Items where Division is "Music > Unit for Sound Practice Research"

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Number of items at this level: 316.


Bulley, James. 2024. Lily Greenham: An Art of Living. [Project]

Bulley, James. 2024. 'Practice research'. In: Extended Competencies in the Arts. Lucerne, Switzerland 2 - 3 May 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2024. Aural Diverse Spatial Perception: From Paracusis to Panacusis Loci. In: Emma-Kate Matthews; Jane Burry and Mark Burry, eds. The Routledge Companion to the Sound of Space. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 164-179. ISBN 9781032388540 [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2024. 'Hearing and Listening with Eevee – bridging the auraldiversity of a dog and a human'. In: 7th Conference on Acoustic Ecology: Soundscapes, Biophony and Climate Crisis. Ancient Epidaurus, Greece 7 - 10 November 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2024. On Listening Back to “Soundscapes in Particular [Autumn 2023]". In: , ed. Enclave, Poéticas de Emergencia Acústica. Vol. 2. Festival Enclave, pp. 48-64. [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2024. 'Panel on Sonic Diversity'. In: GfM-Jahrwstagung 2024. Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln, Germany 11 - 14 September 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2024. The Listening Wall at Distrito 350 Gallery, Guadalajara, Mexico. In: "The Listening Wall", Distrito 350 Gallery, Guadalajara, Mexico, 13 - 19 April 2024. [Show/Exhibition]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2024. Musings on mycelic creative practice. In: , ed. Enclave Festival Catalogue. Festival Enclave, pp. 19-27. [Book Section]

Garrelfs, Iris and Corringham, Viv. 2024. Viv Corringham and Iris Garrelfs live. In: "The Listening Wall", Distrito 350 Gallery, Guadalajara, Mexico, 13 April 2024. [Performance]

Kirby, Jenn. 2024. 'The Body in Digital Musical Instrument Design'. In: CHIME Seminar. Online, United Kingdom 28 February 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kirby, Jenn. 2024. 'Spiral: a two-player entangled performance system'. In: Creative Machines: Technology and Collaborative Practice in Contemporary Music Symposium. Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom 7 June 2024. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Bulley, James. 2023. Testimony. In: Elizabeth Price and Nina Wakeford, eds. Document of the testimony, deliberation and reflection of the Artist Citizens Jury 2022. London: Goldsmiths CCA, pp. 49-62. ISBN 9781739492410 [Book Section]

Ceron, Rocio and Garrelfs, Iris. November 2023 - June 2024 Enclave FESTIVAL DE POESÍA EXPERIMENTAL EDICIÓN 2023. [Project]

Clover, Catherine. 8 November – 2 December 2023 Cats Like Plain Crisps. [Project]

Drever, John L.. 2023. 'Auraldiversity and Urban Sound'. In: Urban Sound Symposium 2023. La Salle Ramon Llull University, Spain 19 - 21 April 2023. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2023. 'Auraltypical/Auraldiverse: from hearing as universal to hearing in particular'. In: Regenerative Listening Symposium curated by Lucia Farinati and Brandon LaBelle. Kingston University, United Kingdom 20 July 2023. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2023. Deptford Soundwalk. In: "Magnified Ear", Deptford, United Kingdom, 11 June 2023. [Performance]

Drever, John L.. 2023. 'On Acoustic Ecology'. In: Architecture and the Ear. Solus Ceramics, Farringdon, United Kingdom 5 October 2023. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2023. 'Paracusis Loci to Otoloci– Spatial Perception in Auraldiversity'. In: Aural Diversity Network: Workshop 5 Music & Performance. University of Leicester, United Kingdom 21 - 22 January 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2023. Re-Walking and Re-Hearing the Deptford Soundwalk. In: John Drever, ed. Magnified Ear. London: APT Gallery & Curating Matters, pp. 9-20. ISBN 9781739731731 [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2023. Setting Foot on the Dreams of Euclid. In: "In Focus: Tim Robinson's Life & Work", The Irish Museum of Modern Art (Áras Nua-Ealaíne na hÉireann) – IMMA, Ireland, 10 August 2023. [Performance]

Drever, John L.. 2023. 'Timothy Drever / Tim Robinson – nature and nurture'. In: Remembering Tim and Máiréad Robinson. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 2 July 2023. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L. and Bharat, Vinita. 2023. Auraldiversity: Do you hear differently? Frontiers for Young Minds, ISSN 2296-6846 [Article]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2023. Infinity Kisses 23. [Composition]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2023. Infinity Kisses 23 Live. In: "Carolee Schneemann’s Cats by the collective Cats Like Plain Crisps", Blindside, Melbourne, Australia, 9 November 2023. [Performance]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2023. Scores for Listening #5: What does yellow sound like?. In: "A Year of Deep Listening", Online, United States. [Show/Exhibition]

Garrelfs, Iris; Clover, Catherine and Bartley, Roseanne. 2023. 'Artists' Syllabus - Cats Like Plain Crisps'. In: Carolee Schneemann’s Cats. Blindside, Melbourne, Australia 11 November 2023. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Garrelfs, Iris; Clover, Catherine; Yang, Yeung; Jones, Shauna; Corringham, Viv; Bartley, Roseanne and Roseanne, Johanna. 2023. Carolee Schneemann’s Cats. In: "Carolee Schneemann’s Cats", Blindside, Melbourne, Australia, 8 November – 2 December 2023. [Show/Exhibition]

Kirby, Jenn. 2023. Approaches for Working with the Body in the Design of Electronic Music Performance Systems. Contemporary Music Review, 42(3), pp. 304-318. ISSN 0749-4467 [Article]

Kirby, Jenn. 2023. Body Fragmented. [Composition]

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Kirby, Jenn. 2023. Melding Streams. [Composition]


Drever, John L.. 2022. 'Aural Diverse: Hearing within Responsible Soundscapes of Tourism and Hospitality'. In: International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality 2022 (ICRTH2022), Sarawak Research Society (SRS). Sarawak, Malaysia 1 - 3 September 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2022. 'Auraldiversity - from hearing as universal to hearing in particular'. In: Sound Studies Lecture Series, Sound Environment Centre at Lund University. Lund University, Sweden 17 November 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2022. 'Clairaudience meets Auraldiversity'. In: Study Day: R. Murray Schafer’s Ecologies of Music and Sound Re-examined. Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada 30 September 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2022. 'Creating A Buzz!'. In: Creating A Buzz! Insect Sound Workshop. Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, United Kingdom 6 April 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2022. 'Field Recording and Noise Abatement'. In: Lecture Series: Sound, Ecology and Climate Changing. Music and Recording Art School, Communication University of China, China 22 November 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2022. 'London Street Noises'. In: Sonic Cartography: Soundscape, Simulation and Re-enactment 2022. University of Kent, United Kingdom 28-30 October 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2022. Phonating Hand Dryers: exploits in product and environmental acoustics, and aural diverse composition and co-composition. In: John L. Drever and Andrew Hugill, eds. Aural Diversity. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 43-54. ISBN 9781032025001 [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2022. 'Towards an auraldiverse practice'. In: CSIPM - Centro Superior de Investigación Y Promoción de la Música. Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain 17 May 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.; Cobianchi, Mattia and Pérez, Carmen Rosas. 2022. 'Auraltypical acoustics? A critical review of acoustical foundations, standards and practices'. In: Internoise 2022: The 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow, United Kingdom 21 - 24 August 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L. and Hugill, Andrew, eds. 2022. Aural Diversity. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781032025001 [Edited Book]

Drever, John L. and Hugill, Andrew. 2022. Aural Diversity: General Introduction. In: John L. Drever and Andrew Hugill, eds. Aural Diversity. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9781032025001 [Book Section]

Drever, John L. and Murdin, Alex. 2022. Mothratorium. In: "Insect Breeding Institute", Trumpington Park Primary School, Cambridge, United Kingdom. [Show/Exhibition]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2022. 'Field recordings an the Voice'. In: International Field Recording Meeting (EIGC). Online, Mexico 18 August 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2022. Thameside Soundwalk - show. In: "Sonic Cartography: Soundscape, Simulation and Re-enactment", University of Kent, United Kingdom, 29 October 2022. [Show/Exhibition]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2022. 'Voice in field recording based practices'. In: Sonic Cartography: Soundscape, Simulation and Re-enactment. University of Kent, United Kingdom 28 - 30 October 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kirby, Jenn. 2022. Five Sonic Artists Practices and Experiences in Lock-down. Interference Journal(8), ISSN 2009-3578 [Article]

Kirby, Jenn. 2022. Ravel. [Audio]

Kirby, Jenn. 2022. music: a movement. [Composition]

Okumura, Hiromi; Williams, Valerie; Kirby, Jenn; Jobson, Thomas B and Vaughan, Joseph. 2022. 'AtmosActions: An Interactive Audiovisual Installation for a Human/Weather Interface'. In: Data Art for Climate Action. Hong Kong 21-26 February 2022. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Drever, John L.. 2021. 'Acoustic Environments of Place, Heritage and Wellbeing'. In: International Webinar: Sound, Healing, & Nature in Experiential Travel. Universiti Putra Malaysia & Sarawak Research Society, Malaysia 1 October 2021. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2021. 'Overlooked histories of acoustic ecology and field/ soundscape recording'. In: Sonic Legacies: Ludwig Koch and the Sound of the Environment. MeCCSA Sound Studies Network, United Kingdom 16 September 2021. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2021. Sound Art: Hearing in Particular. In: Jane Grant; John Matthias and David Prior, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Sound Art. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190274054 [Book Section]

Drever, John L.; Cobianchi, Mattia and Lavia, Lisa. 2021. 'Integrating soundscape in healthy urban design and planning: perspectives for sustainable futures'. In: Healthy City Design International 2021 (HCD2021). London, United Kingdom 11–14 October 2021. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.; Cobianchi, Mattia and Yildirim, Aysegul. 2021. 'London Street Noises – A historical armchair soundwalk in Beauchamp Place'. In: BEAST FEaST 2021. University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.; Cobianchi, Mattia and Yildirim, Aysegul. 2021. London Street Noises: A Ground-Breaking Field Recording Campaign from 1928. Acoustics, 3(1), pp. 118-136. ISSN 2624-599X [Article]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2021. "Breathing Through Wires" at THE HORSE IMPROVISED MUSIC CLUB. In: "THE HORSE IMPROVISED MUSIC CLUB", Iklectik, London OFF SITE, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2021. "The Listening Wall" at Polymedialer Ponyhof, Berlin, Germany. In: ""The Listening Wall" at Polymedialer Ponyhof, Berlin, Germany", Polymedialer Ponyhof, Berlin, Germany. [Show/Exhibition]

Garrelfs, Iris and Emler, Katrin. 2021. "The Listening Wall" at Polymedialer Ponyhof, PERFORMANCE Berlin, Germany. In: ""The Listening Wall"", Polymedialer Ponyhof, Berlin, Germany, Germany, 12 November 2021. [Performance]

Kirby, Jenn. 2021. Legacy is. In: "Woman in the Machine, Carlow Arts Festival", Carlow, Ireland. [Show/Exhibition]

Kirby, Jenn. 2021. 'Performer Agency in Live Electronic Music'. In: Musicians Playing With Computers, Musicians Interacting With The World. Online. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Weleminsky, Carter Joseph. 2021. Sonic Diaspora: Exploring Migration Through Interdisciplinary Soundscape Composition. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]


Abtan, Freida. 2020. My Heart is a River. OCTAVE 9 Concert Hall, United States 9 February 2020. [Performance]

DeLaurenti, Christopher. 2020. Activist Sound: Field Recording, Phonography, and Soundscapes of Protest. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Drever, John L.. 2020. Listening as Methodological Tool: Sounding Soundwalking Methods. In: Michael Bull and Marcel Cobussen, eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sonic Methodologies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 599-613. ISBN 9781501338779 [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2020. 'Primacy of the Ear – But Whose Ear?: The Case for Auraldiversity in Sound and Music Practice and Discourse'. In: Royal Musical Association 56th Annual Conference. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 8 – 10 September 2020. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2020. 'Sanitary Soundscapes: The Noise Effects From Ultra-Rapid “Ecological” Hand Dryers on Vulnerable Subgroups'. In: HAVENS: First meeting (Group of researchers interested in the soundscapes of healthcare). Online, United Kingdom 15 July 2020. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2020. 'Sound Summit 3: Are you listening? Acoustic environments and the politics of sound, noise and silence'. In: Sound Summit 3. Institute for Advanced Studies, Loughborough University, United Kingdom 16 June 2020. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2020. "Breathing Through Wires" at BEASTdome/ CrossCurrents+ The Dome mini festival, The Bramall, Birmingham University. In: "BEASTdome/ CrossCurrents+ The Dome mini festival", The Bramall, Birmingham University, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2020. "Virtual Listening Wall" at the 56th RMA annual conference, part of the "Listening Wall" project.. In: "Royal Musical Association 56th Annual Conference", Online, United Kingdom, 8 - 10 September 2020. [Show/Exhibition]

Kirby, Jenn. 2020. Being Time. [Audio]

Kirby, Jenn. 2020. Hear to Listen. [Composition]

Kirby, Jenn. 2020. 'Live Electronics: Performer Agency and Audience Reception'. In: IRCAM Forum. Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Drever, John L.. 2019. 'Phonating Hand Dryers: exploits in aural diverse composition and co-composition'. In: The first Aural Diversity Conference. University of Leicester, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2019. Soundscape Composition: Listening to Context and Contingency. In: Michael Filimowicz, ed. Foundations in Sound Design for Linear Media: A Multidisciplinary Approach. New York: Routledge, pp. 358-379. ISBN 9781138093966 [Book Section]

Fontaine, Gregorio. 2019. Vacilar: The Entanglement of Self-expression and its Outside. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Garrelfs, Iris. 11 July 2019 Electropixel 2019. [Project]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2019. "Lauschen" at Iklectik. In: ""Lauschen" at Iklectik", Iklectik, London, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2019. "Lauschen" by Iris Garrelfs at Fly By Night, Hundred Years Gallery, December 2019. In: "Fly By Night", Hundred Years Gallery, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2019. Lauschen: improvised voice and wearable electronics in mobile performance. In: "Electropixel 2019", Goldsmiths, GWT, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2019. The Listening Wall, at Musikkens Hus, Aalborg, Denmark. In: "of 8th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology –RE:SOUND", Musikkens Hus, Aalborg, Denmark, Denmark. [Show/Exhibition]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2019. 'bodily interaction in vocal performance'. In: Electropixel 2019. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 11 July 2019. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2019. override: An experiment in interrupting the congruity of audio-visual relationships‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬. SoundEffects: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, 8(1), pp. 104-121. [Article]

Kirby, Jenn. 2019. Defining and Evaluating the Performance of Electronic Music. In: Russ Hepworth-Sawyer; Jay Hodgson; Justin Paterson and Rob Toulson, eds. Innovation in Music: Performance, Production, Technology and Business. New York: Routledge, pp. 77-86. ISBN 9781138498211 [Book Section]

Kirby, Jenn. 2019. 'Design Considerations for Digital Instruments'. In: Invited speaker, BBC Salford. Manchester, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kirby, Jenn. 2019. 'Digital Instrument Design'. In: BBC:Develop at BBC Radio Theatre. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Martinho, Claudia. 2019. Aural Architecture Practice: Creative Approaches for an Ecology of Affect. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]


Bulley, James; Sahin, Ozden; Drever, John L. and Aceti, Lanfranco, eds. 2018. Special Issue on Sound Curating, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 22(3). 1071-4391 [Edited Journal]

Abtan, Freida and B.A. Sound Arts and Design, London College of Communication. 2018. London College of Communication Visiting Practitioners Series: Freida Abtan. [Film/Video]

Bulley, James. 2018. BBC Proms Profile: Daphne Oram. Pioneers of Sound, 2018(13), [Article]

Bulley, James. 2018. BBC Proms Profile: Still Point. Pioneers of Sound, 2018(13), [Article]

Bulley, James. 2018. OSKA (Mini-Oramics). [Composition]

Bulley, James. 2018. 'Progress Music': Daphne Oram, Geoffrey Jones and 'Trinidad and Tobago'. In: Geoffrey Cox, ed. Soundings: Documentary Film and the Listening Experience. Huddersfield: Huddersfield University Press, pp. 125-150. ISBN 9781862181540 [Book Section]

Bulley, James. 2018. Sounding Materiality : Explorations In Resonant Practice. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Bulley, James. 2018. 'Sounding Materiality: Explorations with music, natural systems and touch-sound-landscapes'. In: Sensing Nature: Wellbeing with nature with sight impairment. Wellcome Collection, London, United Kingdom 30 October 2018. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bulley, James and Feshareki, Shiva. 2018. Still Point. In: "BBC Prom 13", Royal Albert Hall, London, United Kingdom, 23 July 2018. [Performance]

Bulley, James and Feshareki, Shiva. 2018. Still Point. [Composition]

Bulley, James and Price, Astra. 2018. The Talking Drum. Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 22(1), ISSN 1071-4391 [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2018. 'The Role of Improvisation in Auraldiverse Soundwalking'. In: Space, Sound and the Improvisatory: Methods, Technologies and Theories for Improvising with Natural and Built Environments. Onassis Stegi, Athens, Greece. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2018. 'Sound Affects: Exploring the connections between sound and wellbeing - RNTNEH'. In: Sound Affects: Exploring the connections between sound and wellbeing. Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2018. 'Sound Affects: Sound & Wellbeing – Brighton'. In: Sound Affects: Sound & Wellbeing – Brighton. The Rose Hill Tavern, Brighton, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2018. 'Sound Affects: Sound & Wellbeing – Manchester'. In: Sound Affects: Sound & Wellbeing – Manchester. Gorilla, Manchester, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2018. Fountain 17. [Project]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2018. Iris Garrelfs live at Salon Des Refuses 2018. In: ""Found Objects : Found Sound" as part of "Fountain 17"", Salon des Refuses, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2018. "Lauschen", performance in Bath. In: ""Lauschen"", Bath Spa Fringe, Walcot Chapel, Bath, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2018. "Listening Wall" at QSS Gallery, Belfast 2018. In: "The Listening Wall at QSS Gallery Belfast", QSS Gallery, Belfast, United Kingdom. [Show/Exhibition]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2018. 'The Listening Wall: A journey into scored listening'. In: t Sonorities Symposium 2018: Techno–Human Encounters. SARC, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2018. Live voice/laptop performance. In: "</CODING in GE> Festival", IKLECTIK, London, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2018. Performance of Lauschen at Fusion Arts, Oxford, by Iris Garrelfs. In: "Acquisition of Sorts", Fusion Arts, Oxford. [Performance]


Garrelfs, Iris, ed. 2017. Reflections on Process in Sound Issue 5, Reflections on Process in Sound Issue 5, 5. [Edited Journal]

Bulley, James. 2017. 'Living Symphonies'. In: Sound and Environment. University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom 29 June—1 July 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bulley, James. 2017. ''Progress Music': Daphne Oram, Geoffrey Jones and 'Trinidad and Tobago'.'. In: Sound and Music in Documentary Film. University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom 23—24 February 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bulley, James and Gray, Andrew. 2017. RDM in the Performing Arts: Living Symphonies by Daniel Jones & James Bulley (Unit for Sound Practice Research, Goldsmiths, University of London). In: , ed. LEARN Toolkit of Best Practice for Research Data Management. London: University College London, pp. 59-65. [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2017. 'The Case For Auraldiversity In Acoustic Regulations And Practice: The Hand Dryer Noise Story'. In: 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV24). Westminster, London, United Kingdom 23-27 July 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2017. Field Recording Centered Composition Practices: negotiating the “out-there” with the “in-here". In: M. Cobussen; V. Meelberg and B. Truax, eds. The Routledge Companion to Sounding Art. New York: Routledge, pp. 71-80. ISBN 978-1-138-78061-3 [Book Section]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2017. Listening Wall. [Project]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2017. Listening Wall at Chinese Open, London, 2017. In: "Chinese Open, London", Q Park, London, United Kingdom. [Show/Exhibition]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2017. Listening Wall at Linear Obsessional Festival 2017. In: "Linear Obsessional Festival", ArtsCafe, Manor Park, London, United Kingdom. [Show/Exhibition]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2017. "Listening Wall" at Supernormal Festival 2017. In: "Supernormal Festival", Braziers Park, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. [Show/Exhibition]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2017. '"ListeningWall" at Points Of Listening#37, London College of Communication, October 2017'. In: Points Of Listening#37, London College of Communication, October 2017. London College of Communication, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Perego, Tommaso. 2017. Sonic Choreosophia: a cross-disciplinary investigation on sound and movement practices. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]


Abtan, Freida. 12 November 2016 Flight of Birds (Remix). [Project]

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Abtan, Freida. 2016. Where is She: Find the Women in Electronic Music Culture. Contemporary Music Review, 35(1), pp. 53-60. ISSN 0749-4467 [Article]

Bulley, James. 2016. 'Progress Music': Daphne Oram, Geoffrey Jones and 'Trinidad and Tobago'. Bricks From The Kiln(2), [Article]

Bulley, James. 2016. 'Tactus: Sound Scores for the Blind and Visually Impaired'. In: 'Make:Shift': Crafts Council Conference 2016. Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, United Kingdom 10 November 2016. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bulley, James and Feshareki, Shiva. 2016. Still Point. [Composition]

Bulley, James; Jones, Daniel; Forestry Commission England and Sound and Music. 2016. Planning and Producing Artworks in the Natural Environment. Project Report. Forestry Commission England and Sound and Music, London. [Report]

Busby, Lisa. 2016. Ovarium. [Composition]

Drever, John L.. 2016. Ochlophonic Study: Hong Kong. In: R. Cox; A. Irving and C. Wright, eds. Beyond Text?: Critical Practices and Sensory Anthropology. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 110-111. ISBN 978-07190-8505-5 [Book Section]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2016. Lauschen. [Project]

Kirby, Jenn and Kilshaw, Simon. 2016. 'Swansea Laptop Orchestra: Composing for Laptops'. In: BEAST FEaST 2017. Birmingham, United Kingdom 28 - 29 April 2017. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Perry, Phoenix and Abtan, Freida. 2016 - 2018 Bot Party. [Project]


Garrelfs, Iris, ed. 2015. Reflections on Process in Sound Issue 4, Reflections on Process in Sound Issue 4, 4. [Edited Journal]

Povall, R; Drever, John L.; Hartley, J; Wallen, J and Zakis, R, eds. 2015. Special issue: ‘Arts And Ecology: Emerging Uses For Digital Technologies’, Digital Creativity, 26(1). 1462-6268 [Edited Journal]

Bulley, James. 2015. Tactus No.1. In: "Sonic Pattern, Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery, Kaunas Biennial", Kaunas, Lithuania, 18 September – 1 January 2016. [Show/Exhibition]

Busby, Lisa. 2015. 3 Scores, 3 Rooms. [Composition]

Busby, Lisa. 2015. Fingers in the Gloss. [Composition]

Drever, John L.. 2015. 'Sanitary Soundscapes: The Noise Effects From Ultra-Rapid “Ecological” Hand Dryers On Vulnerable Subgroups In Publicly Accessible Toilets'. In: 2nd International Conference on Hyperacusis (ICH2). Birkbeck College, University of London. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2015. 'Sensitive Hearing in an Auraltypical World'. In: Sound Studies: Art, Experience, Politics, CRASSH. University of Cambridge. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2015. Sublime-sound-of-the-one-hand [Ryōan-ji]. FocaalBlog, associated with Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2015. 'Topophonophobia – the space and place of acute hearing'. In: Hearing Landscape Critically: Music, Place, and the Spaces of Sound. Harvard University, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Garrelfs, Iris. 2015. Breathing Through Wires. [Project]

Kirby, Jenn. 2015. Composing Perceivable Time. Leonardo, 48(1), pp. 6-12. ISSN 0024-094X [Article]


Garrelfs, Iris, ed. 2014. Reflections on Process in Sound Issue 3, Reflection on Process in Sound Issue 3, 3. [Edited Journal]

Alessandrini, Patricia and Abtan, Freida. 2014. Mondgewächse. In: "World Premiere: Mondgewächse", Gothenburg Concert Hall, Sweden, May - October 2014. [Performance]

Alessandrini, Patricia and Abtan, Freida. May 2013 - March 2015 Mondgewächse. [Project]

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Busby, Lisa. 2014. I begin alone in this action: a series of sounding zones. In: "Survival Kit Umea", Verkligheten Gallery and various outdoor venues in Umea, Sweden, 12/9/14-4/10/14. [Performance]

Chung, Hsiang Ying. 2014. A Sound Encounter of En Creux: in-between Roni Horn, Alvin Lucier, and Robert Smithson. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Drever, John L.. 2014. John Levack Drever: Creative Sound Thresholds. In: Stephen Piccolo, ed. BE OPEN: The Gallery of the Senses. Segrate, Milan, Italy: Mondadori, pp. 182-185. ISBN none [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2014. 'Ochlophonia Hong Kong SAR: audition, speech and feedback from within the crowded soundscape.'. In: Sound, Noise and the Everyday: Soundscapes in China. Aarhus University, Denmark. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Drever, John L.. 2014. SHIZENGAKU [BIWA/BIWAKO]: SONIC COMPLEMENT, COUNTERPOINT OR INTERPENETRATION? In: Kazuto Yamamoto and Naomi Matsumoto, eds. SHIZENGAKU: the Search for a Coming Aestethetic. Kyoto: Nakanishiya, pp. 52-61. ISBN 978-4-7795-0791-5 [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2014. 'Sensitive Hearers and Particular Hearing Requirements Within the Urban Soundscape'. In: Urban Soundscapes and Critical Citizenship: an interdisciplinary conference. University of Limerick. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2014. 'Sound Art Curator as de facto Acoustician'. In: Sound Art Curating Conference: Histories, Theories and Practices of Sound Art. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Bulley, James and Jones, Daniel. 2013. Radio Reconstructions. In: "Sound Arts", Queen Elizabeth Hall, United Kingdom, 9 May 2013. [Performance]

Busby, Lisa. 2013. Guest Curator: Lisa Busby., [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2013. Impact on vulnerable sub-groups from ultra-rapid hand dryers. Acoustics Bulletin, 38(6), ISSN 0308-437X [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2013. 'Sanitary Soundscapes: the noise effects from ultra-rapid energy-efficient hand dryers on vulnerable subgroups – a listening approach'. In: Symposium on Acoustic Ecology. The School of Music and Fine Art, University of Kent, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2013. 'Sanitary Soundscapes: the noise effects from ultra-rapid “ecological” hand dryers on vulnerable subgroups in publicly accessible toilets'. In: AIA-DAGA 2013, the joint Conference on Acoustics, European Acoustics Association Euroregio, 39th annual congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik and the 40th annual congress of the Associazione Italiana di Acustica. Marano, Italy. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2013. 'Sanitary Soundscapes: the noise effects of high-speed hand dryers'. In: Sound Diaries Symposium 2013. SARU, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2013. 'Silent Soundwalking: an urban pedestrian soundscape methodology'. In: AIA-DAGA 2013, the joint Conference on Acoustics, European Acoustics Association Euroregio, 39th annual congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik and the 40th annual congress of the Associazione Italiana di Acustica. Merano, Italy. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2013. 'Sounding Space & Public Space'. In: Sounding Space Symposium - BE OPEN. Chelsea College of Art & Design, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ikeshiro, Ryo. 2013. Studio Composition: Live Audiovisualisation Using Emergent Generative Systems. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]


Abtan, Freida. 2012. Fear of Flight. [Composition]

Alessandrini, Patricia and Carreño, Juan Pablo. 2012. ICElab. [Composition]

Sandys, Kathrine. 2012. I Thought I Grew An Ear in My Stomach: The Phenomenological Experience of the Art Event as Sublime Encounter. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Young, Michael W. and Adderley, Paul. 2012. Exposure: Living in Extreme Environments: Video. [Film/Video]


Bulley, James and Jones, Daniel. 2011. Variable 4: A Dynamical Composition for Weather Systems. Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference, (ICMC 2011), [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2011. Loo Roles. SoundScape Ezine(2), pp. 57-59. [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2011. 'Ochlophonia Hong Kong SAR: audition, speech and feedback from within the crowded soundscape'. In: Phonography Colloquium. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2011. 'Sanitary Ambiance: a study of current auditory ambiances of public toilets in England'. In: Urban Design and Urban Society - The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, 3rd International Ambiance Network Conference 2011. The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2011. 'Session 9 reflections: Listening to and sounding soundscapes'. In: Centre for Media, Culture and Creative Practice. Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2011. 'Soundwalking in the City: a socio-spatio-temporal sound practice'. In: 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design. Sheffield, United Kingdom 21-22 July 2011. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Keenan, Jeremy. 2011. The Aural and the Quotidian: Everyday Experience in Listening and Practice. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Scarfe, Dawn. 2011. Resonating bodies: an artist's enquiry into sympathies between the audible and the material. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]


Abtan, Freida. 2010. The Illusion of Pure Music. Intransitive Web Magazine, [Article]

Abtan, Freida and Turner, Shane. 2010. F.A.S.T.: Dreams of Waking. [Composition]

Abtan, Freida and Turner, Shane. 2010. Steam and Fiction – artist statement. Collaborative Spaces, Vague Terrain Online Journal of Digital Culture(17), [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2010. 'Round table discussion'. In: Lost Sound by John Smith. Royal College of Art, Curating Contemporary Art Ma Programme, Cafe Oto, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2010. 'What would you like your city to sound like?: ideological and ethical musings on urban soundscape design in 2010'. In: Ideologies and Ethics in the Uses and Abuses of Sound. University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L. and Thatcher, Tony. 2010. '-scape [Goodwins] - making horizontal'. In: Royal Geographical Society, Institute of British Geographers,Annual InternationalConference. Pavilion Gallery, Royal Geographical Society, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L. and Thatcher, Tony. 2010. -scape [Goodwins] - making horizontal (The Pavilion Gallery). In: "Royal Geographical Society, Institute ofBritish Geographers,Annual InternationalConference", Pavilion Gallery, Royal Geographical Society, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Drever, John L.; Thatcher, Tony and Redding, Emma. 2010. '-scape [Goodwins] – making horizontal'. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference. The Royal Geographical Society, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Young, Michael W.. 2010. Identity and Intimacy in Human-Computer Improvisation. Leonardo Music Journal, 20(n/a), p. 97. ISSN 0961-1215 [Article]

Young, Michael W.. 2010. piano_prosthesis2 (live performance). In: "Australasian Computer Music Conference 2010", Canberra, Australia. [Performance]

Young, Michael W. and Bown, Oliver. 2010. Clap-along: A negotiation strategy for creative musical interaction with computational systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Creativity 2010, pp. 215-222. [Article]


Abtan, Freida. 2009. 'A Phenomenological Time-Based Approach to Videomusic Composition'. In: Proceedings of the Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium. Toronto, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Adderley, W. Paul and Young, Michael W.. 2009. Ground-breaking:Scientific and Sonic Perceptions of Environmental Change in the African Sahel. Leonardo, 42(5), pp. 404-411. ISSN 0024-094X [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2009. 'Plenary Speaker'. In: Sound, soundscapes and sonic environments. The Open University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2009. 'Round table discussion'. In: Cornelius Cardew: Play for Today: A Symposium. The Drawing Room and the ICA, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2009. 'Round table discussion'. In: Sonification. Theatre Noise, Central School of Speech and Drama, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2009. Sound effect – object – event. Endemic and exogenous electro-acoustic sound practices in theatre. In: Ross Brown, ed. Sound: a reader in theatre practice. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., pp. 188-205. ISBN 9780230551886 [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2009. 'Soundwalking as compositional practice?'. In: ‘Sensewalking: sensory walking methods for social scientists’ - Royal Geographical Society with the IBG Annual Conference. University of Manchester, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2009. Soundwalking: Aural Excursions into the Everyday. In: James Saunders, ed. The Ashgate Research Companion to Experimental Music. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 163-192. ISBN 0754662822 [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2009. 'The vagaries of sound fx: supposed sounding and listening through the history of recorded sound'. In: Theatre Noise. Central School of Speech and Drama, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Young, Michael W.. 2009. Creative Computers, Improvisation and Intimacy. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings(09291), pp. 1-7. [Article]


Abtan, Freida. 2008. The hands of the dancer. [Film/Video]

Drever, John L.. 2008. Ochlophonic Study: Hong Kong (Faire une ambiance / Creating an Atmosphere). In: "Faire une ambiance / Creating an Atmosphere", Musée de Grenoble, France. [Performance]

Drever, John L.. 2008. Ochlophonic Study: Hong Kong (Launch of Sound Practice Research). In: "Launch of Sound Practice Research", Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Drever, John L.. 2008. Ochlophonic Study: Hong Kong (Music, Sound, and the Re-configuration of Public and Private Space’ CRASSH Symposium). In: "Music, Sound, and the Re-configuration of Public and Private Space’ CRASSH Symposium", University of Cambridge, performance in Kettle’s Yard, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Drever, John L.. 2008. Ochlophonic Study: Hong Kong (School of Creative Media). In: "School of Creative Media", Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Drever, John L.. 2008. Ochlophonic Study: Hong Kong (Urban Episodes). In: "Urban Episodes", Osage Soho, Hong Kong, China. [Performance]

Drever, John L.. 2008. 'Ochlophonics Hong Kong: everyday sound practices within the crowd'. In: Music, Sound, and the Music, Sound, and the Re-configuration of Public and Private Space. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2008. Review: Barry Blesser and Linda-Ruth Salter, Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 28(3), pp. 301-303. ISSN 0272-4944 [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2008. 'Topophonophilia and Topophonophobia'. In: Cartografías de la Escucha. Sonido y lugar, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2008. 'The sound of cattle grids'. In: So Far… arts, spatialisation and memory. Institute of Contemporary Interdisciplinary Arts, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Young, Michael W.. 2008. oboe_prosthesis (live performance). In: "Cutting Edge Series (BMIC)", The Warehouse, London, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Young, Michael W.. 2008. piano_prosthesis (live performance). In: "Cutting Edge Series (BMIC)", The Warehouse, London, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Young, Michael W.; Drever, John L.; Grierson, Mick and Stonehouse, Ian. 2008. Goldsmiths Electronic Music Studios: 40 Years. International Computer Music Conference Proceedings 2008, pp. 315-318. [Article]


Drever, John L., ed. 2007. Noise: Debates, Strategies and Methodologies, Earshot 5, . [Edited Journal]

Abtan, Freida. 2007. Heartstrings: A String Quartet. Sample Culture, Vague Terrain Online Journal of Digital Culture(7), [Article]

Birnbaum, David; Xin Wei, Sha; Abtan, Freida and Wanderley, Marcelo M.. 2007. 'Mapping and Dimensionality of a Cloth-based Sound Instrument.'. In: Proceedings of the 4th Sound and Music Computing Conference. Lefkada, Greece. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2007. The Dilemma of Noise. Earshot 5: Noise: Debates, Strategies and Methodologies, pp. 3-4. [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2007. Nostophonics: approaches to grasping everyday sounds from a British perspective. In: Ros Bandt; Michelle Duffy and Dolly MacKinnon, eds. Hearing Places. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 161-173. ISBN 9781847182555 [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2007. Ochlophonic Study: Hong Kong (EAR-plugged Festival of Electro-acoustic Music). In: "EAR-plugged Festival of Electro-acoustic Music", The LAB gallery, Dublin, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Drever, John L.. 2007. 'Soundscape sensibilities as expressed and betrayed in composition'. In: Beyond Text?: Synaesthetic and Sensory Practices in Anthropology - 10th Royal Anthropological Institute International Festival Of Ethnographic Film. University of Manchester, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2007. 'Soundscapes and acoustic ecology - origins and prospects'. In: Sounder Spaces. Julian Huxley Lecture Theatre, London Zoo, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2007. 'Soundwalking: methods of listening in situ to the city'. In: SeneScapes. University of Salford, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2007. Topophonophilia: a study on the relationship between the sounds of Dartmoor and the people who live there. In: Angus Carlyle, ed. Autumn Leaves: Sound and the Environment in Artistic Practice. London: Double Entendre & CRISAP, pp. 98-100. ISBN 09548074-3 [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2007. 'Topophonophilia: the rapport between place, space, sentiment and sound’'. In: School of Creative Media. City University of Hong Kong, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Young, Michael W. and Adderley, Paul. 2007. Here is Now and There the Sound of the Land: 'Ground-breaking'. MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences Conference Proceedings, p. 1. [Article]


Drever, John L.. 2006. 'Architect-Sonics: Heritage of Sound, Music and Architecture'. In: 4x4 Making Places Leeds: Building Sounds (Architecture and Music). Leeds College of Music, Architecture Week, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2006. 'Field Work: From Arm-chair to Open-air Research in Sonic Arts'. In: Doctoral Research Conference, Digital Music Research Network. United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2006. Ochlophonic Study: Hong Kong (Sound Practice). In: "Sound Practice", Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Performance]


Drever, John L.. 2005. Ochlophonic Study: Hong Kong (Brudenell Social Club, Leeds). In: "Time Festival", Brudenell Social Club, Leeds, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Drever, John L.. 2005. Ochlophonic Study: Hong Kong (Camden People’s Theatre). In: "Camden People’s Theatre", London, United Kingdom. [Performance]

Drever, John L.. 2005. Of Click and Glitch. Resonance Magazine, 10(1), pp. 52-53. [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2005. 'Topophonics & Nostophonics: the role of sound in the golden era of British documentary film'. In: Expo 966. University of Hull, Scarborough Campus, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2005. 'Topophonique, Ochlophonique, Nostophonique et Pataphonique: trois études de cas'. In: Technologie imaginaire; approche pataphysique de la musique. Sorbonne, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2005. 'Topophonophilia: a study on the relationship between the sounds of Dartmoor and the people who live there'. In: The International Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with The Institute of British Geographers). London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.; Melo, Andres and Wiggins, Geraint. 2005. 'Electroacoustic performance interfaces that learn from their users'. In: International Computer Music Conference. Barcelona, Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Drever, John L.. 2004. 'Audio-Vision: Cause and Effect?'. In: The State of Affairs II: Listening to Vision - Looking at Sound. Sonic Arts Department, Middlesex University, Conway Hall, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2004. Sound Fetish Tendencies. Noisegate(12), pp. 4-14. [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2004. 'Topophonophilia: the relationship between sound, sentiment and place'. In: Zeppelin2004: Ecologia Acústica. Etica y Estética en la idea de Paisaje Sonoro. Festival of sound art, Caos->Sonoscop, CaixaFòrum, Barcelona, Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Abtan, Freida. 2003. An Evening with Sound and Radio Artist Christian Calon. Electroacoustic Activities in Quebec, CEC – eContact!, [Article]


Drever, John L.. 2002. Soundscape composition: the convergence of ethnography and  acousmatic music. Organised Sound, 7(1), pp. 21-27. ISSN 1355-7718 [Article]


Drever, John L.. 2001. 'The Sublime in Acousmatic Music: Listening to the Unpresentable'. In: Music Without Walls? Music Without Instruments?. De Montfort, United Kingdom 21-23 June. [Conference or Workshop Item]


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