Browse by Goldsmiths authors: Velmans, Max

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Velmans, Max and Bright, Richard. 2015. Understanding Consciousness: An Interview. Interalia Magazine: Special Issue on "With Consciousness in Mind (part 2)"(12), [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2014. What makes a conscious process conscious? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37(1), pp. 43-44. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2013. A review of Donald D. Price and James J. Barrell (2012) Inner Experience and Neuroscience: Merging both Perspectives. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 20(5-6), pp. 208-214. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2012. The evolution of consciousness. Contemporary Social Science, 7(2), pp. 117-138. ISSN 2158-2041 [Article]

Velmans, Max and Nagasawa, Yujin. 2012. Introduction to Monist Alternatives to Physicalism. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 19(9-10), pp. 7-18. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2012. Reflexive Monism: psychophysical relations among mind, matter and consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 19(9-10), pp. 143-165. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2012. Violence, the fragile ego, and the peaceful self. GITAM Journal of Gandhian Studies, 1(1), pp. 111-121. ISSN 2249-2240 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2011. A brief note on how phenomenal objects relate to objects themselves. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 18(11-12), pp. 199-202. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Pereira Jr, Alfredo; Edwards, J.C.W.; Nunn, C; Trehub, A and Velmans, Max. 2010. Understanding Consciousness: A collaborative attempt to elucidate contemporary theories. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 17(5-6), pp. 213-219. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Hughes, Gethin; Velmans, Max and De Fockert, J. W.. 2009. Unconscious priming of a no-go response. Psychophysiology, 46(6), pp. 1258-1269. ISSN 0048-5772 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2009. How to define consciousness—And how not to define consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 16(5), pp. 139-156. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2008. The co-evolution of matter and consciousness. Synthesis Philosophica, 22(2), pp. 273-282. ISSN 0352-7875 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2008. Reflexive monism. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 15(2), pp. 5-50. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2007. Where experiences are: Dualist, reductionist, enactive and reflexive accounts of phenomenal consciousness. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 6(4), pp. 547-563. ISSN 1568-7759 [Article]

Bergström, Zara M.; Velmans, Max; De Fockert, J. W. and Richardson-Klavehn, Alan. 2007. ERP evidence for successful voluntary avoidance of conscious recollection. Brain Research, 1151, pp. 119-133. ISSN 0006-8993 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2007. How experienced phenomena relate to things themselves: Kant, Husserl, Hoche, and reflexive monism. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 6(3), pp. 411-423. ISSN 1568-7759 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2007. A natural account of phenomenal consciousness. NeuroQuantology, 3(3), pp. 164-179. [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2006. Heterophenomenology versus critical phenomenology. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 6(1-2), pp. 221-230. ISSN 1568-7759 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2005. Are we out of our minds? Journal of Consciousness Studies, 12(6), pp. 109-116. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2004. Why conscious free will both is and isn’t an illusion. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(5), p. 677. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2003. Is the brain in the world, or the world in the brain? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26(4), pp. 427-429. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2003. Preconscious free will. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 10(12), pp. 42-61. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2002. Could phenomenal consciousness function as a cognitive unconscious? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25(3), pp. 357-358. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2002. How Could Conscious Experiences Affect Brains? Journal of Consciousness Studies, 9(11), pp. 3-29. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 2002. Making sense of causal interactions between consciousness and brain. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 9(11), pp. 69-95. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1999. When perception becomes conscious. British Journal of Psychology, 90(4), pp. 543-566. ISSN 0007-1269 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1999. Intersubjective science. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 6(2-3), pp. 299-306. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1999. Neural activation, information, and phenomenal consciousness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22(1), pp. 172-173. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1996. Consciousness and the “causal paradox.”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 19(3), pp. 538-542. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1995. The limits of neuropsychological models of consciousness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18(4), pp. 702-703. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1995. The relation of consciousness to the material world. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2(3), pp. 255-265. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1993. Consciousness, causality and complementarity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16(2), pp. 409-416. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1993. Common-sense, functional theories, and knowledge of the mind. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16(1), pp. 85-86. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

McDougal, Sine and Velmans, Max. 1993. Encoding strategy dynamics: When relationships between words determine strategy use. British Journal of Psychology, 84(2), pp. 227-248. ISSN 0007-1269 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1993. A view of consciousness from the fringe. Consciousness and Cognition, 2(3), pp. 137-141. ISSN 1053-8100 [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1992. Is consciousness integrated? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 15(2), pp. 229-230. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1991. Consciousness from a first-person perspective. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 14(4), pp. 702-726. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1991. Is human information processing conscious? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 14(4), pp. 651-669. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1990. Is the mind conscious, functional, or both? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13(4), pp. 629-630. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1990. Consciousness, brain, and the physical world. Philosophical Psychology, 3(1), pp. 77-99. ISSN 0951-5089 [Article]


Velmans, Max. 2009. Understanding Consciousness: Second Edition. Hove, East Sussex: Routledge. ISBN 9780415425162 [Book]

Velmans, Max. 2002. How Could Conscious Experiences Affect Brains? Exeter: Imprint Academic. ISBN 9780907845393 [Book]

Velmans, Max. 2000. Understanding Consciousness. London: Routledge. ISBN 0415186552 [Book]

Book Section

Velmans, Max. 2021. Is the Universe Conscious? Reflexive Monism and the Ground of Being. In: Edward Kelly and Paul Marshall, eds. Consciousness Unbound: Liberating Mind from the Tyranny of Materialism. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 175-228. ISBN 9781538139424 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2018. General Introduction to Volumes 1 to 4: A psychological view of the long history of thought about consciousness. In: M Velmans, ed. Consciousness (Critical Concepts in Psychology) Volume 1: The Origins of Psychology and the Study of Consciousness. 1 Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-30. ISBN 9781138848641 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2018. Introduction to Volume 2. In: M Velmans, ed. Consciousness (Critical Concepts in Psychology) Volume 2: Cognitive and Neuropsychological Approaches to the Study of Consciousness Part 1. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781138848658 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2018. Introduction to Volume 3. In: M Velmans, ed. Consciousness (Critical Concepts in Psychology) Volume 3: Cognitive and Neuropsychological Approaches, Part 2. 3 Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781138848665 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2018. Introduction to Volume 4. In: M Velmans, ed. Consciousness (Critical Concepts in Psychology) Volume 4: New Directions: Psychogenesis, Transformations of Consciousness and Non-reductive, Integrative Theories. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781138848672 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2017. Dualism, reductionism and reflexive monism. In: Susan Schneider and Max Velmans, eds. The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness (2nd Edition). Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 349-362. ISBN 9780470674062 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2017. An epistemology for the study of consciousness. In: Susan Schneider and Max Velmans, eds. The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness (2nd Edition). Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 769-784. ISBN 9780470674062 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2017. What and where are conscious experiences? Dualism, reductionism, and reflexive monism. In: Kurt Almqvist and Anders Haag, eds. The Return of Consciousness: A New Science on Old Questions. Stockholm: Sweden: Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, pp. 127-144. ISBN 9789189672901 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2014. Conscious agency and the preconscious/unconscious self. In: Sangeetha Menon; Anindya Sinha and B. V. Sreekantan, eds. Consciousness and Self: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New Delhi: Springer, pp. 11-25. ISBN 9788132215868 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2013. Sentient matter. In: Graham Harvey, ed. Handbook of Contemporary Animism. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 363-372. ISBN 9781844657117 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2013. How to arrive at an Eastern place from a Western Direction: Convergences and divergences among Samkya Yoga, Advaita Vedanta, the Body-Mind-Consciousness (Trident) Model and Reflexive Monism. In: B. Sambasiva Prasad, ed. Consciousness Gandhi and Yoga: Interdisciplinary, East-West Odyssey of K.Ramakrishna Rao. New Delhi: D. K. Printworld, pp. 107-139. ISBN 9788124607152 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2013. Preconscious free will. In: Harold Pashler, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Mind. 2 Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, pp. 611-613. ISBN 9781412950572 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2009. Psychophysical nature. In: Harald Atmanspacher and Hans Primas, eds. Recasting Reality: Wolfgang Pauli's Philosophical Ideas and Contemporary Science. Berlin: Springer, pp. 115-134. ISBN 9783540851974 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2008. Consciousness and the physical world. In: Michel Weber and Will Desmond, eds. Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. 10 Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, pp. 371-382. ISBN 9783110333299 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2008. How to separate conceptual issues from empirical ones in the study of consciousness. In: Rahul Banerjee and Bikas K. Chakrabarti, eds. Models of Brain and Mind: Physical, Computational and Psychological Approaches. 168 Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 1-9. ISBN 9780444530509 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2007. Dualism, reductionism and reflexive monism. In: Max Velmans and Susan Schneider, eds. The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 346-358. ISBN 9781405120197 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max and Blackmore, Susan. 2007. Max Velmans. In: Susan Blackmore, ed. Conversations on Consciousness: What the Best Minds Think about the Brain, Free Will, and What It Means to Be Human. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 233-244. ISBN 9780195179590 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2007. An epistemology for the study of consciousness. In: Max Velmans and Susan Schneider, eds. The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 711-725. ISBN 9781405120197 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2005. Causal interactions of consciousness, unconscious mind and brain. In: P Giampieri-Deutsch, ed. Psychoanalysis as an Empirical, Interdisciplinary Science: Collected Papers on Contemporary Psychoanalytic Research. 27 Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 91-117. ISBN 9783700133865 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2003. How could images heal anything? In: A. A. Sheikh, ed. Healing Images: The Role of Imagination in the Healing Process. Amityville, New York: Baywood Publishing Company, pp. 53-71. ISBN 0895032082 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2000. An introduction to Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness. In: Max Velmans, ed. Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness: New Methodologies and Maps. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9789027251336 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2000. A psychologist’s map of consciousness studies. In: Max Velmans, ed. Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness: New Methodologies and Maps. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 333-358. ISBN 9789027251336 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 1999. Perception, attention, and consciousness. In: C. Taddei-Ferretti and C. Musio, eds. Neuronal Bases and Psychological Aspects of Consciousness. River Edge, New Jersey: New World Scientific Press, pp. 111-124. ISBN 9789810235970 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 1999. Understanding consciousness: beyond dualism and reductionism. In: C. Taddei-Ferretti and C. Musio, eds. Neuronal Bases and Psychological Aspects of Consciousness. River Edge, New Jersey: New World Scientific Press, pp. 458-468. ISBN 9789810235970 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 1998. Goodbye to reductionism. In: Stuart R. Hameroff; Alfred W. Kaszniak and Alwyn C. Scott, eds. Towards a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press, pp. 45-52. ISBN 9780262082624 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 1998. Physical, psychological and virtual realities. In: John Wood, ed. The Virtual Embodied: Presence, Practice, Technology. London: Routledge, pp. 45-60. ISBN 9781134720972 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 1996. An introduction to the science of consciousness. In: Max Velmans, ed. The Science of Consciousness: Psychological, Neuropsychological and Clinical Reviews. London: Routledge, pp. 1-22. ISBN 0415110815 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 1993. A Reflexive Science of Consciousness. In: Gregory R. Bock and Joan Marsh, eds. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Consciousness. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 81-99. ISBN 0471938661 [Book Section]


Edited Book

Velmans, Max, ed. 2018. Consciousness (Critical Concepts in Psychology), (4 volumes). Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781138848634 [Edited Book]

Schneider, Susan and Velmans, Max, eds. 2017. The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness: Second Edition. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 9780470674062 [Edited Book]

Velmans, Max and Schneider, Susan, eds. 2007. The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. Malden: MA, USA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN 9781405120197 [Edited Book]

Velmans, Max, ed. 2000. Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness: New Methodologies and Maps. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN 1556191936 [Edited Book]


Velmans, Max; Morrison-Coulthart, Lisa; Colley, Ann; Foot, Hugh; Foreman, Nigel; Kent, Gerry; Kwiatkowski, Richard and Sloboda, John. 2004. Guidelines for Minimum Standards of Ethical Approval in Psychological Research. Manual. The British Psychological Society, Leicester. [Report]

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