Items where Year is 1995

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Number of items: 100.

French, Christopher C. and Colman, Andrew M., eds. 1995. Cognitive psychology. New York: Longman Group. ISBN 0582278104 [Edited Book]

Skeggs, Bev, ed. 1995. Feminist Cultural Theory: Production and Process. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0719044717 [Edited Book]

Mason, L J; Hughston, L P and Kobak, P Z, eds. 1995. Further Advances in Twistor Theory, Volume II: Integrable Systems, Conformal Geometry, and Gravitation. Harlow: Longman. ISBN 0582004659 [Edited Book]

Lash, Scott; Featherstone, Mike and Robertson, Roland, eds. 1995. Global Modernities. London: TCS/Sage. ISBN 978-0803979482 [Edited Book]

Krause, Frank; Bluhdorn, Ingolfur and Scharf, Thomas, eds. 1995. The Green Agenda: Environmental Politics and Policy in Germany. Keele: Keele University Press. ISBN 978-1853311406 [Edited Book]

Charity, Ruth and Wright, Chris, eds. 1995. The Impossible Science of Being: dialogues between anthropology and photography. London: Photographers' Gallery. ISBN 978-0907879473 [Edited Book]

Caplan, Pat and Bedani, Gino, eds. 1995. Understanding Disputes: The Politics of Argument (Explorations in Anthropology). Berg 3PL. ISBN 978-0854969258 [Edited Book]

Andrews, Jorella G.. 1995. 'Cutting the Line: The Late Works of Matisse Discussed from a Merleau-Pontean Perspective'. In: World Phenomenology Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Anim-Addo, Joan. 1995. Longest Journey: A History of Black Lewisham. London: Deptford Forum Publishing. ISBN 9781898536215 [Book]

Bell, Vikki. 1995. Show and Tell: Passing, Narrative and Toni Morrison’s Jazz. Working Paper. Goldsmiths, University of London, London. [Report]

Bell, Vikki; Rose, Nikolas and Barry, Andrew. 1995. 'Alternative Political Imaginations' Introduction. Economy & Society, 24(4), ISSN 0308-5147 [Article]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 1995. Review - Artificial Intelligence: a modern myth? Robotica, 13(6), pp. 637-638. ISSN 0263-5747 [Article]

Blackman, Lisa. 1995. Techniques of the Hallucinatory Self. In: I Lubek, ed. Trends and Issues in Theoretical Psychology. New York: Springer Publishing Co Inc, pp. 306-312. ISBN 978-0826188106 [Book Section]

Boldrini, Lucia. 1995. (Im)Proper Wife: Robert Graves' Wife to Mr Milton. Focus on Robert Graves and His Contemporaries, 2(4), pp. 15-19. ISSN 0190-650x [Article]

Caplan, Pat. 1995. "Anthropology and the Study of Disputes" Introduction to. In: Pat Caplan, ed. Understanding Disputes: the Politics of Law. Oxford: Berg Publishers, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9780854969241 [Book Section]

Caplan, Pat. 1995. '"Children are our wealth and we want them": a difficult pregnancy on Mafia Island, Tanzania'. In: , ed. Women Wielding the Hoe: Lessons from Rural Africa for Feminist Theory and Development Practice. Oxford: Berg Press. ISBN 978-1859730737 [Book Section]

Caplan, Pat. 1995. "'In my office we don't have closing hours: gendered household relations in a Swahili village in northern Mafia Island". In: Colin Creighton and Cuthbert Omari, eds. Gender, Family, and Household in Tanzania. Avebury: Aldershot, pp. 118-138. ISBN 978-1856286510 [Book Section]

Caplan, Pat. 1995. "Law and custom: marital disputes on Mafia Island, Tanzania". In: Pat Caplan, ed. Understanding Disputes: the Politics of Law. Oxford: Berg Publishers, pp. 203-222. ISBN 9780854969241 [Book Section]

Corr, Philip J; Pickering, Alan and Gray, Jeffrey A. 1995. Personality and reinforcement in associative and instrumental learning. Personality and Individual Differences, 19(1), pp. 47-71. ISSN 0191-8869 [Article]

Corr, Philip J; Pickering, Alan and Gray, Jeffrey A. 1995. Sociability/impulsivity and caffeine-induced arousal: Critical flicker/fusion frequency and procedural learning. Personality and Individual Differences, 18(6), pp. 713-730. ISSN 0191-8869 [Article]

Custance, Deborah M.; Whiten, Andrew and Bard, Kim. 1995. Can young chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) imitate arbitrary actions? Hayes & Hayes (1952) revisited. Behaviour, 132(11/12), 837 -859. ISSN 0005-7959 [Article]

Danicic, Sebastian; Harman, Mark and Sivagurunathan, Yogasundary. 1995. A parallel algorithm for static program slicing. Information Processing Letters, 56(6), pp. 307-313. ISSN 0020-0190 [Article]

Downie, Alan (J. A.). 1995. 'Defoe's Early Writings'. The Review of English Studies, XLVI(182), pp. 225-230. ISSN 1471-6968 [Article]

Downie, Alan (J. A.). 1995. I'd Rather Be Reading Jane Austen: The Appeal of the Augustans. Goldsmiths, University of London. ISBN 978-0901542830 [Book]

Gardiner, Ian R.. 1995. Zarb Dances. [Composition]

Gaver, William. 1995. 'Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave: Metaphor and Mapping in Graphical Interfaces'. In: CHI '95. Denver, Colorado, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gaver, William; Smets, Gerda and Overbeeke, Kees. 1995. 'A Virtual Window On Media Space'. In: CHI '95. Denver, Colorado, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gilroy, Paul. 1995. The status of difference: from epidermalisation to nano-politics. Working Paper. Goldsmiths, University of London, London. [Report]

Harman, Mark; Danicic, Sebastian and Sivagurunathan, Yogasundary. 1995. Program comprehension assisted by slicing and transformation. In: Malcolm Munro, ed. 1st UK workshop on program comprehension. UK: Durham University. [Book Section]

Holden, Raymond. 1995. Richard Strauss: The Origin, Dissemination and Reception of his Mozart Renaissance. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Hughston, L P. 1995. Geometric Aspects of Quantum Mechanics. In: S A Huggett, ed. Twistor Theory. Marcel Dekker, pp. 59-79. [Book Section]

Johnstone, Stephen. 1995. Walter Benjamin’s Panorama. In: Charlotte Pöchhacker, ed. film+arc. graz, 2nd biennale of film und architektur. Graz. ISBN 39500284-1-2 [Book Section]

Johnstone, Stephen and Ellard, Graham. 1995. 'Passagen'. [Exhibition Catalogue]

Knights, David and Odih, Pamela. 1995. `It's About Time!' The Significance of Gendered Time for Financial Services Consumption. Time & Society, 4(2), pp. 205-231. ISSN 0961-463X [Article]

Latham, William. 1995. ARS International Modern Art. Helsinki, Finland. [Show/Exhibition]

Lavender, Andrew Mark. 1995. Thatcher's thrillers: British television thriller serials of the 1980s. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Liebich, Andre; Warner, Daniel and Dragovic-Soso, Jasna, eds. 1995. Citizenship, East and West. London: Paul Kegan. ISBN 710304919 [Edited Book]

Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark. 1995. A Formal Framework for Agency and Autonomy. In: Victor Lesser, ed. ICMAS-95 : proceedings First International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 254-260. ISBN 0262621029 [Book Section]

Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark. 1995. 'Goal Generation and Adoption in Hierarchical Agent Models'. In: Eighth Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. New South Wales, Australia. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Luck, Michael and d'Inverno, Mark. 1995. Structuring a Z specification to provide a formal framework for autonomous agent systems. In: Jonathan P. Bowen and Michael G. Hinchey, eds. ZUM '95: The Z Formal Specification Notation. 967 Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 46-62. ISBN 9783540602712 [Book Section]

McDonald, Russ. 1995. Shakespeare Goes to High School: Some Current Practices in the American Classroom. Shakespeare Quarterly, 46, pp. 18-27. ISSN 0037-3222 [Article]

McRobbie, Angela. 1995. Recent Rhythms of Sex and Race in Popular Music. Media, Culture and Society, 17(2), pp. 323-331. [Article]

McRobbie, Angela and Thornton, Sarah L. 1995. Re-Conceptualising Moral Panic in Multi-mediated Social Worlds. British Journal of Sociology, 46(4), pp. 559-574. [Article]

Morris, Brian. 1995. 'Woodland and Village: Reflections on the "animal estate" in Rural Malawi'. Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute, 1(2), pp. 310-315. ISSN 13590987 [Article]

Morrison, Blake. 1995. The Cracked Pot. In: "The Cracked Pot", West Yorkshire Playhouse. [Performance]

Nelson, Nici. 1995. 'A Discourse of Anger in a Situation of Gender-Power Asymmetry: The Negotiation of Safer Sexual Practices Between Young Women and Men in Nairobi'. In: Stephanie Newell, ed. Images of African Women: The Gender Problematic. University of Stirling: Center for Commonwealth Studies:. ISBN 978-1857690323 [Book Section]

Nelson, Nici and Wright, Susan. 1995. Power and Participatory Development: Theory and Practice. ITDG Publishing. ISBN 978-1853392412 [Book]

Newman, Michael. 1995. 'Memory and Matter.'. [Exhibition Catalogue]

Noble, Richard. 1995. ‘Freedom and Containment’. In: , ed. Jana Sterbak: Velleitas. Barcelona: Fundacio Antoni Tapies. ISBN 978-8488786067 [Book Section]

Nugent, Stephen. 1995. Big Mouth: The Amazon Speaks. San Francisco: Brown Trout Press. ISBN 978-1563137228 [Book]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 1995. 'Of Angels and Aliens: The Meaning of the Art Object'. In: Culture and Identity: City Nation World four day conference (the second annual Theory, Culture and Society Conference). Berlin Hilton Hotel, Berlin, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Painter, Joan. 1995. Imaginal Processing in the Two Hemispheres: A Computational Investigation. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Pandey, Rajyashree. 1995. Love, Poetry and Renunciation: Changing Configurations of the Ideal of Suki. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 5(2), pp. 225-244. ISSN 1356-1863 [Article]

Pandey, Rajyashree. 1995. Women, Sexuality, and Enlightenment: Kankyo no Tomo. Monumenta Nipponica, 50(3), pp. 325-356. ISSN 0027-0741 [Article]

Pennell, Jacqueline D.. 1995. Experience. In: , ed. Experience: Challenging Visual Indifference Through New Sensory Experience. Booth-Clibborn Editions. ISBN 978-1873968208 [Book Section]

Pickering, Alan; Díaz, Amelia and Gray, Jeffrey A. 1995. Personality and reinforcement: An exploration using a maze-learning task. Personality and Individual Differences, 18(4), pp. 541-558. ISSN 0191-8869 [Article]

Potter, Keith. 1995. 'Cornelius Cardew: some (Postmodern?) reflections on Experimental Music and political music. In: Mark Delaere, ed. New Music, Aesthetics and Ideology/Neue Musik, Asthetik und Ideologie. Wilhelshaven: Germany: Florian Noetzel, pp. 152-169. [Book Section]

Prendeville, Brendan. 1995. ‘The Features of Insanity, as seen by Géricault and by Büchner’. Oxford Art Journal, 18(1), pp. 96-115. ISSN 0142-6540 [Article]

Pring, Linda; Hermelin, Beate and Heavey, L.. 1995. Savants, segments, art and autism. The Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry And Allied Disciplines, 36(6), pp. 1065-1076. [Article]

Redgate, Roger. 1995. Atemkristall. [Composition]

Redgate, Roger. 1995. Ferneyhough as teacher. Contemporary Music Review, 13(1), pp. 19-21. [Article]

Seth, Sanjay. 1995. Interpreting Revolutionary Excess: The Naxalite Movement in India, 1967-71. Positions : East Asia Critique, 3(2), pp. 481-507. ISSN 1067-9847 [Article]

Seth, Sanjay. 1995. Marxist Theory and Nationalist Politics: The Case of Colonial India. New Delhi: SAGE Publications. ISBN 978-0803992078 [Book]

Sheikh, Simon. 1995. Behaviour and Destruction: The Video Works of Søren Martinsen. In: , ed. Land, Lipski, Martinsen, Videos. Copenhagen: Galleri Nicolai Wallner. [Book Section]

Sheikh, Simon. 1995. The Empty Stage. In: , ed. Lars Mathisen: Safe Condition, Live Play Act. Malmö Konstmuseum, pp. 2-16. [Book Section]

Sheikh, Simon. 1995. Hin hlidin. In: , ed. Sólgin / Addicted. Iceland: Slunkaris, pp. 5-7. [Book Section]

Sheikh, Simon. 1995. The Other Side: Ann Lislegaard. Index(3/4), pp. 24-29. [Article]

Sheikh, Simon. 1995. Self / Non-Self – Subjectivity Beyond the Open Canvas. In: , ed. I Confess. Copenhagen: Nikolaj – Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center. [Book Section]

Sheikh, Simon and Koester, Joahim. 1995. Authority and Incident: A Conversation with Michael Joo. [Exhibition Catalogue]

Simone, AbdouMaliq and Hecht, David. 1995. Invisible Governance: The Art of African Micropolitics. Autonomedia. ISBN 978-0936756530 [Book]

Skeggs, Bev. 1995. Theorising, Writing and Ethics: the Production of Ethnography. In: Bev Skeggs, ed. The Production of Feminist Cultural Theory. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 190-207. ISBN 978-0719044717 [Book Section]

Skeggs, Bev. 1995. Women's Studies in Britain in the 1990s - Entitlement cultures and institutional constraints. Women's Studies International Forum, 18(4), pp. 475-485. ISSN 0277-5395 [Article]

Smirnov, Dmitri. 1995. On the Symphony by Anton Webern (Russian). Muzykalnaya Academia(3), pp. 204-220. [Article]

Smith, Kate. 1995. Care and Control, Swelling Grounds. In: , ed. UNSPECIFIED [Book Section]

Smith, Kate. 1995. Exotic Excursions. In: "Exotic Excursions, exhibition catalogue", UNDEFINED. [Show/Exhibition]

Smith, Kate and Joy, Clair. 1995. Postcard book. [Book]

Stanton, Gareth. 1995. Review of ‘African Art in Transit’ by Christopher Steiner. Critique of Anthropology, 15(2), pp. 305-307. ISSN 0308-275X [Article]

Tarlo, Emma. 1995. "From Victim to Agent: Memories of the Emergency from a Resettlement Colony in Delhi". Economic and Political Weekly, 30(46), pp. 2921-2928. ISSN 0012-9976 [Article]

Tipple, Robin A.. 1995. The “Primitive” in Art Therapy. Inscape, 2, ISSN 0264-7141 [Article]

Tonkiss, Fran. 1995. The 'marketisation' of urban government: private finance and urban policy. Working Paper. Goldsmiths, University of London, London. [Report]

Velmans, Max. 1995. The limits of neuropsychological models of consciousness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18(4), pp. 702-703. ISSN 0140-525X [Article]

Velmans, Max. 1995. The relation of consciousness to the material world. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2(3), pp. 255-265. ISSN 1355-8250 [Article]

d'Inverno, Mark and Priestley, Mark. 1995. Structuring specification in Z to build a unifying framework for hypertext systems. In: Jonathan P. Bowen and Michael G. Hinchey, eds. ZUM '95: The Z Formal Specification Notation. 967 Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 83-102. ISBN 9783540602712 [Book Section]

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