Items of Type Book Section

Number of items: 214.
Negus, Keith.
The symbolic and material presence of music in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
In: Paul Attinello; Janet Halfyard and Vanessa Knights, eds.
Music, Sound, and Silence in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Farnham: Ashgate, xv-xviii.
ISBN 978-0-7546-6041-5
[Book Section]
Rooke, Alison and Moreno Figueroa, Monica.
Beyond ‘Key Parties and ‘Wife Swapping’: The Visual Culture of Online Swinging.
In: Feona Attwood, ed. Sense of Online Pornography.
Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 217-245.
ISBN 978-1-4331-0206-6
[Book Section]
Waller, Michael; Rosenberg, Terry E.; Weatherhead, Andrew; Rogers, Peter; Bagenal, Edward and Fairfax, Duncan.
Cultures of change: social atoms and electronic lives. News telescope.
In: Gennaro Ascione; Cinta Massip and Josep Perello, eds.
Cultures of change: social atoms and electronic lives.
Barcelona: Actar and Arts Santa Monica, pp. 82-85.
ISBN 978-84-92861-14-9
[Book Section]
Yoeli-Tlalim, Ronit.
Islam and Tibet-Cultural Interactions: An Introduction.
In: Anna Akasoy; Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, eds.
Islam and Tibet – Interactions along the Musk Routes.
London: Ashgate, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 9780754669562
[Book Section]
Benson, Michaela.
‘We’re not Expats; we are not Migrants; we are Sauliaçoise’: Laying Claim to Belonging in Rural France.
In: B Bonisch-Brednich and C Trundle, eds.
Local Lives: Migration and the Micro-politics of Place.
Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 67-84.
ISBN 9781409401032
[Book Section]
Berry, Chris.
Imaging the Globalized City: Rem Koolhaas, U-thèque, and the Pearl River Delta.
In: Yomi Braester and James Tweedie, eds.
Cinema at the City’s Edge.
Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 155-170.
ISBN 978-9622099845
[Book Section]
Berry, Chris.
New Documentary in China: Public Space, Public Television.
In: Chris Berry; Soyoung Kim and Lynn Spigel, eds.
Electronic Elsewheres: Media, Technology and Social Space.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 95-116.
ISBN 978-0816647378
[Book Section]
Berry, Chris and Rofel, Lisa.
Alternative Archive: China’s Independent Documentary Culture.
In: Chris Berry; Lisa Rofel and Xinyu Lu, eds.
The New Chinese Documentary Film Movement: For the Public Record.
Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 135-154.
ISBN 978-9888028528
[Book Section]
Gabrys, Jennifer.
Telepathically urban.
In: Alexandra Boutros and Will Straw, eds.
Circulation and the City: Essays on Urban Culture.
Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 48-63.
ISBN 9780773536647
[Book Section]
Mabb, David.
Hijack: Morris Dialectically.
In: Phillipa Bennett and Rosie Miles, eds.
William Morris in the Twenty-First Century.
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien: Peter Lang, pp. 153-166.
ISBN 978-3-0343-0106-0
[Book Section]
Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Statistical techniques in music psychology: An update.
In: Rolf Bader; Christiane Neuhaus and Ulrich Morgenstern, eds.
Concepts, Experiments, and Fieldwork: Studies in Systematic Musicology and Ethnomusicology.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 193-215.
ISBN 978-3-631-58902-1
[Book Section]
Rooke, Alison.
Queer in the Field: on emotions temporality and performativity in ethnography.
In: Kath Browne and katheerine, j nash, eds.
- Alison Rooke (in) Queer Methods and Methodologies:intersecting Queer theories and Social Science Research.
Farnahm, Surry: Ashgate, pp. 25-41.
ISBN 9780754678434
[Book Section]
Shukra, Kalbir.
Anti-racism to community cohesion.
In: Janet Batsleer and Bernard Davies, eds.
What is Youth Work?
Exeter: Learning Matters, pp. 129-139.
ISBN 9781844454662
[Book Section]
Ahmed, Sara.
Orientations Matter.
In: Diana Coole and Samantha Frost, eds.
New Materialism.
Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, pp. 234-257.
ISBN 978-0-822-34772-9
[Book Section]
Carpenter, Ele.
Intervention & Revolution, Interview with Gregory Sholette and Nato Thompson.
In: Sarah Cook; Beryl Graham; Verina Gfader and Axel Lapp, eds.
A Brief History of Working with New Media Art: Conversations with Artists.
Sunderland UK / Berlin Germany: The Green Box, pp. 111-127.
[Book Section]
Danino, Nina.
Little Constellation: Contemporary Art in Geo-cultural Micro-areas and small States of Europe.
In: Rita Canarezza and Pier Paolo Coro, eds.
LIttle Constellation: Contemporary Art in geo-cultural micro-areas and small States of Europe.
Milan, Italy: Mousse Publishing, pp. 82-86.
ISBN 9788896501078
[Book Section]
Gabrys, Jennifer.
Atmospheres of communication.
In: Barbara Crow; Michael Longford and Kim Sawchuk, eds.
The Wireless Spectrum: The Politics, Practices, and Poetics of Mobile Media.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 46-59.
ISBN 978-0802098931
[Book Section]
Tubridy, Derval.
Beckett, Feldman, Salcedo… Neither.
In: Daniela Caselli, ed.
Beckett and Nothing: Trying to understand Beckett.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 143-159.
ISBN 978-0-7190-8019-7
[Book Section]
De Genova, Nicholas and Peutz, Nathalie.
The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space, and the Freedom of Movement.
In: Nicholas De Genova, ed.
The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space, and the Freedom of Movement.
Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 33-65.
ISBN 0822345765
[Book Section]
Dragovic-Soso, Jasna and Gordy, Eric.
Coming to Terms with the Past: Transitional justice and Reconciliation in the post-Yugoslav lands.
In: Dejan Djokic and J Ker-Lindsay, eds.
New Perspectives on Yugoslavia: Key Issues and Controversies.
Routledge, pp. 193-212.
ISBN 978-0-415-49920-0
[Book Section]
Malik, Suhail.
You Are Here.
In: Bassam el-Baroni; Jeremy Beaudry and Nav Haq, eds.
Manifesta 8: The European Biennial of Contemporary Art, Region of Murcia (spain) in dialogue with northern Africa.
Milan: Manifesta, pp. 58-61.
ISBN 97888 3661697 8
[Book Section]
Jones, Kevin.
The Iron Cage of Bureacracy: Art Therapy in the UK 2010
Bureaucratie, une cage d’acier. L’art-thérapie au Royaume-Uni en 2010.
In: R. Forestier, ed.
‘’The Profession of Art Therapist’’.
Paris.: Elsevier-Masson., pp. 117-223.
ISBN 978-2294-71144-2
[Book Section]
Katsikas, Stefanos.
A Minority in a State of Hostage: The Muslim Minority of Greece, 1923-1940.
In: B Fortna; P Konortas; Stefanos Katsikas and D Kamouzis, eds.
Between Two Opposing State Nationalisms: The Greek Orthodox Minority in Turkey and the Muslim Minority in Greece (ca. 1830s-1939).
Routledge, pp. 1-22.
[Book Section]
Lee-Wright, Peter.
Culture Shock: New media and organizational change in the BBC in In: Natalie Fenton, ed. New Media, Old News: Journalism and Democracy in the Digital Age. Sage, pp. 73-86. ISBN 9781847875730.
In: Natalie Fenton, ed.
New Media, Old News.
London: Sage, pp. 71-86.
ISBN 978-1-84787-537-0
[Book Section]
Mayo, Marjorie C. and Gaventa, J..
Spanning Citizenship Spaces through Transnational Coalitions; The Case of the Global Campaign for Education.
In: J Gaventa and Rajesh Tandon, eds.
Globalizing Citizens.
London: Zed, pp. 140-162.
ISBN 9781848134713
[Book Section]
Morley, David G..
Television as a Means of Transport: Digital Teletechnologies and Transmodal Systems.
In: Jostein Gripsrud, ed.
Relocating Television: Television in the Digital Context.
London: Routledge, pp. 257-270.
ISBN 978-0-415-56453-3
[Book Section]
Blackman, Lisa and Harbord, Janet.
Technologies of Mediation and the Affective: Taking the Virtual Environment of mediacityuk as a case study.
In: D Hauptamann and W Neidich, eds.
Cognitive Architecture: From Bio-politics to Noo-Politics: architecture and mind in the Age of Communication and Information.
Amsterdam: O10, pp. 302-323.
ISBN 9789064507250
[Book Section]
Dinardi, Cecilia.
Writing urban stories from the walls of a building: The case of the Post and Telecommunications Palace in Buenos Aires.
In: S Hall; M Fernandez and Cecilia Dinardi, eds.
Writing Cities: How do view shape words? How do words shape cities?
London School of Economics and Political Science.
[Book Section]
Oreggia, Eleonora.
Anche i files hanno un'anima.
In: C Hendrickson; S Iaconesi; O Persico; F Ruberti and L Simeone, eds.
Reff, RomaEuropa Fake Factory: la reinvenzione del reale attraverso pratiche di remix, mashup, reenactment.
Rome: Derive approdi, pp. 62-67.
ISBN 9788865480120
[Book Section]
Swijghuisen Reigersberg, Muriel Elsbeth.
Applied Ethnomusicology, Music Therapy and Ethnographically Informed Choral Education: The Merging of Disciplines during a Case Study in Hopevale, Northern Queensland.
In: Klisala Harrison; Elizabeth Mackinlay and Svanibor Pettan, eds.
Applied Ethnomusicology: Historical and Contemporary Approaches.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 51-75.
ISBN 9781443824255
[Book Section]
Dickinson, Kay.
The Palestinian Road (Block) Movie: Everyday Geographies of Second Intifada Filmmaking.
In: Dina Jordanova; David Martin-Jones and Belen Vidal, eds.
Cinema at the Periphery.
Detroit: Wayne State University Press, pp. 137-155.
ISBN 978-0-814-33388-4
[Book Section]
Shain, Farzana.
Refusing to Integrate: Asian girls, achievement and the experience of schooling.
In: C Jackson; Carrie F. Paechter and E Renold, eds.
Girls and Education 3-16: Continuing concerns.
Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 62-74.
ISBN 9780335235629
[Book Section]
Danino, Nina.
From Floor to Sky -The Experience of Art School and the teaching of Peter Kardia.
In: Peter Kardia; Malcolm Le Grice and Hester Westley, eds.
From Floor to Sky -The Experience of Art School and the teaching of Peter Kardia.
London: A&C Black, pp. 58-62.
ISBN 9781408114995
[Book Section]
King, Laura and Hutnyk, John.
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Gaius Balthar: Colonialism Reimagined in Battlestar Galactica.
In: Arlo Kempf, ed.
Breaching the Colonial Contract.
Springer, pp. 237-250.
ISBN 978-1-4020-9943-4
[Book Section]
Osborne, Deirdre.
The Body of Text Meets the Body as Text: Staging (I)dentity in the Work of SuAndi and Lemn Sissay.
In: Anne Karhio; Sean Crosson and Charles I. Armstrong, eds.
Crisis and Contemporary Poetry.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 230-247.
ISBN 9780230247246
[Book Section]
Wilkie, Alex.
Prototypes in design: materializing futures.
In: Christopher Kelty; Alberto Corsin Jimenez and George E. Marcus, eds.
Protoyping Prototyping.
Madrid: ARC Studio, pp. 43-50.
[Book Section]
Berry, Chris.
Hong Kong Watcher: Tammy Cheung and the Hong Kong Documentary.
In: Kam Louie, ed.
Word and Image in Modern Hong Kong Culture: Did 1997 Matter?
Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp. 213-228.
ISBN 978-9-888-02841-2
[Book Section]
Fenton, Natalie and Witschge, Tamara.
'Comment is free, facts are sacred': Journalistic ethics in a changing mediascape.
In: G Meikle and G Redden, eds.
News online : transformations and continuities.
London: Palgrave, pp. 148-164.
ISBN 9780230233454
[Book Section]
Pring, Linda and Tadić, Valerie.
Cognitive and behavioural manifestations of blindness.
In: Ruth Nass and Yitzach Frank, eds.
Cognitive and Behavioral Abnormalities of Pediatric Diseases.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780195342680
[Book Section]
Oswell, David.
Cultural Theory: Genealogies, Orientations and Territories.
In: David Oswell, ed.
Cultural Theory.
London: Sage, xxi-xlviii.
ISBN 9781848607057
[Book Section]
Dragovic-Soso, Jasna.
Conflict, Memory , Accountability: What Does Coming to
Terms with the Past Mean?
In: W Petritsch and V Dzihic, eds.
Conflict and Memory: Bridging Past and Future in (South East) Europe.
Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 29-46.
ISBN 978-3-8329-4879-5
[Book Section]
Pearce, Marcus T.; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Wiggins, Geraint.
Melodic Grouping in Music Information Retrieval: New Methods and Applications.
In: Zbigniew W. Ras and Alicja Wieczorkowska, eds.
Advances in Music Information Retrieval Advances in Music Information Retrieval.
Berlin and New York: Springer, pp. 365-390.
ISBN 978-3-642-11673-5
[Book Section]
Park, Soomi.
LED Eyelash: Soomi Park.
In: Sabine Seymour, ed.
Functional Aesthetics: Visions in Fashionable Technology.
Vienna: Springer-Verlag, pp. 72-73.
ISBN 9783709203111
[Book Section]
Stables, Kay.
Learning and Teaching Design and Technology: Meeting needs, developing capability.
In: K Subramaniam, ed.
The epiSTEME Reviews: Research Trends in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education Volume 3.
New Delhi: MacMillan Publishers India Ltd, pp. 249-274.
ISBN 023-033-242-0
[Book Section]
Campbell, Kirsten.
From Legitimacy to Legality: The Problem of the Global Legal Form.
In: C.J Thornhill and S. Ashenden, eds.
Legality and Legitimacy: Normative and Sociological Approaches.
Berlin: Nomos, pp. 255-275.
ISBN 9783832953546
[Book Section]
Rooke, Alison and Gidley, Ben.
Asdatown: The intersections of classed places and identities.
In: Yvette Taylor, ed.
Classed Intersections: spaces, selves, knowledges.
Farnham. Surrey: Ashgate, 95 -116.
ISBN 9780754675624
[Book Section]
Skeggs, Bev.
Class culture and morality: legacies and logics in the space for identification.
In: M Wetherell and C.T. Mohanty, eds.
The Sage Handbook of Identities.
London: Sage, pp. 339-360.
ISBN 978-1-4129-3411-4
[Book Section]
Williams, Gilda.
Jonathan Wateridge: Being Seen, In Between.
In: Gilda Williams, ed.
Jonathan Wateridge: Another Place.
London: All Visual Arts, pp. 22-37.
ISBN 978-1-907164-02-6
[Book Section]