Items of Type Book Section

Number of items: 241.
Cubitt, Sean.
Ecocritique and the Materialities of Animation.
In: Suzanne Buchan, ed.
Pervasive Animation.
New York: Routledge, pp. 94-114.
ISBN 9780415807234
[Book Section]
Featherstone, Mike.
Super-rich Lifestyles.
In: Thomas Birtchnell and Javier Caletrío, eds.
Elite Mobilities.
Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 99-135.
ISBN 978-0-415-65580-4
[Book Section]
Gabrys, Jennifer.
Ecological Observatories: Fluctuating Sites and Sensing Subjects.
In: Laura Beloff; Erich Berger and Terike Haapoja, eds.
Field_Notes: Field and Laboratory as Sites for Art & Science Practices.
Helsinki: Finnish Society of Bioart, pp. 178-187.
ISBN 978-952-93-2313-5
[Book Section]
Greco, Monica.
Logics of Interdisciplinarity: the case of medical humanities.
In: Georgina Born and Andrew Barry, eds.
Interdisciplinarity: Reconfigurations of the Social and Natural Sciences.
London and New York: Routledge, pp. 226-246.
ISBN 978-0415578929
[Book Section]
Phillips, Andrea.
Art Work.
In: Jason Bowman, ed.
Esther Shalev-Gerz: The Contemporary Art of Trusting Uncertainties and Unfolding Dialogues.
Stockholm: Art & Theory, pp. 239-253.
ISBN 9789198087475
[Book Section]
Tubridy, Derval.
Bun-Ching Lam's and Samuel Beckett's Quatre Poèmes/Four Songs: Music, Image, Text.
In: Kathryn Brown, ed.
The Art Book Tradition in Twentieth-Century Europe.
Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 59-71.
ISBN 978-1-4094-2065-1
[Book Section]
Benson, Michaela and Jackiewicz, Ed.
Questioning ‘The Fight to Stay Put’ as an Explanation of the Impact of Lifestyle Migration and Residential Tourism Development.
In: G Curti; J Craine and S Aitken, eds.
The Fight to Stay Put: Social Lessons Through Media Imaginings of Urban Transformation and Change.
Frankfurt: Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 229-240.
ISBN 978-3-515-10212-4
[Book Section]
Braverman, Danny.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants.
In: Susan Croft; Jessica Higgs and UNSPECIFIED, eds.
Re-Staging Revolutions: Alternative Theatre in Lambeth and Camden 1968-88.
London: Unfinished Histories, pp. 42-43.
[Book Section]
Dinardi, Cecilia.
Trabajo Postal y Arquitectura Pública. Funciones e Imaginarios de Modernidad.
In: A Collado, ed.
Arquitectura Moderna y Estado en Argentina: Edificios para Correos y Telecomunicaciones (1947-1955).
CEDODAL; Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo UNL, Argentina.
[Book Section]
Popova, Gergana and Spencer, Andrew.
Relatedness in periphrasis.
In: Marina Chumakina and Greville G. Corbett, eds.
Periphrasis: The Role of Syntax and Morphology in Paradigms.
Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, pp. 191-225.
ISBN 9780197265253
[Book Section]
Rogers, Holly.
‘Spatial Reconfiguration in Interactive Video Art-Music’.
In: Karen Collins; Bill Kapralos and Holly Tessler, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Interactive Audio.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 15-30.
ISBN 9780199797226
[Book Section]
Reckitt, Helena.
Forgotten Relations: Feminist Artists and Relational Aesthetics.
In: Angela Dimitrakaki and Lara Perry, eds.
Politics in a Glass: Case Feminism, Exhibition Cultures and Curatorial Transgressions.
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 131-156.
ISBN 9781846318931
[Book Section]
Phillips, Andrea.
Public Space [Crossed Out].
In: Michael Elmgreen; Dragset Ingar; Eva Kraus and Nan Mellinger, eds.
A Space Called Public.
Munich: Walter Koenig, pp. 248-259.
ISBN 9783863354398
[Book Section]
Tanaka, Atau; Bau, O. and Mackay, W..
The A20: Interactive Instrument Techniques for Sonic Design Exploration.
In: Karmen Franinović and Stefania Serafin, eds.
Sonic Interaction Design.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 255-270.
ISBN 9780262018685
[Book Section]
Gabrys, Jennifer.
Plastic and the work of the biodegradable.
In: Jennifer Gabrys; Gay Hawkins and Mike Michael, eds.
Accumulation: The Material Politics of Plastic.
London and New York: Routledge, pp. 208-227.
ISBN 978-0-415-62582-1
[Book Section]
Griffiths, Simon and Kippin, Henry.
In: Simon Griffiths; Henry Kippin and Gerry Stoker, eds.
Public Services: A New Reform Agenda.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 1-14.
ISBN 9781849663489
[Book Section]
Pryer, Anthony J..
Hanslick, Legal Processes and Scientific Methodologies: How Not to Construct an Ontology of Music.
In: Nicole Grimes; Siobhán Donovan and Wolfgang Marx, eds.
Rethinking Hanslick: Music, Formalism and Expression.
Rochester New York: University of Rochester Press, pp. 52-69.
ISBN 9781580464321
[Book Section]
Rogers, Holly.
‘“Betwixt and Between” Worlds: Spatial and Temporal Liminality in Video Art-Music’.
In: Claudia Gorbman; John Richardson and Carol Vernallis, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of New Audiovisual Aesthetics.
New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 525-542.
ISBN 9780199733866
[Book Section]
Cubitt, Sean.
The Politics of the Line.
In: Jonathan Harris and Richard Koeck, eds.
Picasso and the Politics of Representation: War and Peace in the Era of the Cold War and Since.
Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 69-88.
ISBN 9781846318757
[Book Section]
Furse, Anna F. D..
Independent Theatre as a Political Position.
In: Rolf C. Hemke, ed.
Theatre In The Arab World / Theater im arabischen Sprachraum.
Gemany: Theater der Zeit, pp. 104-107.
ISBN 978-3-943881-28-8
[Book Section]
MacDonald, Richard Lowell.
Studies of a Singapore Childhood.
In: May Adadol Ingawanij, ed.
Catalogue of the 6th Bangkok Experimental Film Festival: Raiding the Archives.
Bangkok, Thailand: Aan Publishing, pp. 196-201.
ISBN 9786167158303
[Book Section]
Traianou, Anna.
Greek Education Reform: Resistance and Despair.
In: Ken Jones, ed.
Education in Europe: the Politics of Austerity.
London: Radicaled Books.
ISBN ISBN 978-0-9575538-3-5
[Book Section]
Griffiths, Simon.
British Socialism in and after the Twentieth Century.
In: Paul Kelly and Sato Seishi, eds.
Between Pluralism and Multiculturalism; Studies in Contemporary British Political Thought.
Waseda University Press.
[Book Section]
Bengry, Justin.
Films and Filming: The Making of a Queer Marketplace in Pre-decriminalization Britain.
In: Brian Lewis, ed.
British Queer History: New Approaches and Perspectives.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 244-266.
ISBN 978-0-7190-8894-0
[Book Section]
Crone, Bridget.
Swarm Machines Ladders and Lookouts (the work of Ryan Trecartin and Lizzie Fitch).
In: Paul Luckcraft; Maitreyi Maheshwari and Isabel Venero, eds.
Lizzie Fitch / Ryan Trecartin: Priority Innfield.
London, UK: Zabludowicz Collection, pp. 119-124.
ISBN 978-1-907921-16-2
[Book Section]
Shevtsova, Maria.
Postdramatic, Non-aesthetic, and Other Signs of the Times.
In: Jerzy Limon and Agnieszka Zukowska, eds.
An Atomizing Theatre.
Gdansk: wydawnictwo slowo/obraz terytoria, pp. 143-148.
ISBN 978-83-931104-3-8
[Book Section]
Bishop, Mark (J. M.); Nasuto, S.J.; Tanay, T.; Roesch, E. B and Spencer, M.C..
HeX and the single anthill: playing games with Aunt Hillary.
In: Vincent Muller, ed.
Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
ISBN 978-3-642-31673-9
[Book Section]
Crone, Bridget.
Seeing Red.
In: Robin Mackay, ed.
Final Machine.
Falmouth, UK: Urbanomic, pp. 15-20.
ISBN 9780957529502
[Book Section]
Hemingway, Christine A. and Maclagan, Patrick W..
Reflections on Careers, JBE and Business Ethics.
In: Alex C. Michalos and Deborah C. Poff, eds.
Citation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics: Celebrating the First Thirty Years of Publication.
Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 734-735.
ISBN 9789400741256
[Book Section]
Kovas, Yulia; Malykh, S. and Petrill, S.A..
Genetics for Education.
In: D. Mareschal; B. Butterworth and A. Tolmie, eds.
Educational Neuroscience.
Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 77-109.
ISBN 978-1-119-97319-5
[Book Section]
Rooke, Alison.
Contradiction, collaboration and criticality: Researching empowerment and citizenship in community-based arts.
In: Marjorie C. Mayo; Zoraida mendiwelso bendek and Carol Packham, eds.
Community Research for Community Development.
hampshire: palgrave macmillan, pp. 150-169.
ISBN 978-1- 137- 03473-1
[Book Section]
Thomas, Michael S C; Baughman, Frank D; Karaminis, Themis and Addyman, Caspar.
Modelling developmental disorders.
In: C Marshall, ed.
Current issues in developmental disorders.
Hove, East Sussex; New York, NY: Psychology Press, pp. 93-124.
[Book Section]
Fusini, Letizia.
Estrangement techniques with Chinese characteristics. The dialectics of Ver/Ent-fremdung in the drama of Gao Xingjian: Brechtian reminiscences in existentialist disguise.
In: Rui Oliveira Lopes, ed.
Face to Face. The transcendence of the arts in China and beyond. Approaches to modern and contemporary art.
Portugal: Artistic Studies Research Centre (CIEBA/FBAUL), pp. 158-184.
ISBN 978-9898300478
[Book Section]
Reckitt, Helena.
Gerard Byrne: Like a Man.
In: Kirsty Ogg, ed.
Gerard Byrne: A State of Neutral Pleasure.
London and Stockholm: The Whitechapel Gallery, pp. 36-51.
ISBN 978-0-85488-212-0
[Book Section]
Potter, Keith.
Mapping Early Minimalism.
In: Keith S. Potter; Kyle Gann and Pwyll ap Siôn, eds.
The Ashgate Research Companion to Minimalist and Postminimalist Music.
Farnham, UK: Ashgate, pp. 19-37.
ISBN 9781409435495
[Book Section]
Potter, Keith; Gann, Kyle and ap Sion, Pwyll.
Introduction: experimental, minimalist, postminimalist? Origins, definitions, communities.
In: Keith S. Potter; Kyle Gann and Pwyll ap Sion, eds.
The Ashgate Research Companion to Minimalist and Postminimalist Music.
Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1-16.
ISBN 9781 409435495
[Book Section]
Fisher, Andrew.
Photographic Scale.
In: Daniel Rubinstein; Johnny Golding and Andrew Fisher, eds.
On The Verge of Photography: Imaging Beyond Representation.
Birmingham: ARTicle, pp. 151-169.
ISBN 978-1-873352-02-1
[Book Section]
Hayward, Keith and Kindynis, T.
The crime-consumerism nexus.
In: Jeffrey Ian Ross, ed.
Encyclopaedia of Street Crime in America.
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, pp. 123-125.
ISBN 9781412999571
[Book Section]
Russell-Rose, Tony and Tate, Tyler.
Designing the Search Experience.
In: Tony Russell-Rose and Tyler Tate, eds.
Designing the Search Experience.
Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 23-45.
ISBN 9780123969811
[Book Section]
Seymour, Benedict.
In: David Riff; Ekaterina Degott and Jill Winder, eds.
Monday Begins on Saturday.
Berlin: Sternberg Press, pp. 123-163.
ISBN 978-3-943365-74-0
[Book Section]
Alston, Adam.
Politics in the Dark: Risk Perception, Affect and Emotion in Lundahl and Seitl’s Rotating in a Room of Images.
In: Nicola Shaughnessy, ed.
Affective Performance and Cognitive Science Body, Brain and Being.
Bloomsbury (Methuen Drama).
ISBN 9781408193150
[Book Section]
Clark, Nigel and Gunaratnam, Yasmin.
Sustaining Difference: Climate Change, Diet and the Materiality of Race.
In: Rachel Slocum and Arun Saldanha, eds.
Geographies of Race and Food Fields, Bodies, Markets.
Burlington: Ashgate, 00-00.
ISBN 9781409469278
[Book Section]
Furse, Anna F. D..
Retracing Our Steps... On When We Were Birds, A Work in Progress.
In: Nicola Shaughnessy, ed.
Affective Performance and Cognitive Science: Body, Brain and Being.
London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, pp. 57-68.
ISBN 978-1-4081-8577-3
[Book Section]
Hirsh, David.
Struggles over the Boundaries of Legitimate Discourse: Antisemitism and Bad-Faith Allegations.
In: Charles Small, ed.
Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity.
New York: ISGAP, pp. 89-94.
ISBN 978194018608
[Book Section]
Rogers, Holly.
Multimedia Art: Video Art-Music.
In: Tim Shepherd and Anne Leonard, eds.
Routledge Companion to Music and Visual Art.
New York: Routledge, pp. 367-375.
ISBN 9780415629256
[Book Section]
Motamedi-Fraser, Mariam.
In: Nasrin Tabatabai and Babak Afrassiabi, eds.
Rotterdam: Pages, pp. 1-11.
ISBN 978-90-821190-0-8
[Book Section]
Tubridy, Derval.
Visual Culture.
In: David Tucker, ed.
The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 291-307.
[Book Section]
Keirl, Steve.
Binarial hermeneutics for exploring the phenomenon of Technology in support of Design and Technology Education.
In: P. J. Williams and D. Gedera, eds.
PATT27: Technology Education for the Future: A play on Sustainability, Conference Proceedings.
Waikato, NZ: Technology Environmental Science and Mathematics Education Research Centre, University of Waikato, NZ, pp. 253-260.
ISBN 978-0-9922497-2-4
[Book Section]
Pryer, Anthony J..
'Real' Nature, 'Aesthetic' Nature and the Making of Artworks: Some Challenges of Cross-Cultural Collaboration.
In: Kazuto Yamamoto and Naomi Matsumoto, eds.
Shizengaku: A Search for the Coming Aesthetic.
Kyoto: Nakanishiya, pp. 6-26.
ISBN 978-4-7795-0791-5
[Book Section]