Items of Type Book Section

Number of items: 221.
al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid; Aber, Ahmed and Raisys, Remigijus.
Swarming Robots and Possible Medical Applications.
In: , ed.
International Society for the Electronic Arts (ISEA 2011).
Istanbul, Turkey:
[Book Section]
al-Rifaie, Mohammad Majid; Bishop, Mark and Blackwell, Tim.
An Investigation Into the use of Swarm Intelligence for an Evolutionary Algorithm Optimisation.
In: , ed.
International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Application (ECTA 2011).
[Book Section]
Backwell, John L. and Wood, John.
Catalysing Network Consciousness in Leaderless Groups: A Metadesign Tool.
In: , ed.
Presence in the Mindfield: Art, Identity and the Technology of Transformation.
Lisbon, Portugal: Artshare-Universidade de Aveiro, pp. 36-41.
ISBN 978-972-789-356-0
[Book Section]
Blackman, Lisa.
This is a Matter of Pride: The Choir: Unsung Town and Community Transformation.
In: Bev Skeggs and Helen Wood, eds.
Reality Television and Class.
Basingstoke and New York: BFI/Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 237-249.
ISBN 978-1844573974
[Book Section]
Cabañes, Jason Vincent.
The Philippines.
In: George A. Barnett, ed.
Encyclopedia of Social Networks.
Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, pp. 705-707.
ISBN 9781412979115
[Book Section]
Carpenter, Ele.
Shaggy Modernism.
In: James Hutchinson, ed.
James Hutchinson: works 2007–2011.
Sunderland, UK: Art Editions North, pp. 49-51.
ISBN 978‐0‐9549119‐9‐7
[Book Section]
Carpenter, Ele.
Social Making.
In: Daniel Charny, ed.
The Power of Making:The Importance of Being Skilled.
London, UK: V&A Museum and Crafts Council, pp. 49-51.
ISBN 9781851776535
[Book Section]
Curran, James P.; Coen, Sharon; Aalberg, Toril and Iyengar, Shanto.
News Content, Media Consumption, and Current Affairs Knowledge.
In: James P. Curran and Toril Aalberg, eds.
How Media Inform Democracy: A Comparative Approach.
New York: Routledge, pp. 81-97.
ISBN 978-0-415-88908-7
[Book Section]
Djokic, Dejan.
National Mobilisation in the 1930s:
The Emergence of the "Serb Question" in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
In: Dejan Djokic and J Ker-Lindsay, eds.
New Perspectives on Yugoslavia: Key Issues and Controversies.
London and New York: Routledge, pp. 62-81.
ISBN 9780415499200 (hbk)
[Book Section]
Fairtlough, Anna.
Growing up with a Lesbian or Gay Parent: Young People’s Perspectives.
In: Patricia Dunk-West and Trish Hafford-Letchfield, eds.
Sexual Identities and Sexualities in Social Work: Research and Reflections from Women in the Field.
Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 71-88.
ISBN 978-0-7546-7882-3
[Book Section]
Fenton, Natalie.
Multiplicity, autonomy and the mediated politics of new social movements.
In: L Dahlberg and S Phelan, eds.
Discourse Theory and Media Politics.
London: Palgrave, pp. 178-200.
ISBN 978-1137305947
[Book Section]
Fleetwood, J and Torres, A.
Mothers and Children of the International Drug War.
In: D Barrett, ed.
Children of the Drug War.
London: idebate, pp. 127-141.
ISBN 78-1-61770-018-7
[Book Section]
Furse, Anna F. D..
Being touched.
In: John Matthews, ed.
A life of ethics and performance.
Cambridge: Cambridge scholars press, pp. 45-68.
ISBN 978-1443828710
[Book Section]
Furse, Anna F. D..
Making a Spectacle of Herself: Charcot’s Augustine and the hysteric dance.
In: Johannes Birringer and Josephine Fenger, eds.
Dance & Choreomania.
ISBN 9783894877101
[Book Section]
Grant, Catherine.
Baby Butches and Reluctant Lolitas: Collier Schorr and Hellen van Meene.
In: Catherine Grant and Lori Waxman, eds.
Girls! Girls! Girls! in Contemporary Art.
Bristol: Intellect Press, pp. 161-186.
ISBN 9781841503486
[Book Section]
Guggenheim, Michael.
(Un-)Building} Social Systems. The Concrete Foundations of Functional Differentiation.
In: Ignacio Farias and José Ossandon, eds.
Comunicaciones, semánticas y redes. Usos y desviaciones de la sociologia de Niklas Luhmann.
Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana, pp. 245-277.
[Book Section]
Harris, Mark.
Countercultural Intoxication: An Aesthetics of Transformation.
In: Adam Lerner and Elissa Auther, eds.
West of Center: Art and the Counterculture Experiment in America, 1965–1977.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 324-343.
ISBN 978-0-8166-7726-9
[Book Section]
Henriques, Julian F..
In: Nancy Lesko and Susan Talburt, eds.
Keywords in Youth Studies: Tracing Affects, Movements, Knowledges.
New York: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 218-222.
ISBN 978-0-415-87412-0
[Book Section]
Hessayon, Ariel.
Gerrard Winstanley, radical reformer.
In: Ariel Hessayon and David Finnegan, eds.
Varieties of seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century English radicalism in context.
Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 87-112.
ISBN 978-0-7546-6905-0
[Book Section]
Hessayon, Ariel.
“The Great Trappaner of England”: Thomas Violet, Jews and crypto-Jews during the English Revolution and at the Restoration.
In: Michael Braddick and David Smith, eds.
The Experience of Revolution in Stuart Britain and Ireland.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 210-230.
ISBN 780521868969
[Book Section]
Hessayon, Ariel and Finnegan, David.
Introduction: Reappraising early modern radicals and radicalism.
In: Ariel Hessayon and David Finnegan, eds.
Varieties of seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century English radicalism in context.
Aldershot: Ashgate, 000-000.
ISBN 978-0-7546-6905-0
[Book Section]
Hirsh, David.
Israel is not an idea which requires justification, it is a nation state forged by history.
In: Ben Garratt, ed.
Making the progressive case for Israel: a series of essays compiled by Labour Friends of Israel.
London: Labour Friends of Israel, pp. 71-76.
ISBN xxx
[Book Section]
Hutnyk, John.
NDTV 24 X 7, the Hanging Channel: News Media or Horror Show?
In: Somnath Batabyal; Angad Chowdhry; Meenu Gaur and Matti Pohjonen, eds.
Indian Mass Media and the Politics of Change.
London: Routledge, pp. 18-41.
ISBN 978-0-415-61032-2
[Book Section]
Jones, Daniel and Blackwell, Tim.
Social Learning and Evolution in a Structured Environment.
In: Tom Lenaerts; Hugues Bersini; Mario Giacobini; Paul Bourgine; Marco Dorigo and René Doursat, eds.
Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2011 Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems.
Massachusetts: MIT Press, pp. 380-387.
ISBN 978-0-262-29714-1
[Book Section]
Kipling, Amanda.
The Play's the Thing...
In: John Coventon, ed.
Drama to Inspire: a London Drama Guide to excellent practice in drama for young people.
Stoke on Trent: Trentham, pp. 95-112.
ISBN 9781858564760
[Book Section]
Kramer, Andreas.
Speaking Dada: The Politics of Language.
In: Elza Adamowicz and Eric Robertson, eds.
Dada and Beyond. Volume 1: Dada Discourses.
Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi, pp. 201-213.
ISBN 0789042033559
[Book Section]
Lambert, Sarah.
Languages of Love and Hate, Introduction.
In: Sarah Lambert and Helen Nicolson, eds.
Languages of love and hate: conflict, communication and identity in the medieval Mediterranean.
Turnhout: Brepols, -.
ISBN 978-2-503-52064-3
[Book Section]
Malik, Suhail and Phillips, Andrea.
The Wrong of Contemporary Art: Aesthetics and Political Indeterminacy.
In: Paul Bowman and Richard Stamp, eds.
Reading Rancière: Critical Dissensus.
London: Continuum, pp. 111-128.
ISBN 978 1 4411 9037 6
[Book Section]
Matsumoto, Naomi.
Manacled Freedom: 19th-Century Vocal Improvisation and the Flute-Accompanied Cadenza in Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor.
In: Rudolf Rasch, ed.
Beyond Notes: Improvisation in Western Music of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.
Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 295-316.
ISBN 978-2503542447
[Book Section]
McRobbie, Angela.
Key Concepts for Urban Creative Industry in the UK.
In: Ingrid Elam, ed.
New Creative Economy.
Malmo, Sweden: Swedish Arts Council, pp. 22-42.
ISBN 978-9-197-80011-2
[Book Section]
Morley, David G..
Electronic Landscapes: Between the Virtual and the Actual.
In: M Christensen; A Jansson and C Christensen, eds.
Online Territories: Globalisation, Mediated Prartice and Social Space.
New York: Peter Lang, pp. 273-290.
ISBN 978-1-433-10797-9
[Book Section]
Osborne, Deirdre.
“I ain’t British though / Yes you are. You’re as English as I am”: Staging Belonging and Unbelonging in Black British Drama.
In: Ulrike Lindner; Mark Mohring; Mark Stein and Silke Stroh, eds.
Hybrid Cultures, Nervous States: Britain and Germany in a (Post)Colonial World.
Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, pp. 203-227.
ISBN 978-90-420-3228-6
[Book Section]
Paechter, Carrie F..
Polyphonie? Ausblicke auf einen anderen Geschlechterdiskurs in der Pädagogik.
In: Edgar Forster; B. Rendtorff and C. Mahs, eds.
Back to the Boys? Jungenpädagogik im Widerstreit.
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, pp. 147-263.
ISBN 978-3-17-021807-9
[Book Section]
Phillips, Andrea.
Too Careful: Contemporary Art's Public Making.
In: Andrea Phillips and Markus Miessen, eds.
Caring Culture: Art, Architecture and the Politics of Public Health.
Berlin/Amsterdam: Sternberg Press/SKOR, pp. 35-56.
ISBN 978-1-9341-5-71-9
[Book Section]
Phillips, Angela.
Spare Rib Magazine.
In: John Downing, ed.
Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media.
California: Sage, pp. 505-507.
ISBN 978-0-7619-2688-7
[Book Section]
Plomin, Robert and Kovas, Yulia.
Integrative Summary—Genetics and Reading Across Orthographies.
In: P. McCardle; B. Miller; J. R. Lee and O. J. L. Tzeng, eds.
Dyslexia across languages: orthography and the brain-gene-behavior link.
Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing Co..
ISBN 978-1-59857-185-1
[Book Section]
Potter, Laura.
In: Tessa Peters and Janice West, eds.
London: Luminous Books.
ISBN 9780954288617
[Book Section]
Quin, Corinne.
Grandmother Clock, Timekeeper.
In: Sivia Annicchiarico and Jan Van Rossem, eds.
O'Clock: Time Design, Design Time.
Milan: Electa, pp. 58-59.
ISBN 9788883188725
[Book Section]
Rosamond, Emily.
Factory-esque: Temporalities of Critique in Michael Landy's Breakdown.
In: Ahlia Moussa and Simon Bentley, eds.
Revisiting Ephemera.
London, Ontario, Canada: MacIntosh Gallery/Blue Medium Press, pp. 37-52.
ISBN 9780986750663 0986750662
[Book Section]
Sassatelli, Monica.
Urban Festivals and the Cultural Public Sphere: Cosmopolitanism between Ethics and Aesthetics.
In: Gerard Delanty; Liana Giorgi and Monica Sassatelli, eds.
Festivals and the Cultural Public Sphere.
London: Routledge, pp. 12-28.
ISBN 9780415587303
[Book Section]
Seth, Sanjay.
The Nation-State as Guardian of Difference and Globalisation as the end of Difference?: A Postcolonial Dissent. (Forthcoming).
In: Robert Walker, ed.
Displacing the International.
[Book Section]
Skaife, Sally.
Maps and Mess:
Group Members’ Experience of the Relationship between art and talk in an Art Therapy Group.
In: Andrea Gilroy, ed.
Art Therapy Research in Practice.
Bern: Peter Lang ltd, pp. 251-267.
ISBN 978-3-03911-994-3
[Book Section]
Smith, Richard W. P..
"Heaven grant you strength to fight the battle for your race":
Nationalism, Pan-Africanism and the First World War in the Jamaican
In: Santanu Das, ed.
Race, Empire and First World War Writing.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 265-282.
ISBN 978-0-521-50984-8
[Book Section]
Smith, Richard W. P..
The Impact of the First World War on the Garvey Movement.
In: Robert A Hill, ed.
Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers.
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, cclxxv-cclxxxi.
ISBN 978-0-822-34690-6
[Book Section]
Smith, Richard W. P. and Haggith, Toby.
"Sons of Our Empire": shifting ideas of 'race' and the cinematic representation of imperial troops in the World War I.
In: Lee Grieveson and Colin MacCabe, eds.
Empire and Film.
London: British Film Institute, pp. 35-53.
ISBN 978-1-844-57421-6
[Book Section]
Tanaka, Atau.
Processes of Mutuality.
In: Irène Hediger and Josep Perelló, eds.
Think Art, Act Science: Swiss Artists-in-labs.
Barcelona: Actar, pp. 20-27.
ISBN 978-8-492-86170-5
[Book Section]
Tanaka, Atau.
Situating within Society: Blueprints and Strategies for Media Labs.
In: Angela Plohman, ed.
A Blueprint for a Lab of the Future.
Eindhoven: Baltan Laboratories.
ISBN 978-90-815830-0-8
[Book Section]
Terhune, Devin Blair and Kadosh, Roi Cohen.
In: Jan Dirk Blom and Iris E.C. Sommer, eds.
Hallucinations: Research and Practice.
New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 91-104.
ISBN 978-1-4899-8957-4
[Book Section]
Toscano, Alberto.
Anti-Sociology and its Limits.
In: , ed.
Reading Rancière.
London: Continuum, pp. 217-237.
ISBN 9781441137814
[Book Section]
Watson, Alexander.
Voluntary Enlistment in the Great War: a European Phenomenon?
In: Christine G. Krüger and Sonja Levsen, eds.
War Volunteering in Modern Times. From the French Revolution to the Second World War.
Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 163-88.
ISBN 978-0230228054
[Book Section]
Wiggins, Geraint and Müllensiefen, Daniel.
Sloboda & Parker's recall paradigm for melodic memory: a new computational perspective.
In: Irene Deliege and Jane Davidson, eds.
Music and the Mind: Essays in honour of John Sloboda.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 161-188.
ISBN 978-0-19-958156-6
[Book Section]
Williams, Gilda.
Towards a 21st Century Definition of Gothic Art.
In: , ed.
Monstrous Media/Spectral Subjects.
Lancaster University.
[Book Section]
Zylinska, Joanna.
Bioethics Otherwise, or, How to Live with Machines, Humans, and Other Animals.
In: Tom Cohen, ed.
Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change, v. 1.
1 Open Humanities Press, pp. 203-225.
ISBN 978-1-60785-237-7
[Book Section]