Items where Division is "Computing > Intelligent Sound and Music Systems (ISMS)"

- Goldsmiths Departments, Centres and Research Units (28542)
- Computing (2382)
- Intelligent Sound and Music Systems (ISMS) (33)
- Computing (2382)
Number of items at this level: 33.
Crawford, Tim.
Luise Gottsched: Lute-playing heroine of her Age.
In: Andreas Schlegel, ed.
... in der verlorene Paradies: Festschrift in memoriam Annette Otterstedt.
Menziken, Switzerland: The Lute Corner, pp. 224-279.
ISBN 9783952323243
[Book Section]
Weigl, David M.; Lewis, David; Crawford, Tim; Knopke, Ian and Page, Kevin R..
On providing semantic alignment and unified access to music library metadata.
International Journal on Digital Libraries, 20(1),
pp. 25-47.
ISSN 1432-5012
Hanke, Michael; Dinga, Richard; Christian, Häusler; Guntupalli, J. Swaroop; Casey, Michael A.; Kaule, Falko R. and Stadler, Jörg.
High-resolution 7-Tesla fMRI data on the perception of musical genres – an extension to the studyforrest dataset.
F1000Research, 4,
ISSN 2046-1402
Crawford, Tim; Fields, Ben; Lewis, David and Page, Kevin R..
'Explorations in Linked Data practice for early music corpora'.
In: Digital Libraries 2014. London, United Kingdom 8 - 12 September 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Baker, David; Rhodes, Christophe; Crawford, Tim and Dreyfus, Laurence.
'Recognition of leitmotives in Richard Wagner's music: chroma distance and listener expertise'.
In: European Conference on Data Analysis. Bremen, Germany 2 - 4 July 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rhodes, Christophe; Crawford, Tim and d'Inverno, Mark.
'Duplicate detection in facsimile scans of early printed music'.
In: European Conference on Data Analysis. Bremen, Germany 2 - 4 July 2014.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Sarroff, Andy and Casey, Michael A..
Musical Audio Synthesis Using Autoencoding Neural Nets.
Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR2014),
Proutskova, Polina; Rhodes, Christophe; Crawford, Tim and Wiggins, Geraint.
Breathy, Resonant, Pressed - Automatic Detection Of Phonation Mode From Audio Recordings of Singing.
Journal of New Music Research, 42(2),
pp. 171-186.
ISSN 0929-8215
Whorley, Raymond Peter; Rhodes, Christophe; Wiggins, Geraint and Pearce, Marcus T..
'Harmonising Melodies: Why do we add the bass line first?'.
In: International Conference on Computational Creativity. Sydney, Australia.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Whorley, Raymond; Rhodes, Christophe; Wiggins, Geraint and Pearce, Marcus.
Multiple Viewpoint Systems: Time Complexity and the Construction of Domains for Complex Musical Viewpoints in the Harmonisation Problem.
Journal of New Music Research, 42(3),
pp. 237-266.
Forth, Jamie.
Cognitively-motivated geometric methods of pattern discovery and models of similarity in music.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Proutskova, Polina; Rhodes, Christophe; Wiggins, Geraint and Crawford, Tim.
'Breathy or Resonant - A Controlled and Curated Dataset for Phonation Mode Detection in Singing'.
In: International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Porto, Portugal.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Lewis, David; Woodley, Ron; Forth, Jamie; Rhodes, Christophe and Wiggins, Geraint.
'Tools for Music Scholarship and their Interactions: A Case Study'.
In: Supporting Digital Humanities. Copenhagen, Denmark.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
McLean, Christopher Alex.
Artist-Programmers and Programming Languages for the Arts.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Fields, Ben; Jacobson, Kurt; Rhodes, Christophe; Sandler, Mark and Casey, Michael A..
'Analysis and Exploitation of Musician Social Networks for Recommendation and Discovery'.
In: IEEE-THEMES: Signal and Information Processing for Social Networks. Dallas, United States.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rhodes, Christophe.
Using Lisp Implementation Internals: Unportable but fun.
Journal of Universal Computer Science, 18(2),
pp. 315-339.
ISSN 0948-695x
Whorley, Raymond Peter; Wiggins, Geraint; Rhodes, Christophe and Pearce, Marcus T..
'Development of Techniques for the Computational Modelling of Harmony'.
In: International Conference on Computational Creativity. Lisbon, Portugal.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Forth, Jamie and Wiggins, Geraint A..
An approach for identifying salient repetition in multidimensional representations of polyphonic music.
In: Joseph Chan; Jacqueline W. Daykin and M. Sohel Rahman, eds.
London Algorithmics 2008: Theory and Practice.
London: College Publications, pp. 44-58.
ISBN 9781904987970
[Book Section]
Rhodes, Christophe; Lewis, David and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Bayesian Model Selection for Harmonic Labelling.
In: Timour Klouche and Thomas Noll, eds.
Mathematics and Computation in Music.
Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 107-116.
ISBN 9783642045783
[Book Section]
Rhodes, Christophe and Strandh, R..
Gsharp, un éditeur de partitions de musique interactif et personnalisable.
Document Numérique, 11(3--4),
pp. 9-28.
ISSN 1279-5127
Müllensiefen, Daniel; Lewis, David; Rhodes, Christophe and Wiggins, Geraint.
'Treating Inherent Ambiguity in Ground Truth Data: Evaluating a Chord Labelling Algorithm'.
In: 8th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR). Vienna, Austria 23 - 27 September 2007.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rhodes, Christophe and Casey, Michael A..
'Algorithms for determining and labelling approximate hierarchical self-similarity'.
In: International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Vienna, Austria.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Abdallah, Samer; Noland, Katy; Sandler, Mark; Casey, Michael A. and Rhodes, Christophe.
'Theory and Evaluation of a Bayesian Music Structure Extractor'.
In: International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. London, United Kingdom 11 - 15 September 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Lewis, David and Rhodes, Christophe.
'Intelligent Tools for Interacting with a Corpus of Lute Music'.
In: Digital Resources in the Humanities. Lancaster, United Kingdom 4 - 8 September 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rhodes, Christophe; Strandh, Robert and Mastenbrook, Brian.
'Syntax Analysis in the Climacs Text Editor'.
In: International Lisp Conference. Stanford, United States 19 - 22 June 2005.
[Conference or Workshop Item]