Items where Division is "Sociology > Centre for Invention and Social Process (CISP) [2016-]"

- Goldsmiths Departments, Centres and Research Units (28542)
- Sociology (2599)
- Centre for Invention and Social Process (CISP) [2016-] (87)
- Sociology (2599)
Number of items at this level: 87.
Farrugia, Adrian; Pienaar, Kiran and Dennis, Fay.
Narcofeminist affects: Gender, harm and fun in young women and gender diverse people’s experiences of alcohol and other drug consumption.
Sociological Review,
ISSN 0038-0261
(In Press)
Dennis, Fay.
How to do social research with… body mapping.
In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds.
How to Do Social Research With….
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 29-37.
ISBN 9781913380427
[Book Section]
Guggenheim, Michael.
Performative Experiments.
In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds.
How To do Sociology With...
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 297-311.
ISBN 9781913380427
[Book Section]
Guggenheim, Michael.
Theorizing is not Abstraction but Horizontal Translation.
Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 25(2),
pp. 165-182.
ISSN 1600-910X
van Emmerik, Corine; Coleman, Rebecca and Lyon, Dawn.
Towards a minor sociology of futures: Shifting futures in Mass Observation accounts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of Sociology,
ISSN 1440-7833
(In Press)
Bessonova, Alla; Byelyayeva, Olga; Kurcevič, Eliza; Plotko, Maria; Dennis, Fay; Pienaar, Kiran and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Living and responding at the margins: A conversation with narcofeminist activists.
The Sociological Review, 71(4),
pp. 742-759.
ISSN 0038-0261
Dennis, Fay.
Chemical species: the art and politics of living with(out) drugs after addiction.
BioSocieties, 18(3),
pp. 545-566.
ISSN 1745-8552
Dennis, Fay.
Counter-Addiction Stories: Reflections from a Body Mapping Workshop in London.
In: Melina Germes; Luise Klaus and Stefan Hohne, eds.
Narcotic cities: Counter-cartographies of drugs and spaces.
Berlin: JOVIS, pp. 208-217.
ISBN 9783986120009
[Book Section]
Dennis, Fay and Pienaar, Kiran.
Refusing recovery, living a ‘wayward life’: A feminist analysis of women’s drug use.
The Sociological Review, 71(4),
pp. 781-800.
ISSN 0038-0261
Dennis, Fay; Pienaar, Kiran and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Afterword: Tensions and possibilities for a narcofeminist sociology.
The Sociological Review, 71(4),
pp. 945-954.
ISSN 0038-0261
Dennis, Fay; Pienaar, Kiran and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Narcofeminism and its multiples: From activism to everyday minoritarian worldbuilding.
The Sociological Review, 71(4),
723 -740.
ISSN 0038-0261
Motamedi-Fraser, Mariam.
Writing on the Animal's Side.
Humanimalia, 14(1),
pp. 409-418.
ISSN 2151-8645
Voss, Jan Peter; Guggenheim, Michael; Rigamonti, Nora; Haulsen, Aline and Söding, Max.
Provoking Taste: Experimenting With New Ways of Sensing.
In: Jan Peter Voss; Nora Rigamonti; Marcela Suárez and Jacob Watson, eds.
Sensing Collectives: Aesthetic and Political Practices Intertwined.
Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, pp. 199-218.
ISBN 9783837657456
[Book Section]
Dennis, Fay; Millar, Isla and Maltby, Penny.
"I am a work in progress": The art of living with(out) drugs.
In: ""I am a work in progress": The art of living with(out) drugs", Constance Howard Gallery, London, United Kingdom, 7 February - 25 March 2022.
Jönsson, Li; Tironi, Martin; Hermansen, Pablo and Wilkie, Alex.
'Doing and undoing post-anthropocentric design'.
In: DRS2022: Bilbao. Bilbao, Spain 25/06/2022 – 03/06/2022.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Miller Oduniyi, Susie; Blair, Jeff and Dennis, Fay.
Brown Bread.
The Sociological Review Foundation.
Dennis, Fay.
Advocating for diamorphine: Cosmopolitical care and collective action in the ruins of the ‘old British system’.
Critical Public Health, 31(2),
pp. 144-155.
ISSN 0958-1596
Dennis, Fay.
Drug fatalities and treatment fatalism: Complicating the ageing cohort theory.
Sociology of Health & Illness, 43(5),
pp. 1175-1190.
ISSN 0141-9889
Guggenheim, Michael; Kröll, Judith and Kräftner, Bernd.
A Shifting Incubation: From Exhibiting Academic Migration to Staging Interactions with Academic Refugees.
In: Gary Lee Downey and Teun Zuiderent-Jerak, eds.
Making & Doing: Activating STS through Knowledge Expression and Travel.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, pp. 73-93.
ISBN 9780262366052
[Book Section]
Henry, Jade Vu; Nicholls, Emily Jay and Dennis, Fay, eds.
Introduction: Critical Friends and the Choreographies of Care,
London Journal of Critical Thought, 4(1). 2398-662X
[Edited Journal]
Nicholls, Emily Jay; Henry, Jade Vu and Dennis, Fay.
‘Not in our Name’: Vexing Care in the Neoliberal University.
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 9(1),
pp. 65-76.
ISSN 1894-4647
Pritchard, Helen; Rocha, Jara and Snelting, Femke.
We Have Always Been Geohackers.
In: Annike Haas; Maximilian Haas; Hanna Magauer and Dennis Pohl, eds.
How to Relate: Wissen, Künste, Praktiken / Knowledge, Arts, Practices.
Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, pp. 243-257.
ISBN 9783837657654
[Book Section]
Rosengarten, Marsha.
COVID-19 diagnoses: a source of immanent values and novelty.
Medical Anthropology Theory, 8(2),
pp. 1-10.
Cakici, Baki and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Methods as Forces of Subjectivation: Experiments in the Remaking of Official Statistics.
Journal of Cultural Economy, 13(2),
pp. 221-235.
ISSN 1753-0350
Dennis, Fay.
Mapping the Drugged Body: Telling Different Kinds of Drug-using Stories.
Body & Society, 26(3),
pp. 61-93.
ISSN 1357-034X
Dennis, Fay; Rhodes, Tim and Harris, Magdalena.
More-than-harm reduction: Engaging with alternative ontologies of
‘movement’ in UK drug services.
International Journal of Drug Policy, 82,
ISSN 0955-3959
Grommé, Francisca and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Population Geometries of Europe: The Topologies of Data Cubes and Grids.
Science, Technology, & Human Values, 45(2),
pp. 235-261.
ISSN 0162-2439
Lancaster, Kari; Rhodes, Tim and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Making evidence and policy in public health emergencies: Lessons from COVID-19 for adaptive evidence-making and intervention.
Evidence and Policy, 16(3),
pp. 477-490.
ISSN 1744-2648
Michael, Mike and Wilkie, Alex.
Speculative Research.
In: Vlad Petre Glăveanu, ed.
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
ISBN 9783319983905
[Book Section]
Nicholls, Emily Jay and Rosengarten, Marsha.
PrEP (HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis) and its possibilities for clinical practice.
Sexualities, 23(8),
pp. 1327-1342.
ISSN 1363-4607
Scheel, Stephan; Grommé, Francisca; Ruppert, Evelyn; Ustek-Spilda, Funda; Cakici, Baki and Takala, Ville.
Doing a transversal method: developing an ethics of care in a collaborative research project.
Global Networks, 20(3),
pp. 522-543.
ISSN 1470-2266
Wilkie, Alex; Guggenheim, Michael and Marrero-Guillamón, Isaac.
Creating Better Visualisations With STS.
Dennis, Fay.
Making Problems: The Inventive Potential of the Arts for Alcohol and Other Drug Research.
Contemporary Drug Problems, 46(2),
pp. 127-138.
ISSN 0091-4509
Nicholls, Emily Jay and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Witness Seminar: Antiretroviral Drugs up to and Including the Proposition of TasP and PrEP in the UK.
Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies: Activism, Citizenship and Health (EUROPACH).
Nicholls, Emily Jay and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Witness Seminar: HIV Prevention and Health Promotion in the UK.
Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies: Activism, Citizenship and Health (EUROPACH).
Nicholls, Emily Jay and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Witness Seminar: The Criminalisation of HIV Transmission in the UK.
Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies: Activism, Citizenship and Health (EUROPACH).
Nicholls, Emily Jay and Rosengarten, Marsha.
Witness Seminar: Women and HIV in the UK.
Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies: Activism, Citizenship and Health (EUROPACH).
Ruppert, Evelyn and Scheel, Stephan.
The Politics of Method: Taming the New, Making Data Official.
International Political Sociology, 13(3),
pp. 233-252.
ISSN 1749-5679
Voß, Jan Peter and Guggenheim, Michael.
Making Taste Public: Industrialized Orders of Sensing and the Democratic Potential of Experimental Eating.
Politics and Governance, 7(4),
pp. 224-236.
Çetin, Zülfukar; Dziuban, Agata; Faust, Friederike; Nicholls, Emily Jay; Oertel, Noora; Sekuler, Todd; Struzik, Justyna and Turan, Alper.
HIVstories: Living Politics.
[Exhibition Catalogue]
Çetin, Zülfukar; Dziuban, Agata; Faust, Friederike; Nicholls, Emily Jay; Oertel, Noora; Struzik, Justyna; Sekuler, Todd and Turan, Alper.
HIVstories: Living Politics.
In: "HIVstories: Living Politics", Schwules Museum, Germany, 13 September - 12 November 2019.
Pritchard, Helen; Snodgrass, Eric and Tyżlik-Carver, Magda, eds.
Data Browser 06: Executing Practices.
Open Humanities Press.
ISBN 978-1-78542-057-3
[Edited Book]
Marres, Noortje; Guggenheim, Michael and Wilkie, Alex, eds.
Inventing the Social.
Manchester: Mattering Press.
ISBN 9780995527751
[Edited Book]
Guggenheim, Michael and Deville, Joe.
From preparedness to risk: from the singular risk of nuclear war to the plurality of all hazards.
British Journal of Sociology, 69(3),
pp. 799-824.
ISSN 0007-1315
Marres, Noortje; Guggenheim, Michael and Wilkie, Alex.
In: Noortje Marres; Michael Guggenheim and Alex Wilkie, eds.
Inventing the Social.
Manchester: Mattering Press, pp. 17-37.
ISBN 9780995527751
[Book Section]
Michael, Mike; Wilkie, Alex and Ovalle, Liliana.
Aesthetics and Affect: Engaging Energy Communities.
Science as Culture, 27(4),
pp. 439-463.
ISSN 0950-5431
Perriam, Jessamy.
Theatres of Failure: digital demonstrations of disruption in everyday life.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Wilkie, Alex.
In: Celia Lury; Patricia T. Clough; Una Chung; Rachel Fensham; Sybille Lammes; Angela Last; Mike Michael and Emma Uprichard, eds.
Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research Methods.
London; New York, NY: Routledge.
ISBN 1138886874
[Book Section]
Greco, Monica and Stenner, Paul.
From paradox to pattern shift: Conceptualising liminal hotspots and their affective dynamics.
Theory & Psychology, 27(2),
pp. 147-166.
ISSN 0959-3543
Grommé, Francisca; Ustek, Funda; Ruppert, Evelyn and Cakici, Baki.
Citizen Data and Official Statistics: Background Document to a Collaborative Workshop.
ARITHMUS Working Paper Series, London.
Neyland, D..
On the transformation of children at-risk into an investment proposition: A study of Social Impact Bonds as an anti-market device.
The Sociological Review, 66(3),
pp. 492-510.
ISSN 0038-0261
Neyland, D. and Milyaeva, S.
Brexit and the Failure of Pre-emptive Reconciliation: A study of the General Data Protection Regulation.
The Sociological Review,
ISSN 0038-0261
Neyland, Daniel; Ehrenstein, Vera and Milyaeva, Sveta.
Mundane Market Matters: On Sensitive Metrology and the Governance of Market-Based Interventions for Global Health.
Revue française de sociologie, 58(3),
pp. 425-449.
ISSN 0035-2969
Ruppert, Evelyn; Isin, Engin and Bigo, Didier.
Data Politics.
Big Data & Society, 4(2),
pp. 1-7.
ISSN 2053-9517
Deville, Joe; Guggenheim, Michael and Hrdličková, Zuzana.
Same, Same but Different: Provoking Relations, Assembling the Comparator.
In: Joe Deville; Michael Guggenheim and Zuzana Hrdličková, eds.
Practising Comparison. Logics, Collaborations, Relations.
Manchester: Mattering Press, pp. 99-129.
ISBN 978-0-9931449-4-3
[Book Section]
Grommé, Francisca.
Provocation: Technology, resistance and surveillance in public space.
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34(6),
pp. 1007-1024.
ISSN 0263-7758
Guggenheim, Michael.
Gebäude/Technik: Ethnomethoden und implizite Typologietheorien.
In: Heiko Hausendorf; Reinhold Schmidt and Wolfgang Kesselring, eds.
Interaktionsarchitektur, Sozialtopographie und Interaktionsraum.
Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, pp. 419-432.
ISBN 9783823380702
[Book Section]
Guggenheim, Michael.
‘Im/Mutable Im/Mobiles. From the Socio-Materiality of Cities towards a Differential Cosmopolitics.’.
In: Andres Blok and Ignacio Farías, eds.
Urban Cosmopolitics. Agencements, Assemblies, Atmosphere.
London: Routledge, pp. 63-81.
ISBN 9781138813403
[Book Section]
Madsen, A.K.; Flyverbom, M.; Hilbert, M. and Ruppert, Evelyn.
Big Data: Issues for an International Political Sociology of Data Practices.
International Political Sociology, 10(3),
pp. 275-296.
ISSN 1749-5679
Milyaeva, Sveta and Neyland, Daniel.
Market innovation as framing, productive friction and bricolage: an exploration of the personal data market.
Journal of Cultural Economy, 9(3),
pp. 229-244.
ISSN 1753-0350
Neyland, D..
Challenges of Organizational Ethnography: Reflecting on Methodological Insights.
In: Fiona Dykes and Renée Flacking, eds.
Ethnographic Research in Maternal and Child Health.
London, UK: Routledge, pp. 179-198.
ISBN 978-1-138-79222-7
[Book Section]
Neyland, Daniel and Möllers, Norma.
Algorithmic IF … THEN rules and the conditions and consequences of power.
Information, Communication & Society, 20(1),
pp. 45-62.
ISSN 1369-118X
Rosengarten, Marsha.
Connective adventures in the work of Ebola: Science and Speculation - Review of 'David Quammen ' Ebola: The Natural and Human History of a Deadly Virus'.
Biosocieties, 11,
pp. 129-133.
ISSN 1745-8552
Ruppert, Evelyn.
A baroque sensibility for Big Data visualisations.
In: John Law and Evelyn Ruppert, eds.
Modes of Knowing: Resources from the Baroque.
UK: Mattering Press, pp. 136-165.
ISBN 978-0-9931449-8-1
[Book Section]
Wilkie, Alex.
Introduction: Aesthetics, Cosmopolitics and Design.
P. Lloyd & E. Bohemia, eds., Proceedings of DRS2016: Design + Research + Society - Future-Focused Thinking, 3,
pp. 873-879.
ISSN 2398-3132
Dragićević Šešić, Milena; Brkić, Aleksandar and Matejić, Julija.
Mobilizing urban neighbourhoods: artivism, identity, and cultural sustainability.
In: , ed.
Culture and surtainability in European cities: imagining Europolis.
Routledge, pp. 193-205.
ISBN 978-1-138-77841-2
[Book Section]
Ruppert, Evelyn.
Big Data Economies and Ecologies.
In: Linda McKie and Louise Ryan, eds.
An End to the Crisis of Empirical Sociology? Trends and Challenges in Social Science Research.
London: Routledge, pp. 12-26.
ISBN 9781138828674
[Book Section]