Items Authored/Edited by Freitas, Joana

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Number of items: 6.
Book Section
Rogers, Holly.
“I feel like I’ve heard it before”: The Audiovisual Echoes of YouTube.
In: Holly Rogers; Joana Freitas and João Francisco Porfírio, eds.
Remediating Sound: Repeatable Culture, YouTube and Music.
London: Bloomsbury, pp. 1-34.
ISBN 9781501387326
[Book Section]
Rogers, Holly.
Listening Through Social Media: Soundscape Composition, Collaboration and Networked Sonic Elongation.
In: Holly Rogers; Joana Freitas and João Francisco Porfírio, eds.
Remediating Sound: Repeatable Culture, YouTube and Music.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 113-144.
ISBN 9781501387326
[Book Section]
Goddard, M N.
Sincere, Authentic, Remediated: The Affective Labour and Cross Cultural Remediations of Music Video Reaction Videos on YouTube.
In: Holly Rogers; Joana Freitas and João Francisco Porfirio, eds.
Remediating Sound: Repeatable Culture, YouTube and Music.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 73-92.
[Book Section]
Rogers, Holly.
“Welcome to your world”: YouTube and the Reconfiguration of Music’s Gatekeepers.
In: Holly Rogers; Joana Freitas and João Francisco Porfírio, eds.
YouTube and Music: Online Culture and Everyday Life.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 1-38.
ISBN 9781501387272
[Book Section]
Edited Book
Rogers, Holly; Freitas, Joana and Porfírio, João Francisco, eds.
Remediating Sound: Repeatable Culture, YouTube and Music.
London: Bloomsbury Academic.
ISBN 9781501387340
[Edited Book]
Rogers, Holly; Freitas, Joana and Porfírio, João, eds.
YouTube and Music: Online Culture and Everyday Life.
London: Bloomsbury Academic.
ISBN 9781501387272
[Edited Book]