Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Yee-King, Matthew

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McCormack, Jon; Hutchings, Patrick; Gifford, Toby; Yee-King, Matthew; Llano, Maria Teresa and d'Inverno, Mark. 2020. Design Considerations for Real-Time Collaboration with Creative Artificial Intelligence. Organised Sound, 25(1), pp. 41-52. ISSN 1355-7718 [Article]

Yee-King, Matthew; Fedden, Leon and d'Inverno, Mark. 2018. Automatic Programming of VST Sound Synthesizers using Deep Networks and Other Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2(2), pp. 150-159. ISSN 2471-285X [Article]

Gifford, Toby; Knotts, Shelly; McCormack, Jon; Kalonaris, Stefano; Yee-King, Matthew and d'Inverno, Mark. 2018. Computational Systems for Music Improvisation. Digital Creativity, 29(1), pp. 19-36. ISSN 1462-6268 [Article]

Yee-King, Matthew; Grierson, Mick and d'Inverno, Mark. 2017. Evidencing the value of inquiry based, constructionist learning for student coders. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 7(3), pp. 109-129. ISSN 2192-4880 [Article]

Yee-King, Matthew. 2016. The Use of Interactive Genetic Algorithms in Sound Design: A Comparison Study. Computers in Entertainmnent: Special Issue on Musical Metacreation, [Article]

Fiala, J; Yee-King, Matthew and Grierson, Mick. 2016. Collaborative Coding Interfaces on the Web. Proceedings of the International Conference on Live Interfaces, pp. 49-57. [Article]

Confalonieri, Roberto; Yee-King, Matthew; Hazelden, Katina; d'Inverno, Mark; De Jonge, Dave; Osman, Nardine; Sierra, Carles; Agmoud, Leila and Prade, Henri. 2015. Engineering multiuser museum interactives for shared cultural experiences. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 46(Part A), pp. 180-195. ISSN 0952-1976 [Article]

Yee-King, Matthew and d'Inverno, Mark. 2014. Pedagogical Agents for Social Music Learning in Crowd-Based Socio-Cognitive Systems. Crowd Intelligence: Foundations, Methods, and Practices (CEUR Workshop Proceedings), 1148, pp. 76-93. ISSN 1613-0073 [Article]


Yee-King, Matthew. 2024. Build AI-Enhanced Audio Plugins with C++. Abingdon: Routledge/Focal Press. ISBN 9781032430461 [Book]

Book Section

Yee-King, Matthew. 2025. SuperCollider on Small Computers. In: Scott Wilson; David Cottle and Nick Collins, eds. The SuperCollider Book (Second Edition). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ISBN 9780262049702 [Book Section] (In Press)

Yee-King, Matthew; De Jonge, Dave; Confalonieri, Roberto; Osman, Nardine; d'Inverno, Mark; Sierra, Carles; Amgoud, Leila and Hazelden, Katina. 2024. The WeCurate Application. In: Nardine Osman, ed. Electronic Institutions: Applications to uHelp, WeCurate and PeerLearn. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 81-96. ISBN 9783319656045 [Book Section]

Yee-King, Matthew. 2022. Latent Spaces: A Creative Approach. In: Craig Vear and Fabrizio Poltronieri, eds. The Language of Creative AI: Practices, Aesthetics and Structures. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 137-154. ISBN 9783031109591 [Book Section]

Still, Arthur; Yee-King, Matthew and d'Inverno, Mark. 2019. Creativity and Feedback: Designing Systems to Support Student Learning and Improve Instruction. In: Kevin A. Gluck and John A. Laird, eds. Interactive Task Learning: Humans, Robots, and Agents Acquiring New Tasks through Natural Interactions. 26 MIT Press, p. 217. ISBN 9780262349420 [Book Section]

Yee-King, Matthew and Dall’Avanzi, Igor. 2018. Procedural Audio in Video Games. In: Newton Lee, ed. Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. ISBN 9783319082349 [Book Section]

Yee-King, Matthew; Krivenski, Maria; Brenton, Harry and d'Inverno, Mark. 2015. Music circle: designing educational social machines for effective feedback. In: Luc Steels, ed. Music learning with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). 6 Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 87-100. ISBN 9781614995920 [Book Section]

Amgoud, Leila; Confalonieri, Roberto; de Jonge, Dave; d'Inverno, Mark; Hazelden, Katina; Osman, Nardine; Prade, Henri; Sierra, Carles and Yee-King, Matthew. 2012. Sharing Online Cultural Experiences: An Argument-Based Approach. In: Mateu Villaret; Beatriz López; Yasuo Narukawa and Vicenç Torra, eds. Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence. 7647 Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 282-293. ISBN 9783642346194 [Book Section]


de Wardener, Max and Yee-King, Matthew. 2021. Sun Begins to Fade. [Composition] (Forthcoming)

Conference or Workshop Item

Yee-King, Matthew and Fiorucci, Andrea. 2025. 'Deploying language model-based assessment support technology in a computer science degree: How do the academics feel about it?'. In: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (IEEE EDUCON). Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom 22 - 25 April 2025. [Conference or Workshop Item] (In Press)

Yee-King, Matthew and d'Inverno, Mark. 2024. 'Harmonies of the Future: Barcelona Music Lab Event Talk December 2024'. In: The I Conference on Music & AI in Images. Barcelona, Spain 5 December 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yee-King, Matthew. 2024. '[Teaching people how to] build AI-enhanced Audio Plugins'. In: Audio Developer Conference. Bristol, United Kingdom 1 November 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yee-King, Matthew. 2024. 'Applications of AI in the BSc CS degree'. In: UCL School of Management Knowledge exchange forum: making genai work for and in education. UCL School of Management, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yee-King, Matthew; d'Inverno, Mark and Fiorucci, Andrea. 2024. 'Designing an AI-creativity music course'. In: AIMC 2024. Oxford, United Kingdom 9 - 11 September 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yee-King, Matthew and d'Inverno, Mark. 2024. 'Strategies for building AI-enhanced audio software with impact'. In: AIMC 2024. Oxford, United Kingdom 9 - 11 September 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Strauss, Lucy and Yee-King, Matthew. 2024. 'Towards a Machine Somaesthete: Latent Modeling of EMG Signals in Viola Playing'. In: 9th International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO '24). Utrecht, Netherlands 30 May - 2 June 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lionetti, Davide; Pappas, Antonios; Comanducci, Luca; Bernardini, Alberto; Zanoni, Massimiliano; Sarti, Augusto; Yee-King, Matthew and d'Inverno, Mark. 2023. 'HandMonizer: a case study for personalized digital musical instrument design'. In: 4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds. Pisa, Italy 26-27 October 2023. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Fiorucci, Andrea; Yee-King, Matthew and Gillies, Marco. 2023. 'Beyond Motivation and Engagement: Students’ Voices on the Use of Game-Based Learning in a Bachelor Computer Science Online Degree'. In: 2023 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT ’23). Lisbon, Portugal 6 - 8 September 2023. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Strauss, Lucy and Yee-King, Matthew. 2023. 'Extensible Embodied Knowledge: Bridging Performance Practice and Intelligent Performance System Design'. In: The International Conference on AI and Musical Creativity (AIMC 2023). University of Sussex, United Kingdom 30 August - 1 September 2023. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yee-King, Matthew and McCallum, Louis. 2021. 'Studio report: sound synthesis with DDSP and network bending techniques'. In: 2nd Conference on AI Music Creativity (MuMe + CSMC). Graz, Austria 18 – 22 July 2021. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Forthcoming)

McCallum, Louis and Yee-King, Matthew. 2020. 'Network Bending Neural Vocoders'. In: 4th Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design at NeurIPS 2020, Vancouver, Canada.. Vancouver, Canada 2020. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yee-King, Matthew; McCallum, Louis; Llano, Maria Teresa; Ruzicka, Vit; d'Inverno, Mark and Grierson, Mick. 2020. 'Examining Student Coding Behaviours in Creative Computing Lessons using Abstract Syntax Trees and Vocabulary Analysis'. In: 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. Trondheim, Norway. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Llano, Maria Teresa; d'Inverno, Mark; Yee-King, Matthew; McCormack, Jon; Ilsar, Alon; Pease, Alison and Colton, Simon. 2020. 'Explainable Computational Creativity'. In: International Conference on Computational Creativity 2020 (ICCC'20). Coimbra, Portugal 7 - 11 September 2020. [Conference or Workshop Item]

McCormack, Jon; Gifford, Toby; Hutchings, Patrick; Llano, Maria Teresa; Yee-King, Matthew and d'Inverno, Mark. 2019. 'In a Silent Way: Communication between AI and improvising musicians beyond sound'. In: CHI 2019 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Glasgow, United Kingdom 4-9 May 2019. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Zbyszynski, Michael; Grierson, Mick; Yee-King, Matthew and Fedden, Leon. 2017. 'Write once run anywhere revisited: machine learning and audio tools in the browser with C++ and emscripten'. In: Web Audio Conference 2017. Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom 21-23 August 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Yee-King, Matthew; Grierson, Mick and d'Inverno, Mark. 2017. 'STEAM WORKS: Student coders experiment more and experimenters gain higher grades'. In: EDUCON2017: IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. Athens, Greece April 26-28, 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Zbyszynski, Michael; Grierson, Mick and Yee-King, Matthew. 2017. 'Rapid Prototyping of New Instruments with CodeCircle'. In: New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Copenhagen, Denmark 15-18 May 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid; Yee-King, Matthew and d'Inverno, Mark. 2016. 'Investigating Swarm Intelligence for Performance Prediction'. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. Raleigh, NC, United States 29 June - 2 July 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yee-King, Matthew and d'Inverno, Mark. 2016. 'Experience Driven Design of Creative Systems'. In: Proceedings of the 7th Computational Creativity Conference (ICCC 2016). Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yee-King, Matthew and d'Inverno, Mark. 2016. 'Experience driven design of creative systems'. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity. Paris, France 27 June - 1 July 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gillies, Marco; Brenton, Harry; Yee-King, Matthew; Grimalt-Reynes, Andreu and d'Inverno, Mark. 2015. 'Sketches vs Skeletons: Video Annotation Can Capture What Motion Capture Cannot'. In: Proceedings of the 2Nd International Workshop on Movement and Computing. Vancouver, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Brenton, Harry; Yee-King, Matthew; Grimalt-Reynes, Andreu; Gillies, Marco; Krivenski, Maria and d'Inverno, Mark. 2014. 'A Social Timeline for Exchanging Feedback about Musical Performances'. In: Proceedings of the 28th International BCS Human Computer Interaction. Southport, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yee-King, Matthew and d'Inverno, Mark. 2014. 'Pedagogical agents for social music learning in Crowd-based Socio-Cognitive Systems'. In: Crowd Intelligence: Foundations, Methods, and Practices (CEUR Workshop Proceedings). Barcelona, Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hazelden, Katina; Yee-King, Matthew; Confalonieri, Roberto; Sierra, Carles; Ghedini, Fiammetta; De Jonge, Dave; Osman, Nardine and d'Inverno, Mark. 2013. 'Multiuser Museum Interactives for Shared Cultural Experiences: an Agent-based Approach'. In: CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Paris. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hazelden, Katina; Yee-King, Matthew; d'Inverno, Mark; Confalonieri, Roberto; De Jonge, Dave; Amgoud, Leila; Osman, Nardine; Prade, Henri and Sierra, Carles. 2012. 'WeCurate: Designing for synchronised browsing and social negotiation'. In: The first International Conference on Agreement Technologies. Dubrovnik, Croatia. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yee-King, Matthew and Roth, Martin. 2011. 'A Comparison of Parametric Optimisation Techniques for Musical Instrument Tone Matching'. In: Audio Engineering Society Convention 130. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]



Osman, Nardine; d'Inverno, Mark; Sierra, Carles; Amgoud, Leila; Prade, Henri; Yee-King, Matthew; Confalonieri, Roberto; de Jonge, Dave and Hazelden, Katina. 2013. An Experience-Based BDI Logic: Motivating Shared Experiences and Intentionality. Working Paper. IIIA, Vienna, Austria. [Report]


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