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Number of items: 66.


Abrahams, S; Goldstein, LH; Al-Chalabi, A; Pickering, Alan; Morris, RG; Passingham, RE; Brooks, DJ and Leigh, PN. 1997. Relation between cognitive dysfunction and pseudobulbar palsy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 62(5), pp. 464-472. ISSN 0022-3050 [Article]

Abrahams, S; Pickering, Alan; Polkey, CE and Morris, RG. 1997. Spatial memory deficits in patients with unilateral damage to the right hippocampal formation. Neuropsychologia, 35(1), pp. 11-24. ISSN 0028-3932 [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 1997. Intimate Touches: Proximity and Distance in International Feminist Dialogues. Oxford Literary Review, 19(1-2), pp. 19-46. ISSN 0305-1498 [Article]

Ayers, S and Pickering, Alan. 1997. Psychological factors and ultrasound: differences between routine and high-risk scans. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 9(2), pp. 76-79. ISSN 0960-7692 [Article]


Batcup, Dawn. 1997. The Problems of Researching Mixed Sex Wards. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 25(5), pp. 1018-1024. ISSN 0309-2402 [Article]

Beschin, Nicoletta; Cocchini, Gianna; Della Sala, Sergio; Logie, Robert and Spinnler, Hans. 1997. What the eyes perceive, the brain ignores: A case of pure unilateral representational neglect. Cortex, 33, pp. 3-26. ISSN 0010-9452 [Article]

Blackman, Lisa. 1997. Rehearsal of Memory. Coil. Journal of the Moving Image, 4, pp. 17-28. ISSN 0397-9207 [Article]


Casey, Michael A. and Anderson, D.B. 1997. The Sound Dimension: Audio for Distributed Virtual Environments. IEEE Spectrum, ISSN 0018-9235 [Article]

Casey, Michael A.; Waters, R.C.; Anderson, D.B; Barrus, J.W.; Brogan, D.C.; Casey, Michael A.; McKeown, S.G; Nitta, T; Sterns, I.B. and Yerazunis, W.S.. 1997. Diamond Park and Spline: Social Virtual Reality with 3D Animation, Spoken Interaction, and Runtime Extendability. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, ISSN 1054-7460 [Article]

Cohen, Josh. 1997. ‘Joan Didion, Los Angeles and the Opacity of Urban Spectacle’. Over Here: A European Journal of American Culture, 16(1), pp. 18-29. [Article]

Corr, Philip J; Pickering, Alan and Gray, Jeffrey A. 1997. Personality, punishment, and procedural learning: a test of J. A. Gray's anxiety theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73(2), pp. 337-344. ISSN 0022-3514 [Article]


Davidoff, Jules B.; Walsh, Vincent and Wagemans, Johan. 1997. Higher-level cortical processing of colour. Acta Psychologica, 97(1), pp. 1-6. ISSN 00016918 [Article]

Desmarais, Jane H.. 1997. The Musical Analogy in Beardsley Criticism 1898-1914. Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, 6, pp. 64-90. ISSN 1060-149X [Article]

Donner, Henrike. 1997. Gender and Urbanisation in a Calcutta Neighbourhood. Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, 46(1), pp. 1-44. ISSN 0970-3411 [Article]

Downie, Alan (J. A.). 1997. 'The Making of the English Novel'. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 9(3), pp. 249-266. [Article]

Downie, Alan (J. A.). 1997. 'Swift and Jacobitism'. ELH: English Literary History, 64(4), pp. 887-901. ISSN 0013-8304 [Article]

Dragovic-Soso, Jasna. 1997. Les intellectuels serbes et la 'question' du Kosovo, 1981-1987. Relations internationales(89), pp. 53-70. ISSN 0-335-2013 [Article]

d'Inverno, Mark; Fisher, Michael; Lomuscio, Alessio; Luck, Michael; De Rijke, Maarten; Ryan, Mark and Wooldridge, Michael. 1997. Formalisms for multi-agent systems. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 12(03), pp. 315-321. [Article]

d'Inverno, Mark; Priestley, Mark and Luck, Michael. 1997. A Formal Framework for Hypertext Systems. Software Engineering. IEE Proceedings, 144(3), pp. 175-184. ISSN 1364-5080 [Article]


Flesaker, B and Hughston, L P. 1997. International Models for Interest Rates and Foreign Exchange. Net Exposure(3), pp. 55-79. [Article]

Fraser, Mariam. 1997. Feminism, Foucault and Deleuze. Theory, Culture & Society, 14(2), pp. 23-37. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]


Gray, NS; Pickering, Alan; Gray, JA; Jones, Steven H; Abrahams, S and Hemsley, DR. 1997. Kamin blocking is not disrupted by amphetamine in human subjects. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 11(4), pp. 301-311. ISSN 0269-8811 [Article]


Hughston, L P. 1997. Financial Calculus. Risk, 10(3), pp. 63-64. ISSN 0952-8776 [Article]

Hull, Richard. 1997. “Governing the Conduct of Computing: Computer Science, the Social Sciences, and Frameworks of Computing”. Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 7(4), pp. 213-240. ISSN 0959-8022 [Article]


Johnstone, Stephen and Ellard, Graham. 1997. Photographic project. COIL, 4, [Article]


Kanjilal, Partha. P. and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 1997. An instrument for noninvasive continuous measurement of blood pressure using a finger cuff. Journal of Anaesthesiology & Clinical Pharmacology, 13, pp. 283-289. ISSN 0970-9185 [Article]

Katevas, N; Sgouros, N.M.; Tzafestas, S; Papakonstantinou, G; Beattie, P; Bishop, Mark (J. M.); Tsanakas, P and Koutsouris, D. 1997. The autonomous mobile robot SENARIO: a sensor-aided intelligent navigation for powered wheelchairs. IEEE Robotics and Automation, 4(4), pp. 60-70. ISSN 1070-9932 [Article]


McDonald, Russ. 1997. Shakespeare With Tears. Shakespeare Magazine, I(3), [Article]

McRobbie, Angela. 1997. Bridging the Gap: Fashion Feminism and Consumption. Feminist Review, 55, pp. 73-89. ISSN 0141-7789 [Article]

McRobbie, Angela. 1997. 'Pecs and Penises': The Meaning of Girlie Culture. Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture, 5, ISSN 1362-6620 [Article]


Nugent, Stephen. 1997. ‘The Co-ordinates of identity in Amazonia: At Play in the Fields of Culture’. Critique of Anthropology, 17(1), pp. 33-51. ISSN 0308-275X [Article]


O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 1997. Catalogue essay. catalogue essay, [Article]

Okagbue, Osita. 1997. 'The Strange and the Familiar: Interculturalism in African and Caribbean Theatre. Theatre Research International, 22(2), pp. 120-129. ISSN 0307-8833 [Article]

Okagbue, Osita. 1997. 'When the Dead Return: Play and Seriousness in African Masked Performances'. South African Theatre Journal, 11(1), pp. 89-108. ISSN 1013-7548 [Article]


Pickering, Alan. 1997. The conceptual nervous system and personality: From Pavlov to neural networks. European Psychologist, 2(2), pp. 139-163. ISSN 1016-9040 [Article]

Pickering, Alan; Hernaiz, H and Gray, JA. 1997. El uso del reforzamiento verbal en la teoría de Gray: Un estudio piloto. Revista de psicología general y aplicada: Revista de la Federación Española de Asociaciones de Psicología, 50(1), pp. 61-71. ISSN 0373-2002 [Article]

Pine, Frances T.. 1997. “Pilfering culture: Gorale identity in post-socialist Poland”. Paragraph, 20(1), pp. 59-74. ISSN 0264-8334 [Article]

Pryer, Anthony J.. 1997. Introduction to the Complete Secular Music of Guillaume Dufay (c. 1400-1474). Complete recording of the secular music of Guillaume Dufay (c. 1400-1474) by the Medieval Ensemble of London, [Article]

Pryer, Anthony J.. 1997. Monteverdi, two sonnets and a letter. Early Music, 25(3), pp. 357-371. ISSN 0306-1078 [Article]

Puwar, Nirmal. 1997. Reflections on Interviewing Women MPs. Sociological Research Online, 2(1), ISSN 13607804 [Article]


Rossell, Deac (W. F. D.). 1997. Jenseits Messter -- die ersten Berliner Kinematographen-Anbieter in Berlin. KINtop 6, Jahrbuch zur Erforschung des frühen Films, ISSN 1024-1906 [Article]

Rossell, Deac (W. F. D.). 1997. Trescientos años de entretenimiento cinematografico. Revista Archivos de la Filmoteca, 25-26, [Article]


Schmetterling, Astrid. 1997. Tracing the Life (or Theatre?) of Charlotte Salomon. Issues in Architecture Art & Design, 5(1), pp. 115-128. ISSN 0960-8648 [Article]

Sheikh, Simon. 1997. Baustop, Randstadt. Spex, 11(98), pp. 60-61. [Article]

Sheikh, Simon. 1997. Byrummet som forlystelsespark. Øjeblikket, 34, pp. 8-9. [Article]

Sheikh, Simon. 1997. Compartments, why Bother? Xerox, 4, [Article]

Sheikh, Simon. 1997. ‘Hal Foster: The Return of the Real’. Periskop, 6, pp. 124-125. [Article]

Sheikh, Simon. 1997. I Los Angeles’ spejlbillede. Øjeblikket, 32/33, pp. 62-64. [Article]

Sheikh, Simon. 1997. Strategies of Difference and Differentiation. Atlantica(17), pp. 3-13. [Article]

Sheikh, Simon. 1997. ‘Udsigelses magt’. Art Planet, 1, pp. 150-153. [Article]

Sheikh, Simon. 1997. ‘Udsigelses magt’. Louisiana Revy, 38(1), pp. 42-43. [Article]

Simpson, Michael. 1997. 'Buried and (P)Raised: Joseph Brodsky, William Peter and the Anglo-Irish Union'. Textual Practice, 11(2), pp. 275-284. ISSN 0950-236X [Article]

Simpson, Michael. 1997. 'Hyped Text: The Rhetoric of Virtual Space in Critical Prose'. Prose Studies, 20(3), pp. 79-105. ISSN 0144-0357 [Article]

Skeggs, Bev. 1997. Becoming a Modern 'Woman'. Cultural Studies, 11(3), pp. 489-492. ISSN 0950-2386 [Article]

Stanton, Gareth. 1997. Review of Isaac Julien’s ‘Black Skin White Mask’. Sight and Sound, p. 42. ISSN 0037-4806 [Article]


Tarlo, Emma. 1997. "Married to the Mahatma: The Life and Predicament of Kasturba Gandhi". Women: A cultural Review. Special Issue, Independent India, 8(3), pp. 264-277. ISSN 0957-4042 [Article]


Woodman, Justin. 1997. Psychologising Satan: Contemporary Satanism, Satanic-Abuse Allegations, and the Secularisation of Evil. Scottish Journal of Religious Studies, 18(2), pp. 129-145. ISSN 0143-8301 [Article]

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