprio, Jaakko and Silventoinen, Karri.
Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood: An individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts.
Scientific Reports, 6(1),
ISSN 2045-2322
Waszczuk, M.A.; Zavos, Helena M. S.; Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
The stability and change of etiological influences on depression, anxiety symptoms and their co-occurrence across adolescence and young adulthood.
Psychological Medicine, 46(1),
pp. 161-175.
ISSN 0033-2917
Dempster, E.L.; Wong, C.C.Y.; Lester, Kathryn J.; Roberts, S; Burrage, J.; Gregory, Alice M.; Mill, Jonathan and Eley, Thalia C..
Genome-wide Methylomic Analysis of Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Adolescent Depression.
Biological Psychiatry, 76(12),
pp. 977-983.
ISSN 0006-3223
Brown, H. M.; Waszczuk, M.A.; Zavos, Helena M. S.; Trzaskowski, M.; Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
Cognitive content-specificity in anxiety and depression: a twin study of associations with anxiety sensitivity dimensions across development.
Psychological Medicine, 44(16),
3469 -3480.
ISSN 0033-2917
Lau, Jennifer Y. F.; Belli, S.R.; Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
Interpersonal cognitive biases as genetic markers for pediatric depressive symptoms: Twin data from the Emotions, Cognitions, Heredity and Outcome (ECHO) study.
Development and Psychopathology, 26(4pt2),
pp. 1267-1276.
ISSN 0954-5794
Parsons, Michael J.; Lester, Kathryn J.; Barclay, Nicola L.; Archer, Simon N.; Nolan, Patrick M.; Eley, Thalia C. and Gregory, Alice M..
Polymorphisms in the circadian expressed genes PER3 and ARNTL2 are associated with diurnal preference and GNB3 with sleep measures.
Journal of Sleep Research, 23(5),
pp. 595-604.
ISSN 0962-1105
Bolhuis, K.; McAdams, T. A.; Monzani, B.; Gregory, Alice M.; Mataix-Cols, D.; Stringaris, A. and Eley, Thalia C..
Aetiological overlap between obsessive–compulsive and depressive symptoms: a longitudinal twin study in adolescents and adults.
Psychological Medicine, 44(07),
pp. 1439-1449.
ISSN 0033-2917
McAdams, Tom A.; Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
Genes of Experience: Explaining the Heritability of Putative Environmental Variables Through Their Association with Behavioural and Emotional Traits.
Behavior Genetics, 43(4),
pp. 314-328.
ISSN 0001-8244
Zavos, Helena M. S.; Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
Longitudinal genetic analysis of anxiety sensitivity.
Developmental Psychology, 48(1),
pp. 204-212.
ISSN 0012-1649
Zavos, Helena M. S.; Wong, Chloe; Barclay, Nicola L.; Keers, Robert; Mill, Jonathan; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V.; Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
Anxiety sensitivity in adolescence and young adulthood: the role of stressful life events, 5HTTLPR and their interaction.
Depression and Anxiety,
pp. 400-408.
ISSN 1091-4269
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Maughan, Barbara and Gregory, Alice M..
Nonshared environmental influences on sleep quality: A study of monozygotic twin differences.
Behavior Genetics, 42,
pp. 234-244.
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Maughan, Barbara; Rowe, Richard and Gregory, Alice M..
Associations between diurnal preference, sleep quality and externalising behaviours: A behavioural genetic analysis.
Psychological Medicine, 41,
pp. 1029-1040.
Gregory, Alice M.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Willis, Thomas A.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V.; Maughan, Barbara; Rowe, Richard; Cartwright, Sally; Barclay, Nicola L. and Eley, Thalia C..
Associations between sleep quality and anxiety and depression symptoms in a sample of young adult twins and siblings.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 71,
pp. 250-255.
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V. and Gregory, Alice M..
Dependent negative life events and sleep quality: An examination of gene-environment interplay.
Sleep Medicine, 12,
pp. 403-409.
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Mill, Jonathan; Wong, Chloe C. Y.; Zavos, Helena M. S.; Archer, Simon N. and Gregory, Alice M..
Sleep quality and diurnal preference in a sample of young adults: Associations with 5HTTLPR, PER3 and CLOCK 3111.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 156(6),
pp. 681-690.
ISSN 1552-4841
Gregory, Alice M.; Noone, Deidre; Eley, Thalia C. and Harvey, Allison G..
Catastrophizing and symptoms of sleep disturbances in children.
Journal of Sleep Research, 19(1p2),
pp. 175-182.
ISSN 09621105
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Archer, Simon N. and Gregory, Alice M..
Diurnal preference and sleep quality: same genes? A study of Young Adult twins.
Chronobiology International, 27,
pp. 278-296.
Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V. and Gregory, Alice M..
Genetic and environmental influences on different components of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and their overlap.
Sleep, 33,
pp. 659-668.
Zavos, Helena M. S.; Rijsdijk, Frühling V.; Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
Genetic influences on the cognitive biases associated with anxiety and depression symptoms in adolescents.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 124(1-2),
pp. 45-53.
ISSN 0165-0327
Gregory, Alice M.; Light-Haeusermann, Jade; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V. and Eley, Thalia C..
Behavioural genetic analyses of prosocial behaviour in adolescents.
Developmental Science, 12,
pp. 165-174.
Gregory, Alice M.; Fruuhling, Rijsdijk; Lau, Jennifer Y. F.; Dahl, Ronald E. and Eley, Thalia C..
The Direction of Longitudinal Associations Between Sleep Problems and Depression Symptoms: A Study of Twins Aged 8 and 10 Years.
Sleep, 32(2),
pp. 189-199.
ISSN 0161-8105
Gregory, Alice M.; Lau, Jennifer Y. F. and Eley, Thalia C..
Finding gene-environment interactions for Phobias.
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 258,
pp. 76-81.
Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
Genetic Influences on Anxiety in Children: What we've Learned and Where we're Heading.
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 10(3),
pp. 199-212.
ISSN 1095-4037
Gregory, Alice M.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V.; Dahl, Ronald E.; McGuffin, Peter and Eley, Thalia C..
Associations between sleep problems, anxiety, and depression in twins at 8 years of age.
Pediatrics, 118(3),
pp. 1124-1132.
ISSN 0031-4005 (print), 1098-4275 (online)
Gregory, Alice M.; Rijsdijk, Frühling V. and Eley, Thalia C..
A Twin-Study of Sleep Difficulties in School-Aged Children.
Child Development, 77(6),
pp. 1668-1679.
ISSN 0009-3920
Gregory, Alice M.; Caspi, Avshalom; Eley, Thalia C.; Moffitt, Terrie E.; O'Connor, Thomas G. and Poulton, Richie.
Prospective longitudinal associations between persistent sleep problems in childhood and anxiety and depression disorders in adulthood.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 33(2),
pp. 157-163.
ISSN 0091-0627
Gregory, Alice M. and Eley, Thalia C..
Sleep Problems, Anxiety and Cognitive Style in School-Aged Children.
Infant and Child Development, 14,
pp. 435-444.
ISSN 1522-7227
Gregory, Alice M.; Eley, Thalia C. and Plomin, R..
Exploring the association between anxiety and conduct problems in a large sample of twins aged 2-4.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 32(2),
pp. 111-122.
ISSN 0091-0627 (print), 1573-2835 (online)
Book Section