Items of Type Conference or Workshop Item

Number of items: 228.
Abad, Pio.
'Para Site International Conference 2018 - The Collection of Jane Ryan & William Saunders: Reconstruction as Democratic Gesture'.
In: Para Site International Conference 2018: What to Let Go?. Tai Kwun - Centre for Heritage and Arts, Hong Kong 22 - 24 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Akten, Memo; Fiebrink, Rebecca and Grierson, Mick.
'Deep Meditations: Controlled navigation of latent space'.
In: NeurIPS 2018 Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design. Montreal, Canada 8 December 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Ali, Muhammad; Shiaeles, Stavros; Papadaki, Maria and Ghita, Bogdan V.
'Agent-based Vs Agent-less Sandbox for Dynamic Behavioral Analysis'.
In: Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2018). Thessaloniki, Greece 23-25 October 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Andrews, Jorella G..
'The Courage to Persevere: Contemporary re-interrogations of faith and their public implications'.
In: The Faiths and Civil Society Unit Public Programme: Faith and the Future of Civil Society. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Andrews, Jorella G..
'Decolonising the Self: Phenomenological Strategies'.
In: PhD Workshop: Decolonising the Self: Representations of the Self in Art Theory and Practice across Cultures. SOAS, United Kingdom 22 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Andrews, Jorella G..
'Using Phenomenology in Contemporary Arts Research and Pedagogy (Handbook for 3-day Workshop led by Jorella Andrews)'.
In: Using Phenomenology in Contemporary Arts Research and Pedagogy. LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore 24-26 September 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Andrews, Jorella G. and Martinon, Jean-Paul.
'A Fearless Look at the Unspeakable: Visual Cultures Public Programme Sping Term 2018'.
In: Visual Cultures Public Programme. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom Jan-Feb 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Belgrave, Danielle; Cassidy, Rachel; Stamate, Daniel; Custovic, Adnan; Fleming, Louise; Bush, Andrew and Saglani, Sejal.
'Predictive Modelling Strategies to Understand Heterogeneous Manifestations of Asthma in Early Life'.
In: 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 2017. Cancun, Mexico.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Blumberg, Herbert H..
'An ultra‑brief introduction to peace psychology and current developments'.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Boucher, Andy; Brown, Dean; Ovalle, Liliana; Sheen, Andy; Vanis, Michail and Gaver, William.
'TaskCam: Demo'.
In: CHI 2018. Montreal, Canada 21 - 26 April 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Burt, Philippa.
'Colluding to Protect the State? The Case of the Arts Council, Special Branch and Theatre Workshop'.
In: Theatricality, Performance and the State. Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom 7 - 8 June, 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Cañigueral, Roser; Hamilton, Antonia and Ward, Jamie A..
'Don't Look at Me, I'm Wearing an Eyetracker!'.
In: International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC), Workshop on Eyewear. Singapore, Singapore 9 – 11 October 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Chilver, John.
'Transposing Genre, Translating Style'.
In: Painting and Transposition. University of Worcester, United Kingdom 6th February 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Chilver, John and Rosamond, Emily.
'John Chilver in conversation with Emily Rosamond'.
In: John Chilver in conversation with Emily Rosamond. Xero, Kline and Coma, London, United Kingdom 22 July, 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Crawford, Tim; Badkobeh, Golnaz and Lewis, David.
'Searching Page-Images of Early Music Scanned with OMR: A Scalable Solution Using Minimal Absent Words'.
In: Proceedings of the 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2018, Paris, France, September 23-27, 2018. Paris, France 23 – 27 September 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Crawford, Tim; Badkobeh, Golnaz and Lewis, David.
'Searching Page-Images of Early Music Scanned with OMR: A Scalable Solution Using Minimal Absent Words'.
In: 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. Paris, France 24-27 September 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Cuch, Laura.
'Spiritual Flavours: a visual project exploring food and faith in West London'.
In: Welcome to the Fake: Photography and the Politics of Authenticity. The Photographers Gallery, London, United Kingdom 14 July 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Di Donato, Balandino; Bullock, Jamie and Tanaka, Atau.
'Myo Mapper: a Myo armband to OSC mapper'.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Blacksburg, Virginia, United States 3-6 June 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Doussan, Jenny.
'Sovereign Will'.
In: Opening Potentialities: Thinking Ontology and Action with Giorgio Agamben. London, United Kingdom 15 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Dyangani Ose, Elvira.
'States of Opacity. Lahore Biennial'.
In: States of Opacity. Lahore Biennial. Lahore, Pakistan March 18 to March 31 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Furse, Anna F. D..
'Her Spectacular Body: hysteria, subfertility, anatomy and the prosthetic gaze'.
In: Her Spectacular Body. Amsterdam University College, Netherlands 28th March 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Furse, Anna F. D..
'Keynote Address: Performance in the Medical Gaze'.
In: Arts + Health Check Up Check In 2018. Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, Ireland.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Furse, Anna F. D..
'Workshop: I Am Not A Piece Of Meat: Writing the Body'.
In: CAPP Practice and Power. Create Dublin, Ireland 20th - 23rd June 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gaver, William; Boucher, Andy; Vanis, Michail; Sheen, Andy; Brown, Dean; Ovalle, Liliana; Matsuda, Naho; Abbas-Nazari, Amina and Phillips, Robert.
'My Naturewatch Workshop: At St Margaret's School'.
In: My Naturewatch Workshop: At St Margaret's School. St Margaret's School, London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
German, L.
'Secondary Annual Conference for Art, Craft and Design'.
In: Hampshire Secondary Annual Conference for Art, Craft and Design. Southampton City Art Gallery, United Kingdom 19 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gillies, Marco.
'Creating Virtual Characters'.
In: MOCO 2018 the 5th International Conference of Movement and Computing. Genova, Italy 28-30 June.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gillies, Marco and Pan, Xueni.
'Virtual reality for social skills training'.
In: VR/AR in Higher Education Conference 2018. Swansea, United Kingdom 12 September 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Guckelsberger, Christian; Salge, Christoph and Togelius, Julian.
'New And Surprising Ways to Be Mean: Adversarial NPCs with Coupled Empowerment Minimisation'.
In: Computational Intelligence and Games. Maastricht, Netherlands 14-17 August 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Harma, Tanguy.
'‘The Figure of Thanatos: Processes of Self-creation and Self-destruction in Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg’'.
In: Séminaire EMMA (Études Montpelliéraines du Monde Anglophone). Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3, France 13 February 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Harma, Tanguy.
'‘A Sense of Dooming Boom’: Kerouac’s Psychopathic Aesthetics of Speed in Big Sur'.
In: 12th International IDEA Conference. Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey 18 - 20 April 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Hernández Velázquez, Y. M..
'Liberating the Curator / Liberating the Museum'.
In: Curating Differently, Curating Difference (MFA Fine Art + MFA Curating Lecture Series). Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 26 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Hoque, Aminul.
'Excavating the importance of oral histories: unheard voices from the 1971 Bangladesh War of Resistance'.
In: Histories in Professional Education: Recovering silent lives. London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom 29 May 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Hänsel, Katrin; Katevas, Kleomenis; Orgs, Guido; Richardson, Daniel C.; Alomainy, Akram and Haddadi, Hamed.
'The potential of wearable technology for monitoring social interactions based on interpersonal synchrony'.
In: Wearable Systems, 2018. Munich, Germany 10 June 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Joncus, Berta.
'Joseph Antonia Emidy: Encounters, not Silhouettes'.
In: American Musicological Society Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, United States 1 - 4 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Lahav, Sylvia.
'Challenging notions of Homogeneity and celebrating 'difference' in display, education and interpretation strategies in museums and galleries'.
In: European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management: 6th Workshop in Managing Arts and Cultural Organisations. Oxford, United Kingdom 30 November - 1 December 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Marechal, Frederic; Stamate, Daniel; Olaniyan, Rapheal and Marek, Jiri.
'On XLE index constituents’ social media based sentiment
informing the index trend and volatility prediction'.
In: 10th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI 2018). Bristol, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Matthews, Miranda.
'Responding to Policy Changes since 2010: An Investigation of the Adjustments and Strategies of Art and Design Practitioners'.
In: NSEAD Annual Conference: The Artist Teacher - Practice and Pedagogies. NSEAD Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
McGrath, Sean.
'Designing and Developing User-Centred Systems'.
In: The 4th Workshop on Intelligent Music Production. Huddersfield, United Kingdom 14 September 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Mellor, Bod.
'Dawn Mellor Artist Talk'.
In: Fine Art Lectures: Dawn Mellor. Kensington and Chelsea College, United Kingdom 16th May 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Milne, Antony; Farrahi, Katayoun and Nicolaou, Mihalis.
'Less is More: Univariate Modelling to Detect Early Parkinson's Disease from Keystroke Dynamics'.
In: Discovery Science 2018, LNCS Proceedings. Limassol, Cyprus October 29-31, 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Murdoch, Sadie and Mareike, Foecking.
'The Anagrammatic Model: The Body, in Pieces'.
In: Duesseldorf Photo Conference: Photography (No_On) Photography. HSD – Hochschule Düsseldorf, Germany 23. to 24.2.2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Nicolaou, Mihalis and Ringer, Charles.
'Streaming Behaviour: Live Streaming as a Paradigm for Multi-view Analysis of Emotional and Social Signals'.
In: Foundations on Digital Games 2018, Twitch Workshop. Malmo, Sweden.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Norouzi, Minou.
'Documentary Futures in the Present'.
In: Documentary Now!. BIMI, Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom 15 December 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Oroojeni, Hooman; Majid al-Rifaie, Mohammad and Nicolaou, Mihalis.
'Deep Neuroevolution: Training Deep Neural Networks for False Alarm Detection in Intensive Care Units'.
In: 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2018). Rome, Italy.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Pennington, Sarah.
'Taking care of issues of concern: Feminist Possibilities and speculative design'.
In: Design as a catalyst for change - DRS International Conference 2018 (DRS2018: Catalyst). Limerick, Ireland 25 - 28 June 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Popova, Gergana.
'English Compounds with ing-form heads'.
In: The 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting. Nicosia, Cyprus 22-25 June 2017.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Reckitt, Helena.
'Being Visible at the ICA'.
In: From Critical Studies to Public Programming: Public Knowledge at the Post-Democratic Impasse. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 18 May 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Reckitt, Helena.
'The Feminist Practice of Affidamento (Entrustment)'.
In: Affidamento – Creating Feminist Solidarity in Art and Curating. Migros Museum, Zurich, Switzerland 15 June 2018 - 16 June 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Reckitt, Helena.
'Gallery Walk Through: Still I Rise, Feminisms Gender Resistance'.
In: Still I Rise. Nottingham, United Kingdom 31 October 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Reckitt, Helena.
'~in waves~ intensive residency of feminist curating'.
In: part 12: ~in waves~ intensive residency of feminist curating. Hanaholmen – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, Hanasaarenranta 5, 02100 Espoo, Finland 26-30 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Reckitt, Helena.
'in-waves: curatorial intensive in feminist curating'.
In: in-waves intensive on feminist curating. Hanaholmen, Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, Helsinki, Finland 26 - 29 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Reckitt, Helena; Dunster, Flora; Siwisa, Kefiloe and Tobin, Amy.
'Soft Covers: Queer Feminist Publishing'.
In: Strange Perfume LGBTQIA book fair. South London Gallery, London, United Kingdom 26 May 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rhodes, Christophe.
'Using Lisp-based pseudocode to probe student understanding'.
In: 11th European Lisp Symposium. Marbella, Spain April 16-17, 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Ringer, Charles and Nicolaou, Mihalis.
'Deep Unsupervised Multi-View Detection of Video Game Stream
In: Foundations on Digital Games 2018. Malmo, Sweden 7-10 August 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Robinson, Scott.
'Audio-based Academic Poster Presentation'.
In: Design Star Methods: Constructing a PhD Narrative. Open University, Library Building, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes. MK7 6AA, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rogoff, Irit.
'Becoming Research'.
In: Symposium, “What Do Museums Research”. National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea, Republic of 7 - 8 April 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Roohi, Shaghayegh; Takatalo, Jari; Guckelsberger, Christian and Hämäläinen, Perttu.
'Review of Intrinsic Motivation in Simulation-based Game Testing'.
In: Conference Human Factors in Computing Systems. Montreal, Canada 21 - 26 April, 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
'Choreopolitics in the Age of Big Data'.
In: Choreopolitics in the Age of Big Data. The Place, London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
In: Conspiracy of the Real. Tenderpixel, London, United Kingdom 3 May, 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
'The Investment-Image of Contemporary Art'.
In: Post-Capitalist Photography Now!. The Photographers' Gallery, London, United Kingdom 24 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
'It Sees'.
In: Moneylab #4: Art, Culture and Financial Activism. Somerset House, United Kingdom 18 January 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
'Profiling and Predictive Cultures'.
In: Brookes Fine Art Lecture Series. Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom 6 February 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
'Reputation and Surveillance Capitalist Aesthetics'.
In: Futures of Finance and Society Conference. University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom 6-7 December 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
'Respondent, Art After Money, Money After Art'.
In: Art After Money, Money After Art. Furtherfield Commons, United Kingdom 9 December 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
'Respondent, Rated Agency Book Launch'.
In: Michel Feher, Rated Agency Book Launch. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom 28 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
'Second Selves: Auto/Biography, Figuration and the Financial Subject'.
In: Tenth Critical Finance Studies Conference. University of Gothenburg, Sweden 9-11 August 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
'Surveillance Capitalist Aesthetics'.
In: A Modest Proposal Symposium. Royal College of Art, United Kingdom 27 October, 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
In: Guest Lecture, PC Certificate Course in the Management of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Goldsmiths, United Kingdom 18 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
'Volatile Measurement Environments'.
In: New Narratives 2: Thinking Economics Differently. Kunstgebaude, Stuttgart, Germany 15 April, 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rotie, Marie-Gabrielle and Parkin, Nick.
'Encounters with Landscape Research Labs Series: Pembrokeshire'.
In: Encounters with Landscape: Research Lab Series: Pembrokeshire. Pembrokeshire, United Kingdom 2015 to 2023.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Ruppert, Evelyn.
'Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Different Data Futures: An Experiment in Citizen Data'.
In: Dag van de Sociologie, Dutch and Flemish Sociological Association Conference and the Third Van Doorn Lecture. Rotterdam, Netherlands.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Russell-Rose, Tony and Gooch, Philip.
'2dSearch: A Visual Approach to Search Strategy Formulation'.
In: Design of Experimental Search and Information REtrieval Systems (DESIRES 2018). Bertinoro, Italy 28-31 August 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Salge, Christoph; Guckelsberger, Christian; Canaan, Rodrigo and Mahlmann, Tobias.
'Accelerating Empowerment Computation with UCT Tree Search'.
In: Computational Intelligence and Games. Maastricht, Netherlands 14-17 August 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Smith, Richard W. P..
'Military-related crime in Jamaica during the 1920s and 1930s: questions of race, masculinity and nationhood'.
In: British Crime Historians symposium. Edge Hill University, United Kingdom 1 September 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Stamate, Daniel; Alghamdi, Wajdi; Stahl, Daniel; Logofatu, Doina and Zamyatin, Alexander.
'PIDT: A Novel Decision Tree Algorithm Based on Parameterised Impurities and Statistical Pruning Approaches'.
In: 14th IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Rhodes, Greece.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Stamate, Daniel; Alghamdi, Wajdi; Stahl, Daniel; Pu, Ida; Murtagh, Fionn; Belgrave, Danielle; Murray, Robin and di Forti, Marta.
'Predicting First-Episode Psychosis Associated with Cannabis Use with Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning'.
In: IPMU 2018: 17th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Cadiz, Spain.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Stamate, Daniel; Alghamdi, Wajdi; Stahl, Daniel; Zamyatin, Alexander; Murray, Robin and di Forti, Marta.
'Can Artificial Neural Networks Predict Psychiatric Conditions Associated with Cannabis Use?'.
In: 14th AIAI: IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Rhodes, Greece.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Stevenson, Guy.
'Understanding the Shock Tactics of the Alt Right (Invited Talk)'.
In: Chess Club Talks. The Chess Club (Society for Arts & Culture), London, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Stevenson, Guy and Garland, Sarah.
'The Reality of the Counterculture'.
In: 6th International Conference of the EAM (European Network of Avant-Garde & Modernism Studies): "Realism(s) of the Avant-Garde and Modernism". University of Münster, Germany 5 - 7 September 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Turner, Lynn.
'How like a (fig) leaf'.
In: Beyond Plant Blindness: Where can a single plant take you?. University of Gothenburg, Sweden 10 November 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Turner, Lynn.
'In lieu of conclusion: the bloodless coups of White God'.
In: Derrida Today 6. Concordia University, Canada 23-26 May 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Walghamdi, Wajdi; Stamate, Daniel; Stahl, Daniel; Murray, Robin and Di Forti, Marta.
'A New Machine Learning Framework for Understanding the Link between Cannabis Use and First-Episode Psychosis'.
In: Proceedings of the 12th eHealth Conference. Vienna, Austria.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Waller, Michael.
'Street to Scale - Tackling structural inequalities to find the innovators in every community: Communities, Design and Psychology'.
In: 4th Community Psychology Festival - British Psychological Society (BPS). University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom September 23 / 9:00 am - September 24 / 5:00 pm.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Ward, Jamie A; Richardson, Daniel C.; Orgs, Guido; Hunter, Kelly and Hamilton, Antonia.
'Sensing Interpersonal Synchrony between Actors and Autistic Children in Theatre Using Wrist-worn Accelerometers'.
In: International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC). Singapore, Singapore 8-12 October 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Wiseman, Sarah and Gould, Sandy J.J..
'Repurposing Emoji for Personalised Communication: Why pizza slice emoji means “I love you”'.
In: CHI '18: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Montreal, Quebec, Canada 21 - 26 April 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Zagorac, Slavko and Alessandrini, Patricia.
'ZScore: A Distributed System For Integrated Mixed Music Composition and Performance'.
In: International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation — TENOR'18. Montreal, Canada 24 - 26 May 2018.
[Conference or Workshop Item]