Items Authored/Edited by Pickering, Alan

Number of items: 109.
Kale, Dimitra; Pickering, Alan and Cooper, Andrew.
Electronic cigarette use among adult smokers: longitudinal associations with smoking and trait impulsivity.
Journal of Substance Use, 30(1),
pp. 46-53.
ISSN 1465-9891
Chaudhuri, Soma; Pickering, Alan; Dooley, Maura and Bhattacharya, Joydeep.
Beyond the words: Exploring individual differences in the evaluation of poetic creativity.
PLoS ONE, 19(10),
ISSN 1932-6203
Chaudhuri, Soma; Pickering, Alan and Bhattacharya, Joydeep.
Evaluating poetry: Navigating the divide between aesthetical and creativity judgments.
Journal of Creative Behavior,
ISSN 0022-0175
(In Press)
du Rocher, Andrew R. and Pickering, Alan.
Social interaction anxiety, social phobia, and cognitive control: controlled reactions to facial affect during an emotional face flanker task.
Current Psychology, 43(5),
pp. 4129-4141.
ISSN 1046-1310
Lloyd-Cox, James; Pickering, Alan; Beaty, Roger and Bhattacharya, Joydeep.
Towards Greater Computational Modeling in Neurocognitive Creativity Research.
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts,
ISSN 1931-3896
(In Press)
Stolz, Christopher; Pickering, Alan and Mueller, Erik M..
Dissociable feedback valence effects on frontal midline theta during reward gain versus threat avoidance learning.
Psychophysiology, 60(5),
ISSN 0048-5772
Smith, Kaile; Pickering, Alan and Bhattacharya, Joydeep.
The Creative Life: A Daily Diary Study of Creativity, Affect, and
Well-Being in Creative Individuals.
Creativity Research Journal, 34(4),
pp. 460-479.
ISSN 1040-0419
Lloyd-Cox, James; Pickering, Alan and Bhattacharya, Joydeep.
Evaluating creativity: how idea context and rater personality affect considerations of novelty and usefulness.
Creativity Research Journal, 34(4),
pp. 373-390.
ISSN 1040-0419
Kale, Dimitra; Pickering, Alan and Cooper, Andrew.
Examining the relationship between impulsivity-related personality traits and e-cigarette use in adults.
Addictive Behaviors, 106,
ISSN 0306-4603
Kale, Dimitra; Pickering, Alan and Cooper, Andrew.
Examining the Psychometric Properties of the CEAC (Comparing e-Cigarette and Cigarette) Questionnaire and Its Usefulness as a Predictor of e-Cigarette Use.
Substance Use & Misuse, 55(1),
pp. 147-155.
ISSN 1082-6084
du Rocher, Andrew and Pickering, Alan.
The effects of social anxiety on emotional face discrimination and its modulation by mouth salience.
Cognition and Emotion, 33(4),
pp. 832-839.
ISSN 0269-9931
du Rocher, A. R. and Pickering, Alan.
Trait anxiety, infrequent emotional conflict, and the emotional face Stroop task.
Personality and Individual Differences, 111,
pp. 157-162.
ISSN 0191-8869
Kuhn, Gustav; Pickering, Alan and Cole, Geoff G..
Rare” Emotive Faces and Attentional Orienting.
Emotion, 16(1),
pp. 1-5.
ISSN 1528-3542
Pickering, Alan and Pesola, Francesca.
Modeling dopaminergic and other processes involved in learning from reward prediction error: contributions from an individual differences perspective.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8,
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 1662-5161
Jilka, Sagar R; Scott, Gregory; Ham, Timothy; Pickering, Alan; Bonnelle, Valerie; Braga, Rodrigo M; Leech, Robert and Sharp, David J.
Damage to the salience network and interactions with the default mode network.
Journal of Neuroscience, 34(33),
pp. 10798-10807.
ISSN 0270-6474
Cooper, Andrew; Duke, Eilish; Pickering, Alan and Smillie, Luke D..
Individual differences in reward prediction error: Contrasting relations between feedback-related negativity and trait measures of reward sensitivity, impulsivity and extraversion.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8,
ISSN 1662-5161
Brotherton, Robert; French, Christopher C. and Pickering, Alan.
Measuring Belief in Conspiracy Theories: The Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale.
Frontiers in Psychology, 4,
ISSN 1664-1078
Smillie, Luke D.; Cooper, Andrew and Pickering, Alan.
Individual differences in reward-prediction-error: extraversion and feedback-related negativity.
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6(5),
pp. 646-652.
ISSN 1749-5016
Tharp, Ian J. and Pickering, Alan.
Individual differences in cognitive-flexibility: The influence of spontaneous eyeblink rate, trait psychoticism and working memory on attentional set-shifting.
Brain and Cognition, 75(2),
pp. 119-125.
Cochrane, Mary; Petch, Ian and Pickering, Alan.
Do measures of schizotypal personality provide non-clinical analogues of schizophrenic symptomatology?
Psychiatry Research, 176(2-3),
pp. 150-154.
Powell, Jane H.; Dawkins, Lynne; West, Robert; Powell, John and Pickering, Alan.
Relapse to smoking during unaided cessation: clinical, cognitive and motivational predictors.
Psychopharmacology, 212(4),
pp. 537-549.
ISSN 0033-3158
Pickering, Alan; Davidoff, Jules B.; Fagot, J. and Goldstein, J..
Cross-species differences in color categorization.
Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 13(2),
pp. 275-280.
ISSN 10699384
Ayers, S and Pickering, Alan.
Women's expectations and experience of birth.
Psychology and Health, 20(1),
pp. 79-92.
ISSN 0887-0446
Book Section
Pickering, Alan and Corr, Philip.
J.A.Gray's reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST) of personality.
In: Gregory Boyle; Gerald Matthews and Donald Saklofske, eds.
The SAGE Handbook of Personality: Theory and Assessment Personality Measurement and Testing (Volume 2).
London, New Delhi and Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 239-255.
ISBN 9781412946520
[Book Section]
Pickering, Alan and Gray, JA.
Dopamine, appetitive reinforcement, and the neuropsychology of human learning: An individual differences approach.
In: , ed.
Advances in Research on Temperament.
Germany: PABST Science Publishers Lengerich,, Germany, pp. 113-149.
ISBN 3-936142-07-6
[Book Section]