Items Authored/Edited by Prophet, Jane

Number of items: 28.
Art Object
Prophet, Jane.
(Projection) mapping the brain: a critical cartographic approach to the
artist’s use of fMRI to study the contemplation of death.
Prophet, Jane and Pritchard, Helen.
Performative Apparatus and
Diffractive Practices: An Account of Artificial Life Art.
Artificial Life, 21(3),
pp. 332-343.
ISSN 1064-5462
Prophet, Jane and Pritchard, Helen.
Diffractive Art Practices: Computation and the Messy Entanglements between Mainstream Contemporary Art, and New Media Art.
artnodes, 15,
Prophet, Jane.
Model Ideas: from stem cell simulation to large-scale floating art installation.
Leonardo, 44(3),
pp. 262-263.
ISSN 0024-094X
Bird, Jon; d'Inverno, Mark and Prophet, Jane.
Net Work: an interactive artwork designed using an interdisciplinary performative approach.
Digital Creativity, 18(1),
pp. 11-23.
ISSN 1462-6268
Book Section
Prophet, Jane.
Self-Portrait of the Artist Meditating on Death: Feminist Technoscience and the Apparatus of Contemporary Neuroscience Experiments.
In: Charissa N. Terranova and Meredith Tromble, eds.
The Routledge Handbook to Biology in Art and Architecture.
New York: Routledge, pp. 482-504.
ISBN 9781138919341
[Book Section]
Prophet, Jane and Pritchard, Helen.
The Design, Individuation, and Entanglement of Ubicomp Apps in Urban South East Asia.
In: Ulrik Ekman; Jay David Bolter; Lily Díaz; Morten Søndergaard and Maria Engberg, eds.
Ubiquitous Computing, Complexity and Culture.
New York and London: Routledge, pp. 256-268.
ISBN 978-0415743822
[Book Section]
d'Inverno, Mark; Theise, Neil and Prophet, Jane.
Mathematical Modeling of Stem Cells: A Complexity Primer for the Stem-Cell Biologist.
In: Christopher S. Potten; Robert B. Clarke; James Wilson and Andrew G. Renehan, eds.
Tissue Stem Cells.
New York, NY: Taylor and Francis, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 9780824728991
[Book Section]
Prophet, Jane and d'Inverno, Mark.
Creative conflict in interdisciplinary collaboration: interpretation, scale and emergence.
In: Ernest Edmonds and Ross Gibson, eds.
Interaction: systems, theory and practice.
Sydney, Australia: Creativity & Cognition Studios Press, pp. 251-270.
ISBN 9780975153314
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item
Prophet, Jane and Pritchard, Helen.
'SE Asian Ubicomp and ALife: Roaming
and Homing with TechnoSphere 2.0
Computational Companions'.
In: Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) CHI conference. Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Bird, Jon; d'Inverno, Mark and Prophet, Jane.
'Net Work: Lessons from Collaboratively Designing an Interactive Artwork'.
In: Generative Art 2006 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference. Milan, Italy 13 - 15 December 2006.
[Conference or Workshop Item]