Items of Type Conference or Workshop Item

Number of items: 126.
Allen, Rory.
'Finding the words for it: how alexithymia can account for apparent deficits in the ability of an ASD group to describe their emotional responses to music'.
In: ICMPC11. Seattle, United States 23-27 August 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Blythe, Mark; Wright, Peter; Bowers, John; Boucher, Andy; Jarvis, Nadine; Reynolds, Phil and Gaver, William.
'Age and experience: ludic engagement in a residential care setting'.
In: DIS 2010. Aarhus, Denmark 18-20 August 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Boldrini, Lucia.
'European Civilization and Barbarism: Some Considerations on Historical Categories and Myths.'.
In: AICLA / ICLA Triennial International Conference, Expanding the Frontiers of Comparative Literature, Seoul, Korea. Seoul, Korea, Republic of 15-21 August 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Danino, Nina.
'Attending to the Other: Critical Theory and Spiritual Practice'.
In: Attending to the Other: Critical Theory and Spiritual Practice. Faculty of Theology, St. Catherine's College, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom 23rd-26th September 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Danino, Nina and Syder, Larry.
'For the Sake of the Image'.
In: For the Sake of the Image. Jerwood Visual Arts, London., United Kingdom 8 March 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Dinham, Adam.
'Faith, Welfare and Social Justice'.
In: British Sociological Association conference. Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Dinham, Adam.
'Multifaith Fora in the UK as a basis for ‘community peace’'.
In: Annual Peace Studies Lecture. University of Calgary, Canada February 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Dinham, Adam.
'Public Faith and Religious Literacy'.
In: Annual Town and Gown Lecture, York. York St John University, United Kingdom 14 June 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Dinham, Adam.
'Religion and Belief in Universities'.
In: Higher Education Equal Opportunities Network. Warwick University, United Kingdom June 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Doussan, Jenny.
'Agamben’s Taking Place'.
In: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA 2010). 'Agamben’s
Meanings'. New Orleans, United States 1 - 4 April 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Doussan, Jenny.
'Messianic time and the problem of political action in the work of Agamben'.
In: Waiting for the Political Moment. Utrecht University, Netherlands 17 - 19 June 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Fields, Ben; Jacobson, Kurt; Rhodes, Christophe; Sandler, Mark and Casey, Michael A..
'Analysis and Exploitation of Musician Social Networks for Recommendation and Discovery'.
In: IEEE-THEMES: Signal and Information Processing for Social Networks. Dallas, United States.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Fields, Ben; Rhodes, Christophe and d'Inverno, Mark.
'Using Song Social Tags and Topic Models to Describe and Compare Playlists'.
In: 1st Workshop On Music Recommendation And Discovery (WOMRAD), ACM RecSys. Barcelona, Spain.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Finkel, S.; Jilka, Sagar R; Williamson, Victoria J.; Stewart, Lauren and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
'Involuntary musical imagery: Investigating musical features that predict earworms'.
In: Third International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus10), University of Cambridge, UK. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
García Düttmann, Alexander.
'For and Against the Contemporary. An Examination'.
In: Culture After Postmodern Culture. UC Irvine, United States 9 October 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
García Düttmann, Alexander.
'Law, Literature, Revolution'.
In: Recht und Literatur: Verfahren. Erfurt, Germany.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gaver, William; Blythe, Mark; Boucher, Andy; Jarvis, Nadine; Bowers, John and Wright, Peter.
'The prayer companion : openness and specificity, materiality and spirituality'.
In: 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI'10). Atlanta, Georgia, United Kingdom 10 - 15 Apr 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Giannoulopoulos, Dimitrios.
'Criminal justice in France after September 11: Has the balance between liberty and security been disturbed?'.
In: Ninth Biennial International Conference on “Societies in Transition: Balancing Security, Social Justice and Tradition”, 2-5 June 2010, Marrakesh, Morocco, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2-5 June, 2010. Marrakesh, Morocco 2-5 June 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gillies, Marco.
'Bodily Non-verbal Interaction with Virtual Characters'.
In: Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research. Paris, France.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Gonçalves, João Miguel Correia.
'Making problems'.
In: CLTAD 5th International Conference. Berlin, Germany 12-13 April 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Jewell, Michael O.; Rhodes, Christophe and d'Inverno, Mark.
'Querying improvised music: Do you sound like yourself?'.
In: The Eleventh International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010). Utrecht, Netherlands 9 - 13 August 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Jones, Hannah and Wingfield, Rachel.
'MetaboliCity: How can metadesign support the cultivation of place in the city?'.
In: Young Creators for Better City & Better Life. Cumulus Conference Shanghai. SODI, CAUP Tongji University, Shanghai, China 7-10 September 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Lidstone, Gerald N..
'The policy and practice of learning entrepreneurial skills and future ‘qualities of mind’'.
In: Unesco & the Government of the Republic of Korea World Conference on Arts Education. Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Nasar, Hammad; Ratnam, Niru; Malik, Amna and Garfield, Rachel.
'When the Sixties Didn't Swing'.
In: UNSPECIFIED. Whitechapel Art Gallery, United Kingdom 30 Sept 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Pryer, Anthony J..
'The Ontology of Music and the Challenge of Performance: Identity versus Variety, and the Persistence of the "Text"'.
In: The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on Performance. Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Randall, Ed J..
'Ed Randall's speech in debate on Fairness and Austerity at Liberal Democrats conference in Liverpool'.
In: UNSPECIFIED. Liverpool, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Rosamond, Emily.
'Impersonating Ideology: The “Factory-Esque” and Temporalities of Critique in Recent Installation'.
In: Revisiting Ephemera Conference. University of Western Ontario, Canada.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Stables, Kay.
'The inspiration pitch: where do design ideas come from?'.
In: D&T - Ideas Worth Sharing: the Design and Technology Association Education and International Research Conference 2010. Keele University, United Kingdom.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Tanaka, Atau.
'Mapping Out Instruments, Affordances, and Mobiles'.
In: New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Sydney, Australia.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Waller, Michael and Fairfax, Duncan.
'Keynote Speaker: International Convergence Symposium on Design and Engineering, Kyung Hee University S.Korea'.
In: International Convergence Symposium on Design and Engineering. kyung Hee University, Korea, Republic of 30 August 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Whorley, Raymond Peter; Wiggins, Geraint; Rhodes, Christophe and Pearce, Marcus T..
'Development of Techniques for the Computational Modelling of Harmony'.
In: International Conference on Computational Creativity. Lisbon, Portugal.
[Conference or Workshop Item]