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Number of items: 126.

Alexander, Patricia. 2010. '“Teachers as Role Models: In whose Image”'. In: Identity and Social Justice Research Group seminar. Department of Educational Studies, Goldsmiths University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Andrews, Alice. 2010. 'The Autoimmune Death Drive: Freud, Derrida and the ethics of the biopolitical'. In: Freud After Derrida. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada 6 - 9 October 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Andrews, Alice. 2010. 'Autoimmunity, Illness and the Ethics of the New'. In: 2nd Derrida Today International Conference. Goodenough College, London, United Kingdom 19 - 21 July 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Andrews, Alice. 2010. 'Derrida, Autoimmunity and the Technical Animal'. In: Zoontotechnics (Animality/Technicity). Cardiff University, United Kingdom 12 - 14 May 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Barassi, Veronica. 2010. 'Does Web 3.0 follow Web 2.0? Deconstructing Theoretical Assumption through Practice'. In: Mediacciones Research Seminar. UoC (Universitat Obierta de Catalunya), Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Barassi, Veronica. 2010. '‘Networks, Technologies and Political Action: An Ethnographic Critique of the Network Approach’'. In: Thinking Network Politics Conference. Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Barassi, Veronica. 2010. 'Political Interactions in Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Social Media and Activism in Europe'. In: Communication and Democracy Section at the European Communication Research and Education Association, (ECREA).. UNDEFINED. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Barassi, Veronica and Fenton, Natalie. 2010. 'Alternative Media and Social Networking Sites: The Politics of Individuation and Political Participation'. In: Community and Communication Section at the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). Braga, Portugal. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bell, Vikki. 2010. ''Art & Critique: The Work of Three Argentine Artists’'. In: Law & Society Conference. Chicago, United States May 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bell, Vikki. 2010. 'The Contemporary Politics of Aparicion in Argentina'. In: Series: Fraternity and Fratricide (Mellon Sawyer Seminar Series).. University of London, Senate House, United Kingdom June 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bell, Vikki. 2010. ''Genealogy and Critique’. Parallel session Paper title: ‘The Bio-Politics of Aparición in Argentina’'. In: University of Utrecht, Netherlands Critical Legal Conference 2010 Invited Contribution to Roundtable Plenary on Critical Work in the Academy Paper. University of Utrecht, Netherlands September 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bell, Vikki. 2010. ''Governmentality and Methodology’'. In: UNSPECIFIED. University of Gothenberg, Sweden May 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bell, Vikki. 2010. '‘Introduction: Feminism, Affect, Relationality’'. In: UNSPECIFIED. Newcastle University, Department of Sociology, United Kingdom March 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Besson, Jean. 2010. 'Southampton arrival: the making of a Meso-Creole, a Caribbeanist and Caribbean Studies in the U.K.'. In: Keynote Address. 34th Annual Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies. University of Southampton, United Kingdom 7 July 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Blythe, Mark; Wright, Peter; Bowers, John; Boucher, Andy; Jarvis, Nadine; Reynolds, Phil and Gaver, William. 2010. 'Age and experience: ludic engagement in a residential care setting'. In: DIS 2010. Aarhus, Denmark 18-20 August 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Boldrini, Lucia. 2010. 'European Civilization and Barbarism: Some Considerations on Historical Categories and Myths.'. In: AICLA / ICLA Triennial International Conference, Expanding the Frontiers of Comparative Literature, Seoul, Korea. Seoul, Korea, Republic of 15-21 August 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Boldrini, Lucia. 2010. '“L’esprit humain, qui semble voyager d’un pays à l’autre”: Considerations on the historical relationships between translation and comparative literature'. In: II Simpósio Internacional de Literatura Comparada e Tradução. Florianopolis, Brazil. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bozdemir, Munire and Sahin, Ozden. 2010. 'Thomas More’s Utopia vs. Orthodox Animation: Function of Fiction in the Expression of Rationalization'. In: The First International Conference on the Image. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2010. 'Casting Inversion: Freud’s Psychoanalysis and the Photographic Negative'. In: Annual conference of the Northeast Modern Language Association. McGill University, Montreal, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2010. 'The Image of, or in, Sublation'. In: Conference 'Old Media/New Work: Obsolete Technologies & Contemporary Art'. Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2010. 'The Imaginary of the Darkroom'. In: Annual conference of the International Visual Sociology Association 'Thinking, Doing and Presenting Visual Research: The State of the Field?'. University of Bologna, Italy. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2010. 'Performing in Camera'. In: Guest lecture. Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Chilver, John. 2010. 'Miss the Start, Miss the End'. In: Space, Time and the Image. APT Gallery, London, United Kingdom 14 May 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Collens, Paula. 2010. 'Fundamentals of Offering Pre-trial Therapy to Vulnerable Witnesses / Crown Prosecution Service Guidance'. In: London Metropolitan University Counselling Service. London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Collens, Paula. 2010. 'Relationality and Creative Learning Partnership in One-to-One Tutelage Relationship in Vocal Studies Conservatoire Music Education'. In: Doctoral School Conference, IoE. Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Condé, Alice. 2010. 'Writing the cruelty of female sexuality in Wilde’s Salomé'. In: Transgression and its Limits. University of Stirling, United Kingdom 30 May 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Crawford, Tim; Mauch, Matthias and Rhodes, Christophe. 2010. 'Recognising Classical Works in Historical Recordings'. In: Proceedings of 11th Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval. Utrecht, Netherlands. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Danino, Nina. 2010. 'Attending to the Other: Critical Theory and Spiritual Practice'. In: Attending to the Other: Critical Theory and Spiritual Practice. Faculty of Theology, St. Catherine's College, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom 23rd-26th September 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Danino, Nina and Syder, Larry. 2010. 'For the Sake of the Image'. In: For the Sake of the Image. Jerwood Visual Arts, London., United Kingdom 8 March 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Davis, Aeron. 2010. 'Professionalization as a causal factor in financial meltdown: knowledge bases, rewards and (dis)incentives in financial and political networks'. In: CRESC Anthropology and Finance. IFS School of Finance, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Devlin, Kate. 2010. 'Illuminating virtual reconstructions of past environments'. In: Contemporary Roles for Spatial Analysis in Archaeology: Seminar Series at University College London. UCL, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Dinham, Adam. 2010. 'Faith, Welfare and Social Justice'. In: British Sociological Association conference. Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Dinham, Adam. 2010. 'Multifaith Fora in the UK as a basis for ‘community peace’'. In: Annual Peace Studies Lecture. University of Calgary, Canada February 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Dinham, Adam. 2010. 'Public Faith and Religious Literacy'. In: Annual Town and Gown Lecture, York. York St John University, United Kingdom 14 June 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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Dinham, Adam. 2010. 'Religion and Belief in Universities'. In: Higher Education Equal Opportunities Network. Warwick University, United Kingdom June 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Dinham, Adam. 2010. 'Why Faith Matters to Community Cohesion'. In: ESRC/Institute for Community Cohesion seminar. Goldsmiths, United Kingdom April 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Doern, Rachel and Goss, David. 2010. 'Power, emotion and barriers to business growth: Accounts from Russia without love'. In: Academy of Management Conference. Montreal, Canada 6-10 August. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Doussan, Jenny. 2010. 'Agamben’s Taking Place'. In: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA 2010). 'Agamben’s
Meanings'. New Orleans, United States 1 - 4 April 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Doussan, Jenny. 2010. 'Messianic time and the problem of political action in the work of Agamben'. In: Waiting for the Political Moment. Utrecht University, Netherlands 17 - 19 June 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2010. 'Round table discussion'. In: Lost Sound by John Smith. Royal College of Art, Curating Contemporary Art Ma Programme, Cafe Oto, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.. 2010. 'What would you like your city to sound like?: ideological and ethical musings on urban soundscape design in 2010'. In: Ideologies and Ethics in the Uses and Abuses of Sound. University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L. and Thatcher, Tony. 2010. '-scape [Goodwins] - making horizontal'. In: Royal Geographical Society, Institute of British Geographers,Annual InternationalConference. Pavilion Gallery, Royal Geographical Society, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Drever, John L.; Thatcher, Tony and Redding, Emma. 2010. '-scape [Goodwins] – making horizontal'. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference. The Royal Geographical Society, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

El-Rayess, Miranda. 2010. 'James, Sargent and the Suffragette'. In: Public Lecture. The National Gallery, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Exarchos, Dimitris. 2010. 'Symmetry and Periodicity in the Sieves of Xenakis’s Shaar'. In: Empirics, Computation, Mathematics, Science & Technology in Music and Acoustical Signal Analysis II. Berlin, Germany 9-28 August 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Farrahi, Katayoun and Gatica-Perez, D. 2010. 'Mining Human Location-Routines using a Multi-Level Topic Model'. In: Socialcom Symposium on Social Intelligence and Networking (Socialcom SIN-10). Minneapolis, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Fields, Ben; Jacobson, Kurt; Rhodes, Christophe; Sandler, Mark and Casey, Michael A.. 2010. 'Analysis and Exploitation of Musician Social Networks for Recommendation and Discovery'. In: IEEE-THEMES: Signal and Information Processing for Social Networks. Dallas, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Fields, Ben; Rhodes, Christophe and d'Inverno, Mark. 2010. 'Using Song Social Tags and Topic Models to Describe and Compare Playlists'. In: 1st Workshop On Music Recommendation And Discovery (WOMRAD), ACM RecSys. Barcelona, Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Finkel, S.; Jilka, Sagar R; Williamson, Victoria J.; Stewart, Lauren and Müllensiefen, Daniel. 2010. 'Involuntary musical imagery: Investigating musical features that predict earworms'. In: Third International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus10), University of Cambridge, UK. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gabbert, Fiona; Hope, Lorraine; Jamieson, Kat and Lang, Katie L.. 2010. 'An innovative method for improving accident investigation'. In: Society of Petroleum Engineers Middle East Health, Safety, Security and Environment Conference and Exhibition (SPE MEHSSE),. Manama, Bahrain. [Conference or Workshop Item]

García Düttmann, Alexander. 2010. 'For and Against the Contemporary. An Examination'. In: Culture After Postmodern Culture. UC Irvine, United States 9 October 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

García Düttmann, Alexander. 2010. 'Law, Literature, Revolution'. In: Recht und Literatur: Verfahren. Erfurt, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

García Düttmann, Alexander. 2010. 'The Love of Proper Names'. In: Workshop on pedagogy and disaster. ICA, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gaver, William; Blythe, Mark; Boucher, Andy; Jarvis, Nadine; Bowers, John and Wright, Peter. 2010. 'The prayer companion : openness and specificity, materiality and spirituality'. In: 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI'10). Atlanta, Georgia, United Kingdom 10 - 15 Apr 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

George, Jennifer; Cockton, Gilbert and Greenough, Thomas. 2010. 'A Social Approach to Accessible Social Networking Using the CAT Model'. In: ICCHP 2010: 12th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs. Vienna, Austria 14-16 July 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gerlitz, Carolin. 2010. '“Tracing and mapping consumer/brand interaction across online spaces”'. In: Digital Methods Winter Conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands 21 January 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios. 2010. 'Criminal justice in France after September 11: Has the balance between liberty and security been disturbed?'. In: Ninth Biennial International Conference on “Societies in Transition: Balancing Security, Social Justice and Tradition”, 2-5 June 2010, Marrakesh, Morocco, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2-5 June, 2010. Marrakesh, Morocco 2-5 June 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gillies, Marco. 2010. 'Bodily Non-verbal Interaction with Virtual Characters'. In: Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research. Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gonçalves, João Miguel Correia. 2010. 'Making problems'. In: CLTAD 5th International Conference. Berlin, Germany 12-13 April 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gray, Ros. 2010. 'Henrique Neves and Clément Darrasse’s ‘Made in.''. In: Henrique Neves and Clément Darrasse’s ‘Made in.'. British Council, Lisbon, Portugal. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Griffiths, Simon. 2010. 'House of Lords, presentation to the Social Democratic Philosophy Group'. In: House of Lords, presentation to the Social Democratic Philosophy Group. House of Lords. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Griffiths, Simon. 2010. 'Into University, The Politics of Aspiration'. In: UNSPECIFIED. UNDEFINED. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Griffiths, Simon. 2010. 'Social Democracy and the Market'. In: UNSPECIFIED. UNDEFINED. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Griffiths, Simon. 2010. 'evidence to House of Lords Science and Technology Committee on behavioural change'. In: House of Lords Science and Technology Committee. UNDEFINED. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hameed, Ayesha. 2010. 'Aesthetics of Evidence'. In: Presentation to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Geneva (with Centre for Research Architecture). Geneva, Switzerland 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hameed, Ayesha. 2010. 'The Jungle as Second Nature'. In: Regimes of Extraterritoriality. Cairo, Egypt 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hameed, Ayesha. 2010. 'On Coastlines, Border Crossings and Natural History,'. In: History and Theory Reading Group. Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge. Cambridge, United Kingdom 28 May 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hull, Richard. 2010. 'The Heart of Social Enterprise'. In: US Academy of Management annual conference. Montreal, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Jessel, John; Woodham, Malgorzata and Gregory, Eve E.. 2010. 'Language and literacy in faith settings and their relationship to the school setting'. In: Bilingualism and multilingualism in school settings : teaching, learning and testing, 11th Biennial University of Seville Conference. Seville, Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Jewell, Michael O.; Rhodes, Christophe and d'Inverno, Mark. 2010. 'Querying improvised music: Do you sound like yourself?'. In: The Eleventh International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010). Utrecht, Netherlands 9 - 13 August 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Joncus, Berta. 2010. 'Fourteenth Biennial International Conference, on Baroque Music'. In: The 14th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music. Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom 30 June – 4 July 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Joncus, Berta. 2010. '"Poison if you taste and go, Nectar if you stay": Struggling with the Orient in Eighteenth-Century British Musical Theatre'. In: Staging the East: Oriental Masking in the British Theatre, 1660-1830. Theatre Royal, Bury St. Edmunds, United Kingdom 11-12 June 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Jones, Hannah and Wingfield, Rachel. 2010. 'MetaboliCity: How can metadesign support the cultivation of place in the city?'. In: Young Creators for Better City & Better Life. Cumulus Conference Shanghai. SODI, CAUP Tongji University, Shanghai, China 7-10 September 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kreider, Kristen. 2010. 'Lyrical Encounters: The Material Poetics of Emily Dickinson's Later Manuscript Pages'. In: The Emily Dickinson International Society Conference. Oxford University, United Kingdom 6-8 August 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kreider, Kristen. 2010. 'Time, Space and Empathy: A Material Poetics of the Film Image'. In: Sexuate Subjects: Politics, Poetics, Ethics. UCL, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lee-Wright, Peter. 2010. 'Seeing Beyond the Slumdogs: Representations of Poverty in Western Media'. In: World Journalism Educators’ Conference. Grahamstown, South Africa. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Leymarie, Frederic Fol; Chang, Ming-Ching; Imielinska, Celina and Kimia, Benjamin B.. 2010. 'A General Approach to Model Biomedical Data from 3D Unorganised Point Clouds with Medial Scaffolds'. In: Eurographics Wokshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine. Leipzig, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Leymarie, Frederic Fol; Todd, P; Todd, Stephen; Latham, William; Kelley, Lawrence and Jefferys, Benjamin. 2010. 'FoldSynth: interactive multimedia platform for real and synthetic protein structures'. In: EMBO Workshop on Visualizing Biological Data (VizBi). EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lidstone, Gerald N.. 2010. 'The policy and practice of learning entrepreneurial skills and future ‘qualities of mind’'. In: Unesco & the Government of the Republic of Korea World Conference on Arts Education. Seoul, Korea, Republic of. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2010. 'Audience Theory and the New Context of Cultural Studies'. In: Keynote Lecture. Beijing Language and Culture University, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2010. 'Communications and Materialism'. In: Annual Van Zelst Lecture. School of Radio, Film and TV, Northwestern University, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2010. 'From Family Television to Home Territories'. In: Guest Lecture. Department of Communication, University of Madison, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2010. 'Media Modernity and Technology Revisited'. In: Guest Lecture. Department of Film and Television, University of Michigan, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Morley, David G.. 2010. 'Relinking : Communications and Transport Theory'. In: Lecture, Department of Culture and Communications. New York University, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Nasar, Hammad; Ratnam, Niru; Malik, Amna and Garfield, Rachel. 2010. 'When the Sixties Didn't Swing'. In: UNSPECIFIED. Whitechapel Art Gallery, United Kingdom 30 Sept 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2010. 'From Stuttering and Stammering to the Diagram: Towards a Minor Art Practice?'. In: Minor Photography: The Case of (Post)Surrealist Photography. University of Leuven, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2010. 'Towards a Mythopoetic Art Practice'. In: The Third International Deleuze Studies Conference ‘Connect, Continue, Create’. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2010. '“Diasporic Voices and Aesthetic Choices: Contemporary Black British Women Dramatists’ Experiential and Linguistic Innovations”'. In: Contemporary Women’s Writing: New Texts, Approaches and Technologies Third Biennial Conference of the Contemporary Women’s Writing Network. San Diego State University, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2010. '‘“Felt queer all the morning and had to lie down”: (pre)maternal and (pre)natal aesthetics in George Egerton and Barbara Baynton’s short stories’'. In: Celebrating Women’s Writing Lucy Cavendish College. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2010. '“The Page is the Stage: An Exploration of debbie tucker green’s Dramatic Poetics”'. In: Transformations of Narrative in the Postcolonial Era. Pinter Centre, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2010. '“Set in Stone”'. In: Poetry and Voice: A Creative and Critical Conference. University of Chichester, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2010. 'Women, Creativity and Dissidence: A Three-day Workshop with Nawal el Saadawi'. In: Women, Creativity and Dissidence: A Three-day Workshop with Nawal el Saadawi. SABLE LitMag and Goldsmiths, University of London., United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Page, Kevin R.; Fields, Ben; Nagel, Bart J.; O'Neill, Gianni; Roure, David C. De and Crawford, Tim. 2010. 'Semantics for Music Analysis through Linked Data: How Country is My Country?'. In: Sixth IEEE e–Science conference. Brisbane, Australia. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Page, Tara; Pitfield, Maggie; Johnston, John and Macleroy Obied, Vicky. 2010. 'Blurring'. In: Blurring. Goldsmiths, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Phillips, Andrea. 2010. 'Jacques Ranciere: the how of emancipation'. In: Big ideas: Jacques Ranciere: the how of emancipation. Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pritchard, Helen and Soon, Winnie. 2010. '‘If I Wrote you a Love Letter Would You Write Back? and thousands of other questions’'. In: ENIGMA exhibition based on Alan Turing, Microwave International Media Festival 2012. Hong Kong, Hong Kong. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Prophet, Jane. 2010. 'Models, Macquettes and Art Objects: making data physical'. In: CAT 2010: Ideas before their time : Connecting the past and present in computer art. London. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pryer, Anthony J.. 2010. 'The Ontology of Music and the Challenge of Performance: Identity versus Variety, and the Persistence of the "Text"'. In: The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on Performance. Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Randall, Ed J.. 2010. 'Ed Randall's speech in debate on Fairness and Austerity at Liberal Democrats conference in Liverpool'. In: UNSPECIFIED. Liverpool, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Reckitt, Helena. 2010. 'Performing Publics, Panel on Artists’ Re-enactment'. In: Performing Publics: Artists' Re-enactments. Performance Studies International, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, Canada 9 - 13 June 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Reckitt, Helena; Blackwell, Adrian and Various, others. 2010. 'Love is a force that acts as the productive motor of every emancipatory politics'. In: Love is a force that acts as the productive motor of every emancipatory politics. JMB Gallery, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 18 March 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Reckitt, Helena; Trecartin, Ryan and Davies, Jon. 2010. 'International Lecture Series: Ryan Trecartin in conversation with Jon Davies and Helena Reckitt'. In: International Lecture Series: Ryan Trecartin. The Drake Hotel, Toronto, Canada 23 March 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rosamond, Emily. 2010. 'Impersonating Ideology: The “Factory-Esque” and Temporalities of Critique in Recent Installation'. In: Revisiting Ephemera Conference. University of Western Ontario, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sahin, Ozden. 2010. 'Censorship on Visual Arts and Its Political Implications in Contemporary Turkey: Four Case Studies from 2002 – 2009'. In: The 5th Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Seymour, Benedict. 2010. 'Principio Potosí. Modernidad y la llamada acumulación originaria.'. In: Principio Potosí. Modernidad y la llamada acumulación originaria. Reina Sofia, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Shukra, Kalbir. 2010. 'Community cohesion: challenges to anti-oppressive approaches in Community and Youth Work'. In: Positive Action and Community Cohesion in the UK. Art Workers Guild, Bloomsbury, United Kingdom July 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Shukra, Kalbir. 2010. 'New approaches to community and workplace solidarity'. In: Help and Representation at Work - launch of research report. Trade Union Congress, Congress House, London, United Kingdom September 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Stables, Kay. 2010. 'The inspiration pitch: where do design ideas come from?'. In: D&T - Ideas Worth Sharing: the Design and Technology Association Education and International Research Conference 2010. Keele University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Stamate, Daniel. 2010. 'Queries with Multivalued Logic-Based Semantics for Imperfect Information Fusion'. In: 40th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL '10). Barcelona, Spain 26-28 May 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Tanaka, Atau. 2010. 'Mapping Out Instruments, Affordances, and Mobiles'. In: New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Sydney, Australia. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Traianou, Anna and Hammersley, Martyn. 2010. 'Moralism and the situated character of qualitative research practice.'. In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference. University of Warwick, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Turner, Lynn. 2010. 'Homing pigeon: the postal principle and Lynn Hershmann's 'Conceiving Ada''. In: Derrida Today. London, United Kingdom 19-21 July 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Vally, Lytra; Gregory, Eve E.; Jessel, John; Kenner, Charmian; Ruby, Mahera; Ilankuberan, Arani; Choudhury, Halimun; Kwapong, Amoafi; Woodham, Malgozarta and Souza, Ana. 2010. 'Journeying across sites : knowledge building and identity positioning in team ethnography'. In: Explorations in ethnography, language and communication. Aston University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Waller, Michael and Fairfax, Duncan. 2010. 'Keynote Speaker: International Convergence Symposium on Design and Engineering, Kyung Hee University S.Korea'. In: International Convergence Symposium on Design and Engineering. kyung Hee University, Korea, Republic of 30 August 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Walsh, Bernard. 2010. '“You talkin’ to me”'. In: The International Image Conference. University of California, Los Angeles, United States 2-3 December 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Whorley, Raymond Peter; Wiggins, Geraint; Rhodes, Christophe and Pearce, Marcus T.. 2010. 'Development of Techniques for the Computational Modelling of Harmony'. In: International Conference on Computational Creativity. Lisbon, Portugal. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wilkie, Alex. 2010. 'Enacting Users, Mediating Publics'. In: EASST 2010: Practicing Science and Technology, Performing the Social. Trento, Italy. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wilkie, Alex. 2010. 'Participation, Translation & Accountability'. In: Making and Opening: Entangling Design and Social Science. Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wilkie, Alex. 2010. 'Prototyping the Prospects of Obesity'. In: Prototyping Cultures: Social Experimentation, Do-It-Yourself Science And Beta Knowledge. Madrid, Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Williamson, Milly. 2010. 'Celebrity, Gender and the Paradox of Visibility'. In: IAMCR 2010. Braga, Portugal 18 - 22 July 2010. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Williamson, Milly. 2010. 'Seeking Justice: Media, Racism and the Security State'. In: War and the Media. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

de Koning, Alice; Doern, Rachel and Fey, Carl. 2010. 'A qualitative assessment of culture and opportunity recognition in Sweden and Russia'. In: Academy of International Business Conference. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. [Conference or Workshop Item]

This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 01:30:29 2025 GMT.