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Ahmed, Sara. 2002. The Contingency of Pain. Parallax, 8(1), pp. 17-34. [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 2002. This Other and Other Others. Economy and Society, 31(4), pp. 558-572. ISSN 03085147 [Article]

Alexander, Claire and Alleyne, Brian. 2002. Introduction: Framing difference: racial and ethnic studies in twentyfirst-century Britain. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 25(4), pp. 541-551. ISSN 0141-9870 [Article]


Back, Les; Keith, Michael; Khan, Azra; Shukra, Kalbir and Solomos, J.. 2002. New Labour's White Heart: Politics, Multiculturalism and the Return of Assimilation. The Political Quarterly, 73(4), pp. 445-454. ISSN 00323179 [Article]

Baldeweg, Torsten; Klugman, Anthony; Gruzelier, John and Hirsch, Stephen R.. 2002. Impairment in frontal but not temporal components of mismatch negativity in schizophrenia. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 43(2), pp. 111-122. ISSN 01678760 [Article]

Barnett, Pennina. 2002. Collection: Pennina Barnett interviews Wiebke Siem. n. paradoxa, international feminist art journal, 9, pp. 5-14. ISSN 14610434 [Article]

Barnett, Pennina. 2002. Small Gestures and Acts of Grace: an interview with Germaine Koh. Women: a Cultural Review, 13(3), pp. 356-369. ISSN 09574042 [Article]

Bell, Vikki. 2002. 'On Genealogy and Generation: On Levinas, Chaining and the Child'. Parallax, 8(3), pp. 19-33. ISSN 1353-4645 [Article]

Bell, Vikki. 2002. The Violence and the Appeal of Raciologies: Colonialism, Camps and Cosmopolitan Utopias. Theory, Culture and Society, 19(4), pp. 245-254. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Berry, Josephine. 2002. Bare Code: Net Art and the Free Software Movement’. on the occasion of the NetArtCommons exhibition, Gallery 9/ Walker Art, [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep and Petsche, Hellmuth. 2002. Shadows of artistry: cortical synchrony during perception and imagery of visual art. Cognitive Brain Research, 13(2), pp. 179-186. ISSN 09266410 [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep; Shams, Ladan and Shimojo, Shinsuke. 2002. Sound-induced illusory flash perception: role of gamma band responses. NeuroReport, 13(14), pp. 1727-1730. ISSN 0959-4965 [Article]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2002. Counterfactuals cannot count: A rejoinder to David Chalmers. Consciousness and Cognition, 11(4), pp. 642-652. ISSN 10538100 [Article]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.); Nasuto, S. and De Meyer, K.. 2002. Dynamic knowledge representation in connectionist systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2415, pp. 308-313. ISSN 0302-9743 [Article]

Braun, Claude M. J.; Villeneuve, Loic and Gruzelier, John. 2002. Topographical analysis of stimulus-related and response-related electrical scalp activity and interhemispheric dynamics in normal humans. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 46(2), pp. 109-122. ISSN 01678760 [Article]

Brax, Philippe; van de Bruck, Carsten; Davis, Anne-Christine and Rhodes, Christophe. 2002. Four-dimensional Gravity from Singular Spaces. Phys. Rev. D, 65, 121501. ISSN 1550-2368 [Article]

Brax, Philippe; van de Bruck, Carsten; Davis, Anne-Christine and Rhodes, Christophe. 2002. Wave function of the radion with a bulk scalar field. Phys. Lett. B, 531, pp. 135-142. ISSN 0370-2693 [Article]

Brody, D C and Hughston, L P. 2002. Efficient Simulation of Quantum State Reduction. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 43(11), 5254 - 5261. ISSN 0022-2488 [Article]

Brody, D C and Hughston, L P. 2002. Entropy and Information in the Interest Rate Term Structure. Quantitative Finance, 2(1), 70 - 80. ISSN 1469-7688 [Article]

Brody, D C and Hughston, L P. 2002. Stochastic Reduction in Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 458(2021), 1117 - 1127. ISSN 1364-5021 [Article]

Brown, Gary; Macleod, Andrew; Tata, Philip and Goddard, Lorna. 2002. Worry and the simulation of future outcomes. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 15(1), pp. 1-17. ISSN 1061-5806 [Article]

Burns, Robert M.. 2002. Language, Tradition, and the Self in the Generation of Meaning. History of European Ideas, 28(1-2), pp. 51-75. ISSN 01916599 [Article]


Campbell, Kirsten. 2002. Legal Memories: Sexual Assault, Memory, and International Humanitarian Law. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 28(1), pp. 149-176. ISSN 00979740 [Article]

Campbell, Kirsten. 2002. The Politics of Kinship: Antigone’s Claim. Economy and Society, 31(4), pp. 642-650. ISSN 0308-5147 [Article]

Canova-Green, Marie-Claude. 2002. Les Triomphes de Louis le Juste (1649): une une épopée du discontinu. Seventeenth-Century French Studies, 24, pp. 29-41. ISSN 02651068 [Article]

Cassidy, Rebecca. 2002. The Social Practice of Racehorse Breeding. Society and Animals, 10(2), pp. 155-171. ISSN 1063-1119 [Article]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas; Furnham, A. and McDougall, F.. 2002. Personality, cognitive ability, and beliefs about intelligence as predictors of academic performance. Learning and Individual Differences, 14(1), pp. 47-64. ISSN 10416080 [Article]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas and Furnham, Adrian. 2002. Neuroticism and "special treatment" in university examination. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 30(8), pp. 807-811. ISSN 03012212 [Article]

Chen, Yang Guang and Reid, I.. 2002. Citizenship Education in Chinese Schools: retrospect and prospect. Research in Education, 67, pp. 58-69. ISSN 1743727X [Article]

Chitty, Clyde W.. 2002. The Role and Status of LEAs: post-war pride and de siècle uncertainty. Oxford Review of Education, 28(2-3), pp. 261-73. ISSN 03054985 [Article]

Cocchini, Gianna; Beschin, Nicoletta and Della Sala, S.. 2002. Chronic anosognosia: a case report and theoretical account. Neuropsychologia, 40(12), pp. 2030-2038. ISSN 00283932 [Article]

Cocchini, Gianna; Beschin, Nicoletta and Della Sala, Sergio. 2002. Chronic anosognosia: a case report and theoretical account. Neuropsychologia, 40(12), pp. 2030-2038. ISSN 00283932 [Article]

Cocchini, Gianna; Della Sala, Sergio; Logie, Robert and Baddeley, Alan D.. 2002. Concurrent performance of two memory tasks: Evidence for domain-specific working memory systems. Memory and Cognition, 30(7), pp. 1086-1095. ISSN 0090502X [Article]

Cohen, Josh. 2002. ‘“A Different Insignificance”: The Poet and the Witness in Agamben’. Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory, 25(2), pp. 36-51. ISSN 0264-8334 [Article]

Cohen, Josh. 2002. ‘Philosophy and the Holocaust: Representing, Remembering, Thinking’. Jewish Quarterly, 49(3), pp. 73-74. ISSN 0449-010X [Article]

Cohen, Josh. 2002. RELIGION AGAINST POLITICS: Versions of the State in modern Jewish thought. Jewish Quarterly, 49(4), pp. 23-28. ISSN 0449-010X [Article]

Cohen, Josh. 2002. Review of Andrew Benjamin, Philosophy’s Literature. Textual Practice, 16, ISSN 0950-236X [Article]

Crawley, Susan E.; French, Christopher C. and Yesson, Steven A.. 2002. Evidence for transliminality from a subliminal card-guessing task. Perception, 31(7), pp. 887-892. ISSN 0301-0066 [Article]

Croft, Rodney J.; Williams, John D.; Haenschel, Corinna and Gruzelier, John. 2002. Pain perception, hypnosis and 40 Hz oscillations. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 46(2), pp. 101-108. ISSN 01678760 [Article]

Curran, James P.. 2002. Media and the making of British society, c. 1700-2000. Media History, 8(2), pp. 135-154. ISSN 1368-8804 [Article]

Custance, Deborah M.; Whiten, A. and Fredman, T.. 2002. Social learning and primate reintroduction. International Journal of Primatology, 23(3), pp. 479-499. ISSN 01640291 [Article]


Davidoff, Jules B.; Davies, I.; Roberson, D. and Shapiro, L.. 2002. The development of color categories in two languages: a longitudinal study. Journal of Experimental Psychology General, 133(4), pp. 554-571. ISSN 00963445 [Article]

Davidoff, Jules B. and Roberson, Debi. 2002. Development of animal recognition: a difference between parts and wholes. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 81(3), pp. 217-234. ISSN 00220965 [Article]

Devlin, Kate. 2002. A review of tone reproduction techniques. CSTR-02-005, Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, [Article]

Devlin, Kate and Chalmers, Alan. 2002. A new perspective on the past: interdisciplinary research in computer science and archaeology. The Newsletter of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland Ltd, ISSN 1649-1882 [Article]

Djokic, Dejan. 2002. The Second World War II: discourses of reconciliation in Serbia and Croatia in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 4(2), pp. 127-140. ISSN 14613190 [Article]

Donner, Henrike. 2002. One’s Own Marriage: Love Marriages in a Calcutta Neighbourhood. South Asia Research, 22(1), pp. 79-94. ISSN 0262-7280 [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2002. Soundscape composition: the convergence of ethnography and  acousmatic music. Organised Sound, 7(1), pp. 21-27. ISSN 1355-7718 [Article]

Dutton, Michael. 2002. Lead Us Not Into Translation: Notes Toward a Theoretical Foundation for Asian Studies. Nepantla: Views from South, 3(3), pp. 495-537. ISSN 15270858 [Article]

d'Inverno, Mark; Howells, Paul; Hu, Michael and Luck, Michael. 2002. Soft-link hypertext for information retrieval. Information and Software Technology, 44(2), pp. 101-112. ISSN 0950-5849 [Article]

d'Inverno, Mark; Luck, Michael and Ukmas, Ukmas. 2002. Practical and theoretical innovations in multi-agent systems research. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 17(3), pp. 295-301. ISSN 0269-8889 [Article]


Egner, Tobias; Strawson, Emilie and Gruzelier, John. 2002. EEG Signature and Phenomenology of Alpha/theta Neurofeedback Training Versus Mock Feedback. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 27(4), pp. 261-270. ISSN 10900586 [Article]

Eimer, Martin; Maravita, Angelo; Van Velzen, Jose L.; Husain, Masud and Driver, Jon. 2002. The electrophysiology of tactile extinction: ERP correlates of unconscious somatosensory processing. Neuropsychologia, 40(13), pp. 2438-2447. ISSN 00283932 [Article]

Eimer, Martin; Van Velzen, Jose L. and Driver, Jon. 2002. Cross-Modal Interactions between Audition, Touch, and Vision in Endogenous Spatial Attention: ERP Evidence on Preparatory States and Sensory Modulations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14(2), pp. 254-271. ISSN 0898-929X [Article]


Finkel, E.; Rusbult, C.; Kumashiro, Madoka and Hannon, P.. 2002. Dealing with betrayal in close relationships: Does commitment promote forgiveness of betrayal? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82(6), pp. 956-974. ISSN 00223514 [Article]

Franklin, M. I.. 2002. Reading Walter Benjamin and Donna Haraway In the Age of Digital Reproduction. Information Communication & Society, 5(4), pp. 591-624. ISSN 1369118X [Article]

Fraser, Mariam. 2002. What is the matter of feminist criticism? Economy and Society, 31(4), pp. 606-625. ISSN 14695766 [Article]


Gaber, Ivor; Bartle, John; Tapper, Ted and Hanley, Sean. 2002. The Control Freaks: How New Labour Gets its Own Way. Party Politics, 8(1), pp. 143-152. ISSN 1354-0688 [Article]

George, Rosalyn P.. 2002. The Developing Role of the Headteacher in English Schools. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 30(2), pp. 175-188. ISSN 17411432 [Article]

George, Rosalyn P.; Moore, A.; Edwards, G. and Halpin, D.. 2002. Compliance, Resistance and Pragmatism:the (re)construction of school teacher identities in a period of intensive educational reform. British Educational Research Journal, 28(4), pp. 551-565. ISSN 01411926 [Article]

Gill, Rosalind. 2002. Cool, Creative and Egalitarian? Exploring Gender in Project-Based New Media Work in Europe. Information, Communication and Society, 5(1), pp. 70-89. ISSN 1369-118X [Article]

Gill, Rosalind. 2002. Men and their bodies. LSE Magazine, 14(1), pp. 12-14. ISSN 0023-639X [Article]

Gillies, Marco and Dodgson, N.. 2002. Eye Movements and Attention for Behavioural Animation. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 13(5), pp. 287-300. ISSN 1049-8907 [Article]

Goddard, Lorna; Dritschel, B.; Howlin, P. and Patel, T.. 2002. Autobiographical Memory and Social Problem-solving in Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37(2), pp. 291-300. ISSN 15733432 [Article]

Gomez, Rapson; Gomez, Andre and Cooper, Andrew. 2002. Neuroticism and extraversion as predictors of negative and positive emotional information processing: comparing Eysenck's, Gray's, and Newman's theories. European Journal of Personality, 16(5), pp. 333-350. ISSN 0890-2070 [Article]

Grant, Catherine. 2002. Private Performances: Editing Performance Photography. Performance Research, 7(1), pp. 34-44. ISSN 1352-8165 [Article]

Gray, Ros. 2002. Lost and Found: A Modicum of Dignity. The Journal of Visual Culture, 1(1), pp. 131-134. ISSN 14704129 [Article]

Gregory, Alice M. and O'Connor, Thomas G.. 2002. Sleep problems in childhood: a longitudinal study of developmental change and association with behavioral problems. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 41(8), pp. 964-971. ISSN 0890-8567 / online 1527-5418 [Article]

Gruzelier, John. 2002. A Janusian perspective on the nature, development and structure of schizophrenia and schizotypy. Schizophrenia Research, 54(1-2), pp. 95-103. ISSN 09209964 [Article]

Gruzelier, John; Champion, Andy; Fox, Paul; Rollin, Matthew; McCormack, Sheena; Catalan, Pepe; Barton, Simon and Henderson, Don. 2002. Individual differences in personality, immunology and mood in patients undergoing self-hypnosis training for the successful treatment of a chronic viral illness, HSV-2. Contemporary Hypnosis, 19(4), pp. 149-166. ISSN 0960-5290 [Article]


Harper, Andy. 2002. Review. 'mix', independent art and culture magazine, 27(3), [Article]

Harris, Rachel and Norton, Barley. 2002. Introduction: Ritual Music and Communism. British Journal of Ethnomusicology, 11(1), pp. 1-8. ISSN 1741-1912 [Article]

Harvey, Allison G.; Gregory, Alice M. and Bird, Chris. 2002. The role of cognitive processes in sleep disturbance: a comparison of Japanese and English university students. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 30(03), pp. 259-270. ISSN 1352-4658 [Article]

Henwood, Karen; Gill, Rosalind and McLean, Carl. 2002. The changing man. The Psychologist, 15(4), pp. 182-187. ISSN 0952-8229 [Article]

Hill, Elisabeth L. and Russell, J.. 2002. Action memory and self-monitoring in children with autism: self versus other. Infant and Child Development, 11(2), pp. 159-170. ISSN 1522-7227 [Article]

Holden, Katharine and French, Christopher C.. 2002. Alien abduction experiences: Some clues from neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 7(3), pp. 163-178. ISSN 1354-6805 [Article]

Hughston, L P. 2002. Symbolic Meaning for Numbers. GARP Risk Review(7), p. 41. [Article]


Inghilleri, Moira. 2002. Britton and Bernstein on Vygotsky: divergent views on mind and language in the pedagogic context. Pedagogy Culture and Society, 10(3), pp. 467-482. ISSN 14681366 [Article]


Kember, Sarah. 2002. Reinventing cyberfeminism: cyberfeminism and the new biology. Economy and Society, 31(4), pp. 626-641. ISSN 03085147 [Article]

Kramer, Andreas. 2002. Goethe and the Cultural Project of German Modernism: Steiner, Kandinsky, Friedlaender, Schwitters and Benjamin. Publications of the English Goethe Society, 71, pp. 18-36. ISSN 09593683 [Article]

Kumashiro, Madoka; Finkel, Eli J. and Rusbult, Caryl. 2002. Self-Respect and pro-relationship behavior in marital relationships. Journal of Personality, 70(6), pp. 1009-1050. ISSN 00223506 [Article]


Lash, Scott and Wittel, Andreas. 2002. Shifting new media: from content to consultancy, from heterarchy to hierarchy. Environment and Planning A, 34(11), pp. 1985-2001. ISSN 0308-518X [Article]

Lewis, Alan and Scott, Adrian J.. 2002. A study of economic socialisation: Financial practices in the home and the preferred role of schools among parents with children under 16. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education: An International Journal, 5(3), pp. 138-147. ISSN 2047-1734 [Article]

Linnell, Karina J and Foster, D.. 2002. Scene articulation: dependence of illuminant estimates on number of surfaces. Perception, 31(2), pp. 151-159. ISSN 03010066 [Article]

Linnell, Karina J and Humphreys, Glyn W.. 2002. Visual search within and across dimensions: A case for within-dimension grouping. British Journal of Psychology, 93(1), pp. 115-135. ISSN 00071269 [Article]


Mabb, David. 2002. Some Introductory Notes On My Morris Works. The Journal of William Morris Studies, 15(1), [Article]

Marres, Noortje and Rogers, Richard. 2002. French scandals on the Web, and on the streets: Stretching the limits of reported reality. Asian Journal of Social Science, 30(2), pp. 339-353. ISSN 1568-4849 [Article]

Martin, James. 2002. The Political logic of discourse: a neo-Gramscian view. History of European Ideas, 28, pp. 21-31. ISSN 0191-6599 [Article]

McDonald, Gail. 2002. 'Hypertext and the Teaching of Modernist Difficulty'. Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, 2(1), pp. 17-30. ISSN 1531-4200 [Article]

McDonald, Gail. 2002. 'The Mind a Department Store: Reconfiguring Space in the Gilded Age,'. Modern Language Quarterly, 63(2), pp. 227-249. ISSN 0026-7929 [Article]

McDonald, Kevin. 2002. L'intervention Sociologique After Twenty-Five years: Can It Translate Into English? Qualitative Sociology, 25, pp. 247-260. ISSN 01620436 [Article]

McRobbie, Angela. 2002. Fashion Culture, Creative Work, Female Individualisation. Feminist Review, 71, pp. 52-62. ISSN 0141-7789 [Article]

McRobbie, Angela. 2002. A Mixed Bag of Misfortunes? Bourdieu’s Weight of the World. Theory, Culture and Society, 19(3), pp. 129-138. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

McRobbie, Angela. 2002. Small Acts of Kindness? Surviving the Holocaust as a ‘Privileged Jew. Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture, 21, ISSN 1362-6620 [Article]

Menz, Georg. 2002. Patterns in EU Labour Immigration Policy: National Initiatives and European Responses. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28(4), pp. 723-742. ISSN 1369-183X [Article]

Meredith, D.; Lemstroem, K. and Wiggins, Geraint. 2002. Algorithms for discovering repeated patterns in multidimensional representations of polyphonic music. Journal of New Music Research, 31(4), pp. 321-345. ISSN 09298215 [Article]

Michael, Mike. 2002. Comprehension, Apprehension, Prehension: Heterogeneity and the Public Understanding of Science. Science, Technology & Human Values, 27(3), pp. 357-378. [Article]

Moore-Gilbert, Bart J.. 2002. I am going to rewrite Kipling's Kim: Kipling and Postcolonialism. The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 37(2), pp. 39-58. ISSN 0021-9894 [Article]

Mukhopadhyay, Bhaskar. 2002. Writing Home, Writing Travel: The Poetics and Politics of Dwelling in Bengali Modernity. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 44(2), pp. 293-318. ISSN 00104175 [Article]

Mörtenböck, Peter. 2002. Digitale Welten: Nicht wissende User - ahnungslos Beteiligte. Archithese, 32(4), pp. 8-13. ISSN 1010-4089 [Article]


Nash, Kate. 2002. Human rights for women: an argument for 'deconstructive equality'. Economy and Society, 31(4), pp. 414-433. ISSN 0308-5147 [Article]

Nash, Kate. 2002. Thinking political sociology: beyond the limits of post-Marxism. History of the Human Sciences, 15(4), pp. 97-114. ISSN 0952-6951 [Article]

Negus, Keith. 2002. Belonging and detachment - musical experience and the limits of identity. Poetics, Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts, 30(1-2), pp. 133-145. ISSN 00484571 [Article]

Negus, Keith. 2002. The Work of Cultural Intermediaries and the Enduring Distance between Production and Consumption. Cultural Studies, 16(4), pp. 501-515. ISSN 09502386 [Article]

Newman, Saul. 2002. Max Stirner and the Politics of Posthumanism. Contemporary Political Theory, 1(2), pp. 221-238. ISSN 1470-8914 [Article]

Newman, Saul. 2002. Politics of the Ego: Stirner’s Critique of Liberalism. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 5(3), pp. 1-26. ISSN 1369-8230 [Article]

Neyland, D. and Woolgar, S.. 2002. Accountability in Action? The case of a database purchasing decision. British Journal of Sociology, 53(2), pp. 259-274. [Article]

Nikolaev, Nikolay and Iba, Hitoshi. 2002. Genetic Programming of Polynomial Harmonic Networks using the Discrete Fourier Transform. International Journal of Neural Systems, 12(5), pp. 399-410. ISSN 0129-0657 [Article]

Noble, Richard. 2002. Mona Hatoum: A Living Between. Parachute, 4(108), pp. 178-191. ISSN 03187020 [Article]

Norton, Barley. 2002. The Moon Remembers Uncle Ho: The Politics of Music and Mediumship in Northern Vietnam. British Journal of Ethnomusicology, 11(1), pp. 71-100. ISSN 1741-1912 [Article]

Nugent, Stephen. 2002. Whither o campesinato? Historical peasantries of Brazilian Amazonia. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 29 (3-, pp. 162-189. ISSN 03066150 [Article]


O'Reilly, Karen. 2002. Britain in Europe/The British in Spain. Exploring Britain’s changing relationship to the other. Nations and Nationalism, 8(2), pp. 179-193. ISSN 1354-5078 [Article]

Ohene-Djan, James and Fernandes, Alvaro A.A.. 2002. Modelling Personalisable Hypermedia: The Goldsmiths Model. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 8(1), pp. 99-137. ISSN 1361-4568 [Article]

Okagbue, Osita. 2002. A Drama of their Lives: Theatre-for-development in Africa. Contemporary Theatre Review, 12(1-2), pp. 79-92. ISSN 10486801 [Article]

Oliver, Bonamy R; Dale, Philip; Saudino, Kimberly; Petrill, Stephen; Pike, Alison and Plomin, Robert. 2002. The Validity of a Parent-based Assessment of Cognitive Abilities in Three-year Olds. Early Child Development and Care, 172(4), pp. 337-348. ISSN 0300-4430 [Article]


Pennell, Jacqueline D.. 2002. The Luck Of The Dice. World Sculpture News, 8(3), [Article]

Peters, Emmanuelle R; Nunn, Julia A; Pickering, Alan and Hemsley, David R. 2002. Perceptual organization deficits in psychotic patients. Psychiatry Research, 110(2), pp. 125-135. ISSN 0165-1781 [Article]

Petrill, Stephen A; Rempell, Josh; Oliver, Bonamy R and Plomin, Robert. 2002. Testing cognitive abilities by telephone in a sample of 6- to 8-year-olds. Intelligence, 30(4), pp. 353-360. ISSN 01602896 [Article]

Petsche, Hellmuth and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2002. Musical thought and intelligentsia. Osterr. Mus. Z., 57, pp. 6-12. [Article]

Pickering, Alan; Hemsley, D.; Gray, N. and Gray, J.. 2002. The partial reinforcement extinction effect in humans: Effects of schizophrenia, schizotypy and low doses of amphetamine. Behavioural Brain Research, 133(2), pp. 333-342. ISSN 01664328 [Article]

Plamper, Jan. 2002. Foucault’s Gulag. Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, 3(2), pp. 555-580. ISSN 1531-023X [Article]

Powell, Jane H.; Davis, Robert and Dawkins, Lynne. 2002. Smoking, reward responsiveness, and response inhibition: tests of an incentive motivational model. Biological Psychiatry, 51(2), pp. 151-163. ISSN 00063223 [Article]

Powell, Jane H.; Greenwood, R. and Heslin, J.. 2002. Community based rehabilitation after severe traumatic brain injury: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 72(2), pp. 193-202. ISSN 00223050 [Article]

Powell, Jane H.; Kitchen, N.; Heslin, J. and Greenwood, Richard. 2002. Psychosocial outcomes at three and nine months after good neurological recovery from aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage: predictors and prognosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 72(6), pp. 772-781. ISSN 00223050 [Article]

Powell, Jane H.; Tait, Samantha and Lessiter, Jane. 2002. Cigarette smoking and attention to signals of reward and threat in the Stroop paradigm. Addiction, 97(9), pp. 1163-1170. ISSN 09652140 [Article]

Pring, Linda and Hermelin, Beate. 2002. Numbers and letters: Exploring an autistic savant's unpractised ability. Neurocase, 8(4), pp. 330-337. ISSN 13554794 [Article]

Pring, Linda and Painter, Joan. 2002. Recollective experience in individuals with a visual impairment: The role of sensory and conceptual processing. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 20, pp. 24-32. [Article]

Pu, Ida; Gibbons, A. and Muthukrishnan, S.. 2002. Exact Analyses for a Simple Heuristic Employed in Array Compression. The Computer Journal, 45(2), pp. 213-220. ISSN 00104620 [Article]

Puwar, Nirmal. 2002. Multicultural fashion... stirrings of another sense of aesthetics and memory. Feminist Review, 71(1), pp. 63-87. ISSN 0141-7789 [Article]


Rao, Nirmala. 2002. Labour and Education: Secondary Reorganisation and the Neighbourhood School. Contemporary British History, 16(2), pp. 99-120. ISSN 13619462 [Article]

Richards, Anne; French, Christopher C.; Calder, Andrew J.; Webb, Ben; Fox, Rachel and Young, Andrew W.. 2002. Anxiety-related bias in the classification of emotionally ambiguous facial expressions. Emotion, 2(3), pp. 273-287. ISSN 1528-3542 [Article]

Richardson, A.; Duezel, E.; Henson, Rik and Schott, B.. 2002. Neuroanatomical dissociation of encoding processes related to priming and explicit memory. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(3), pp. 792-800. ISSN 02706474 [Article]

Roberson, Debi; Davidoff, Jules B. and Shapiro, Laura. 2002. Squaring the Circle: The Cultural Relativity of 'Good' Shape. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 2(1), pp. 29-51. ISSN 15677095 [Article]

Rosengarten, Marsha and Keane, H.. 2002. On the biology of sexed subjects. Australian Feminist Studies, 17(39), pp. 261-277. ISSN 08164649 [Article]

Ryder, Nicola; Pring, Linda and Hermelin, Beate. 2002. Lack of coherence and divergent thinking: Two sides of the same coin in artistic talent? Current Psychology, 21(2), pp. 168-175. ISSN 0737-8262 [Article]


Sassatelli, Monica. 2002. Imagined Europe. The shaping of a European cultural identity through EU cultural policy. European Journal of Social Theory, 5(4), pp. 435-451. [Article]

Schmetterling, Astrid. 2002. Irene Below: Hidden Treasures. Irma Stern. Her Books, Painted Book Covers and Bookplates. Frauen Kunst Wissenschaft(34), pp. 88-92. ISSN 0935-6967 [Article]

Seers, Lindsay. 2002. images. Radical Philosophy, 113, pp. 26-30. ISSN 0300-211X [Article]

Seth, Sanjay. 2002. Back to the future? Third World Quarterly, 23(3), pp. 565-575. ISSN 0143-6597 [Article]

Seymour, Benedict. 2002. Back to Zero. Mute, 1(21), [Article]

Seymour, Benedict. 2002. Bio-Pics. Mute, 1(23), [Article]

Seymour, Benedict. 2002. When Worlds Collide. Frieze, 65, [Article]

Sheikh, Simon. 2002. Visioner for kunstpolitikken. Bulletinen, 28, pp. 4-6. [Article]

Shevtsova, Maria. 2002. Appropriating Pierre Bourdieu's champs and habitus for a sociology of stage productions. Contemporary Theatre Review, 12(3), pp. 35-66. ISSN 10267166 [Article]

Shukra, Kalbir; Back, Les; Khan, Azra; Keith, Michael and Solomos, John. 2002. ‘The Return of Assimilationism: Race, Multiculturalism and New Labour’. Sociological Research Online, 7(2), [Article]

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