Items of Type Book Section

Number of items: 154.
Bourne, Clea D..
AI Hype: Public Relations and AI's doomsday machine.
In: Ana Adi, ed.
Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations and Communications: Cases, reflections and predictions.
Berlin: Quadriga University of Applied Sciences, pp. 39-50.
ISBN 9783942263627
[Book Section]
Collantes, Christianne France and Cabañes, Jason Vincent.
Modern dating in a postcolonial city: Desire, race and identities of cosmopolitanism in Metro Manila.
In: Rikke Andreassen; Catrin Lundstrom; Suvi Keskinen and Shirley Ann Tate, eds.
The Routledge International Handbook of New Critical Race and Whiteness Studies.
Abingdon: Routledge.
ISBN 9780367637699
[Book Section]
Havemann, Leo; Katan, Simon; Anstead, Edward; Gillies, Marco; Stroud, Joanna and Sherman, Sarah.
Digitally supported assessment.
In: Linda Amrane-Cooper; David Baume; Stephen Brown; Stylianos Hatzipanagos; Phillip Powell; Sarah Sherman and Alan Tait, eds.
Online and Distance Education for a Connected World.
London: UCL Press, pp. 195-210.
ISBN 9781800084810
[Book Section]
Lytra, Vally.
Introduction to Part 1: Appraising the ‘multilingual turn’ in applied linguistics and sociolinguistics.
In: Steph Ainsworth; Dominic Griffiths; Gee Macrory and Kate Pahl, eds.
Multimodality and Multilingualism: Towards an Integrative Approach.
Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 3-14.
ISBN 9781800413375
[Book Section]
Price, John.
Victorian Constructions of Everyday Heroism.
In: Scott T. Allison; James K. Beggan and George R. Goethals, eds.
Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
ISBN 9783031171253
[Book Section]
Scott, Richard.
Lapidary [Poem].
In: Wendy Allen and Charley Barnes, eds.
Under Your Pillow.
Uttoxeter: Victorina Press, p. 3.
ISBN 9781739580179
[Book Section]
Barone, Ada Maria and Donato, Carmela.
Effective communication of plant- based foods: a case study analysis of Danish and Italian markets.
In: Giovanna Bertella and Cristina Santini, eds.
Plant-Based Food Consumption: Products, Consumers and Strategies.
ISBN 9780323988285
[Book Section]
Bissessar, Charmaine; McCauley, Kate and Phillips, Elly.
Exploring Female Academics’ Resiliency During the Pandemic.
In: Charmaine Bissessar, ed.
Female Academics' Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Intercultural Perspectives.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 3-25.
ISBN 9783031341397
[Book Section]
Burt, Philippa.
American 'Invasions'.
In: Helen E. M Brooks and Michael Hammond, eds.
The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre of the First World War.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 160-178.
ISBN 9781108673778
[Book Section]
Colin, Anna and Boutonnier, Thierry.
Acting with Trees.
In: Angelika Burtscher and Daniele Lupo, eds.
As If: 16 Dialogues about Sheep, Black Holes, and Movement.
Leipzig: Spector Books, pp. 143-153.
ISBN 9783959057523
[Book Section]
Crownshaw, Richard.
The Entangled Times of COVID, Climate, and Race in the US
Reading the “Heterotemporality” of Colson Whitehead's Zone One.
In: Sibylle Baumbach and Birgit Neumann, eds.
Temporalities in/of Crises of Anglophone Literatures.
New York: Routledge, pp. 61-79.
ISBN 9781003348122
[Book Section]
Figueira, Carla and Fisher, Rod.
Challenges and Opportunities for Joined-Up Governance of EUropean International Cultural Relations.
In: Chris Bailey; Elena Theodoulous Charalampous and Geert Drion, eds.
Cultural Governance: Current and Future European Perspectives.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 147-168.
ISBN 9781032462004
[Book Section]
Goddard, M N.
Groups of Militant Insanity versus the Videopolice: The Schizoanalysis of Radical Italian Audiovisual Media Culture as Post-Media Assemblages.
In: Joff P. N. Bradley; Alex Taek Gwang Lee and Manoj NY, eds.
Deleuze, Guattari and the Schizoanalysis of Postmedia.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 183-196.
ISBN 9781350180512
[Book Section]
Higgins, Kathryn Claire.
Cruel benevolence: vulnerable menaces, menacing vulnerabilities and the white male vigilante trope.
In: Karen Boyle and Susan Berridge, eds.
The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 84-94.
ISBN 9781032061368
[Book Section]
Hoque, Aminul.
Nadiya Hussain – a baker, a mother, a wife, a celebrity, a brown woman, a Muslim, a social justice campaigner…. A leader!
In: Melanie C Brooks and Miriam D Ezzani, eds.
Great Muslim Leaders: Lessons for Education.
Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, pp. 273-286.
ISBN 9798887301815
[Book Section]
Kirwan, Richard.
Soho House Art Collection.
In: Kate Bryan, ed.
House Art: White City House.
London: Soho House Ltd.
[Book Section]
Maitland, Sarah.
Afterword. A reader's response.
In: Catherine Boyle and Renata Brandão, eds.
Multilingual Narratives of a Pandemic: Covid-19 and Worldmaking.
London: John Murray Learning.
ISBN 9781399812504
[Book Section]
McAuliffe, Sam.
Part and Whole: On Some Uses of Landscape in the Films of Huillet and Straub.
In: Martin Brady and Helen Hughes, eds.
The Cinema of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub.
Cambridge: Legenda, pp. 45-59.
ISBN 9781839540585
[Book Section]
Mura, Andrea.
Cent’anni dopo 'Teologia Politica': Pensiero tecnico-economico e Impresa di Sé.
In: Arthur Bradley and Elettra Stimilli, eds.
Teologia Politica Oggi?
Macerata: Quodlibet.
ISBN 9788822920782
[Book Section]
Reckitt, Helena.
That Sparkly Feeling: Collective Learning and Exchange in the Feminist Duration Reading Group.
In: Lisa Baldissera, ed.
Vancouver, Canada: Griffin Art Projects.
[Book Section]
(In Press)
Rosamond, Emily.
Techniques of Aberrant Extraction: Transacting Surplus Acts in an Age of Speculation.
In: Marsha Bradfield; Cinzia Cremona; Amy McDonnell and Eva Sajovic, eds.
Transacting as Art, Design and Architecture: A Non-Commercial Market.
Bristol: Intellect Books, pp. 203-212.
ISBN 9781789384437
[Book Section]
Tubridy, Derval.
Beckett, Neurodiversity and the Prosthetic: the Posthuman Turn in Contemporary Art.
In: Jonathan Bignell; Anna McMullan and Pim Verhulst, eds.
Beckett's Afterlives: Adaptation, Remediation, Appropriation.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 126-139.
ISBN 9781526153791
[Book Section]
Edwin, Marl'ene.
Reputation of [her] pen:
Retrieving the black female body from the margins of the page and the stage.
In: Rachel Carroll and Fiona Tolan, eds.
The Routledge Companion to Literature and Feminism.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 183-200.
ISBN 9780367410261
[Book Section]
Macleroy, Vicky and Anderson, Jim.
New possibilities for heritage languages within a reshaped language education landscape.
In: Ken Cruickshank; Jo Lo Bianco and Merryl Wahlin, eds.
Community and Heritage Languages Schools Transforming Education: Research, Challenges, and Teaching Practices.
New York: Routledge.
ISBN 9781003302704
[Book Section]
Muir, Pauline.
Place, People, and Pentecostal Habitus.
In: Monique Charles and Mary W. Gani, eds.
Black British Music in the 21st Century.
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 105-118.
ISBN 9781802078404
[Book Section]
Osborne, Deirdre.
“The Rule of Three”: Textual Triads, Trialogues, and Women’s Voices in Sylvia Plath, Jackie Kay, and debbie tucker green.
In: Rachel Carroll and Fiona Tolan, eds.
The Routledge Companion to Literature and Feminism.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 244-262.
ISBN 9780367410261
[Book Section]
Twitchin, Mischa.
'There is nothing like a dead man to demand existence' (Antonin Artaud).
In: Sharon Coleclough; Bethan Michael-Fox and Renske Visser, eds.
Difficult Death, Dying and the Dead in Media and Culture.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 175-188.
ISBN 9783031407314
[Book Section]
Barral, Virginie.
The contribution of equity to environmental peacebuilding.
In: Daniëlla Dam-de Jong and Britta Sjöstedt, eds.
Research Handbook on International Law and Environmental Peacebuilding.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 42-61.
ISBN 9781789906912
[Book Section]
Savransky, Martin.
Zones de Divergence: Le Pragmatisme et les Murmurations de la Terre.
In: Didier Debaise and Isabelle Stengers, eds.
Au risque des effets: Une lutte à main armée contre la Raison?
Paris: Les Liens Qui Libèrent, pp. 47-73.
ISBN 9791020924995
[Book Section]
Williams Gamaker, Michelle.
A Particular Reality (APR): Developing a Nuanced Pedagogical Methodology in Practice-Based Higher Education Courses.
In: Katy Deepwell, ed.
De-/Anti-/Post-colonial Feminisms in Contemporary Art and Textile Craft.
London: KT press, pp. 137-157.
ISBN 9780992693473
[Book Section]
Asante, Barby.
Grounding for Group Work Exercise.
In: Jemma Egan; Leyla Gatens; Amal Khalaf and Alex Thorp, eds.
How We Hold: Rehearsals for Art and Social Change.
London: Walter Koenig/Serpentine Gallery.
ISBN 9783753305035
[Book Section]
Blinder, Caroline.
An Unmade Book: Walker Evans’s 1970s Letter Polaroids.
In: Paul Ernest Michael Edwards, ed.
The Photobook World: Artists’ Books and Forgotten Social Objects.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 173-183.
ISBN 9781526167576
[Book Section]
Hirsh, David.
From a critique of Zionism to an anti-Jewish worldview.
In: Louise Ellman; David Hirsh and Izabella Tabarovsky, eds.
Antisemitic Anti-Zionism: The Origins and Character of an Ideology.
London: Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), pp. 5-10.
[Book Section]
Pentaris, Panagiotis.
In: Daniel Enstedt and Lisen Dellenborg, eds.
Culture, Spirituality and Religious Literacy in Healthcare: Nordic Perspectives.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 232-242.
ISBN 9781032320540
[Book Section]
Alston, Adam.
Decadence and the Antitheatrical Prejudice.
In: Dustin Friedman and Kristin Mahoney, eds.
Nineteenth-Century Literature in Transition: The 1890s.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 264-284.
ISBN 9781009063852
[Book Section]
Blackman, Lisa.
Broken Narratives, Listening in and through another's voices.
In: Rachel Fensham; Tyne Sumner,; Signe Ravn; Ashley Barnwell and Danny Butt, eds.
Small Data is Beautiful.
Melbourne: Grattan Street Press.
ISBN 9780645481327
[Book Section]
Blackman, Lisa.
The Haunting Qualities of Small Data: Dialogues.
In: Rachel Fensham; Tyne Daile Sumner; Signe Ravn; Ashley Barnwell and Danny Butt, eds.
Small Data is Beautiful.
Melbourne: Grattan Street Press.
ISBN 9780645481327
[Book Section]
Frost, James; Kargotis, Demitrios; Macdonald, Dash and Mortimer, Nicholas.
What is Autohoodening?
In: James Frost, ed.
Animal Guising and the Kentish Hooden Horse.
Birchington: Ozaru Books, pp. 71-79.
ISBN 9781915174062
[Book Section]
Hinitz, Blythe F. and Liebovich, Betty.
History of Early Childhood Education in the United States.
In: Susan C. Faircloth, ed.
Oxford Bibliographies (Education - Curriculum and Pedagogy).
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[Book Section]
Soriano, Cheryll Ruth and Cabañes, Jason Vincent.
Solidaristic formations among cloud workers in the platform economy: Entrepreneurial logics with resistant identities.
In: Terry Flew; Jennifer Holt and Julian Thomas, eds.
The SAGE Handbook of the Digital Media Economy.
London: SAGE Publications.
ISBN 9781526497994
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew.
Publics in education: Thinking with Gunter on plurality, democracy and local reasoning.
In: Tanya Fitzgerald and Steven, J. Courtney, eds.
Critical education policy and leadership studies: The intellectual contributions of Helen M. Gunter.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, pp. 113-126.
ISBN 97830031368004
[Book Section]
Bonadio, Enrico; McDonagh, Luke and Dinev, Plamen.
Copyright in Works Created by Artificial Intelligence: Between Creativity and Investments.
In: Patrick Goold and Enrico Bonadio, eds.
The Cambridge Handbook of Investment-Driven Intellectual Property.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 73-85.
ISBN 9781108989527
[Book Section]
Buckley, Bernadette.
War on war! Artful weapons in times of war and conflict.
In: Fiana Gantharet; Nolwenn Guibert and Sofia Stolk, eds.
Art and Human Rights: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Issues.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 165-187.
ISBN 9781802208146
[Book Section]
Dennis, Fay.
Counter-Addiction Stories: Reflections from a Body Mapping Workshop in London.
In: Melina Germes; Luise Klaus and Stefan Hohne, eds.
Narcotic cities: Counter-cartographies of drugs and spaces.
Berlin: JOVIS, pp. 208-217.
ISBN 9783986120009
[Book Section]
Lytra, Vally and Karatsareas, Petros.
Community language education in Greece and Cyprus: An afterword.
In: Nikos Gogonas, ed.
Heritage Language Education in Greece and Cyprus.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 190-214.
ISBN 9781527535756
[Book Section]
Reckitt, Helena.
Nicole Gets It.
In: Mark Godfrey and Monika Bayer-Wermuth, eds.
Nicole Eisenman: What Happened?
London: Whitechapel Gallery and Museum Brandhorst, pp. 68-69.
ISBN 9780854883127
[Book Section]
Voelcker, Becca.
Cultivating Hinterland: What Lies Behind Agnes Denes’ Wheatfield?
In: Pamila Gupta; Sarah Nuttall; Esther Peeren and Hanneke Stuit, eds.
Planetary Hinterlands: Extraction, Abandonment and Care.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 51-63.
ISBN 9783031242427
[Book Section]
Bell, Marcus.
Encountering Absence: Queer Traces, Ghosts, and Performance Otherwise.
In: Ella Haselswerdt; Sara H. Lindheim and Kirk Ormand, eds.
The Routledge Handbook of Classics and Queer Theory.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 138-152.
ISBN 9781032026794
[Book Section]
Boldrini, Lucia.
Chapter 22. Introduction (World Literature).
In: Péter Hajdu and Xiaohing Zhang, eds.
Literatures of the World and the Future of Comparative Literature: Proceedings of the 22nd Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association.
Leiden: Brill, pp. 273-283.
ISBN 9789004538498
[Book Section]
Coates, Jennifer and Pichler, Pia.
Gender and discourse analysis.
In: Michael Handford and James Paul Gee, eds.
The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis, 2nd edition.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 187-202.
ISBN 9780367473839
[Book Section]
Galanis, Giorgos.
Fund-service resources.
In: D. Haddad and B. D. Solomon, eds.
Dictionary of Ecological Economics.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
ISBN 9781788974905
[Book Section]
Hessayon, Ariel.
James Bruce and his Copies of Ethiopic Enoch.
In: Ariel Hessayon; Annette Yoshiko Reed and Gabriele Boccaccini, eds.
Rediscovering Enoch? The Antediluvian Past from the Fifteenth to Nineteenth Centuries.
Leiden: Brill, pp. 209-257.
ISBN 9789004529793
[Book Section]
Hessayon, Ariel.
A “Rich and Unparalleled Collection”. The Afterlives of James Bruce’s Manuscripts and Drawings.
In: Ariel Hessayon; Annette Yoshiko Reed and Gabriele Boccaccini, eds.
Rediscovering Enoch? The Antediluvian Past from the Fifteenth to Nineteenth Centuries.
Leiden: Brill, pp. 258-275.
ISBN 9789004529793
[Book Section]
Kivotidis, Dimitrios.
‘Bursting Asunder the Integument’: Democracy, Digitalization, and the State.
In: Rob Hunter; Rafael Khachaturian and Eva Nanopoulos, eds.
Marxism and the Capitalist State: Towards a New Debate.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 53-76.
ISBN 9783031361661
[Book Section]
Mabb, David.
Dialectical Reversal in About Two Worlds.
In: Sarah Horton and Victoria Mitchell, eds.
Pattern and Chaos in Art, Science and Everyday Life: Critical Intersections and Creative Practice.
Bristol: Intellect, pp. 222-228.
ISBN 9781789388718
[Book Section]
Sinclair, Rose.
Tracing Back to Trace Forwards: What does it mean/take to be a Black textile designer.
In: Jessica Hemmings, ed.
The Textile Reader (2nd Edition).
London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 326-334.
ISBN 9781350239852
[Book Section]
Tkach, Itshak and Blackwell, Tim.
On the Optimization of Systems Using AI Metaheuristics and Evolutionary Algorithms.
In: Chin-Yin Huang and Sang Won Yoon, eds.
Systems Collaboration and Integeration.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 253-271.
ISBN 9783031443725
[Book Section]
Yin, Yuan.
Perspective Chapter: Future Perspectives of Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles.
In: Turan Arat Hüseyin, ed.
The Dynamics of Vehicles - Basics, Simulation and Autonomous Systems.
London: IntechOpen, pp. 33-50.
ISBN 978183768095
[Book Section]
Chen, Yuting and Negus, Keith.
Guochao music and new Chinese identities: Gender, generation, and nation.
In: Kimi Kärki, ed.
Popular Music Climates.
Turku, Finland: Turku: International Insitute of Popular Culture, pp. 18-23.
ISBN 9789512994274
[Book Section]
Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka and Keenan, Oliver.
Collective narcissism and the clash of advantaged and disadvantaged groups.
In: Anna Kende and Barbara Lášticová, eds.
The Psychology of Politically Unstable Societies.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 119-135.
ISBN 9781032252285
[Book Section]
Khiabany, Gholam.
Intellectuals, Modernities, and the Emerging Public Sphere.
In: Joe F. Khalil; Gholam Khiabany; Tourya Guaaybess and Bilge Yesil, eds.
The Handbook of Media and Culture in the Middle East.
New York: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 55-63.
ISBN 9781119637066
[Book Section]
Reckitt, Helena.
From Coping to Curious: Unlearning and Reimagining Curatorial Habits of Care.
In: Elke Krasny and Lara Perry, eds.
Curating with Care.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 169-182.
ISBN 9781032069913
[Book Section]
Shinn, Abigail.
In: Margaret King, ed.
Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[Book Section]
Zheng, Zhou and Negus, Keith.
Creating an Oriental Fantasy: Transnational Game Production and New Nationalism in Honor of Kings.
In: Kimi Kärki, ed.
Popular Music Climates.
Turku, Finland: Turku: International Insitute of Popular Culture,, pp. 105-110.
ISBN 9789512994274
[Book Section]
Blinder, Caroline.
The Lyrical Gaze: On James Agee and Helen Levitt’s 1944 film In The Street.
In: Michael A. Lofaro, ed.
James Agee in Context: New Literary, Visual, Cultural, and Historical Essays.
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, pp. 154-178.
ISBN 9781621907428
[Book Section]
Canova-Green, Marie-Claude.
Du vainqueur de la Fronde a l'Imperator triomphant: la medaille du retour du roi a Paris en 1652.
In: Yvan Loskoutoff, ed.
Les médailles de Louis XIV et leur livre II.
Rouen: PURH.
ISBN 9791024017235
[Book Section]
Hope, Julia.
Applying RefugeeCrit to Recent Middle Grade/Young Adult Children's Literature About Refugees.
In: Evyn Le Espiritu Gandhi and Vinh Nguyen, eds.
The Routledge Handbook of Refugee Narratives.
New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 190-201.
ISBN 9780367674762
[Book Section]
Loveday, Vik.
Luck and precarity: Contextualising fixed-term academics' perceptions of success and failure.
In: Eric Lybeck and Catherine O'Connell, eds.
Universities in Crisis: Academic Professionalism in Uncertain Times.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 73-92.
ISBN 9781350249981
[Book Section]
Matsumoto, Naomi.
Representational Conventions and Varieties of Operatic Madness: The Gap between Dramaturgy and Diagnosis.
In: Lorenzo Lorusso; Michele Augusto Riva and Vittorio Alessandro Sironi, eds.
Effects of Opera Music from Brain to Body: A Matter of Wellbeing.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 125-129.
ISBN 9783031347689
[Book Section]
Roberdeau, Wood.
Experiments in Eco-poiesis: herman de vries and an Art of Immediacy.
In: Fröydi Laszlo and Anna Risell, eds.
The Anthropocene Laboratory.
Gothenburg: Förlaget 284.
ISBN 978-9198165005
[Book Section]
Schilling Cuellar, Linda.
Unearthing and Reversing: Exhausting the Water Cycle.
In: Marcelo López-Dinardi, ed.
Architecture from Public to Commons.
Abingdon: Routledge.
ISBN 9781032394480
[Book Section]
Twitchin, Mischa.
'Keeping the Magic Alive': Some Arcane Speculations.
In: Alice Lagaay; Anke Haarmann; Tom Bieling; Torben Körschkes; Petja Ivanova; Frieder Bohaumilitzky and Barbro Scholz, eds.
Hamburg: adocs, pp. 48-52.
ISBN 9783943253719
[Book Section]
Beswick, Katie.
Pied Piper and Class in the City.
In: Conrad Murray, ed.
Pied Piper: A Hip Hop Family Musical.
London: Methuen Drama.
ISBN 9781350448902
[Book Section]
Cooke, Kirsten.
Damp Bodies: Fluid Ground.
In: Louis Mason, ed.
GOT DAMP: Avril Corroon.
Thamesmead, London: TACO!, pp. 102-113.
ISBN 9781838279271
[Book Section]
Hessayon, Ariel.
‘To make such things known in my Native Language’: acquiring, translating and disseminating Boehme’s writings in England and Wales.
In: Lucinda Martin and Cecilia Muratori, eds.
Jacob Böhme in Three Worlds: The Reception in Central-Eastern Europe, the Netherlands, and Britain.
Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 301-322.
ISBN 9783110720495
[Book Section]
Maitland, Sarah.
Coming to terms: Towards a hermeneutics of expectation in theatre surtitling.
In: Vasiliki Misiou and Loukia Kostopoulou, eds.
New Paths in Theatre Translation and Surtitling.
New York: Routledge, pp. 30-49.
ISBN 9781032213309
[Book Section]
Matsumoto, Naomi.
Realising Arianna: the Problematic Accompaniments of Claudio Monteverdi's Lamento d'Arianna.
In: Marcello Mazzetti, ed.
Basso Continuo in Italy: Sources, Pedagogy and Performance.
Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, pp. 3-29.
ISBN 9782503608501
[Book Section]
Matthews, Miranda.
Finding Comfort Within Discomfort: Creative Ecosystems for Learning in the Pandemic.
In: Kelly Murdoch-Kitt and Denielle Emans, eds.
Make+Shift: Creative Resilience for Everyday People.
[Book Section]
(In Press)
Mörtenböck, Peter and Mooshammer, Helge.
Incorporating Informality.
In: Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer, eds.
IN/FORMAL Marketplaces: Experiments With Urban Reconfiguration.
Rotterdam: nai010 publishers, pp. 9-51.
ISBN 9789462088092
[Book Section]
Rogoff, Irit.
Genealogy and Futurity.
In: Isabella Maidment, ed.
Isaac Julien: What Freedom is to Me.
London: Tate Publishing, pp. 78-84.
ISBN 9781849768399
[Book Section]
Scott, Richard.
Fishmonger [Poem].
In: Michael Mackmin, ed.
Poetry with an Axe to Grind.
Norwich: The Rialto, p. 25.
ISBN 9781909632141
[Book Section]
Preiß, Cecilia and Kirschner, Carolyn.
Iconoclash: Slow Squeeze. In conversation with Carolyn Kirschner.
In: Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás and Marianne Schädler, eds.
Beyond Matter – Within Space: Curatorial and Art Mediation Techniques on the Verge of Virtual Reality.
Berlin: Hatje Cantz, pp. 452-457.
ISBN 9783775756167
[Book Section]
Bulley, James.
In: Elizabeth Price and Nina Wakeford, eds.
Document of the testimony, deliberation and reflection of the Artist Citizens Jury 2022.
London: Goldsmiths CCA, pp. 49-62.
ISBN 9781739492410
[Book Section]
Cabañes, Jason Vincent.
Mediating multiculturalism in postcolonial Southeast Asia.
In: Matthew Powers, ed.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[Book Section]
Graham, Stephen.
Familiarity Breeds Consent? Distance and Dependence in Fringe Music Writing.
In: Ian Pace and Christopher Wiley, eds.
Writing on Contemporary Musicians: Promotion, Advocacy, Disinterest, Censure.
Abingdon: Routledge.
[Book Section]
Pichler, Pia.
Beyond heteronormativity and towards Intersectionality.
In: Pia Pichler, ed.
Language and Gender.
London: University of London..
[Book Section]
Savransky, Martin.
The Cosmoecological Workshop: Or, How to Philosophise with a Hammer.
In: Dimitris Papadopoulos; Maria Puig de la Bellacasa and Maddalena Tacchetti, eds.
Ecological Reparation: Repair, Remediation and Resurgence in Social and Environmental Conflict.
Bristol: Bristol University Press.
ISBN 9781529216059
[Book Section]
Weizman, Eyal.
Archaeology, Architecture and the Politics of Verticality.
In: Ian Parker, ed.
For Palestine: Essays from the Tom Hurndall Memorial Lecture Group.
Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, pp. 123-142.
ISBN 9781805110262
[Book Section]
Goddard, M N.
Sincere, Authentic, Remediated: The Affective Labour and Cross Cultural Remediations of Music Video Reaction Videos on YouTube.
In: Holly Rogers; Joana Freitas and João Francisco Porfirio, eds.
Remediating Sound: Repeatable Culture, YouTube and Music.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 73-92.
[Book Section]
Pasinetti, Luigi L. and Wirkierman, Ariel Luis.
Cambridge equation.
In: Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi, eds.
Elgar Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
ISBN 9781788973922
[Book Section]
Pelowski, Matthew and Chamberlain, Rebecca.
Where Do Artists Come From? A Review of the ‘Typical’ Visually Creative Life and Artistic Brain as a Basis for Discussing Neurodivergence or Neurodegenerative Change.
In: Alby Richard; Matthew Pelowski and Blanca T. M. Spee, eds.
Art and Neurological Disorders: Illuminating the intersection of creativity and the changing brain.
Cham, Switzerland: Humana Press, pp. 25-63.
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In: Holly Rogers; Joana Freitas and João Francisco Porfírio, eds.
Remediating Sound: Repeatable Culture, YouTube and Music.
London: Bloomsbury, pp. 1-34.
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Listening Through Social Media: Soundscape Composition, Collaboration and Networked Sonic Elongation.
In: Holly Rogers; Joana Freitas and João Francisco Porfírio, eds.
Remediating Sound: Repeatable Culture, YouTube and Music.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 113-144.
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“Welcome to your world”: YouTube and the Reconfiguration of Music’s Gatekeepers.
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YouTube and Music: Online Culture and Everyday Life.
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Law, Humanities and the COVID Crisis.
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