Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Leonard, Hayley C.

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Number of items: 16.
Sumner, Emma J; Leonard, Hayley C. and Hill, Elisabeth L..
Comparing attention to socially-relevant stimuli in autism spectrum disorder and developmental coordination disorder.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 46(8),
pp. 1717-1729.
ISSN 0091-0627
Bernardi, M.; Leonard, Hayley C.; Hill, Elisabeth L.; Botting, Nicola and Henry, Lucy A..
Executive functions in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: a 2‐year follow‐up study.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 60(3),
pp. 306-313.
ISSN 0012-1622
Leonard, Hayley C. and Hill, Elisabeth L..
The role of older siblings in infant motor development.
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 152,
pp. 318-326.
ISSN 0022-0965
Waszczyk, Monika A.; Leonard, Hayley C.; Hill, Elisabeth L.; Rowe, Richard and Gregory, Alice M..
Coordination difficulty and internalising symptoms in adults: A twin/sibling study.
Psychiatry Research, 239,
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 0165-1781
Sumner, Emma J; Leonard, Hayley C. and Hill, Elisabeth L..
Overlapping phenotypes in autism spectrum disorder and developmental coordination disorder: A cross-syndrome comparison of motor and social skills.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(8),
pp. 2609-2620.
ISSN 0162-3257
Bernardi, M.; Leonard, Hayley C.; Hill, Elisabeth L. and Henry, L.A..
Brief Report: Response inhibition and processing speed in children with motor difficulties and developmental coordination disorder.
Child Neuropsychology, 22(5),
pp. 627-634.
ISSN 0929-7049
Leonard, Hayley C.; Bernardi, M.; Hill, Elisabeth L. and Henry, L.A..
Executive Functioning, Motor Difficulties, and Developmental Coordination Disorder.
Developmental Neuropsychology, 40(4),
pp. 201-215.
ISSN 8756-5641
Leonard, Hayley C. and Hill, Elisabeth L..
Executive difficulties in Developmental Coordination Disorder: Methodological issues and future directions.
Current Developmental Disorder Reports, 2(2),
pp. 141-149.
Leonard, Hayley C.; Bedford, R.; Pickles, A.; Hill, Elisabeth L. and The BASIS, Team.
Predicting the rate of language development from early motor skills in at-risk infants who develop autism spectrum disorder.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 13-14,
pp. 2015-24.
ISSN 1750-9467
Leonard, Hayley C. and Hill, Elisabeth L..
The impact of motor development on typical and
atypical social cognition and language: a systematic
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 19(3),
pp. 163-170.
ISSN 1475-357X
Pratt, Michelle L.; Leonard, Hayley C.; Adeyinka, Hanna and Hill, Elisabeth L..
The effect of motor load on planning and inhibition in
developmental coordination disorder.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(7),
pp. 1579-1587.
ISSN 0891-4222
Leonard, Hayley C.; Bedford, Rachael; Charman, Tony; Elsabbagh, Mayada; Hill, Elisabeth L. and Basis Team, The.
Motor development in children at risk of autism: A follow-up study of infant siblings.
Autism, 18(3),
pp. 281-291.
ISSN 1362-3613
Leonard, Hayley C.; Elsabbagh, Mayada; Hill, Elisabeth L. and Basis team, -.
Early and persistent motor delay in infants at-risk of developing autism spectrum disorder: A prospective study.
European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 11(1),
pp. 18-35.
ISSN 1740-5629
Leonard, Hayley C.; Annaz, Dagmara; Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Johnson, Mark H..
Reduced Reliance on Optimal Facial Information for Identity Recognition in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Journal of Cognition and Development,
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 1524-8372