Items where Year is 2000

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Number of items: 276.

Tarlo, Emma; Dupont, Veronique and Vidal, Denis, eds. 2000. Delhi: Urban Space and Human Destinies. Delhi: Manohar. ISBN 978-8173043666 [Edited Book]

Johnson, Mark; Jackson, Peter and Herdt, Gilbert, eds. 2000. Gender and Sexual Diversity in East and South-East Asia., Culture, Health and Sexuality, 2(4). 1369-1058 [Edited Journal]

Goddard, Victoria, ed. 2000. Gender, Agency and Social Change. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415228282 [Edited Book]

Morley, David G., ed. 2000. Home Territories: Media, Mobility and Identity. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415157643 [Edited Book]

Dooley, Maura, ed. 2000. How Novelists Work. Seren. ISBN 978-1854111920 [Edited Book]

Velmans, Max, ed. 2000. Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness: New Methodologies and Maps. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ISBN 1556191936 [Edited Book]

Andersen, Birgitte; Hull, Richard; Howells, Jeremy; Mills, Ian and Roberts, Joanne, eds. 2000. Knowledge and Innovation in the New Service Economy. Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar Pub. ISBN 978-1840645729 [Edited Book]

Pritchard, Craig; Chumer, Mike; Hull, Richard and Willmott, Hugh, eds. 2000. Managing Knowledge: Critical Investigations of Work and Learning. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0333921579 [Edited Book]

London, John and George, David, eds. 2000. Modern Catalan Plays: Quarrelsome Party; the Audition; Desire; Fourplay. London: Methuen. ISBN 978-0413744401 [Edited Book]

Caplan, Pat, ed. 2000. Risk Revisited. London: Pluto Press. ISBN 978-0745314631 [Edited Book]

Caplan, Pat, ed. 2000. Risk Revisited. London and Sterling, Virginia: Pluto Press. ISBN 978-0745314631 [Edited Book]

Lash, Scott; Bronislaw, Szerszynski and Brian, Wynne, eds. 2000. Risk, Environment and Modernity: Towards a New Ecology. London: Sage Publications. ISBN 978-0803979383 [Edited Book]

Lash, Scott and Featherstone, Mike, eds. 2000. Spaces of Culture: City, Nation, World. London: Sage Publications. ISBN 978-0761961222 [Edited Book]

London, John, ed. 2000. Theatre under the Nazis. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0719059919 [Edited Book]

Ahmed, Sara; Lury, Celia; McNeil, Maurenn; Kilby, Jane and Skeggs, Bev, eds. 2000. Transformations: Thinking Through Feminism. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415220675 [Edited Book]

Tonkiss, Fran; Passey, Andrew; Fenton, Natalie and Hems, Les, eds. 2000. Trust and Civil Society. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0333778159 [Edited Book]

McRobbie, Angela; Gilroy, Paul and Grossberg, Lawrence, eds. 2000. Without Guarantees: In Honour of Stuart Hall. London: Verso. ISBN 978-1859842874 [Edited Book]

Seymour, Benedict, ed. 2000.,, . [Edited Journal]

Ahiska, Saziye Meltem. 2000. An Occidentalist Fantasy: Turkish Radio and National Identity. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Ahmed, Sara. 2000. Embodying Strangers. In: Avril Horner and Angela Keane, eds. Body Matters: Feminism, Textuality, Corporeality. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 85-97. ISBN 978-0719054693 [Book Section]

Ahmed, Sara. 2000. An Impossible Global Justice? Deconstruction and Transnational Feminism. In: J Richardson and R Sandland, eds. Feminist Perspectives on Law and Theory. London: Cavendish University Press, pp. 55-72. [Book Section]

Ahmed, Sara. 2000. Who Knows? Knowing Strangers and Strangerness. Australian Feminist Studies, 15(31), pp. 49-68. ISSN 0816-4649 [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 2000. Whose Counting? Feminist Theory, 1(1), pp. 97-103. ISSN 1464-7001 [Article]

Andersson, Mette. 2000. The Situated Politics of Recognition, Ethnic Minority, Youth & Identity Work. Working Paper. Goldsmiths, University of London, London. [Report]

Andrews, Jorella G.. 2000. 'The Creative Circuit: The Experience of Cultural Translation'. In: The Creative Circuit: The Experience of Cultural Translation. Victoria & Albert Museum. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Andrews, Jorella G.. 2000. Easels and Amazons (‘Amazons of the Avant‐Garde’). Third Text, 50, pp. 109-113. ISSN 0952-8822 [Article]

Andrews, Jorella G.. 2000. 'Moufida Tlatli's "The Silences of the Palace": A Cartography of Servitude.'. In: Geographies of Home Conference. University College London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Andrews, Jorella G.. 2000. ''Performing Space''. In: Inhabiting Technology Conference,. ICA London. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Andrews, Jorella G.. 2000. The Virtual Intersection: A Meditation on Domestic Virtue. In: Fran Lloyd and Catherine O'Brien, eds. Secret Spaces, Forbidden Places: Re-thinking Culture. New York and Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 171-183. ISBN 9781571817884 [Book Section]

Andrews, Jorella G.. 2000. 'Vision, Violence and the Other: A Merleau-Pontean Ethics'. In: The 25th Annual Meeting of the International Merleau-Ponty Circle. Washington DC, United States. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Anim-Addo, Joan. 2000. The African-Caribbean Woman Writer’s Project: Merle Collins and Alecia McKenzie. In: Carla Locatelli, ed. Co(n)texts: implicazioni testuali. (47) Trento: Dipartimento di scienze filologiche e storiche, pp. 131-150. [Book Section]

Anim-Addo, Joan. 2000. The Colour of Silence. In: Courttia Newland and Kadija Sesay, eds. IC3: The Penguin Book of New Black Writing in Britain. Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0140287332 [Book Section]

Anim-Addo, Joan. 2000. Windrush Children and Broken Attachments. Race and Cultural Education in Counselling (RACE)(23), pp. 11-17. [Article]

Armour, Richard T. 2000. The Quality of the Student Experience of Higher Education: an Investigation in Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Baker, Patrick. 2000. ‘The Spanish Transition to Democracy’. Socialist History Society Special Edition, [Article]

Balland, P and Hughston, L P. 2000. Markov Market Model Consistent with Cap Smile. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 3(2), 161 -181. ISSN 0219-0249 [Article]

Batchelor, David. 2000. Chromophobia. London: Reaktion Books. ISBN 9781861890740 [Book]

Besson, Jean. 2000. 'Reflections on Caribbean Studies in the Year 2000'. In: Keynote Address. 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies. University of Birmingham, United Kingdom 4-5 July 2000. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Besson, Jean. 2000. The appropriation of lands of law by lands of myth in the Caribbean region. In: Allen Abramson and Dimitrios Theodossopoulos, eds. Land, law and environment. London: Pluto Press, pp. 116-135. ISBN 9780745315751 [Book Section]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2000. Complexity analysis of spontaneous EEG. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 60(4), pp. 495-501. [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep and Kanjilal, Partha. P.. 2000. Revisiting the role of correlation coefficient to distinguish chaos from noise. The European Physical Journal B, 13(2), pp. 399-403. ISSN 1434-6028 [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep; Kanjilal, Partha. P. and Nizamie, Sohaib H.. 2000. Decomposition of posterior alpha rhythm. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 47(6), pp. 738-747. ISSN 00189294 [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep; Kanjilal, Partha. P. and Nizamie, Sohaib H.. 2000. In search of scaling in the brain. interjournal, ISSN 1081-0625 [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep and Pereda, Ernesto. 2000. Revisiting the dynamics of chromospheric bright points. Interjournal, ISSN 1081-0625 [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep; Petsche, Hellmuth and Pereda, Ernesto. 2000. Co-operation in the brain in higher cognitive functioning. Interjournal, ISSN 1081-0625 [Article]

Blackman, Lisa. 2000. Ethics, embodiment and the voice-hearing experience. Theory, Culture and Society, 17(5), pp. 55-74. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Bond, Frank W. and Bunce, David. 2000. Mediators of Change in Emotion-Focused and Problem-Focused Worksite Stress Management Interventions. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5(1), pp. 156-163. ISSN 1076-8998 [Article]

Brody, D C and Hughston, L P. 2000. Information Content for Quantum States. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 41(5), 2586 - 2592. ISSN 0022-2488 [Article]

Burgess, A. P. and Gruzelier, John. 2000. Short duration power changes in the EEG during recognition memory for words and faces. Psychophysiology, 37(5), pp. 596-606. ISSN 0048-5772 [Article]

Butt, Gavin and Cairns, Jon. 2000. Art: Steve Reinke's archival imaginary. Critical Quarterly, 42(3), pp. 93-101. ISSN 0011-1562 [Article]

Caplan, Pat. 2000. 'Eating British Beef with Confidence': perceptions of the risk of BSE in London and West Wales. In: Pat Caplan, ed. Risk Revisited. London and Sterling, Virginia: Pluto Press,. ISBN 0745314686, 9780745314686 [Book Section]

Caplan, Pat. 2000. 'Food in middle-class households in Madras, 1974-94'. In: B.C.A. Walraven and K. Cwiertka, eds. Food in Asia: the Global and the Local. Curzon Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-2544-7 [Book Section]

Caplan, Pat. 2000. ‘Introduction: anthropology and risk’. In: Pat Caplan, ed. Risk Revisited. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 0745314686, 978-0745314686 [Book Section]

Caplan, Pat. 2000. 'Monogamy, Polygyny or the single state? Changes in marriage patterns in a Tanzanian coastal village, 1965-94.'. In: C. Creighton and C.K. Omari, eds. Gender, Family and Work in Tanzania. Burlington USA, Singapore, Sydney: Ashgate, Aldershot,. ISBN 184014100X, 978-1840141009 [Book Section]

Casey, Michael A.. 2000. NetSound. In: R Boulanger and B Vercoe, eds. The Csound Book: Perspectives in Software Synthesis, Sound Design, Signal Processing and Programming. Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN 978-0262522618 [Book Section]

Casey, Michael A. and Westner, A. 2000. Separation of Mixed Audio Sources by Independent Subspace Analysis. In: , ed. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Berlin: ICMA. [Book Section]

Cassidy, Rebecca. 2000. Are all men equal on the turf and under it?’. Newsletter for the Society for the Study of Gambling, 34, pp. 13-20. [Article]

Conteh, Jean. 2000. Success in Diversity: Culture, Knowledge and Learning in Ethnically Diverse Classrooms. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Couldry, Nick. 2000. The Place of Media Power: Pilgrims and Witnesses of the Media Age. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-21315-8 [Book]

Coutts, Marion and Hopkins, David. 2000. essay by David Hopkins. Co-published by Morning Star with City Art Centre, polygon. Paperback with CD. In: Alex Finlay, ed. Without Day. Polygon An Imprint of Birlinn Limited; Pap/Com edition. ISBN 978-0748662777 [Book Section]

Crowe, Nick. 2000. Parallel Lines. Manchester: Trice Publications. [Book]

Crownshaw, Richard. 2000. Blacking out Holocaust memory in Saul Bellow's The victim. Saul Bellow Journal, 17(1-2), pp. 253-279. ISSN 0735-1550 [Article]

Crownshaw, Richard. 2000. Performing Memory in Holocaust Museums. Performance Research, 5(3), pp. 18-27. [Article]

Danicic, Sebastian; Fox, Chris; Harman, Mark and Hierons, Robert. 2000. ConSIT: A conditioned program slicer. In: , ed. IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'00). Los Alamitos, California, USA: IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 216-226. ISBN 978-0769507538 [Book Section]

Danicic, Sebastian and Harman, Mark. 2000. Espresso: A slicer generator. In: , ed. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (SAC'00). Como, Italy: , pp. 831-839 [Book Section]

Davis, Aeron. 2000. Public Relations, News Production and Changing Patterns of Source Access in the British National Media. Media, Culture and Society, 22(1), pp. 39-59. ISSN 0163-4437 [Article]

Davis, Aeron. 2000. Public relations, political communications and national news production in Britain 1979-1999. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Davis, Aeron. 2000. 'The Rise and Impact of Corporate Public Relations'. In: Political Studies Association conference, LSE. London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Day, Sophie E.. 2000. 'The Politics of Risk Among London Prostitutes'. In: Pat Caplan, ed. Risk Revisited. London: Pluto, pp. 29-59. ISBN 978-0745314631 [Book Section]

Day, Sophie E.; Ward, Helen; Ison, Catherine; Martin, Iona; Ghani, Azra C; Bell, Gina; Kinghorn, George; Weber, Jonathan and Garnett, Geoff. 2000. A prospective social and molecular investigation of gonococcal transmission. The Lancet, 356(9244), pp. 1812-1817. ISSN 0140-6736 [Article]

Donovan, Grant B.. 2000. The Human Insulin Debate: A Case Study of Contested Innovation in Medical Technology. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Downie, Alan (J. A.). 2000. 'Johnson's Politics'. In: Paul J Korshin and Jack Lynch, eds. The Age of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual, Vol. 11. Ams Pr Inc, pp. 81-104. ISBN 978-0404627614 [Book Section]

Francis, Mary Anne. 2000. The artist as a multifarious agent: an artist's theory of the origin of meaning. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Freeman, Jonathan; Avons, Steve; Meddis, Ray; Pearson, Don E. and Ijsselsteijn, Wijnand. 2000. Using Behavioral Realism to Estimate Presence: A Study of the Utility of Postural Responses to Motion Stimuli. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 9(2), pp. 149-164. [Article]

Furse, Anna F. D.. 2000. Bleeding, Sweating, Crying and Jumping. Performance Research, 5(1), pp. 16-31. [Article]

Furse, Anna F. D.. 2000. A Spectacle of Suffering. In: Graham Coulter-Smith; James A. Walker and Maurice Owen, eds. The Visual-Narrative Matrix: Interdisciplinary Collisions and Collusions. Southampton: Southampton Institute of Higher Education, pp. 73-77. ISBN 978-1874011095 [Book Section]

Gaber, Ivor. 2000. Government by Spin: an analysis of the process. Media, Culture and Society, 22(4), pp. 507-518. ISSN 0163-4437 [Article]

Gaber, Ivor. 2000. The Greening of the Public, Politics and the Press, 1985-1999. In: Joe Smith, ed. The Daily Globe: Environmental Change, the Public and the Media. London: Earthscan. ISBN 978-1853836640 [Book Section]

Gaber, Ivor. 2000. Lies, damn lies... and political spin. British Journalism Review, 11(1), pp. 60-70. ISSN 0956-4748 [Article]

Gibbs, Joanna Bridget. 2000. Anglo-Scots Relations and Representations of Women, 1560-1612. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Gidley, Ben. 2000. The Proletarian Other: Charles Booth and the Politics of Representation. Working Paper. Goldsmiths, University of London, London. [Report]

Gill, Rosalind. 2000. Discourse analysis. In: Martin W. Bauer and George Gaskell, eds. Qualitative Researching with Text, Image and Sound: A Practical Handbook. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 172-190. ISBN 9781446205389 [Book Section]

Gill, Rosalind; Henwood, Karen and McLean, Carl. 2000. The tyranny of the 'six-pack'? Understanding men's responses to representations of the male body in popular culture. In: Corinne Squire, ed. Culture in Psychology. London: Routledge, pp. 100-117. ISBN 9780415243544 [Book Section]

Goddard, M N. 2000. The Scattering of Time Crystals: Deleuze, Mysticism and Cinema. In: Mary Bryden, ed. Deleuze and Religion. London: Routledge, pp. 53-64. ISBN 9780415240284 [Book Section]

Goddard, Victoria. 2000. The Virile Nation: gender and ethnicity in the construction of Argentinian Pasts. GARP4. Other. Goldsmiths Anthropology Research Papers., London, UK. [Report]

Gomez, Rapson; Cooper, Andrew and Gomez, Andre. 2000. Susceptibility to positive and negative mood states: test of Eysenck’s, Gray’s and Newman’s theories. Personality and Individual Differences, 29(2), pp. 351-365. ISSN 01918869 [Article]

Grant, Catherine. 2000. Performativity: Collier Schorr, Anna Gaskell, Sarah Jones. n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal, 6, pp. 88-92. [Article]

Gregory, Eve E. and Williams, Ann. 2000. City Literacies: Learning to Read Across Generations and Cultures. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415191166 [Book]

Gruzelier, John. 2000. Self-regulation of electrocortical activity in schizophrenia and schizotypy: a review. EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Journal, 31(1), pp. 23-29. ISSN 1550-0594 [Article]

Gunaratnam, Yasmin. 2000. Implications of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry for Palliative Care. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 6(3), pp. 147-149. ISSN 1357-6321 [Article]

Gunaratnam, Yasmin and Van Dyke, Ruth. 2000. Ethnic monitoring in higher education: some reflections on methodology. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 3(4), pp. 325-345. ISSN 1364-5579 [Article]

Haenschel, Corinna; Baldeweg, Torsten; Croft, Rodney J.; Whittington, Miles and Gruzelier, John. 2000. Gamma and beta frequency oscillations in response to novel auditory stimuli: a comparison of human electroencephalogram (EEG) data with in vitro models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97(13), pp. 7645-7650. ISSN 00278424 [Article]

Hakim, Roxanne. 2000. Identity, Resettlement and Perceptions of Change: The Vasava Bhils of Gujarat, India. GARP3. Other. Goldsmiths Anthropology Research Papers, London, UK. [Report]

Harman, Mark; Hierons, Robert and Danicic, Sebastian. 2000. The relationship between program dependence and mutation analysis. In: W. Eric Wong, ed. Mutation Testing for the New Century (proceedings of Mutation 2000). San Jose, California, USA: Springer, pp. 5-13. ISBN 978-0792373230 [Book Section]

Harris, Keith. 2000. 'Roots'?: the relationship between the global and the local within the Extreme Metal scene. Popular Music, 19(1), pp. 13-30. ISSN 14740095 [Article]

Harris, Perlita. 2000. Book Review: Expanding the ‘Race’ Debate. Adoption and Fostering, 24(3), pp. 88-89. ISSN 0308-5759 [Article]

Harris, Perlita. 2000. User views on the delivery of post-adoption services, Work in Progress. Adoption and Fostering, 24(3), pp. 71-72. ISSN 0308-5759 [Article]

Harris, Perlita. 2000. 'An interview with Kinni Kinsara’. ATRAP Newsletter, 4, pp. 5-7. [Article]

Hauke, Chris. 2000. Jung and the Postmodern: the Interpretation of Realities. London and Philadelphia: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415163866 [Book]

Hickey Moody, Anna. 2000. The Days Allotted to Me. In: "The Days Allotted to Me, The Space Theatre", Festival Centre, South Australia, Australia. [Performance]

Hickey Moody, Anna. 2000. Precious 2. In: "Precious 2, The Paralympics Arts Festival", Sydney, Australia. [Performance]

Hickey Moody, Anna. 2000. “Shifting the Boundaries: Feminist Practices in Adult Education. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 40(1), pp. 114-116. [Article]

Hindriks, Koen; d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael. 2000. Architecture for Agent Programming Languages. In: Werner Horn, ed. ECAI 2000 Proceedings. Washington, D.C.: IOS Press, pp. 363-367. ISBN 9781586030131 [Book Section]

Hirshberg, Jehoash and McVeigh, Simon. 2000. The Making of a Ritornello Movement: Compositional Strategy and Selection in Tessarini’s 'Opera prima'. Informazioni e Studi Vivaldiani, 21, pp. 35-73. ISSN 0393-2915 [Article]

Hollis, Jarrod. 2000. Cognitive Processing of Proper Names. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Hughston, L P, ed. 2000. The New Interest Rate Models. London: Risk Publications. ISBN 1899332979 [Edited Book]

Hughston, L P. 2000. Not for the Faint-Hearted. Risk, 13(2), p. 59. ISSN 0952-8776 [Article]

Hughston, L P and Turnbull, S M. 2000. Credit Derivatives Made Simple. Risk, 13(10), 36 - 43. ISSN ‎0952-8776 [Article]

Hull, Richard. 2000. Ethics, Innovation and Innovation Studies. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management., 12(3), pp. 349-355. ISSN 0953-7325 [Article]

Hull, Richard. 2000. “Knowledge and the Economy: Some Critical Comments". Economy and Society, 29(2), pp. 316-331. ISSN 0308-5147 [Article]

Hull, Richard and Kaghan, William. 2000. “Innovation – But for whose benefit, for what purpose?”. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management., 12(3), pp. 317-325. ISSN 0953-7325 [Article]

Husanovic, Jasmina and Owens, Patricia. 2000. Emancipation: A 'Shrieking in Keeping'? An email conversation on feminism, Emancipation and security between Jasmina Husanovic and Patricia Owens. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 2(3), pp. 424-434. ISSN 1461-6742 [Article]

Hutnyk, John. 2000. Critique of Exotica: Music, Politics and the Culture Industry. London: Pluto Press. ISBN 0745315496 [Book]

Hutnyk, John. 2000. Music for Euro-Maoists: On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among Pop Stars. Theory, Culture & Society, 17(3), pp. 136-158. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Jefferies, Janis K.. 2000. Locating Light. In: "Engramme gallery", Quebec City, Canada. [Show/Exhibition]

Jefferies, Janis K.. 2000. Selvedges. In: "Selvedges", Norwich Gallery, United Kingdom, 2000/01. [Show/Exhibition]

Jefferies, Janis K.. 2000. Selvedges: Janis Jefferies - Works Since 1980. In: Victoria Mitchell, ed. Selvedges: Janis Jefferies - Works Since 1980. Norwich Gallery,Norwich School of Art & Design. ISBN 978-1872482484 [Book Section]

Johnson, Mark; Jackson, Peter and Herdt, Gilbert. 2000. Critical Regionalities and The Study of Gender and Sexual Diversity. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 2(4), pp. 361-375. ISSN 1369-1058 [Article]

Jones, Alison. 2000. 'Playing the Prostitute - a trope of 21st Century Alienation'. In: Art and Philosophy Conference. University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Keown, Damien V.. 2000. Contemporary Buddhist Ethics. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0700713134 [Book]

Khiabany, Gholam. 2000. Red Pepper: a New Model for Alternative Press? Media, Culture and Society, 22(4), pp. 447-463. ISSN 0163-4437 [Article]

King, Colin. 2000. Play the White Man: the Theatre of Racialised Performance in the Institutions of Soccer. Working Paper. Goldsmiths, University of London, London. [Report]

Kirwan, Padraig. 2000. Type(ing) Cast: Early Euro-American Literary Representations of the Native American. In: Fiona O'Sullivan and Hilary Lennon, eds. ROPES. 8 Galway: National University of Ireland, Galway, pp. 12-25. ISBN OCLC 52752316 [Book Section]

Knowles, Caroline. 2000. Bedlam on the Streets. london: Routledge. ISBN 9780415232999 [Book]

Knowles, Caroline. 2000. Burger King, Dunkin Donuts and community mental health care. Health & Place, 6(3), pp. 213-224. ISSN 13538292 [Article]

Lash, Scott. 2000. 'Risk Culture'. In: Barbara Adam; Ulrich Beck and Joost Van Loon, eds. The Risk Society and Beyond. London: SAGE, pp. 47-62. ISBN 978-0761964698 [Book Section]

Leymarie, Frederic Fol and Kimia, Benjamin B.. 2000. Discrete 3D Wave Propagation for Computing Morphological Operations from Surface Patches and Unorganized Points. In: , ed. International Symp. on Math. Morpho. (ISMM). 18 Palo Alto: Kluwer Academic, Comp. Imaging & Vision Series, pp. 351-360. [Book Section]

Liebovich, Betty. 2000. Children's Self Assessment. Issues in Early Childhood Education: Curriculum, Teacher Education, & Dissemination of Information. Proceedings of the Lilian Katz Symposium (Champaign, IL, November 5-7, 2000), [Article]

Lohmann, Larry. 2000. Ethnic Discrimination in “Global” Conservation. Working Paper. Goldsmiths, University of London, London. [Report]

Lubbock, Tom; Coutts, Marion and Murray, Peter. 2000. Marion Coutts, Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Yorkshire Sculpture Park. ISBN 978-1871480320 [Book]

Mabb, David. 2000. The Decorating Business. In: "The Decorating Business", Oakville Gallery, Canada, 7 October – 26 November 2000. [Show/Exhibition]

Mabb, David and Gibson, Catherine. 2000. Problems of Everyday Life. [Printed Ephemera]

Marres, Noortje and Rogers, Richard. 2000. Depluralising the Web and Repluralising Public Debate: The Case of the GM Food Debate on the Web. In: Richard Rogers, ed. Preferred Placement: Knowledge Politics on the Web. ISBN 978-9066172432 [Book Section]

Marres, Noortje and Rogers, Richard. 2000. Landscaping Climate Change: A mapping technique for understanding science & technology debates on the World Wide Web. Public Understanding of Science, 9(2), pp. 141-163. ISSN 0963-6625 [Article]

McDonald, Russ. 2000. Jonson and Shakespeare and the Rhythm of Verse. In: Stanley Stewart and Richard Harp, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 103-118. ISBN 978-0521646789 [Book Section]

McRobbie, Angela. 2000. Brave Madchen: Bose Madchen. Gewerkschaftliche Monateschefte, 12, [Article]

McRobbie, Angela. 2000. Fashion as a Culture Industry. In: Stella Bruzzi and Pamela Church Gibson, eds. Fashion Cultures: Theories, Explorations and Analysis. London: Routledge, pp. 253-264. ISBN 978-0415206853 [Book Section]

McRobbie, Angela. 2000. Feminism and Youth Culture 2nd Edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0333770313 [Book]

McRobbie, Angela. 2000. Feminism and the Third Way. Feminist Review, 64, pp. 97-112. ISSN 0141-7789 [Article]

McRobbie, Angela. 2000. Free Market Feminism New Labour and the Cultural Meaning of the TV Blonde. In: Greg Philo and David Miller, eds. Market Killing: What the free market does and what social scientists can do about it. Essex: Longman, pp. 140-151. ISBN 978-0582382367 [Book Section]

McRobbie, Angela. 2000. The Return to Cultural Production. In: James P. Curran and Michael Gurevitch, eds. Mass Media and Society, 3rd Edition. London: Hodder Education. ISBN 978-0340732014 [Book Section]

McRobbie, Angela. 2000. Stuart Hall: The Universities and the Hurly Burly. In: Angela McRobbie; Paul Gilroy and Lawrence Grossberg, eds. Without Guarantees: In Honour of Stuart Hall. London: Verso, pp. 212-224. ISBN 978-1859842874 [Book Section]

McVeigh, Simon. 2000. Freemasonry and Musical Life in London in the late Eighteenth Century. In: David Wyn Jones, ed. Music in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 72-100. ISBN 1840146885 [Book Section]

McVeigh, Simon. 2000. The Society of British Musicians (1834-1865) and the Campaign for Native Talent. In: Christina Bashford and Leanne Langley, eds. Music and British Culture, 1785-1914: Essays in Honour of Cyril Ehrlich. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 145-168. ISBN 019816730 [Book Section]

Michael, Mike. 2000. Reconnecting Culture, Technology and Nature From Society to Heterogeneity. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-20116-2 [Book]

Michael, Mike and Brown, Nik. 2000. From the representation of publics to the performance of 'lay political science'. Social Epistemology, 14(1), pp. 3-19. ISSN 0269-1728 [Article]

Monks, Claire. 2000. The Nature of Bullying in Early Childhood. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Morris, Brian. 2000. Animals and Ancestors: An Ethnography. London: Bloomsbury 3PL. ISBN 978-1859734865 [Book]

Morris, Brian. 2000. The Power of Animals: An Ethnography. Oxford: Berg 3PL. ISBN 978-1859732250 [Book]

Morris, Brian. 2000. 'Wildlife Depredations in Malawi'. In: John Knight, ed. Natural Enemies: People-Wildlife Conflicts in Anthropological Perspective. London: Routledge, pp. 36-49. ISBN 978-0415224413 [Book Section]

Morrison, Blake. 2000. The Justification of Johann Gutenberg. Chatto & Windus. ISBN 978-0385259842 [Book]

Motamedi-Fraser, Mariam. 2000. Creative affects. New Formations, 39, pp. 55-69. ISSN 0950-2378 [Article]

Motamedi-Fraser, Mariam. 2000. Pathological Normality. In: Charles Campbell and Suhail Malik, eds. Front. Don Projects, pp. 39-74. ISBN 978-0953904303 [Book Section]

Mörtenböck, Peter. 2000. Swimming Between Ponds: technological subjects, corporate landscapes, digital bodies. architektur.aktuell, 34(246/47), pp. 108-117. ISSN 0570-6602 [Article]

Nelson, Nici. 2000. 'Genderizing Nairobi's Urban Space'. In: F Grignon and H Maupeu, eds. L'Afrique Orientale. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 269-323. [Book Section]

Newman, Michael. 2000. 'Sensibility, Language and the Trauma of the Other: Emmanuel Levinas from Phenomenology to the Immemorial.'. In: , ed. The Face of the Other and the Trace of God: Essays on the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. New York: Fordham University Press, pp. 90-129. ISBN 978-0823219667 [Book Section]

Newman, Saul. 2000. Anarchism and the Politics of Ressentiment. Theory and Event, 4(3), [Article]

Noble, Richard. 2000. ‘Access for All, Freedom for the Few’. In: , ed. Art for All?: Their Policies and Our Culture. London: Peer. ISBN 978-0953977208 [Book Section]

Nugent, Stephen. 2000. ‘Good Risk, Bad Risk: Reflexive Modernisation and Amazonia’. In: Pat Caplan, ed. Risk Revisited. London: Pluto Press, pp. 226-248. ISBN 978-0745314631 [Book Section]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2000. 'Cultural Studies as Rhizome, Rhizomes in Cultural Studies'. In: Cultural Studies and Interdisciplinarity, Trinity and All Saints College. University of Leeds, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2000. In Violence: Three Case Studies Against the Stratum. Parallax, 6(2), pp. 104-109. ISSN 1353-4645 [Article]

O'Sullivan, Simon D.; Sawers, Geoff and Hall, Dani. 2000. Stone Tents and Sand Castles: A Symposium. [Article]

Ogg, Kirsty. 2000. Interview text, Jonathan Monk. Bildung exhibition catalogue, [Article]

Ohene-Djan, James and Fernandes, A.. 2000. 'A personalization framework for advanced learning technology'. In: IEEE Advanced Learning Technologies (IWALT 2000). Palmerston North, New Zealand. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2000. '“Coursing into the Mainstream: Recent Black British Fiction and its Critical Reception”'. In: The Black Gaze. University of London, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Osborne, Deirdre. 2000. 'Ida B. Wells: A Black New Woman currently out-of-print'. In: Feminist Forerunners: The New Woman and the International Periodical Press. Manchester University, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Paechter, Carrie F.. 2000. Changing School Subjects: power, gender and curriculum. Open University Press. ISBN 978-0335201198 [Book]

Pandey, Rajyashree. 2000. “The medieval in manga”. Postcolonial Studies, 3(1), pp. 19-32. ISSN 1368-8790 [Article]

Parnell, Tim. 2000. Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne. London: [Critical Edition] Everyman Paperback, J. M. Dent. [Book]

Peters, Emmanuelle R; Pickering, Alan; Kent, Andrew; Glasper, Anthony; Irani, Mondana; David, Anthony S; Day, Samantha and Hemsley, David R. 2000. The relationship between cognitive inhibition and psychotic symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 109(3), pp. 386-395. ISSN 0021-843X [Article]

Pike, Fraser Jeremy. 2000. Portfolio of compositions. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Plamper, Jan. 2000. The Russian Orthodox Episcopate, 1721-1917: A Prosopography. Journal of Social History, 34(1), pp. 5-34. ISSN 1527-1897 [Article]

Potter, Keith. 2000. Booklet essay for Philip Glass: Violin Concerto, Prelude and Dance from Akhnaten and Company (Naxos 8 554568). Philip Glass: Violin Concerto, Prelude and Dance from Akhnaten and Company, [Article]

Potter, Keith. 2000. 'Notes on Cage'. 'John Cage: The Seasons' (ECM New Series 1696), [Article]

Potter, Keith. 2000. A ripe harvest of Eastern promise. The Independent, p. 16. [Article]

Prendeville, Brendan. 2000. Realism in 20th Century Painting. Thames and Hudson Ltd. ISBN 978-0500203361 [Book]

Pryer, Anthony J.. 2000. Machaut and the Moderns: A Distant Mirror. BBC Music Magazine, pp. 26-28. [Article]

Randall, Ed J.. 2000. The European Union and Health Policy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0 333 75426 3 [Book]

Rattray, Jacqueline. 2000. 'The Hallucinogenic Power of Language: José María Hinojosa's "Textos Oníricos"'. In: Ramona Fotiade, ed. André Breton: The Power of Language. Exeter: Intellect Ltd, pp. 161-172. ISBN 978-1902454061 [Book Section]

Redgate, Roger. 2000. Marginalisierung und Subversion. Musik & Asthetik, 13, pp. 94-98. [Article]

Reynolds, Simon. 2000. Shakespeare and Heliodorus. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

Richards, Anne; French, Christopher C.; Keogh, Edmund and Carter, Corrin. 2000. Test-Anxiety, inferential reasoning and working memory load. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 13(1), pp. 87-109. ISSN 1061-5806 [Article]

Rogers, Holly. 2000. Beethoven on Film. Masters thesis, King's College, London [Thesis]

Rogers, Richard; Marres, Noortje; Hankey, Stephanie; Morris, Ian and Wilkie, Alex. 1999–2000 Net Archaeologies, Web Geographies, and Active Networking. [Project]

Rogoff, Irit. 2000. "Body Missing" - Uncanny Histories and Cultural Hauntings'. In: , ed. Kunst Als Beute. Vienna: Sigrid Schade. [Book Section]

Rogoff, Irit. 2000. 'On Getting Lost'. In: , ed. Lost. Birmingham: Ikon Gallery. [Book Section]

Rogoff, Irit. 2000. 'Spaces of Disavowal'. In: , ed. Unhomed. Norway: Kunst Museum Trondheim. [Book Section]

Rogoff, Irit. 2000. Terra Infirma: Geography's Visual Culture. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-09615-7 [Book]

Rogoff, Irit. 2000. 'Words in the Middle'. In: , ed. Writing the Image. I.B.Tauris, pp. 109-119. ISBN 978-1860644740 [Book Section]

Rosenberg, Terry E.. 2000. "The reservoir": towards a poetic model of research in design. Working Papers in Art and Design, 1, ISSN 1466-4917 [Article]

Rosengarten, Marsha. 2000. Thinking menstrual blood. Australian Feminist Studies, 15(31), pp. 91-101. ISSN 0816-4649 [Article]

Rosengarten, Marsha; Race, K. and Kippax, S.. 2000. "Touch Wood, Everything Will Be Ok": Gay Men’s Understandings of Clinical Markers in Sexual Practice. Project Report. National Centre in HIV Social Research, Sydney. [Report]

Russell-Rose, Tony; Elworthy, David; Kotcheff, Aaron; Clare, Amanda and Tsonis, Petros. 2000. 'ANVIL: a system for the retrieval of captioned images using NLP techniques'. In: The Challenge of Image Retrieval. Electronic Workshops in Computing. Brighton, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Seth, Sanjay. 2000. A Postcolonial World? In: Greg Fry and Jacinta O'Hagan, eds. Contending Images of World Politics. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 214-226. ISBN 978-0333913765 [Book Section]

Seymour, Benedict. 2000. Coral Maze. Mute, 1(17), [Article]

Seymour, Benedict. 2000. Everything Must Go. Mute, 1(16), [Article]

Seymour, Benedict. 2000. Rabble Rousers. Mute, 1(18), [Article]

Seymour, Benedict. 2000. Review ‘Club Circuits’. Public Art Journal, [Article]

Seymour, Benedict. 2000. Review ‘Wooden Heart’. Art Monthly, 235, [Article]

Shain, Farzana. 2000. Culture, Survival and Resistance: theorizing young Asian women’s experiences and strategies in contemporary British schooling and society. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 21(2), pp. 155-174. ISSN 0159-6306 [Article]

Sheikh, Simon. 2000. ‘The Art World Between Fragmentation and Globalization’. In: , ed. Encuentro de Teoria y Critica. Bienal De La Habana, pp. 104-106. [Book Section]

Sheikh, Simon. 2000. Site Specificity: From the Margins to the Social. In: Gardar Eide Einarsson and Eivind Slettemeas, eds. Offshore. Bergen: KHiB, pp. 8-15. [Book Section]

Sheikh, Simon and Mathisen, Lars. 2000. ‘Fucking Naust – Notes on Art, Locality, Tourism, and so on’. In: , ed. Naust. Bergen: Øygarden, pp. 4-7. [Book Section]

Skeggs, Bev. 2000. The Appearance of Class: Challenges in Gay Space. In: Sally Munt, ed. Cultural Studies and the Working Class: Subject to Change. London: Continnuum-3PL, pp. 129-151. ISBN 978-0304705498 [Book Section]

Skeggs, Bev. 2000. Att bli respektabel : konstruktioner av klass och kön. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Daidalos. ISBN 978-9171731135 [Book]

Skeggs, Bev. 2000. Cultures of Class. In: Michael Haralambos, ed. Developments in Sociology: v. 16: An Annual Review. Causeway Press, pp. 1-25. ISBN 978-1902796130 [Book Section]

Skeggs, Bev. 2000. Remaining the Same with Difference. Feminist Review, 64, pp. 122-123. ISSN 0141-7789 [Article]

Skeggs, Bev. 2000. Women Avoiding being Working Class. In: Nicholas Abercrombie and Alan Warde, eds. The Contemporary British Society Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 118-126. ISBN 978-0745622620 [Book Section]

Skeggs, Bev. 2000. The rhetorical affects of feminism - Introduction. In: Sara Ahmed, ed. Transformations: Thinking Through Feminism. London: Routledge, pp. 25-27. ISBN 978-0415220668 [Book Section]

Skeggs, Bev; Ahmed, Sara; Kilby, Jane; McNeil, Maureen and Lury, Celia. 2000. Introduction: Thinking Through Feminism. In: Sara Ahmed; Jane Kilby; Maureen McNeil; Celia Lury and Bev Skeggs, eds. Transformations: Thinking Through Feminism. London: Routledge, pp. 1-24. ISBN 978-0415220668 [Book Section]

Smith, Roy. 2000. Gender and Special Education: What Makes Boys So 'Special'?. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]

St Louis, Brett. 2000. Readings within a diasporic boundary: transatlantic black performance and the poetic imperative in sport. In: Barnor Hesse, ed. Un/settled Multiculturalisms: Diasporas, Entanglements, 'Transruptions'. London: Zed Books, pp. 51-72. ISBN 9781856495592 [Book Section]

Stanton, Gareth. 2000. The Way of the Body: Paul Stoller’s search for sensuous ethnography. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 3(2), pp. 259-277. ISSN 1367-5494 [Article]

Stewart, Lauren and Walsh, Vincent. 2000. Probing the mind with magnetism. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, pp. 84-86. ISSN 1471-1931 [Article]

Sweeney, Carole. 2000. ‘Diasporic Voices in Pre-Negritude Paris’. Southampton Papers in Language and Culture, 1, [Article]

Tarlo, Emma. 2000. "Body and Space in a Time of Crisis". In: Das Veena, ed. Violence and Subjectivity. CA: University of California Press, pp. 240-270. ISBN 978-0520216082 [Book Section]

Toscano, Alberto. 2000. To Have Done with the End of Philosophy. Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, 9, pp. 220-238. [Article]

Tubridy, Derval. 2000. "Words Pronouncing Me Alive”: Beckett and Incarnation. In: Mary Bryden; Lance St John Butler; Marius Buning and Matthijs Engelberts, eds. Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui: Beckett and Religion; Beckett/Aesthetics/Politics. (9) Amsterdam; Atlanta GA: Rodopi, pp. 93-104. ISBN 9042014040 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2000. Understanding Consciousness. London: Routledge. ISBN 0415186552 [Book]

Velmans, Max. 2000. An introduction to Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness. In: Max Velmans, ed. Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness: New Methodologies and Maps. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9789027251336 [Book Section]

Velmans, Max. 2000. A psychologist’s map of consciousness studies. In: Max Velmans, ed. Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness: New Methodologies and Maps. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 333-358. ISBN 9789027251336 [Book Section]

Walker, Gordon and Bickerstaff, Karen. 2000. Polluting the poor: an emerging environmental justice agenda for the UK?. Working Paper. Goldsmiths, University of London, London. [Report]

Walsh, Bernard. 2000. 'Majesty: a conference paper'. In: Where is the Centre?. Westfalischer Kunstverein, Muenster, Germany. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Walsh, Bernard. 2000. Trafalgar Square. In: "Bernard Walsh website",, United Kingdom, Website launched March 2016. [Performance]

Walsh, Bernard. 2000. Trafalgar Square, Majesty. In: "Real Places", Westfaelischer Kunstverein, Muenster, Germany, 26 May - 2 July 2000. [Show/Exhibition]

Walsh, Bernard. 2000. A review of Janet Cardiff’s Missing Voice (Case Study B). Public Art Journal, 1(3), pp. 69-71. ISSN 1465-7376 [Article]

Warrington, Elizabeth K. and Davidoff, Jules B.. 2000. Failure at object identification improves mirror image matching. Neuropsychologia, 38(9), pp. 1229-1234. ISSN 00283932 [Article]

Weizman, Eyal. 2000. Yellow Rhythms. A Roundabout for London. Rotterdam: nai010. ISBN 978-90-6450-392-4 [Book]

Zecevic, Nada. 2000. A Consideration on a Datum from Διήγησις περί της Αγίας. Zbornik radova vizantološkog instituta, 38, pp. 43-48. ISSN 0584-9888 [Article]

Zecevic, Nada. 2000. Searching for Acceptance: A Fifteenth-century Refugee’s History. Annual of the Medieval Studies at the CEU, 6, pp. 129-143. ISSN 1219-0616 [Article]

d'Inverno, Mark; Hindriks, Koen and Luck, Michael. 2000. A Formal Architecture for the 3APL Agent Programming Language. In: Gerhard Goos; Juris Hartmanis and Jan van Leeuwen, eds. ZB 2000: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B. 1878 Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 168-187. ISBN 9783540679448 [Book Section]

d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael. 2000. Autonomy - A Nice Idea in Theory. In: , ed. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop On Agent Theories, Architectures and Languages. Boston: [Book Section]

d'Inverno, Mark and Luck, Michael. 2000. Sociological agents for effective social action. In: Bob Werner, ed. Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems : proceedings : Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 10-12, 2000. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 379-380. ISBN 0769506259 [Book Section]

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