Items where Division is "Social, Therapeutic & Community Engagement (STaCS) > Unit for Psychotherapeutic Studies [2004-2024]"

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Amin Choudhury, Arshia; Lecchi, Tanya and Midgley, Nick. 2024. Understanding change – developing a typology of therapy outcomes from the experience of adolescents with depression. Psychotherapy Research, 34(2), pp. 171-181. ISSN 1050-3307 [Article]


Frizell, Caroline, ed. 2023. Embodied practice and research with the earth in mind, Body Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 18(4). 1743-2979 [Edited Journal]

Frizell, Caroline. 2023. Coming home to a posthuman body. In: Linda Aspey; Catherine Jackson and Diane Parker, eds. Holding the Hope: reviving psychological & spiritual agency in the face of climate change. Monmouth: PCCS Books, pp. 76-85. ISBN 9781915220271 [Book Section]

Frizell, Caroline. 2023. The matriarch and the mollusc and all things in between. In: Caroline Frizell and Marina Rova, eds. Creative Bodies in Therapy, Performance and Community: Research and Practice that Brings us Home. London: Routledge, pp. 180-189. ISBN 9781032119809 [Book Section]

Gupta, Anna; Bernard, Claudia A.; Lakhanpaul, Monica; Sharma, Anita; Peres, Teresa and Schack, Laura. 2023. The Consortium on Practices of Wellbeing and Resilience in BAME Families and Communities: Children, Young People and their Families. Project Report. UCL/Goldsmiths, University of London/Royal Holloway, University of London, London. [Report]

Luzon, O.; Afzali, S.; Baribeau, C.; Bhatoa, R.S.; Choudhury, A.; Dale, A.; Haghiran, M.; Kirhan, S.; Powell, B.; Shaw, H.; Surendran, P. and Wong, C.L.M.. 2023. Agents of change: A vision for psychology through the lens of tomorrow’s leaders. Clinical Psychology Forum(363), pp. 74-85. ISSN 1747-5732 [Article]


Abrams, Benjamin; Travaglino, Giovanni A.; Gardner, Peter R. and Callan, Brian. 2022. The Meaning of Contention. Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest, 10(2), pp. 83-101. ISSN 2572-7184 [Article]

Scwalbe, Annette; Curtis, Sue and Greenland, Christina. 2022. Holding Sacred: The Woman's Body in Supervision. In: Céline Butte and Tasha Colbert, eds. Embodied Approaches to Supervision: The Listening Body. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 123-145. ISBN 9780367473341 [Book Section]

Turhan, Zeynep and Bernard, Claudia A.. 2022. Challenges and Strategies of Translation in a Qualitative and Sensitive Research. Qualitative Research, 22(3), pp. 487-495. ISSN 1468-7941 [Article]

Turhan, Zeynep and Bernard, Claudia A.. 2022. The Lived Experiences of Turkish Men’s Engagement in Domestic Violence Interventions in England. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 6(1), pp. 209-226. ISSN 2398-6808 [Article]


Morris, Lesley and Westwood, Jill. 2021. Crossing the Field: Creating Intra-Active Spaces Through a Participatory Artists’ Event Towards Problematizing Art Therapy. In: Val Huet and Lynn Kapitan, eds. International Advances in Art Therapy Research and Practice: The Emerging Picture. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 347-358. ISBN 9781527565845 [Book Section]

Westwood, Jill and Morris, Lesley. 2021. Subterranean dreaming in the intertidal zone. In: Daniel Wong and Ronald P.M.H. Lay, eds. Found Objects in Art Therapy: Materials and Process. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 213-230. ISBN 9781785926914 [Book Section]


Frizell, Caroline. 2020. Reclaiming our innate vitality: bringing embodied narratives to life through Dance Movement Psychotherapy. In: Amanda Williamson and Barbara Sellers-Young, eds. Spiritual Herstories: Call of the soul in dance research. Bristol, UK: Intellect, pp. 207-220. ISBN 9781789380828 [Book Section]

Turhan, Zeynep and Bernard, Claudia A.. 2020. Negotiating with Gatekeepers: Reflexivity in Exploring Turkish Men's Engagement in Domestic Violence Perpetrators Interventions in the UK. The Qualitative Report, 25(8), pp. 3065-3079. ISSN 1052-0147 [Article]


Gilroy, Andrea; Linnell, Sheridan; McKenna, Tarquam and Westwood, Jill, eds. 2019. Art Therapy in Australia: Taking a Postcolonial, Aesthetic Turn. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill | Sense. ISBN 9789004315181 [Edited Book]

Bernard, Claudia A. and Harris, Perlita. 2019. Serious case reviews: The lived experience of Black children. Child and Family Social Work, 24(2), pp. 256-263. ISSN 1356-7500 [Article]

Frizell, Caroline. 2019. 'Ecopsychology: working towards health and wellbeing in a world in which all matter matters'. In: International Festival of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Royal Society of Arts, London, United Kingdom 22 - 29 September 2019. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Frizell, Caroline. 2019. '‘Respect for Other: touching and being touched’ Key note presentation at “Space for Art Therapies” 2019: 4th International Conference in Expressive Art Therapies'. In: “Space for Art Therapies” 2019: 4th International Conference in Expressive Art Therapies. Prague, Czech Republic 28-29 June 2019. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gilroy, Andrea; Linnell, Sheridan; McKenna, Tarquam and Westwood, Jill. 2019. An Introduction of Sorts or All Sorts of Introductions. In: Andrea Gilroy; Sheridan Linnell; Tarquam McKenna and Jill Westwood, eds. Art Therapy in Australia: Taking a Postcolonial, Aesthetic Turn. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill | Sense, pp. 1-41. ISBN 9789004368262 [Book Section]

Jones, Kevin. 2019. 'Art Therapy Large Group (ATLG): Politics and Possibilities'. In: Taking Part. South Bank Centre. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Linnell, Sheridan; Perry, Suzanne; Pretorius, Josephine and Westwood, Jill. 2019. Where knowing and not knowing touch: Contemporary Art as a Mode of Research, Subjective Transformation and Social Engagement. In: Andrea Gilroy; Sheridan Linnell; Tarquam McKenna and Jill Westwood, eds. Art Therapy in Australia: Taking a Postcolonial, Aesthetic Turn. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill | Sense, pp. 253-281. ISBN 9789004315181 [Book Section]

Linnell, Sheridan and Westwood, Jill. 2019. 'Book Launch Talk - Art Therapy in Australia'. In: Art Therapy in Australia: Taking a Postcolonial, Aesthetic Turn - UK Book Launch. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 12 November 2019. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Linnell, Sheridan and Westwood, Jill. 2019. 'Within and beyond ‘The Field’- artful entanglements with each other and what matters'. In: Within and beyond ‘The Field’- artful entanglements with each other and what matters. CCRI, Edinburgh University, United Kingdom 14 November 2019. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Nigianni, Chrysanthi and Voela, Angie. 2019. Psychoanalytic Practice and Queer Theory: Queering the Clinic. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 20(4), pp. 234-237. ISSN 1524-0657 [Article]

Westwood, Jill. 2019. Hybrid Creatures: Art therapy education in Australia. Memory foam - re-tracing and re-searching my steps - from there to here and back again. In: , ed. Art Therapy in Australia: Taking a Postcolonial, Aesthetic Turn. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill | Sense, pp. 157-211. ISBN 9789004315181 [Book Section]


Gilroy, Andrea; Linnell, Sheridan; McKenna, Tarquam and Westwood, Jill, eds. 2018. Art therapy in Australia, taking a postcolonial, aesthetic turn. Leiden: Brill | Sense. ISBN 9789004368262 [Edited Book]

Bernard, Claudia A.. 2018. Working with Cultural and Religious Diversity. In: Jan Horwath and Dendy Platt, eds. The Child's World: The Essential Guide to Assessing Vulnerable Children, Young People and their Families. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 649-665. ISBN 9781784503826 [Book Section]

Westwood, Jill; Fenner, Patricia and Karkou, Vicky. 2018. 'DGPNN Conference Presentation - Symposium 'The Future of Art Therapy''. In: DGPNN Conference 2018. Berlin, Germany 28 November- 1 December 2018. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Bernard, Claudia A.. 2017. Reflecting on a Journey: Positionality, Marginality and the Outsider-Within. In: D Gabriel and S A Tate, eds. Inside the Ivory Tower: Narratives of Women of Colour Surviving and Thriving in British Academia. London: IOE Press, pp. 80-90. ISBN 978-1-858-56-848-5 [Book Section]

Frizell, Caroline. 2017. Book review: Other than Mother: Choosing childlessness with Global Consequences. Transformations: The Journal for Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility, 2017(Summer), [Article]

Harper, Eric and Mwaniki, Charity N.. 2017. The Production of an Anxiety Dream Space Machine. In: Constantin V. Boundas, ed. Schizoanalysis and Ecosophy: Reading Deleuze and Guattari. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 213-230. ISBN 9781350052185 [Book Section]

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Lay, Ronald; Morris, Lesley; Safian, Emylia and Westwood, Jill. 2017. 'Singapore – London, Intersubjective Discoveries: An Intercultural Experience Between Two Art Therapy Training Programmes Using An Art-Based Approach'. In: Finding Spaces, Making Places: Exploring social and cultural space in contemporary art therapy practice. Goldsmiths, United Kingdom 13-16 April 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Lever, Anita; Linnell, Sheridan; Morris, Lesley and Westwood, Jill. 2017. 'Crossing The Field: creating intra-active spaces through a participatory artists’ event'. In: Finding Spaces, Making Places: Exploring social and cultural space in contemporary art therapy practice. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 13-16 April 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Stacey, Timothy. 2017. Imagining solidarity in the twenty-first century: towards a performative postsecularism. Religion, State and Society, 45(2), pp. 141-158. ISSN 0963-7494 [Article]


Best, Paul; Gil-Rodriguez, Elena; Manktelow, Roger and Taylor, Brian. J.. 2016. Seeking Help From Everyone and No-One: Conceptualizing the Online Help-Seeking process Among Adolescent Males. Qualitative Health Research, 26(8), pp. 1067-1077. ISSN 1049-7323 [Article]

Curtis, Sue. 2016. Entering the Sensory Landscape. BACP Children & Young People, pp. 26-30. ISSN 2050-1897 [Article]

Curtis, Sue. 2016. Finding Spaces, Making Places. [Art Object]

Frizell, Caroline. 2016. 'Coming to our senses'. In: Eco-Psychotherapy: Healing and the Natural World. London Wetlands Centre, United Kingdom 18 March 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Frizell, Caroline. 2016. Decoding the Body's message. Therapy Today, 27(3), p. 42. ISSN 1748-7846 [Article]

Frizell, Caroline. 2016. 'Social Dreaming Matrix'. In: Social Dreaming Matrix. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 13 - 16 April 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lever, A; Linnell, Sheridan and Curtis, Sue. 2016. Plumb bob lines. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art Therapy, 11(1), pp. 69-71. ISSN 1833-9948 [Article]

Mukamel, Maya. 2016. The struggle against torture as a 'trauma process'. In: Jose Bruner and Galia Plotikin, eds. Beyond the consulting room: Psychological discourse in contemporary culture. Tel Aviv: Resling, pp. 99-125. [Book Section]

Skaife, Sally. 2016. 'On Being White: An Art Therapist's perspective'. In: Lecture series. Society of Psychotherapy, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Westwood, Jill. 2016. Art Therapy in Great Britain. In: David Gussak and Marcia Rosal, eds. The Wiley Blackwell handbook of art therapy. USA: Wiley Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 9781118306598 [Book Section]


Brown, Christopher; Catchpole, Kristen; Cavaliero, Annamaria; Kagiafa, Diana; Martyn, Jonathan; Morris, Lesley; Rimmer, Lisa; Rudnik, Susan; Skaife, Sally; Tipple, Robin A.; Velada, Diana and Westwood, Jill. 2015. someunconsciousthings Goldsmiths Art Psychotherapy Exhibition. In: "Freud Museum: Festival of the Unconscious. The Unconscious Revisited", Freud Museum, United Kingdom, 24 June -13 Sept 2015. [Show/Exhibition]

Westwood, Jill. 2015. '2015 ECArTE, 13th European Arts Therapies Conference'. In: 2015 ECArTE, 13th European Arts Therapies Conference. Palermo, Sicily, Italy 16-19 Sept 2015. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Di Giuseppe, Ray; Doyle, Kristene; Dryden, Windy and Backx, W. 2014. A practioner’s guide to rational emotive behavior therapy. 3rd edition. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-974304-9 [Book]

Frizell, Caroline. 2014. Body sense and Trauma. Therapy Today, 25(7), p. 45. ISSN 1748-7846 [Article]

Frizell, Caroline. 2014. Hope for the Future: a review of the Goldsmiths DMP MA Final Year Students’ End of Year Showcase June 2014. E-motion: the Journal for the Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy, XXIV(2), p. 24. [Article]

Frizell, Caroline. 2014. 'Work-life' Counsellors for Social Responsibility : Summer 2014; pp. 27-30. Transformations: The Journal for Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility, 2014(Summer), pp. 27-30. [Article]

Gilroy, Andrea. 2014. Taking a long look at Art: Reflections on the context of production and consumption of art in Art Therapy. ATOL: Art Therapy OnLine, 5(2), pp. 1-36. ISSN 2044-7221 [Article]

Linnell, Sheridan; Perry, Suzanne; Pretorius, Josephine; Westwood, Jill; Nebot, Olga; Rumbold, Jean; Horsfall, Debbie and Latham, Robyne. 2014. The Uninvited. [Image]

Perry, Suzanne and Westwood, Jill. 2014. 'Magical Thinking'. In: "Art-Nature-Wellbeing", Verge Gallery, University of Sydney, Australia, 30 May-8 June 2014. [Show/Exhibition]

Skaife, Sally and Jones, Kevin. 2014. 'The Impact of the Art Therapy Large Group on post-qualification professional practice.'. In: 45th American Art Therapy Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, United States 13 July 2014. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Skaife, Sally and Jones, Kevin. 2014. 'The Impactof the Art Therapy Large Group on professional practice'. In: 16th European Symposium in Group Analysis 2014. Lisbon, Portugal. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Westwood, Jill. 2014. 'Public Seminar: Below the Surface: MA Art Psychotherapy Exhibition 2014'. In: Below the Surface: MA Art Psychotherapy Exhibition. Goldsmiths University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Westwood, Jill. 2014. 'Skinheads and Roses' and 'The Wound'. In: "This is Now: Film and Video After Punk", British Film Institute, Southbank, London, United Kingdom, 4-17 April 2014. [Show/Exhibition]

Westwood, Jill; Fenner, Patricia and Kapitan, Lynn. 2014. 'Conversations with Patricia Fenner, Lynn Kapitan and Jill Westwood & Plenary Panel'. In: Embracing Ripples of Growth: LASALLE/ANZATA Symposium. LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Dryden, Windy. 2013. Humanistic Psychology: Possible ways forward. In: Richard House; David Kalisch and Jennifer Maidman, eds. The Future of Humanistic Psychology. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, pp. 119-124. ISBN 9781906254650 [Book Section]

Dryden, Windy. 2013. Rationality and pluralism: the selected works of Windy Dryden. Hove: Routledge. ISBN 9780415634786 [Book]

Dryden, Windy. 2013. Unconditional self-acceptance and self-compassion. In: Michael E. Bernard, ed. The Strength of Self-Acceptance: Theory, Practice and Research. New York: Springer, pp. 107-120. ISBN 9781461468059 [Book Section]

Frizell, Caroline. 2013. A Journey of Becoming. E-motion the journal for the Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy, XXIII(2), pp. 11-12. [Article]

Frizell, Caroline. 2013. Whole-earth Healing. Therapy Today, 24(4), pp. 44-45. ISSN 1748-7846 [Article]

Joel, Daphna; Tarrasch, Ricardo; Berman, Zohar; Mukamel, Maya and Ziv, Effy. 2013. Queering gender: studying gender identity in ‘normative’ individuals. Psychology & Sexuality, pp. 291-321. ISSN 1941-9899 [Article]

Linnell, Sheridan and Westwood, Jill. 2013. Art therapy in Australia. In: B Loza; A Chmielnicka-Plaskota and T Rudowski, eds. Arteterapia: od teorii do terapii. Poland: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjainej, pp. 55-60. [Book Section]

Neenan, Michael and Dryden, Windy. 2013. Life Coaching: A Cognitive-behavioural Approach Second Edition. Hove: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-66183-6 [Book]

Westwood, Jill. 2013. '20th Anniversary Event: MA Art Therapy, University of Western Sydney'. In: 20th Anniversary Event: MA Art Therapy, University of Western Sydney. University of Western Sydney, Australia. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Westwood, Jill. 2013. Finding a voice, making your mark (International Art Therapy Conference Exhibition). In: "Finding a voice, making your mark", Goldsmiths, United Kingdom, 8-11 April 2013. [Show/Exhibition]

Westwood, Jill. 2013. 'A genealogy of art therapy education in Australia'. In: Kinship Ties of Creativity, Past, Present and Future 23rd ANZATA Conference. University of Western Sydney, Australia. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Gilroy, Andrea; Tipple, Robin A. and Brown, Christopher, eds. 2012. Assessment in art therapy. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415567947 [Edited Book]

Dudley, Jane. 2012. The Art Psychotherapy Median Group. Group Analysis, 45(3), pp. 325-338. [Article]

Frizell, Caroline. 2012. Call of the wild. Therapy Today, 23(6), p. 46. ISSN 1748-7846 [Article]

Frizell, Caroline. 2012. Embodiment and the Supervisory Task. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy: An International Journal for Theory, Research and Practice, 7(4), pp. 293-304. ISSN 1743-2979 [Article]

Frizell, Caroline. 2012. 'Is anybody Listening? An experiential workshop'. In: Is any body listening?. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 18 May 2012. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Brown, Christopher; Dudley, Jane; Jones, Kevin; Morris, Lesley; Reddick, Dean; Skaife, Sally; Tipple, Robin A.; Velada, Diana and Westwood, Jill. 2011. A Group Unconscious. In: "15th European Symposium in Group Analysis", MA Art Psychotherapy, Goldsmiths College, Whitehead Building Foyer, London, United Kingdom, 28 August – 9 September 2011. [Show/Exhibition]

Dryden, Windy. 2011. Counselling in a Nutshell. 2nd edition. London: Sage. ISBN 978-0-85702-115-1 [Book]

Dryden, Windy and Neenan, Michael. 2011. Learning from mistakes in rational emotive behaviour therapy. Hove: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-67874-2 [Book]

Dudley, Jane. 2011. The Median Art Psychotherapy Group. ATOL, 1(2), pp. 1-26. ISSN ATOL: Art Therapy Online, 1(2) © 2011 [Article]

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Linnell, Sheridan; Perry, Suzanne; Pretorius, Josephine and Westwood, Jill. 2011. Where knowing and not knowing touch. [Film/Video]

Rose, H; Cohen, Keren and Kinney, c. 2011. Mothers' experiences of mental health services following their children's self-harm. Family Science, 2(3), pp. 196-202. ISSN 1942-4620 [Article]

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Westwood, Jill. 2011. 'Hybrid Creatures: Mapping the emerging shape of art therapy education in Australia (Conference Presentation)'. In: World Dreaming: World Congress for Psychotherapy 2011. Sydney, Australia 24-28 August 2011. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Westwood, Jill and Linnell, Sheridan. 2011. The emergence of Australian art therapies: Colonial legacies and hybrid practices. ATOL Art Therapy On Line Goldsmiths, 00-00. [Article]


Gilroy, Andrea, ed. 2010. Art therapy research in practice. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang. [Edited Book]

Woolfe, Ray; Strawbridge, Shelagh; Douglas, Barbara and Dryden, Windy, eds. 2010. Handbook of Counselling Psychology 3rd Edition. London: Sage. ISBN 9781847870797 [Edited Book]

Dudley, Jane. 2010. Breaking out of the Binary. Psychotherapy and Politics International, 8(3), pp. 227-238. ISSN 1476-9263 [Article]

Gilroy, Andrea. 2010. Uz pieradijumiems balstita prakse: principi, process, politika, standarti. In: S. K. Martinsone, ed. Petijumi. Makslu terapija rakstu krajums. Riga, Latvia: Drukatava, pp. 10-37. ISBN 978-9984-853-17-8 [Book Section]

Jones, Kevin. 2010. Navigating Art Therapy: A Therapists Companion. In: Chris Wood, ed. Navigating Art Therapy: an alphabetical anthology. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-22318-8 [Book Section]

Westwood, Jill. 2010. Hybrid Creatures: Mapping the emerging shape of art therapy education in Australia. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Westwood, Jill; Keyzer, Catherine and Evans, Jennifer. 2010. Art Therapy, children 0-6 years and their families: A research project surveying the Sydney region of New South Wales, Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art Therapy, 5(1), ISSN 1833-9948 [Article]


Gilroy, Andrea. 2009. Arteterapia - badania i praktyka. Lodz, Poland: Wydawmictwo Akademii Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej w Lodzi. ISBN 978-83-7405-486-7 [Book]

Westwood, Jill. 2009. 'The Work of Art is the Work of Embodiment'. In: 3rd International Scientific and Training Conference ARTS THERAPIES in Medicine and Education. Arts Therapies in Medicine and Education Conference. The Academy of Humanities & Economics, Lodz, Poland 20-22 November 2009. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Westwood, Jill. 2009. 'The work of art is the work of embodiment'. In: ECARTE 10th European ARTS THERAPIES CONFERENCE. ECArTE, United Kingdom 16-19 September. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Dryden, Windy. 2008. The very first contact with people enquiring about or seeking counselling. In: Windy Dryden and Andrew Reeves, eds. Key Issues for Counselling in Action. London: Sage, pp. 21-36. ISBN 978-1-429-4699-5 [Book Section]

Gilroy, Andrea. 2008. Bogactwo roznorodnosci czy neokolonializm? Rozwoj arteterapii na swiecie. Irrepressibly multiple or neo-colonial? The development of art therapy around the world. In: Wieslaw Karolak and Barbara Kaczorowska, eds. Arteterapia w medycynie i edukacji. Lodz, Poland: Wyzsza Szkola Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi, pp. 33-40. ISBN 978-83-7405-282-5 [Book Section]

Westwood, Jill. 2008. 'Conference Delegate'. In: American Art Therapy Association 39th Annual Conference. Cleveland, Ohio, United States 19-23 November 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Westwood, Jill. 2008. 'Exploring Internal Animals'. In: Workshop. Dam Kang University, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Westwood, Jill. 2008. 'Keynote Address:Tales of Art Therapy (Theories & Practices) from the UK & Australia'. In: International Expressive Arts Therapies Conference. Dam Kang University, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China 20-21 March 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Westwood, Jill. 2008. 'The Work of Art is the Work of Embodiment'. In: Education in Art Therapy Conference,. Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland 17-18 Oct 2008. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Brooker, Julie; Cullum, Michael; Gilroy, Andrea; McCombe, Brian; Mahony, Jacky; Ringrose, Kate; Russell, Denise; Smart, Louise; Zweigbergk, Britta von and Waldman, Judith. 2007. The use of art work in art psychotherapy with people who are prone to psychotic states: an evidence-based clinical practice guideline. London: Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust and Goldsmiths. ISBN 978-1-904158-78-3 [Book]

Linnell, Sheridan; Perry, Suzanne; Pretorius, Josephine and Westwood, Jill. 2007. Where knowing & not knowing touch (Art & the unconscious). In: "Where knowing and not knowing touch (art and the unconscious)", At the Vanishing Point Contemporary Art, Australia, 27 Sept – 7 Oct 2007. [Show/Exhibition]

Richardson, Phil; Jones, Kevin; Evans, Chris; Stevens, Peter and Rowe, Anna. 2007. Exploratory RCT of art therapy as an adjunctive treatment in schizophrenia. Journal of Mental Health, 16(4), 483 -491. ISSN 0963-8237 [Article]

Westwood, Jill. 2007. Picturing Organizations: A visual exploration of the unconscious at work. Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry, 6(1), pp. 36-57. ISSN 1532-5555 [Article]


Westwood, Jill and Gilroy, Andrea. 2006. 'Picturing Organizations: Further explorations of art therapy's potential for putting organizations on the couch.'. In: 3rd Art of Management & Organization International Conference. Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland 5-8 Sept 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Westwood, Jill. 2004. 'Picturing Your Organization (Presentation/Workshop)'. In: 2nd Art of Management & Organization, International Conference, Paris, 2004. ESCP-EAP European School of Management, Paris, France 7-10 Sept 2004. [Conference or Workshop Item]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 01:38:19 2025 GMT.