Items where Year is 1999

Number of items: 205.
Bancroft Hunt, Norman.
Tricksters, Heroes, Shamans and Ritualists: A Cultural Analysis of
Traditional Blackfoot Story-Telling.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Beer, Martin; d'Inverno, Mark; Luck, Michael; Jennings, Nick; Preist, Chris and Schroeder, Michael.
Negotiation in multi-agent systems.
The Knowledge Engineering Review, 14(3),
pp. 285-289.
ISSN 0269-8889
Bell, Vikki.
"Appearance: Thinking Difference in the Political Realm with Hannah Arendt".
In: , ed.
Feminist Imagination: Genealogies in Feminist Theory.
London: Sage, pp. 62-84.
ISBN 0803979711
[Book Section]
Bennett, Caroline Jane.
The Politics and Poetics of Latin American Magical Realism.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Bickley, Diana.
A critical edition of the concert overtures of Hector Berlioz, with particular reference to the historical and literary background.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Brewer, Sandy.
The Hope of the World: The Story of Jesus and its Influence in the Formation of Identity in Working Class Girls in Britain 1900-1945.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Cunningham-Snell, Nicole Ann.
Alternative Perspectives on Selection: Social Impact and Validation of
Graduate Selection within a Multinational Oil Company.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Di Benedetto, Stephen Anthony.
Playwriting as a visual art: A study of contemporary English-speaking dramaturgy using the works of five playwrights trained as fine artists.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Drever, John L..
The exploitation of 'tangible ghosts': conjectures on soundscape recording and its reappropriation in sound art.
Organised Sound, 4(1),
pp. 25-29.
Ertubey, Candan.
Perceived Control of Academic Events in Turkish and English Adolescents: Comparing Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory to Detect Item Biases Across Cultures.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Fraser, Mariam.
Identity without Selfhood: Simone de Beauvoir and Bisexuality.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9780521623575
Freeman, Jonathan; Avons, Steve; Pearson, Don E. and Ijsselsteijn, Wijnand.
Effects of Sensory Information and Prior Experience on Direct Subjective Ratings of Presence.
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 8(1),
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 1054-7460
George, Rosalyn P. and Gaine, Chris.
Gender, 'Race', and Class in Schooling: A new Introduction.
Falmer Press.
ISBN 0750707577
Gleeson, Denis and Shain, Farzana.
Managing Ambiguity: Between Markets and Managerialism — A Case Study of ‘Middle’ Managers in Further Education.
The Sociological Review, 47(3),
pp. 461-490.
ISSN 0038-0261
Harris, Mark.
Pipilotti Rist's Music.
In: , ed.
Wishing for Synchronicity: Works by Pipilotti Rist.
Houston, Texas: Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, pp. 14-23.
ISBN 978-1-933619-17-0
[Book Section]
Hodges, Matthew.
What the past holds in store: an anthropological study of temporality in a southern French village.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Hujic, Alida.
MTV Europe: An Analysis of the Channel's Attempt to Design a Programming Strategy for a pan-European Youth Audience.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Martin, Timothy Daniel.
Robert Smithson: writings, sculptures, earthworks.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Meadowcroft, John J.
Community politics: a study of the Liberal Democrats in local government.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Negus, Keith.
Music Genres and Corporate Cultures.
London: Routledge.
ISBN 0-415-17399-X
Rossell, Deac (W. F. D.).
Serpentine Dance: Inter-National Connections in Early Cinema.
Occasional Papers in Modern Languages, Culture and Society(1),
Russell-Rose, Tony and Wrigley, Ave.
CS-Web: A Lightweight Summarizer for HTML.
The Perl Journal,
Salaman, Naomi.
Changed pressmarks of the Private Case in the British Library.
[Art Object]
Serra, Sonia de Alencar.
The Media, the International Public Sphere, and the Killing of Street Children in Brazil.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Shain, Farzana and Gleeson, Denis.
Under new management: changing conceptions of teacher professionalism and policy in the further education sector.
Journal of Education Policy, 14(4),
pp. 445-462.
ISSN 0268-0939
Thomas, Helena D C.
Organisational Socialisation: Longitudinal Investigations into Newcomer Sense-Making and Adjustment.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Whitford, Angela Tracy.
Heuristic Approaches to Solve the Frequency Assignment Problem.
Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London