Items where Division is "Centre for English Language and Academic Writing (1996-2017)"

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Number of items at this level: 78.


Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa and Varvantakis, Christos. 2021. A ‘love song and lament’: walking the pandemic city with a spray can. entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 4(1), pp. 1-9. ISSN 2516-5860 [Article]


Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2017. Blind Faith in the City: Mark Wallinger and the Religious Imaginary. In: Chloe Reddaway; Ben Quash and Aaron Rosen, eds. Religion and Visual Culture in London. [Book Section]


Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2016. Meditation. In: Aaron Rosen, ed. Religion and Art in the Heart of Modern Manhattan: St. Peter’s Church and the Louise Nevelson Chapel. Routledge. [Book Section]

Lockheart, Julia; Edwards, Harriet; Raein, Maziar and Raatz, Christoph. 2016. The Writing PAD Survey of Practices. self published unknown date Circulation 2000. [Book]


Lockheart, Julia; Edwards, Harriet; Raein, Maziar and Raatz, Christoph. 2015. The Writing PAD Primer Report. Self-published: Circulation 970. [Book]

Riley-Jones, Gary. 2015. 'Language is not the Issue'. Times Higher Education, [Article]


Gillies, Marco. 2014. Gestyour. [Software]

Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2014. Grids: A Kraussian Perspective on New Windows for the Church. Religion and the Arts, 18(5), pp. 672-699. ISSN 1079-9265 [Article]

Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2014. Patrice Moor: Stations of the Cross. ARTS: The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies, 26(1), pp. 15-21. [Article]

Riley-Jones, Gary. 2014. Innovation: The Key to the Future, University of St Andrews EAP Conference, 1 March 2014. International Student Experience Journal, 2(1), pp. 55-56. [Article]

Stocks, Paul and Harvey, Stella. 2014. Conference Review, Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes, 8th summer seminar. International Student Experience Journal, 2(2), pp. 23-24. [Article]


Asare, Kwab and Mansfield, Katie. 2013. 'The development of discipline-specific EAP materials: Adapting a genre based approach'. In: Biennial BALEAP Conference (2013) “EAP: revisiting the past and building the future”,. University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hazelden, Katina; Yee-King, Matthew; Confalonieri, Roberto; Sierra, Carles; Ghedini, Fiammetta; De Jonge, Dave; Osman, Nardine and d'Inverno, Mark. 2013. 'Multiuser Museum Interactives for Shared Cultural Experiences: an Agent-based Approach'. In: CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Paris. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2013. Exhibition review: ‘Death: A Portrait’. Art and Christianity, 73(8), [Article]

Turner, Joan. 2013. Non-Pollinating Perspectives on the Written: The case of ‘proofreading’. In: John Wrigglesworth, ed. EAP Within the Higher Education Garden: Cross-Pollination Between Disciplines, Departments and Research. Reading: Garnet Education, pp. 34-40. ISBN 978-1908614711 [Book Section]


Edwin, Marl'ene, ed. 2012. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 5(2). 1753-5190 [Edited Journal]

Edwin, Marl'ene and Bonnelame, Natasha. 2012. Fragmented temp(oralities): A Caribbean perspective of time in literature and art. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 5(2), pp. 189-203. ISSN 17535190 [Article]

Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2012. Comment. Art and Sacred Places, [Article]

Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2012. Marcus Coates: A Quest for Visions – Contemporary Art & the Church. Transpositions: Theology, Imagination and the Arts, [Article]

Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2012. Response to Edward Hopkins. Art and Christianity, 70(5), [Article]

Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2012. Singularity and specificity: Writing on art. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 5(1), pp. 107-123. ISSN 1753-5190 [Article]

Lockheart, Julia; Wood, John and Edwin, Marl'ene. 2012. Editorial. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 5(1), p. 3. ISSN 17535190 [Article]

Riley-Jones, Gary. 2012. Critical Thinking as an Embodied Criticality: The Lived Experiences of International Art Students. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 5(3), pp. 401-422. ISSN 17535190 [Article]



Edwin, Marl'ene; Bonnelame, Natasha and Marima, Tendai, eds. 2010. A Special Postgraduate Issue of New Mango Season, Imoinda: Criticism & Response, 3(3). [Edited Journal]

Lockheart, Julia. 2010. Book Review. Imoinda: Or She Who Will Lose Her Name J. Anim-Addo. Imoinda: Criticism and Response, 3(3), pp. 276-278. [Article]

Turner, Joan. 2010. Supporting Academic Literacy: Issues of Proofreading and Language Proficiency. In: George Blue, ed. Developing Academic Literacy. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 39-51. ISBN 978-3039115457 [Book Section]


Harvey, Stella. 2009. Carnac en anglais : La traduction par John Montague. In: L Bougault, ed. Guillevic et la langue. Clamecy: Editions Calliopées, pp. 231-238. ISBN 978-2916608044 [Book Section]

Turner, Joan and Scott, Mary. 2009. Reconceptualising student writing: from conformity to heteroglossic complexity. In: Awena Carter; Theresa Lillis and Sue Parkin, eds. Why Writing Matters Issues of access and identity in writing research and pedagogy. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 151-161. ISBN 978-9027218070 [Book Section]


Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2008. Book review: The Art of the Sublime: Principles of Christian art and architecture. Theology, 111(861), pp. 227-228. ISSN 0040-571X [Article]

Lockheart, Julia. 2008. Emerging from the Discussions. In: David Clews, ed. Visual. Art Design Media Subject Centre, The HIgher Education Academy, pp. 37-38. ISBN 978-0955897801 [Book Section]

Lockheart, Julia. 2008. Practice-based learning and teaching: a real world experience. In: Linda Drew, ed. The Student Experience in Art and Design Higher Education: drivers for change. Cambridge: Jill Rogers Associates. ISBN 0-9547111-7-3 [Book Section]

Lockheart, Julia. 2008. Review of Colloquium: Metadesign in the 21st Century. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 1(2), p. 195. ISSN 17535190 [Article]

Lockheart, Julia and Wood, John. 2008. Editorial. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, 1(2), ISSN 17535190 [Article]

Stocks, Paul. 2008. Globalisation Project: an integrated content-based approach to academic skills development. In Form, A journal for international foundation programme professionals, 1(1), pp. 2-3. [Article]


Lockheart, Julia and Wood, John, eds. 2007. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, The Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, . 17535190 [Edited Journal]

Blommaert, J; Street, Brian and Turner, Joan. 2007. Academic literacies – what have we achieved and where to from here? Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4(1), pp. 137-148. ISSN 1479-7887 [Article]

Harvey, Stella. 2007. Le creusement poétique et l’expérience du deuil. NU(e): Eugène Guillevic., 38, pp. 89-96. [Article]

Harvey, Stella and Nicholls, Karen. 2007. From live lecture to online materials: developing listening skills and lexical and grammatical accuracy. In: Olwyn Alexander, ed. New Approaches to Materials Development for Language Learning: Proceedings of the 2005 Joint BALEAP/SATEFL Conference. Verlag Peter Lang, pp. 331-341. ISBN 978-3039109098 [Book Section]

Lockheart, Julia and Edwards, H. 2007. Building a Network for Writing in Art and Design. In: Allan Davies, ed. Enhancing Curricula: Contributing to the Future, Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century in the Disciplines of Art, Design and Communication. Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design (CLTAD). ISBN 978-0954143954 [Book Section]

Lockheart, Julia and Wood, John. 2007. Editorial. Journal of Writing in Creative Practice,, 1(1), ISSN 17535190 [Article]


Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2006. Poetic Practice: Yoko Ono in St Paul’s Cathedral. Art and Christianity, 48, pp. 2-5. [Article]


Harvey, Stella. 2004. La mise en scène du « je ». In: Jacques Lardoux, ed. Guillevic : La passion du monde. Angers: Presse de l’Université d’Angers, pp. 337-344. ISBN 978-2903075972 [Book Section]

Harvey, Stella. 2004. Who’s Afraid of Serotaspeak? Language and Communication, 24(3), pp. 241-268. ISSN 0271-5309 [Article]

Hocking, Darryl and Turner, Joan. 2004. Synergy in art and language: positioning the language specialist in contemporary fine art study. Art, Design, and Communication in Higher Education, 3(3), pp. 149-162. ISSN 1474273X [Article]

Lockheart, Julia; Edwards, Harriet; Raein, Maziar and Raatz, Christoph. 2004. Writing Purposefully in Art and Design (Writing PAD). Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 3(2), pp. 89-102. ISSN 1474273X [Article]

Lockheart, Julia and Raein, Maziar. 2004. Writing Purposefully in Art and Design. In: Allan Davies, ed. Enhancing Curricula: Towards the Scholarship of Teaching in Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education. Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design (CLTAD), pp. 557-569. ISBN 978-0954143930 [Book Section]

Turner, Joan. 2004. Intercultural Communication and EAP (English for Academic Purposes) in Britain. Intercultural Communication Review, 2, pp. 19-29. [Article]

Turner, Joan and Scott, Mary. 2004. Creativity, conformity, and complexity in Academic Writing: Tensions at the Interface. In: Goodith White; Alice Deignan and Michael Baynham, eds. Applied Linguistics at the Interface. London: Equinox Publishing Ltd, pp. 145-155. ISBN 978-1904768579 [Book Section]


Koestle-Cate, Jonathan. 2003. The Dialogue with Contemporary Theology. In: Stephen J. Newton and Brandon Taylor, eds. Painting, Sculpture and the Spiritual Dimension. London: Oneiros. ISBN 9780954469900 [Book Section]

Turner, Joan. 2003. Academic Literacy as Rhetorical Regulation. Knowledge & Discourse 2, Proceedings, Theme 6 Disciplinary discourses and practices, [Article]

Turner, Joan. 2003. Academic Literacy in Post-colonial times: Hegemonic Norms and Transcultural Possibilities. Language and Intercultural Communication, 3(3), pp. 187-197. ISSN 1470-8477 [Article]

Turner, Joan; Hiraga, M. K. and Fujii, Y. 2003. L2 Pragmatics in Academic Discourse: A Case Study of Tutorials in Britain. Intercultural Communication Studies, XII(3), pp. 19-36. ISSN 1057-7769 [Article]


Turner, Joan. 2002. How to Study: A Short Introduction. London: SAGE. ISBN 978-0761968085 [Book]


Turner, Joan. 2001. Finding Out or Following Through: Tropes of Learning in Cross-Cultural Perspective. In: D Killick; M Parry and A Phipps, eds. The Poetics and Praxis of language and Intercultural Communication. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, French & German Publications, pp. 111-119. ISBN 978-0852616970 [Book Section]

Turner, Joan and Lillis, Theresa. 2001. Student writing in higher education: contemporary confusion, traditional concerns. Teaching in Higher Education, 6(1), pp. 57-68. ISSN 1356-2517 [Article]



Jones, Carys; Turner, Joan and Street, Brian, eds. 1999. Students Writing in the University: Cultural and Epistemological Issues. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN 978-1556193866 [Edited Book]

Turner, Joan. 1999. Academic Literacy and the Discourse of Transparency. In: Carys Jones; Joan Turner and Brian Street, eds. Students Writing in the University: Cultural and Epistemological Issues. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 149-160. ISBN 978-1556193866 [Book Section]

Turner, Joan. 1999. Academic Writing Development in Higher Education: Changing the Discourse. In: Paul Thompson, ed. Academic Writing Development in Higher Education: Perspectives, Explorations and Approaches. University of Reading: Centre for Applied Language Studies, pp. 36-48. ISBN 978-0704913677 [Book Section]

Turner, Joan. 1999. Problematising the Language Problem. In: Hilary Bool and Philip Lufford, eds. Academic Standards and Expectations. The Role of EAP. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press, pp. 59-66. ISBN 978-1897676691 [Book Section]


Riley-Jones, Gary and Treadgold, David. 1998. 'Inside the Classroom: On-the-Wall-Activities'. English Teaching Professional, [Article]

Turner, Joan. 1998. Turns of Phrase and Routes to Learning: The Journey Metaphor in Educational Culture. Intercultural Communication Studies, VII(2), pp. 23-36. [Article]


Harvey, Stella. 1997. Myth and the Sacred in the Poetry of Guillevic. Amsterdam & Atlanta: Brill | Rodopi. ISBN 978-9042003453 [Book]


Turner, Joan and Hiraga, M. K.. 1996. Differing Perceptions of Face in British and Japanese Academic Settings. Language Sciences, 18(3-4), pp. 605-627. ISSN 0388-0001 [Article]

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