Items Authored/Edited by Rooke, Alison

Number of items: 21.
Rooke, Alison.
Collaborative Sociological Practice: the Case of Nine Urban Biotopes.
International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 29(3),
pp. 327-340.
ISSN 0891-4486
Rooke, Alison.
Modalities of Exchange: A summary Report.
Art=CAre: a Future,
pp. 59-120.
Rooke, Alison.
Trans youth, science and art: creating (trans) gendered space.
Gender, Place and Culture, 17(5),
pp. 655-672.
ISSN 0966-369X
Mayo, Marjorie C.; Gaventa, John and Rooke, Alison.
Learning global citizenship? Exploring connections between the local and the global.
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 4(2),
pp. 161-175.
ISSN 1746-1979
Rooke, Alison and Mayo, Marjorie C..
Active Learning for Active Citizenship: participatory approaches to evaluating a programme to promote citizen participation in England.
Community Development Journal, 43(3),
pp. 731-781.
Rooke, Alison.
Telling Trans Stories: (Un)doing the Science of Sex.
Abingdon, Oxford: routledge.
ISBN 978-0=415-99930-4
Book Section
Rooke, Alison.
Contradiction, collaboration and criticality: Researching empowerment and citizenship in community-based arts.
In: Marjorie C. Mayo; Zoraida mendiwelso bendek and Carol Packham, eds.
Community Research for Community Development.
hampshire: palgrave macmillan, pp. 150-169.
ISBN 978-1- 137- 03473-1
[Book Section]
Rooke, Alison and Gidley, Ben.
Asdatown: The intersections of classed places and identities.
In: Yvette Taylor, ed.
Classed Intersections: spaces, selves, knowledges.
Farnham. Surrey: Ashgate, 95 -116.
ISBN 9780754675624
[Book Section]
Rooke, Alison and Moreno Figueroa, Monica.
Beyond ‘Key Parties and ‘Wife Swapping’: The Visual Culture of Online Swinging.
In: Feona Attwood, ed. Sense of Online Pornography.
Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 217-245.
ISBN 978-1-4331-0206-6
[Book Section]
Rooke, Alison.
Queer in the Field: on emotions temporality and performativity in ethnography.
In: Kath Browne and katheerine, j nash, eds.
- Alison Rooke (in) Queer Methods and Methodologies:intersecting Queer theories and Social Science Research.
Farnahm, Surry: Ashgate, pp. 25-41.
ISBN 9780754678434
[Book Section]
Rooke, Alison; Slater, Imogen; Cuch, Laura; Black, Carrie-Ann; Ellis, Megan and Harris, Lucy.
Making It Together: An evaluative study of Creative Families, an arts and mental health partnership between the South London Gallery and the Parental Mental Health Team.
Project Report.
Goldsmiths, University of London, London.
Rooke, Alison; Slater, Imogen and Levy, Claire.
Silver Stories Evaluation Report.
Technical Report.
Rooke, Alison.
Arts and Mental Health: Creative Collisions and Critical Conversations.
Discussion Paper.
Rooke, Alison; Slater, Imogen; Koessl, Gerald and Lelliott, Susan.
Changing Places, Changing Lives: assessing the Impact of Housing Association Regeneration.
Technical Report.
L and Q housing, London.
Rooke, Alison.
Curating Community? The Relational and Agonistic Value of Participatory Arts in Superdiverse Localities.
Discussion Paper.
Rooke, Alison; Graham, Janna; Garrido Sanchez, Cristina; Furlauto, Ananda; Cuch, Laura; Ferreri, Mara and Tabner, Katey.
Modalities of Exchange: A Summary Report on the Serpentine Gallery Project Skills Exchange: Urban Transformation and the Politics of Care.
Project Report.
The Serpentine Gallery and Goldsmiths, University of London, London.