Items Authored/Edited by Wilkins, Andrew

Number of items: 49.
Nicholson, Phil and Wilkins, Andrew.
Intermediaries in local schooling landscapes: Partnership building and policy enactment during times of crisis.
Journal of Education Policy, 40(1),
pp. 89-110.
ISSN 0268-0939
Wilkins, Andrew and Gobby, Brad.
Objects and subjects of risk: A governmentality approach to education governance.
Globalisation, Societies and Education, 22(5),
pp. 915-928.
ISSN 1476-7724
Wilkins, Andrew and Mifsud, Denise.
What is governance? Projects, objects and analytics in education.
Journal of Education Policy, 39(3),
pp. 349-365.
ISSN 0268-0939
Keddie, Amanda; MacDonald, Katrina; Blackmore, Jill; Boyask, Ruth; Fitzgerald, Scott; Gavin, Mihajla; Heffernan, Amanda; Hursh, David; McGrath-Champ, Susan; Møller, Jorunn; O’Neill, John; Parding, Karolina; Salokangas, Maija; Skerritt, Craig; Stacey, Meghan; Thomson, Pat; Wilkins, Andrew; Wilson, Rachel; Wylie, Cathy and Yoon, Ee‑Seu.
What needs to happen for school autonomy to be mobilised to create more equitable public schools and systems of education?
Australian Educational Researcher, 50(5),
pp. 1571-1597.
ISSN 0311-6999
Wilkins, Andrew.
Book review of Reframing Education as a Public and Common Good: Enhancing Democratic Governance by Rita Locatelli.
Journal of Education Policy, 36(1),
pp. 155-158.
ISSN 0268-0939
Wilkins, Andrew.
Book review of The Handbook of Global Education Policy by K. Mundy, A. Green, B. Lingard, and A. Verger (eds).
Journal of Education Policy, 35(2),
pp. 284-286.
ISSN 0268-0939
Wilkins, Andrew.
The processual life of neoliberalisation: Permutations of value systems and normative commitments in a co-operative trust setting.
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23(11),
pp. 1180-1195.
ISSN 1360-3116
Wilkins, Andrew; Collet-Sabé, Jordi; Gobby, Brad and Hangartner, Judith.
Translations of new public management: a decentred approach to school governance in four OECD countries.
Globalisation, Societies and Education, 17(2),
pp. 147-160.
ISSN 1476-7724
Wilkins, Andrew.
Book review of Through a glass darkly: The social science look at the neoliberal university by Margaret Thornton (ed.).
Journal of Education Policy, 32(3),
pp. 386-387.
ISSN 0268-0939
Olmedo, Antonio and Wilkins, Andrew.
Governing through parents: a genealogical enquiry of education policy and the construction of neoliberal subjectivities in England.
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 38(4),
pp. 573-589.
ISSN 0159-6306
Wilkins, Andrew.
Rescaling the local: multi-academy trusts, private monopoly and statecraft in England.
Journal of Educational Administration and History, 49(2),
pp. 171-185.
ISSN 0022-0620
Wilkins, Andrew.
Book review of STEM strategies: student ambassadors and equality in higher education by Clare Gartland.
Journal of Education Policy, 30(5),
pp. 747-748.
ISSN 0268-0939
Wilkins, Andrew.
Professionalizing school governance: the disciplinary effects of school autonomy and inspection on the changing role of school governors.
Journal of Education Policy, 30(2),
pp. 182-200.
ISSN 0268-0939
Wilkins, Andrew and Burke, Penny Jane.
Widening participation in higher education: the role of professional and social class identities and commitments.
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 36(3),
pp. 434-452.
ISSN 0142-5692
Olmedo, Antonio and Wilkins, Andrew.
Gobernar la educación a través de los padrespolítica educativa y construcción de subjetividades neoliberales en Inglaterra. (Governing education through parents: education policy and the construction of neoliberal subjectivities in England).
Profesorado, 18(2),
pp. 99-116.
ISSN 1138-414X
Wilkins, Andrew.
Book review of Social Theory and Education Research by Mark Murphy (ed.).
Social Theory Applied,
Wilkins, Andrew.
Book review of Local Democracy, Civic Engagement and Community: From New Labour to the Big Society by Hugh Atkinson.
LSE Review of Books,
Wilkins, Andrew.
Shades of Freire: Exorcising the spectre haunting pedagogy.
Journal of Pedagogy, 3(1),
pp. 11-12.
Wilkins, Andrew.
Libertarian paternalism: Policy and everyday translations of the rational and the affective.
Critical Policy Studies, 7(4),
pp. 395-406.
ISSN 1946-0171
Wilkins, Andrew.
Pedagogy of the Consumer: The Politics of Neo-liberal Welfare Reform.
Journal of Pedagogy, 3(2),
pp. 161-173.
Wilkins, Andrew.
Public battles and private takeovers: Academies and the politics of educational governance.
Journal of Pedagogy, 3(1),
pp. 11-29.
Wilkins, Andrew.
Commodifying diversity: Education and governance in the era of neoliberalism.
Human Affairs, 22(2),
pp. 122-130.
ISSN 1210-3055
Wilkins, Andrew.
Push and pull in the classroom: Competition, gender and the neoliberal subject.
Gender and Education, 24(7),
pp. 765-768.
ISSN 0954-0253
Wilkins, Andrew.
School choice and the commodification of education: A visual approach to school brochures and websites.
Critical Social Policy, 32(1),
pp. 69-86.
ISSN 0261-0183
Wilkins, Andrew.
The spectre of neoliberalism: pedagogy, gender and the construction of learner identities.
Critical Studies in Education, 53(2),
pp. 197-201.
ISSN 1750-8487
Wilkins, Andrew.
Community and School Choice: Geographies of Care and Responsibility.
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 21(1),
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 1052-9284
Wilkins, Andrew.
School choice, consumerism and the ethical strand in talk.
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32(2),
pp. 357-370.
ISSN 0159-6306
Wilkins, Andrew.
Citizens and/or consumers: mutations in the construction of concepts and practices of school choice.
Journal of Education Policy, 25(2),
pp. 171-189.
ISSN 0268-0939
Wilkins, Andrew; Courtney, Steven J. and Piattoeva, Nelli.
Keywords in education policy research: A conceptual toolbox.
Bristol: Policy Press.
ISBN 9781447360100
Book Section
Gobby, Brad; Karnovsky, Saul and Wilkins, Andrew.
Using Foucault to interrogate teaching wellbeing as discourse.
In: Richard Niesche and Denise Mifsud, eds.
Thinking with Michel Foucault in Educational Leadership: Methodological and Conceptual Challenges.
London: Bloomsbury.
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew; Collet-Sabé, Jordi; Esper, Tomás; Gobby, Brad and Grimaldi, Emiliano.
Assembling New Public Management: Actors, networks and projects.
In: Derek Brent Edwards; Antoni Verger; Keita Takayama and Marcia McKenzie, eds.
Researching Global Education Policy: Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement.
Bristol: Policy Press.
ISBN 9781447368021
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew.
Publics in education: Thinking with Gunter on plurality, democracy and local reasoning.
In: Tanya Fitzgerald and Steven, J. Courtney, eds.
Critical education policy and leadership studies: The intellectual contributions of Helen M. Gunter.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, pp. 113-126.
ISBN 97830031368004
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew.
In: Andrew Wilkins, ed.
Policy Foundations of Education.
London: Bloomsbury Academic.
ISBN 9781350171138
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew.
Mapping the field: Education policy research and theory.
In: Andrew Wilkins, ed.
Policy Foundations of Education.
London: Bloomsbury Academic.
ISBN 9781350171138
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew.
Academisation and the law of ‘attraction’: An ethnographic study of relays, connective strategies and regulated participation.
In: Christy Kulz; Kirsty Morrin and Ruth McGinity, eds.
Inside the English Education Lab: Critical Ethnographic Perspectives on the Academies Experiment.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 35-59.
ISBN 9781526145383
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew.
Deconstructing governance: Perspectives in post-positivist thinking.
In: Michael A. Peters and Richard Heraud, eds.
Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation.
Singapore: Springer.
ISBN 9789811322624
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew and Gobby, Brad.
Governance and educational leadership.
In: Steven Courtney; Helen Gunter; Richard Niesche and Tina Trujillo, eds.
Understanding educational leadership: Critical perspectives and approaches.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 309-322.
ISBN 9781350081833
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew.
Creating expert publics: A governmentality approach to school governance under neoliberalism.
In: Steven J Courtney; Ruth McGinity and Helen Gunter, eds.
Educational Leadership: Theorising Professional Practice in Neoliberal Times.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 97-110.
ISBN 9780367202170
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew.
The business of governorship: Corporate elitism in public education.
In: Helen M. Gunter; David Hall and Michael W. Apple, eds.
Corporate Elites and the Reform of Public Education.
Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 161-176.
ISBN 9781447326809
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew.
Affective Labour and Neoliberal Fantasies: The Gendered and Moral Economy of School Choice in England.
In: Melinda Vandenbeld Giles, ed.
Mothering in the Age of Neoliberalism.
Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press, pp. 265-282.
ISBN 9781927335284
[Book Section]
Edited Book
Wilkins, Andrew, ed.
Policy Foundations of Education.
London: Bloomsbury Academic.
ISBN 9781350171138
[Edited Book]
Wilkins, Andrew and Olmedo, Antonio, eds.
Education Governance and Social Theory: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research.
London: Bloomsbury Academic.
ISBN 9781350040083
[Edited Book]