Number of items at this level: 376.
Aalberg, Toril;
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Coen, Sharon;
Soroka, Stuart;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Ivengar, Shanto;
Jones, Paul K.;
Mazzoleni, Gianpietro;
Rojas, Hernando;
Rowe, David;
Tiffen, Rod and
Curran, James P..
International TV News, Foreign Affairs Interest and Public Knowledge: A Comparative Study of Foreign News Coverage and Public Opinion in 11 Countries.
Journalism Studies, 14(3),
pp. 387-406.
ISSN 1461-670X
Curran, James P.;
Coen, Sharon;
Aalberg, Toril;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Jones, Paul K.;
Splendore, Sergio;
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Rowe, David and
Tiffen, Rod.
Internet Revolution Revisited : A Comparative Study of Online News Journal.
Media, Culture & Society, 35(7),
pp. 880-897.
ISSN 0163-4437
Curran, James P.;
Coen, Sharon;
Soroka, Stuart;
Aalberg, Toril;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Hichy, Zira;
Iyengar, Shanto;
Jones, Paul;
Mazzoleni, Gianpietro;
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Woong Rhee, June;
Rojas, Hernando;
Rowe, David and
Tiffen, Rod.
Reconsidering ‘Virtuous Circle’ and ‘Media Malaise’ Theories of the Media: An 11-Nation Study.
Journalism, 15(7),
pp. 815-833.
ISSN 1464-8849
Curran, James P.;
Soroka, Stuart;
Andrew, Blake;
Aalberg, Toril;
Ivengar, Shanto;
Coen, Sharon;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Jones, Paul K.;
Mazzoleni, Gianpietro;
Woong Rhee, June;
Rowe, David and
Tiffen, Rod.
Auntie Knows Best? Public Broadcasting and Public Affairs Knowledge.
British Journal of Political Science, 43(4),
pp. 719-739.
ISSN 0007-1234
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Coen, Sharon;
Curran, James P.;
Aalberg, Toril;
Rowe, David;
Jones, Paul K.;
Rojas, Hernando and
Tiffen, Rod.
Online Threat, But Television is Still Dominant
A comparative study of 11 nations’ news consumption.
Journalism Practice, 7(6),
pp. 690-704.
ISSN 1751-2786
Tiffen, Rodney;
Jones, Paul K.;
Rowe, David;
Aalberg, Toril;
Coen, Sharon;
Curran, James P.;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Iyengar, Shanto;
Mazzoleni, Gianpietro;
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Rojas, Hernando and
Soroka, Stuart.
Sources in the News: A Comparative Study.
Journalism Studies, 15(4),
pp. 374-391.
ISSN 1461-670X
 Preview |
Yang, J.;
Rojas, H.;
Wojcieszak, M.;
Aalberg, T;
Coen, S.;
Curran, James P.;
Iyengar, S;
Hayashi, K.;
Jones, P.K.;
Mazzoleni, G.;
Papathanassopoulos, S.;
Rhee, J.W.;
Rowe, D;
Soroka, S. and
Tiffen,, R..
Why are “others” so polarized? Perceived political polarization and media use in 10 countries.
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 21(5),
pp. 349-367.
Book Section
Curran, James P..
Media Diversity and Democracy.
Tim Gardam and
David Levy, eds.
The Price of Plurality: Choice, Diversity and Broadcasting Institutions in the Digital Age.
Oxford: Reuters, pp. 103-109.
ISBN 978-0955888908
[Book Section]
Curran, James P..
Mediageschiedenis en ideologie.
Jo Bardoel;
Huub Wijfjes;
Chris Vos and
Frank van Vree, eds.
Journalistieke Cultuur in Nederland.
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 464-488.
ISBN 978-9089645586
[Book Section]
Curran, James P..
Reinterpreting the Internet.
James P. Curran;
Natalie Fenton and
Des (D. J.) Freedman, eds.
Misunderstanding the Internet.
Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 3-33.
ISBN 978-0-415-57956-8
[Book Section]
Curran, James P..
Sucesos, Noticias Internacionales y Hard News.
Maria Lamuedra Gravan, ed.
El futuro de la Televisión Pública / The Future of Public Television: La Necesaria Alianza Con La Ciudadania / the Necessary Alliance With Citizenship (Spanish).
Madrid: Poular Editorial, pp. 35-58.
ISBN 978-8478845224
[Book Section]
Curran, James P..
The rise of the Westminster school.
Andrew Calabrese and
Colin Sparks, eds.
Toward a Political Economy of Culture: Capitalism and Communication in the Twenty-first Century.
Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 13-40.
ISBN 978-0742526846
[Book Section]
Curran, James P. and
Aalberg, Toril.
James P. Curran and
Toril Aalberg, eds.
How Media Inform Democracy: A Comparative Approach.
New York: Routledge, pp. 189-200.
ISBN 978-0415740425
[Book Section]
Curran, James P. and
Couldry, Nick.
The paradox of media power.
James P. Curran and
Nick Couldry, eds.
Contesting Media Power: Alternative Media in a Networked World: Alternative Media in a Networked World.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 3-16.
ISBN 978-0742523852
[Book Section]
Davis, Aeron.
Spinning Money.
David Miller and
William Dinan, eds.
Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Corporate PR and the Assault on Democracy.
Pluto Press, pp. 212-225.
ISBN 978-0745324449
[Book Section]
Freedman, Des (D. J.).
Power in the Digital Economy.
Granville Williams, ed.
Big Media and Internet Titans: Media Ownership: the Democratic Challenge.
Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom, pp. 94-105.
ISBN 978-1898240075
[Book Section]
Freedman, Des (D. J.) and
Obar, Jonathan, A..
Media Reform: An Overview.
Des (D. J.) Freedman;
Jonathan Obar;
Cheryl Martens and
Robert McChesney, eds.
Strategies for Media Reform: International Perspectives.
New York: Fordham University Press, pp. 3-18.
ISBN 9780823271658
[Book Section]
Khiabany, Gholam.
The Middle East.
Benjamin Birkinbine;
Gomez Rodrigi and
Janet Wasko, eds.
Global Media Giants.
New York: Routledge.
ISBN 9781138927711
[Book Section]
Khiabany, Gholam.
The Visible Hand of the State.
Gavan Titley;
Des (D. J.) Freedman;
Gholam Khiabany and
Aurelien Mondon, eds.
After Charlie Hebdo: Terror, Racism and Free Speech.
London: Zed Books, pp. 114-128.
ISBN 978-1-78360-938-3 pb
[Book Section]
Phillips, Angela.
A Very British Response.
Risto Kunelius;
Elizabeth Eide;
Oliver Hahn and
Roland Schroeder, eds.
Reading the Mohammed Cartoons Controversy: An International Analysis of Press Discourses on Free Speech and Political Spin.
Freiburg: Projekt Verlag.
ISBN 978-3897331679
[Book Section]
Phillips, Angela.
'Who Speaks?
Elizabeth Eide;
Risto Kunelius and
Angela Phillips, eds.
Transnational Media Events: The Mohammed Cartoons & the Imagined Clash of Civilizations.
Gotenburg: Nordiskt Informationscenter.
ISBN 978-9189471641
[Book Section]
Phillips, Angela and
Nossek, Hillel.
Ourselves and Our Others.
Elizabeth Eide;
Risto Kunelius and
Angela Phillips, eds.
Transnational Media Events: The Mohammed Cartoons & the Imagined Clash of Civilizations.
Gotenburg: Nordiskt Informationscenter.
ISBN 978-9189471641
[Book Section]
Conference or Workshop Item
Curran, James P.;
Coen, Sharon;
Soroka, Stuart;
Aalberg, Toril;
Hayashi, Kaori;
Hichy, Zira;
Iyengar, Shanto;
Jones, Paul;
Krishnatray, Pradeep;
Mazzoleni, Gianpietro;
Maeda, Yukio;
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos;
Woong Rhee, June;
Rojas, Hernando;
Rowe, David and
Tiffen, Rod.
'Media System, Public Knowledge and Political Engagement: An 11-Nation Study'.
Media system, public knowledge and political engagement : an 11-nation study. London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gardiner, Becky.
'Mirrors or Movers IV'.
Mirrors and Movers IV: Keynote panel discussion (How do we get the internet we want?). London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gardiner, Becky;
Ferrier, Michelle and
Chemaly, Soraya.
'NewsImpact Summit'.
Trolls, Corruption, Falsehood: Reporting 'Truth' in the Digital Age. LSE, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Edited Book
Edited Journal
Professional Activity
 Preview |
Freedman, Des (D. J.);
Tryhorn, Chris;
Goblot, Vana;
Born, Georgina;
Loughrey, Pat;
Chitty, Andrew;
Griffee, Andrew;
Watson, Neil;
Clayton, Sue;
Normington, David;
Douglas, Omega and
O’Neill, Onora.
A Future for Public Service Television: Content and Platforms in a Digital World.
Project Report.
This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 02:58:02 2025 GMT.