Items where Division is "Sociology > Centre for Study of Invention and Social Process (CSISP) [2003-2015]"

- Goldsmiths Departments, Centres and Research Units (28542)
- Sociology (2599)
- Centre for Study of Invention and Social Process (CSISP) [2003-2015] (164)
- Sociology (2599)
Number of items at this level: 164.
Rosengarten, Marsha.
An unfinished history: a story of ongoing events and mutating HIV problems.
In: Susan Kippax; Adam Bourne; Sarah Bernays; Peter Aggleton and Richard Parker, eds.
Remaking HIV Prevention in the 21st Century: The Promise of TasP, U=U and PrEP.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 289-302.
ISBN 9783030698188
[Book Section]
Rosengarten, Marsha; Sekuler, Todd; Binder, Beate; Dzuiban, Agata and Baenziger, Peter-Paul.
Beyond Biological Citizenship: HIV/AIDS, Health, and Activism in Europe Reconsidered.
Critical Public Health, 31(1),
pp. 1-4.
ISSN 0958-1596
Cakici, Baki; Ruppert, Evelyn and Scheel, Stephan.
Peopling Europe through Data Practices: Introduction to
the Special Issue.
Science, Technology & Human Values, 45(2),
pp. 199-211.
ISSN 0162-2439
Isin, Engin and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Being Digital Citizens (Second Edition).
London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
ISBN 9781786614476
Rosengarten, Marsha.
The Challenge of Breath: Toward an 'after' COVID-19.
Social Anthropology, 28(2),
pp. 342-343.
ISSN 0964-0282
Scheel, Stephan; Ruppert, Evelyn and Ustek, Funda, eds.
Enacting migration through data practices,
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(4). 0263-7758
[Edited Journal]
Bigo, Didier; Isin, Engin and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Data Politics.
In: Didier Bigo; Engin Isin and Evelyn Ruppert, eds.
Data Politics: Worlds, Subjects, Rights.
London: Routledge.
ISBN 1138053260
[Book Section]
Ruppert, Evelyn and Isin, Engin.
Data’s empire: postcolonial data politics.
In: Didier Bigo; Engin Isin and Evelyn Ruppert, eds.
Data Politics: Worlds, Subjects, Rights.
London: Routledge.
ISBN 1138053260
[Book Section]
Bigo, Didier; Isin, Engin and Ruppert, Evelyn, eds.
Data Politics: Worlds, Subjects, Rights.
London: Routledge.
ISBN 1138053260
[Edited Book]
Varvantakis, Christos and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa.
Metaphors we experiment with in multimodal ethnography.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 22(4),
pp. 365-378.
ISSN 1364-5579
Wilkie, Alex.
How well does ANT equip designers for socio-material speculations?
In: Anders Blok; Ignacio Farías and Celia Roberts, eds.
The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory.
Abingdon, UK & New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 389-399.
ISBN 9781138084728
[Book Section]
Marres, Noortje and Gerlitz, Carolin.
Interface Methods: Renegotiating relations between digital social research, STS and sociology.
The Sociological Review, 64(1),
pp. 21-46.
ISSN 0038-0261
Born, Georgina and Wilkie, Alex.
Temporalities, aesthetics and the studio: an interview with Georgina Born.
In: Ignacio Farías and Alex Wilkie, eds.
Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements.
London; New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 135-151.
ISBN ISBN 978-1-138-79871-7
[Book Section]
Farías, Ignacio and Wilkie, Alex.
Studio Studies: Notes for a research program.
In: Farías Farías and Alex Wilkie, eds.
Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements.
London; New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 1-21.
ISBN ISBN 978-1-138-79871-7
[Book Section]
Marres, Noortje.
Why Map Issues? On Controversy Analysis as a Digital Method.
Science, Technology, & Human Values, 40(5),
pp. 655-686.
ISSN 0162-2439
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Doing the Transparent State: open government data as
performance indicators.
In: R. Rottenburg; S. E. Merry; S-J Park and J Mugler, eds.
A World of Indicators: The making of governmental knowledge through quantification.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 127-150.
ISBN 9781107450837
[Book Section]
Ruppert, Evelyn; Harvey, Penny; Lury, Cellia; Mackenzie, Adrian; McNally, Ruth; Baker, Stephanie Alice; Kallianos, Yannis and Lewis, Camilla.
Background: A Social Framework for Big Data.
Project Report.
CRESC, University of Manchester and The Open University.
Ruppert, Evelyn; Harvey, Penny; Lury, Cellia; Mackenzie, Adrian; McNally, Ruth; Baker, Stephanie Alice; Kallianos, Yannis and Lewis, Camilla.
A Social Framework for Big Data.
Project Report.
CRESC, The University of Manchester and The Open University.
Ruppert, Evelyn; Harvey, Penny; Lury, Cellia; Mackenzie, Adrian; McNally, Ruth; Baker, Stephanie Alice; Kallianos, Yannis and Lewis, Camilla.
Socialising Big Data: From concept to practice.
CRESC, The University of Manchester and The Open University.
Ruppert, Evelyn and Isin, Engin.
Being Digital Citizens.
London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
ISBN 9781783480555
Ruppert, Evelyn and Ustek, Funda.
Body Counts: Counting Aylan Kurdi.
Project Report.
Visual Social Media Lab, University of Sheffield.
Waller, Laurie.
Exhibition as experiment: a study of science and culture at the Science Museum.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Wilkie, Alex and Michael, Mike.
The Design Studio as a Centre of Synthesis.
In: Ignacio Farías and Alex Wilkie, eds.
Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements.
London; New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 25-39.
ISBN ISBN 978-1-138-79871-7
[Book Section]
Michael, Mike and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Quantitative Objects and Qualitative Things: Ethics and HIV Biomedical Prevention.
In: Eleanor Casella; Gillian Evans; Penelope Harvey; Hannah Knox; Chris McLean; Elizabeth Silva; Nick Thoburn and Kath Woodward, eds.
Objects and Materials. A Routledge Companion.
Great Britain: Routledge, pp. 349-358.
ISBN 0415678803
[Book Section]
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Infrastructures of Census Taking.
In: Gordon Darroch, ed.
The Dawn of Canada's Century: Hidden Histories.
Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 51-70.
ISBN 9780773542525
[Book Section]
Wilkie, Alex.
Prototyping as Event: Designing the Future of Obesity.
Journal of Cultural Economy, 7(4),
pp. 476-492.
ISSN 1753-0350
Ruppert, Evelyn and Law, John, eds.
The Social Life of Methods: Devices,
Journal of Cultural Economy, 6(4). 1753-0350
[Edited Journal]
Boulton, Richard.
Children with HIV: the Consolidation of medicine, science and the social into the clinical practice of paediatric HIV.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Not Just Another Database: The Transactions that Enact Young Offenders.
Computational Culture,
pp. 1-13.
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Rethinking Empirical Social Sciences.
Dialogues in Human Geography, 3(3),
pp. 268-273.
ISSN 2043-8206
Gerlitz, Carolin.
Acting on Data. Temporality and Self-Evaluation in Social Media.
pp. 1-18.
Lange, Ann-Christina.
Inclusive differentiation:
a study of artistic techniques and devices of innovation.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Michael, Mike.
“What are we busy doing?”: Engaging the Idiot.
Science, Technology and Human Values, 37(5),
pp. 528-544.
ISSN 0162-2439
Michael, Mike and Rosengarten, Marsha.
HIV, Globalization and Topology: Of Prepositions and Propositions.
Theory, Culture & Society, 29(4-5),
pp. 93-115.
ISSN 0263-2764
Michael, Mike and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Introduction to special issue of Body & Society, 'Medicine, Bodies, Politics: Experimentation and Emergence'.
Body & Society,
pp. 1-17.
Nadim, Tahani.
Inside the sequence universe: the amazing life of data and the people who look after them.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Rosengarten, Marsha and Pfingst, Annie.
Medicine as a Tactic of War: Palestinian Precarity.
Body & Society, 18(3-4),
pp. 99-125.
ISSN 1357-034X
Gerlitz, Carolin and Helmond, Anne.
Hit, link, like and share. Organising the social and the fabric of the web.
Digital Methods Winter Conference Proceedings,
pp. 1-29.
Wilkie, Alex.
Regimes of Design, Logics of Users.
Athenea Digital, 11(1),
pp. 317-334.
ISSN 1578-8946)
Boucher, Andy; Bowers, John; Cameron, David; Jarvis, Nadine; Gabrys, Jennifer; Gaver, William; Kerridge, Tobie; Michael, Mike and Wilkie, Alex.
Sustainability, Invention and Energy Demand Reduction: Co-designing Communities and Practice.
[Printed Ephemera]
Rosengarten, Marsha and Michael, Mike.
HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and the complexities of biomedical prevention: ontological openness and the prevention assemblage.
In: , ed.
HIV Treatment and Prevention Technologies in International Perspective.
Great Britain: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 167-183.
ISBN 978-0-230-23819-0
[Book Section]
Wilkie, Alex; Kerridge, Tobie; Michael, Mike; Gaver, William; Wakeford, Nina and Jungnickel, Kat.
Making and Opening: Entangling Design and Social Science - conference delegate hand-out.
[Printed Ephemera]
Rosengarten, Marsha and Michael, Mike.
The performative function of expectations in translating treatment to prevention: The case of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP.
Social Science and Medicine, 69(7),
pp. 1049-1055.
ISSN 0277-9536
Rosengarten, Marsha and Mykhalovskiy, Eric.
Commentaries on the nature of social and cultural research: Interviews on HIV/AIDS with Judy Auerbach, Susan Kippax, Steven Epstein, Didier Fassin, Barry Adam and Dennis Altman.
Social Theory & Health, 7(3),
pp. 284-304.
ISSN 1477-8211
Wilkie, Alex; Jarvis, Nadine and Boucher, Andy.
The Objects of Design and Social Science: Design and Social Science Seminar Series 2009-2010.
[Printed Ephemera]
Rosengarten, Marsha; Michael, Mike; Mykhalovskiy, Eric and Imrie, J..
The challenges of technological innovation in HIV.
The Lancet, 372(9636),
pp. 357-358.
ISSN 0140-6736
Bell, Vikki.
Performativity Challenged? Creativity and the Return of Interiority.
In: , ed.
Culture and Performance.
Oxford: Berg, pp. 97-120.
ISBN 9781845201050
[Book Section]
Bell, Vikki.
'The Shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes: On Agamben'.
In: MESEA conference. Pamplona, Spain July 2006.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Bell, Vikki.
On the Critique of Secular Ethics: An Essay with Flannery O'Connor and Hannah Arendt.
Theory, Culture and Society, 22(2),
pp. 1-27.
ISSN 0263-2764
Bell, Vikki.
Spectres of Peace: Civic Participation in Northern Ireland.
Social and legal studies, 13(3),
pp. 403-428.
ISSN 0964-6639
Brown, Nik and Michael, Mike.
A Sociology of Expectations: Retrospecting Prospects and Prospecting Retrospects.
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 15(1),
pp. 3-18.