Items Authored/Edited by Luck, Michael

Number of items: 59.
d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael.
Creativity through autonomy and interaction.
Cognitive Computation, 4(3),
pp. 332-346.
ISSN 1866-9956
d'Inverno, Mark; Luck, Michael; Noriega, Pablo; Rodriguez-Aguilar, Juan A and Sierra, Carles.
Communicating open systems.
Artificial Intelligence, 186,
pp. 38-94.
ISSN 0004-3702
Merelli, Emanuela; Armano, Giuliano; Cannata, Nicola; Corradini, Flavio; d'Inverno, Mark; Doms, Andreas; Lord, Phillip; Martin, Andrew; Milanesi, Luciano; Möller, Steffen; Schroeder, Michael and Luck, Michael.
Agents in bioinformatics, computational and systems biology.
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 8(1),
pp. 45-59.
ISSN 1467-5463
y López, Fabiola López; Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
A normative framework for agent-based systems.
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 12(2-3),
pp. 227-250.
ISSN 1381-298X
Ashri, Ronald; Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
From SMART to agent systems development.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 18(2),
pp. 129-140.
ISSN 0952-1976
Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Unifying agent systems.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 37(1-2),
pp. 131-167.
ISSN 1012-2443
Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
A Conceptual Framework for Agent Definition and Development.
The Computer Journal, 44(1),
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 0010-4620
Alonso, Eduardo; d'Inverno, Mark; Kudenko, Daniel; Luck, Michael and Noble, Jason.
Learning in multi-agent systems.
The Knowledge Engineering Review, 16(3),
pp. 277-284.
ISSN 0269-8889
d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael.
Multi-agent systems research into the 21st century.
The Knowledge Engineering Review, 16(3),
pp. 271-275.
ISSN 0269-8889
Beer, Martin; d'Inverno, Mark; Luck, Michael; Jennings, Nick; Preist, Chris and Schroeder, Michael.
Negotiation in multi-agent systems.
The Knowledge Engineering Review, 14(3),
pp. 285-289.
ISSN 0269-8889
Lee, LC; Collis, JC; Binmore, K; Vulcan, N; van Eijk, RM; de Boer, FS; van der Hoek, W; Meyer, JJ Ch; Padget, J; Bradford, R; d'Inverno, Mark; Luck, Michael and Fisher, Michael.
Foundations of Multi-Agent systems: techniques, tools and theory.
The Knowledge Engineering Review,
pp. 297-302.
d'Inverno, Mark; Priestley, Mark and Luck, Michael.
A Formal Framework for Hypertext Systems.
Software Engineering. IEE Proceedings, 144(3),
pp. 175-184.
ISSN 1364-5080
d'Inverno, Mark; Fisher, Michael; Lomuscio, Alessio; Luck, Michael; De Rijke, Maarten; Ryan, Mark and Wooldridge, Michael.
Formalisms for multi-agent systems.
The Knowledge Engineering Review, 12(03),
pp. 315-321.
Luck, Michael; Ashri, Ronald and d'Inverno, Mark.
Agent-Based Software Development.
Boston, Mass.: Artech House, pp. 1-226.
ISBN 9781580536059
d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael.
Understanding Agent Systems.
ISBN 9783540407003
d'Inverno, Mark; Luck, Michael; Fisher, Michael and Preist, Chris.
Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems: UKMAS Workshop 1996-2000, Selected Papers.
Berlin, Germany: Springer.
ISBN 9783540439622
Book Section
Haberland, Valeriia; Miles, Simon and Luck, Michael.
Resource Re-allocation for Data Inter-dependent Continuous Tasks in Grids.
In: N. Criado Pacheco; C. Carrascosa; N. Osman and V. Julián Inglada, eds.
Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies. EUMAS 2016, AT 2016.
Springer, Cham, pp. 187-201.
ISBN 978-3-319-59293-0
[Book Section]
Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Formal Methods and Agent-Based Systems.
In: Christopher A. Rouff; Michael Hinchey; James Rash; Walter Truszkowski and Diana Gordon-Spears, eds.
Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 65-96.
ISBN 9781852339470
[Book Section]
Munroe, Steve; Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Motivation-based selection of negotiation partners.
In: Frances Titsworth, ed.
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
USA: IEEE Computer Press, pp. 1520-1521.
ISBN 0769520928
[Book Section]
Lopez y Lopez, Fabiola; Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Normative agent reasoning in dynamic societies.
In: Frances Titsworth, ed.
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
USA: IEEE Computer Press, pp. 732-739.
ISBN 0769520928
[Book Section]
Griffiths, Nathan; Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Annotating Cooperative Plans with Trusted Agents.
In: Rino Falcone; Suzanne Barber; Larry Korba and Munindar Singh, eds.
Trust, Reputation, and Security: Theories and Practice.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 87-107.
ISBN 9783540009887
[Book Section]
Luck, Michael; d'Inverno, Mark and Munroe, Steve.
Autonomy: Variable and generative.
In: Henry Hexmoor; Cristiano Castelfranchi and Rino Falcone, eds.
Agent Autonomy.
Boston, MA: Springer, pp. 11-28.
ISBN 978-1-4020-7402-8
[Book Section]
Munroe, Steve; Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Towards Motivation-Based Decisions for Worth Goals.
In: Vladimír Mařík; Michal Pěchouček and Jörg Müller, eds.
Multi-Agent Systems and Applications III.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 17-28.
ISBN 9783540404507
[Book Section]
Ashri, Ronald; Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Infrastructure Support for Agent-Based Development.
In: Mark d'Inverno; Michael Luck; Michael Fisher and Chris Preist, eds.
Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems: UKMAS Workshop 1996-2000, Selected Papers.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 73-88.
ISBN 9783540439622
[Book Section]
Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Autonomy: A Nice Idea in Theory.
In: , ed.
Intelligent Agents VII Agent Theories Architectures and Languages.
Berlin, Germany: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 351-353.
ISBN 978-3-540-44631-6
[Book Section]
d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael.
Formal Agent Development: Framework to System.
In: Diana Gordon; Michael G. Hinchey; Walt Truszkowski; James L. Rash and Christopher A. Rouff, eds.
Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 133-147.
ISBN 9783540427162
[Book Section]
Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Plan Analysis for Autonomous Sociological Agents.
In: Cristiano Castelfranchi and Yves Lespérance, eds.
Intelligent Agents VII Agent Theories Architectures and Languages.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 182-197.
ISBN 9783540424222
[Book Section]
Hindriks, Koen; d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael.
Architecture for Agent Programming Languages.
In: Werner Horn, ed.
ECAI 2000 Proceedings.
Washington, D.C.: IOS Press, pp. 363-367.
ISBN 9781586030131
[Book Section]
d'Inverno, Mark; Hindriks, Koen and Luck, Michael.
A Formal Architecture for the 3APL Agent Programming Language.
In: Gerhard Goos; Juris Hartmanis and Jan van Leeuwen, eds.
ZB 2000: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 168-187.
ISBN 9783540679448
[Book Section]
d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael.
Sociological agents for effective social action.
In: Bob Werner, ed.
Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems : proceedings : Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 10-12, 2000.
Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 379-380.
ISBN 0769506259
[Book Section]
d'Inverno, Mark; Kinney, D. and Luck, Michael.
Interaction protocols in Agentis.
In: Bob Werner, ed.
International Conference on Multi Agent Systems, 1998. Proceedings.
Washington, D.C.: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 112-119.
ISBN 081868500X
[Book Section]
Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Motivated Behaviour for Goal Adoption.
In: Chenqi Zhang and Dickson Lukose, eds.
Multi-Agent Systems. Theories, Languages and Applications.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 58-73.
ISBN 9783540654773
[Book Section]
d'Inverno, Mark; Kinny, David; Luck, Michael and Wooldridge, Michael.
A formal specification of dMARS.
In: Munindar P. Singh; Anand Rao and Michael J. Wooldridge, eds.
Intelligent Agents IV: Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 155-176.
ISBN 9783540641629
[Book Section]
d'Inverno, Mark; Luck, Michael and Wooldridge, Michael.
Cooperation Structures.
In: Martha E. Pollack, ed.
IJCAI '97 : Proceedings of the fifteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Nagoya, Japan, August 23-29, 1997.
San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 600-605.
ISBN 9781558604803
[Book Section]
Luck, Michael; Griffiths, Nathan and d'Inverno, Mark.
From agent theory to agent construction: A case study.
In: Jörg P. Müller; Michael J. Wooldridge and Nicholas R. Jennings, eds.
Intelligent Agents III Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 49-63.
ISBN 9783540625070
[Book Section]
d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael.
Making and breaking engagements: An operational analysis of agent relationships.
In: Chengqi Zhang and Dickson Lukose, eds.
Multi-Agent Systems Methodologies and Applications.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 48-62.
ISBN 9783540634126
[Book Section]
Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Engagement and cooperation in motivated agent modelling.
In: Chengqi Zhang and Dickson Lukose, eds.
Distributed Artificial Intelligence Architecture and Modelling.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 70-84.
ISBN 9783540613145
[Book Section]
d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael.
Formalising the Contract Net as a goal-directed system.
In: Walter Van de Velde and John W. Perram, eds.
Agents Breaking Away.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 72-85.
ISBN 9783540608523
[Book Section]
d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael.
Understanding Autonomous Interaction.
In: Wolfgang Wahlster, ed.
ECAI 96 : 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 11-16, 1996, Budapest, Hungary : proceedings.
Chichester, UK: Wiley, pp. 529-533.
ISBN 0471968099
[Book Section]
d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael.
A formal view of social dependence networks.
In: Dickson Lukose and Chengqi Zhang, eds.
Distributed Artificial Intelligence Architecture and Modelling.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 115-129.
ISBN 9783540613145
[Book Section]
Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
A Formal Framework for Agency and Autonomy.
In: Victor Lesser, ed.
ICMAS-95 : proceedings First International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 254-260.
ISBN 0262621029
[Book Section]
Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
Structuring a Z specification to provide a formal framework for autonomous agent systems.
In: Jonathan P. Bowen and Michael G. Hinchey, eds.
ZUM '95: The Z Formal Specification Notation.
Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 46-62.
ISBN 9783540602712
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item
d'Inverno, Mark; Luck, Michael; Noriega, Pablo; A., Juan and Sierra, Carles.
'Communicating Open Systems: Extended Abstract'.
In: IJCAI 2013. Beijing, China.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
d'Inverno, Mark; Luck, Michael; Noriega, Pablo; Rodriguez-Aguilar, Juan A and Sierra, Carles.
'Weaving a fabric of socially aware agents'.
In: 14th International Conference, PRIMA 2011. Wollongong, Australia.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Ashri, Ronald; Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
'Identifying opportunities and constraints for goal achievement through relationship analysis'.
In: Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems-Volume 3 (AAMAS'04). New York, USA.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Ashri, Ronald; Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
'A typology of relationships and goals for regulation and coordination'.
In: ECAI Workshop in Coordination in Emerging Agent Societies. Valencia, Spain.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
d'Inverno, Mark; Ashri, Ronald and Luck, Michael.
'On identifying and managing relationships in multi-agent systems'.
In: Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Acapulco, Mexico 9-15 August.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Munroe, Steve; Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
'Towards a Motivation-Based Approach for Evaluating Goals'.
In: The Second International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. Melbourne, Australia.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Luck, Michael; d'Inverno, Mark and López y López, Fabiola.
'Constraining autonomy through norms'.
In: Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems: part 2. New York, NY, United States.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
'Autonomy: A nice idea in theory'.
In: Intelligent Agents VII Agent Theories Architectures and Languages. Boston, MA, United States.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
y Lopez, Fabiolas López; Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
'A Framework for Norm-based Inter-Agent Dependence'.
In: Third Mexican International Conference on Computer Science. Aguascalientes, Mexico.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael.
'Development and application of a formal agent framework'.
In: Proceedings First IEEE International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods. Hiroshima, Japan.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark.
'Goal Generation and Adoption in Hierarchical Agent Models'.
In: Eighth Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. New South Wales, Australia.
[Conference or Workshop Item]