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Number of items: 82.

Backwell, John L. and Clare, D.. 2006. 'ICTs: Teachers’ and students’ preconceptions and the implications for present and future teacher education'. In: International Conference on Multimedia & Communiction Technologies in Education (m-ICTE). Seville, Spain 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bain, Jennifer and McLaren, S.. 2006. 'Sustainable Assessment: Exploring a learner-centred approach in practice'. In: The 4th International Conference on Technology Education Research: Values in Technology Education. Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia 7-9 December 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bell, Vikki. 2006. ''Aesthetics and the Temporalities of Politics''. In: 4th International Language, Culture and Communication Conference. University of Lusofona, Lisbon, Portugal November 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bell, Vikki. 2006. ''The Production of Bare Life: On The Shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes 2005''. In: University of Cambridge MESEA Conference. Pamplona, Spain May 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bell, Vikki. 2006. ''Reading the Laming Report (on the Death of Victoria Climbie): Thinking Ethics in the Global Assemblage''. In: International Sociological Association Congress. Durban, South Africa July 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bell, Vikki. 2006. 'The Shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes: On Agamben'. In: MESEA conference. Pamplona, Spain July 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bird, Jon; d'Inverno, Mark and Prophet, Jane. 2006. 'Net Work: Lessons from Collaboratively Designing an Interactive Artwork'. In: Generative Art 2006 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference. Milan, Italy 13 - 15 December 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Blackwell, Tim and Richer, T.. 2006. 'When is a swarm necessary?'. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. UNDEFINED 7/1/2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Broadhead, Philip J.. 2006. 'In Defence of Magisterial Reformation: Martin Bucer's Writings Against the Spiritualists, 1535'. In: Studies in Church History, Discipline and Diversity, Volume 43, Annual Ecclesiastical History Society Conference. UNDEFINED 11/1/2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Caplan, Pat. 2006. ''But is it real food? Responses to globalisation in Tanzania and India'. In: SCOFF panel of the BSA Annual Conference on Order and Disorder. Harrogate, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2006. 'At the Limits of the Visual'. In: Annual conference of the Association of Art Historians 'Art & Art History: Contents. Malcontents. Discontents'. University of Leeds, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2006. 'Declining Images: The Amnesia of Photography'. In: Congress 'The Afterlife of Memory: Historia, Memoria, Amnesia'. Centre for Cultural Analysis, Theory and History, University of Leeds, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2006. 'In the Pandemonium of Image – Derek Jarman’s Blue'. In: Annual conference of the College Art Association. New York City, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2006. 'Suspended Zones'. In: Conference ‘Photography and the City’. Clinton Institute for American Studies, University College Dublin, Ireland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Collens, Paula. 2006. 'Sexualities and Gender in Psychotherapy'. In: Graduate Research Forum. Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Davis, Aeron. 2006. 'The Commodification of Information in Established Financial Markets'. In: Manchester University. Manchester, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Davis, Aeron. 2006. 'Financial Markets and Rational Herds'. In: ‘New Actors and Financial Networks’, ESEMK Workshop. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Devlin, Kate. 2006. 'Just how predictable is predictive lighting?'. In: Making 3D Visual Research Outcomes Transparent , AHRC ICT Methods Network and EPOCH. London, United Kingdom 23-25 March 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Devlin, Kate. 2006. 'The Past and Virtual Representation of Place and Time'. In: AHRC ICT Methods Network Expert Seminar on History and Archaeology, Virtual History and Archaeology. Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom 19-21 April 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Doern, Rachel. 2006. 'How do perceived barriers affect SME growth? A conceptual and empirical analysis'. In: Western Academy of Management. Long Beach, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Doern, Rachel. 2006. 'Understanding how owner/managers perceive and experience barriers to small business growth: A cognitive approach to barriers research'. In: RENT XX - RESEARCH IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS. Brussels, Belgium 22-24 November. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2006. 'Architect-Sonics: Heritage of Sound, Music and Architecture'. In: 4x4 Making Places Leeds: Building Sounds (Architecture and Music). Leeds College of Music, Architecture Week, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2006. 'Field Work: From Arm-chair to Open-air Research in Sonic Arts'. In: Doctoral Research Conference, Digital Music Research Network. United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

El-Rayess, Miranda. 2006. 'Henry James and the Shop Window'. In: Literature and the City. City University of New York, United States 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Exarchos, Dimitris. 2006. 'Concerning Sieve-based Composition'. In: The Creative and Scientific Legacies of Iannis Xenakis Conference. University of Guelph/Fields Institute/Perimeter Institute, Canada 8-10 June 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Exarchos, Dimitris. 2006. 'Iannis Xenakis as Composer and Theorist'. In: Society for Music Analysis TAGS Day. Southampton, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gaver, William; Bowers, John; Boucher, Andy; Law, Andy; Pennington, Sarah and Villar, Nicholas. 2006. 'The History Tablecloth: Illuminating Domestic Activity'. In: DIS 2006. State College, Pennsylvania, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Gillies, Marco. 2006. 'Applying direct manipulation interfaces to customizing player character behaviour.'. In: International Conference on Entertainment Computing. UNDEFINED 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gillies, Marco; Crabtree, I. Barry and Ballin, Daniel. 2006. 'Individuality and Contextual Variation of Character Behaviour for Interactive Narrative.'. In: AISB Workshop on Narrative AI and Games. UNDEFINED 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hameed, Ayesha. 2006. 'Salon Femmes br@nchées #61'. In: Salon Femmes br@nchées #61 : ART.chives : art, archives, & databases. Studio XX, Montréal, Canada 16 February 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Henriques, Julian F.. 2006. 'Fine-tuning the Apparatus of the Dancehall Sound System'. In: Proceedings, 18th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, August 7-12th, 2006, Baden-Baden, Germany. Baden-Baden, Germany August 7-12th, 2006,. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Joncus, Berta. 2006. ''Charm’d with the sprightly Innocence of Nell’: Re-Reading The Devil to Pay'. In: Twelfth Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music. Warsaw, Poland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Joncus, Berta. 2006. 'Curse them all for a parcel of Italian bitches’: the seduction of mimicry on the mid-eighteenth-century London stage'. In: Thirty-fifth annual conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Oxford, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Klontzas, Michael. 2006. 'Digitalisation and the BBC: the net effect'. In: COST A20 The impact of the internet on the mass media of Europe. Delfi, Greece 26-28 April 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Klontzas, Michael and Sourbati, Maria. 2006. 'Public Service Communications: Revisiting Some Age-Old Questions'. In: MeCCSA/AMPE Conference. Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom 13-15 January 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lai, Phillip. 2006. 'Public lecture - Artists Lecture Series'. In: Artists Lecture Series, Arnolfini. Bristol, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lawler, Tony. 2006. 'A longitudinal study of pupils' ways of doing designing, following complementary regrouping and teaching'. In: Values in Technology Education Conference 2006; 4th Biennial Technology Education Research. UNDEFINED 01/12/2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Miller, Soo. 2006. 'Can design activity be used to enhance the decision making of School Managers?'. In: 8th International Conference on Education, Athens Institute for Education and Research. UNDEFINED 5/25/2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'After Globalisation` and ` Heimat and Home'. In: Dept of Communication, Central European University. Budapest, Hungary. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'The Geography of the New'. In: Dept of Media Studies,University of Bremen. Bremen, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'Material Globalisation: Shipping Matters’'. In: `Homeland Securities` conference (New York University). New York, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'Media Technologies and their Uses'. In: Dept of Communications, Fordham University. New York, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'Regional Theories and Electronic Landscapes'. In: Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. Istanbul, Turkey. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'Techno-Rhetorics'. In: University of Gloucester. Gloucester, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2006. 'Technologies of Magic'. In: Dept of Radio-Film-Television, NorthWestern University. Chicago, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Nagvi, S.; Spiefel, R.; Moore, D.; Ohene-Djan, James and Hsiao, E.. 2006. 'Measuring sign language comprehension through spatial response'. In: Proceedings of Conference and Workshop on Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impairment: Technology for Inclusion, D. M. Hersh, Ed. Kufstein, Austrian Tyrol: Euro-Assist-VHI-4. UNDEFINED. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Nielinger-Vakil, Carola. 2006. 'Between Memorial and Political Manifesto: Nono's Anti-fascist Pieces, 1951-1966'. In: International Nono Conference. Padova 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Nielinger-Vakil, Carola. 2006. 'Between Memorial and Political Manifesto: Nono's Anti-fascist Works, 1951-1966'. In: International Conference 'Presenza storica di Luigi Nono'. UNDEFINED 12/1/2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2006. ''Deleuze and Contemporary Art'. In: Postgraduate Seminar Series. University of Reading, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2006. 'Deleuze and Contemporary Art Practice'. In: Aesthetics Lecture series. Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2006. ''Deleuze, Guattari and Art Practice', What is Philosophy?'. In: Seminar series. University of Warwick, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2006. 'Deleuzian Aesthetics'. In: Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Copenhagen, Denmark. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2006. 'From Aesthetics to Probeheads: Deleuze and Art'. In: Academy of Fine Arts. Vienna, Austria. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2006. 'From Representation to Repetition: Archives and Affects'. In: Triennial Symposium, Tate Britain. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2006. 'Imaging Other Worlds: Mythopoesis and Art Practice'. In: UNSPECIFIED. Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2006. ''Traitor Prophets: Mythopoesis and the Programmatic Character of Literature vs. 'Stuttering and Stammering' and the 'Affective-Event''. In: Deleuze and Literature Conference. University of Warwick, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ohene-Djan, James; Naqvi, Saduf; Spiefel, R.; Moore, D. and Hsiao, E.. 2006. 'Measuring sign language comprehension through spatial response.'. In: Conference and Workshop on Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impairment: Technology for Inclusion. Kufstein, Austria. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ohene-Djan, James; Sammon, A. and Shipsey, R.. 2006. 'Colour spectrums of opinion: An information visualisation interface for representing degrees of emotion in real time'. In: Tenth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'06). London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ohene-Djan, James and Shipsey, Rachel. 2006. 'E- subtitles: Emotional subtitles as a technology to assist the deaf and hearing-impaired when learning from television and film'. In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). Kerkrade, Netherlands July 9-11 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ohene-Djan, James and Sushko, V.. 2006. 'A real-time spatial measurement interface for emotional evaluation of temporal media'. In: The 20th BCS HCI Group conference in co-operation with ACM. Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom 11-15 September 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ohene-Djan, James and Sushko, V.. 2006. 'A real-time spatial measurement interface for emotional evaluation of temporal media.'. In: The 20th BCS HCI Group conference in co-operation with ACM. Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom 11-15 September 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2006. 'Chair: “Promiscuous Dramaturgies”'. In: Ravenhill Ten Years On Goldsmiths. University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2006. '“Not ‘in-yer-face’ but what lies beneath: experiential and aesthetic inroads in the drama of debbie tucker green and Dona Daley”'. In: “Black” British Aesthetics Today: The Howard University Symposium Howard University. Washington D.C., United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pu, Ida; Kim, J. and Park, I.. 2006. 'Blocking Expanding Ring Search Algorithm for Efficient Energy Consumption in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks'. In: The Third Annual Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS). UNDEFINED 1/1/2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pu, Ida; Shen, Y. and Clark, C. 2006. 'Analytical Expressions for Noise Propagation in Diffusion Tensor Imaging'. In: 1065 Proc. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Annual Meeting. Guildford, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pu, Ida; Shen, Y. and Kauppinen, R.A.. 2006. 'Genralised Index Formulae for Prolate, Oblate and Spherical Shape Diffusion Tensors'. In: 26, Proc. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 12th Annual Meeting. Guildford, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pu, Ida; Shen, Y. and Kauppinen, R.A.. 2006. 'Identification of grey matter, CSF and white matter on a single map using diffusion tensor'. In: 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB'06). Warsaw, Poland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pu, Ida; Shen, Y. and Kauppinen, R.A.. 2006. 'Sensitivity of fractional and relative anisotropies: a theoretical study'. In: 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB'06). Warsaw, Poland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Reckitt, Helena. 2006. 'Feminist Legacies and Potentials in Contemporary Art Practice'. In: Part 2: Feminist Legacies and Potentials in Contemporary Art Practice. de Balie, Amsterdam, Netherlands 16 November 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rhodes, Christophe; Casey, Michael A.; Abdallah, Samer and Sandler, Mark. 2006. 'A Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo Approach to Musical Audio Segmentation'. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Toulouse, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rosenberg, Terry E.. 2006. 'Towards a Critical Practice in Design'. In: The Critical in Practice’ colloquium,. UTS, Sydney, Australia. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Saner, Göze. 2006. '‘Iconography in Training and Performance: A Work-Demonstration’'. In: The Body’ in the Reception of Ancient Drama, 6th Annual Postgraduate Symposium, Oxford University and Royal Holloway. University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Stamate, Daniel. 2006. 'Assumption based Multi-Valued Semantics for Extended Logic Programs'. In: 36th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logics (IEEE ISMVL 2006). UNDEFINED 5/1/2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Tamari, Tomoko and Featherstone, Mike. 2006. 'Chinese Food in Britain: Consumer Culture and Taste'. In: The 9th Symposium on Chinese Dietary Culture. Taihoku, Taiwan, Province of China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Vinayagamoorthy, Vinoba; Gillies, Marco; Steed, A.; Tanguy, E.; Pan, Xueni; Loscos, C. and Slater, M.. 2006. 'Building Expression into Virtual Characters'. In: Eurographics Conference State of the Art Reports. Vienna, Austria 4-8 September, 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Vogiazou, Yanna; Reid, Josephine; Raijmakers, Bas and Eisenstadt, Marc. 2006. 'A design research process for varying the experience of ubiquitous social play'. In: NordiCHI 2006: Changing Roles. Oslo, Norway 1/10/2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Waller, Michael and Rosenberg, Terry E.. 2006. 'Re-Presencing A Denser Now- Scopic Devices for the London Eye'. In: International Design and Engagability Conference- NordiCHI. Oslo, Norway 14-18 October, 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Waller, Michael and Rosenberg, Terry E.. 2006. 'Spatial Mapping Tools for Trans-disciplinary Innovation'. In: InSciT 2006 conference. Spain 25-28th October, 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Westwood, Jill and Gilroy, Andrea. 2006. 'Picturing Organizations: Further explorations of art therapy's potential for putting organizations on the couch.'. In: 3rd Art of Management & Organization International Conference. Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland 5-8 Sept 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

White, Laura. 2006. 'Seeing Through Objects'. In: Firstsite@the minories art gallery. UNDEFINED. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Williamson, Milly. 2006. 'Bourdieu, Fans and the Politics of Consumption'. In: Media Change and Social Theory: 2nd CRESC Annual Conference. Oxford, United Kingdom 6 - 8 September 2006. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Woodger, David. 2006. 'Published Paper presentation on ‘transforming institutional racism’'. In: European conference on diversity. Belgium. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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