Items of Type Book Section

Number of items: 156.
Bell, Vikki and Diettes, Erika.
On the Making of the Oratorio for the Disappeared: Erika Diettes in conversation with Vikki Bell.
In: Maria M. Delgado; Michal Kobialka and Bryce Lease, eds.
Staging Difficult Pasts: Transnational Memory, Theatres, and Museums.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 190-206.
ISBN 9781032326030
[Book Section]
Beswick, Katie.
Specific Places/Global Spaces: Arrival — Neoliberal Placemaking in East London’s Royal Docks.
In: Victoria Hunter and Cathy Turner, eds.
The Routledge Companion to Site-Specific Performance.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 15-28.
ISBN 9781032254104
[Book Section]
Bevan, Miranda.
Conclusion - Rethinking the Use of Police Custody for Children.
In: Miranda Bevan, ed.
Children in Police Custody: Adversity and Adversariality Behind Closed Doors.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 308-345.
ISBN 9780192855497
[Book Section]
Blackman, Lisa.
Hauntological Structures of Communication and Feeling: Making Space for the Non-Rational.
In: Bretton Varga, ed.
Hauntological Social Studies: More-than-Human Deviances, Imbrications, and Proliferations of Possibility.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
[Book Section]
Buckley, Bernadette.
Re-Echoing the Scream: Rod Dickinson’s Shock Machine and the Re-Emergence of Milgram’s ‘Obedience to Authority’ Experiments.
In: Frederico Dinis, ed.
Performativity and the Representation of Memory: Resignification, Appropriation, and Embodiment.
Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, pp. 121-148.
ISBN 9798369322642
[Book Section]
Burt, Philippa.
Ensembles and Companies.
In: Claire Cochrane; Lynette Goddard; Catherine Hindson and Trish Reid, eds.
The Routledge Companion to Twentieth Century British Theatre and Performance - Volume One: 1900–1950.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 184-196.
ISBN 9780367487898
[Book Section]
Cabañes, Jason Vincent and Uy-Tioco, Cecilia S..
K-dramas as a space for cross-cultural exchange? Counter-flow and its entanglements with soft power and promotional culture.
In: Lee Edwards; Clea D. Bourne; Jason Vincent Cabañes and Gisela Castro, eds.
The Sage Handbook of Promotional Culture and Society.
London: Sage, pp. 340-352.
ISBN 9781529602623
[Book Section]
Canova-Green, Marie-Claude and Matsumoto, Naomi.
Exoticism or Eclecticism? Carnival at Court and the Mascarade du Roy de la Chine.
In: Marie-Claude Canova-Green, ed.
Spectacular Orientalism in Early Modern Europe.
Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols.
ISBN 9782503610566
[Book Section]
(In Press)
Cogo, Alessia.
English as a Lingua Franca and language teaching.
In: Carol A. Chapelle, ed.
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics.
Hoboken: Wiley.
ISBN 9781405198431
[Book Section]
Daniels, Glenda and Douglas, Omega.
It’s Rife: The Online Bullying of Women Journalists in Africa: What Is to Be Done?
In: Bruce Mutsvairo and Kristin Skare Orgeret, eds.
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Digital Journalism.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 143-159.
ISBN 9783031593789
[Book Section]
Dennis, Fay.
How to do social research with… body mapping.
In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds.
How to Do Social Research With….
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 29-37.
ISBN 9781913380427
[Book Section]
Doussan, Jenny.
Attestation 3.
In: Sarah Wilson; Michaël La Chance; Jenny Doussan; Carrie Pilto and Boris Groys, eds.
Une œuvre d’art face au tribunal: sur Pornopolitique de Piotr Pavlenski.
Paris: Au Diable Vauvert, pp. 51-65.
ISBN 9791030706680
[Book Section]
Doussan, Jenny.
Redeeming Fashion: Between Benjamin and Agamben on Baudelaire.
In: , ed.
Baudelaire and Philosophy.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
[Book Section]
Drever, John L..
On Listening Back to “Soundscapes in Particular [Autumn 2023]".
In: , ed.
Enclave, Poéticas de Emergencia Acústica. Vol. 2.
Festival Enclave, pp. 48-64.
[Book Section]
Faramelli, Anthony and Miguel, Marlon.
Institutional Psychotherapy from Saint-Alban to La Borde by Jean Oury, translated by Anthony Faramelli and Marlon Miguel.
In: Marlon Miguel and Elena Vogman, eds.
Psychotherapy and Materialism: Essays by François Tosquelles and Jean Oury.
Berlin: ICI Press, pp. 89-119.
ISBN 9783965580824
[Book Section]
Farris, Sara R..
In: Corrochano Carlos, ed.
Claves de politica global.
Barcelona: Arpa, pp. 120-146.
ISBN 9788419558893
[Book Section]
Farris, Sara R..
La política del cuidado y la teoría de la reproducción social.
In: Daniela Alegría and Lieta Vivaldi, eds.
Reflexiones feministas sobre los cuidados.
Santiago: LOM Ediciones, pp. 59-68.
ISBN 9789560018113
[Book Section]
Flynn, Asher; Scott, Adrian J. and Cama, Elena.
An empirical research study on barriers, facilitators, and strategies to promote bystander intervention in intimate image abuse contexts.
In: Gian Marco Caletti and Kolis Summerer, eds.
Criminalizing intimate image abuse: a comparative perspective.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 376-400.
ISBN 9780198877813
[Book Section]
Garland, Ruth.
The Social Media Feeds of Loose Women: Taking the Temperature of Popular Feminism.
In: Barbara Mitra; Sharon Young and Mehreen Mirza, eds.
Gender in the Digital Sphere: Representation, Engagement and Expression.
Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
ISBN 9781538155684
[Book Section]
Garrelfs, Iris.
Musings on mycelic creative practice.
In: , ed.
Enclave Festival Catalogue.
Festival Enclave, pp. 19-27.
[Book Section]
Goddard, M N.
“I don't wanna make it, I just wanna… ”: Cinematic Intertextuality in 2000s Emo Music Videos.
In: Tomasz Dobrogoszcz; Agata Handley and Tomasz Fisiak, eds.
Aesthetic Amalgams and Political Pursuits: Intertextuality in Music Videos.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 235-255.
ISBN 9798765109519
[Book Section]
Goddard, M N.
“This Is Radio Clash”: First-Generation Punk as Radical Media Ecology and Communicational Noise.
In: George McKay and Gina Arnold, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Punk Rock.
New York: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780190859565
[Book Section]
Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka.
Bright sides of tribal exaggeration: Collective narcissism and tribal attitudes towards equality.
In: Joseph P. Forgas, ed.
The tribal mind and the psychology of collectivism.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 126-145.
ISBN 9781032498652
[Book Section]
Guggenheim, Michael.
Performative Experiments.
In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds.
How To do Sociology With...
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 297-311.
ISBN 9781913380427
[Book Section]
Hessayon, Ariel.
The tasks of the translators: social networks and the publication of continental European writings during the English Revolution, 1641–1660.
In: Gaby Mahlberg and Thomas Munck, eds.
Ideas Across Borders. Translating Visions of Authority and Civil Society in Europe c.1600–1840.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 65-82.
ISBN 9781032343679
[Book Section]
Higgins, Kathryn Claire and Banet-Weiser, Sarah.
The Post-Truth of Rape.
In: Jayson Harsin, ed.
Re-thinking Mediations of Post-truth Politics and Trust: Globality, Culture, Affect.
New York: Routledge, pp. 43-60.
ISBN 9781032484198
[Book Section]
Hoque, Aminul.
Educating Muslim children: Developing a culturally responsive pedagogy.
In: Karamat Iqbal and Tahir Abbas, eds.
Ethnicity, Religion, and Muslim Education in a Changing World: Navigating Contemporary Perspectives on Multicultural Schooling in the UK.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 117-135.
ISBN 9781032364834
[Book Section]
Karantonis, Pamela.
A Bran Nue Dae? Decolonising the Musical Theatre Curriculum.
In: Robert J. Gordon and Olaf Jubin, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of the Global Stage Musical.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 863-892.
ISBN 9780190909734
[Book Section]
Kivotidis, Dimitrios.
Retrogression disguised as ‘Innovation’: The case of the ‘Executive State’ in Greece.
In: Natalia Kohtamäki; Enrico Peuker and Natascha Zaun, eds.
Innovative Public Governance in Times of Crisis.
Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 65-85.
ISBN 9783756018246
[Book Section]
Kivotidis, Dimitrios.
The Withering Away of the Legal Form: Revisiting Past Debates for Future Movements.
In: Cosmin Cercel; Gian-Giacomo Fusco and Przemyslaw Tacik, eds.
Legal Form and the End of Law: Pashukanis's Legacy.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 234-257.
ISBN 9781032724492
[Book Section]
Kozbelt, Aaron; Drake, Jennifer E. and Chamberlain, Rebecca.
Expertise in drawing.
In: A. M Williams; Aaron Kozbelt; Franzis Preckel and R. R Hoffman, eds.
The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, 3rd Edition.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[Book Section]
(In Press)
Krause, Frank.
Barthold Heinrich Brockes and Nature Writing.
In: Gabriele Dürbeck and Christine Kanz, eds.
German-Language Nature Writing from Eighteenth Century to the Present: Controversies, Positions, Perspectives.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 37-57.
ISBN 9783031509094
[Book Section]
Krause, Frank.
Sinnliche Neigung und geistige Bindung. Zur Komposition von Richard Dehmels Weib und Welt (1896).
In: Nikolas Immer and Julia Ilgner, eds.
Berlin: De Gruyter.
[Book Section]
Levitas, Ben.
The Healer and the Witch: Performative Transitions in the Theatre of Friel and Carr.
In: Gregory Castle, ed.
The Revival in Irish Literature and Culture.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[Book Section]
Little, Ben and Winch, Alison.
A Conjunctural Cultural Studies Approach to the Millennial.
In: Helen Kingstone and Jennie Bristow, eds.
Studying Generations: Multidisciplinary Perspectives.
Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 85-104.
ISBN 9781529223491
[Book Section]
Macleroy, Vicky; Sahmland, Susi and Hackney, Claire.
How can picturebooks and stories transform the way children learn languages and navigate digital spaces in the primary classroom?
In: Grit Bergner and Charlott Falkenhagen, eds.
Storytelling in Primary CLIL.
Herne, Germany: Gabriele Schafer Verlag.
ISBN 9783910594043
[Book Section]
Maitland, Sarah.
Advocacy as legal argument: The judicial interpretive task of the translator.
In: Catherine Boyle and Sarah Maitland, eds.
Translation as Advocacy: Perspectives on Practice, Performance and Publishing.
London: John Murray Learning, pp. 1-26.
ISBN 9781399816144
[Book Section]
Maitland, Sarah.
In: Catherine Boyle and Sarah Maitland, eds.
Translation as Advocacy: Perspectives on Practice, Performance and Publishing.
London: John Murray Learning.
ISBN 9781399816144
[Book Section]
Maitland, Sarah.
The judgement of the translator.
In: Susan Bassnett and David Johnston, eds.
Debates in Translation Studies.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 155-167.
ISBN 9780367612351
[Book Section]
Martin, James.
Expressivity in Rhetoric.
In: Daniel Gutzmann and Katharina Turgay, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Expressivity in Language.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[Book Section]
Matthews, Miranda.
The Education of the Sentiments.
In: John Baldacchino and Herner Seaverot, eds.
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Continental Philosophy of Education.
London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 459-476.
ISBN 9781350334106
[Book Section]
Matthews, Miranda.
Moving beyond immanence: artist teacher networking and collaborative arts practice.
In: Rachel Payne, ed.
Professional Learning for Artist Teachers: Pedagogy, Partnerships and Practice in UK Contexts, Edited by Rachel Payne.
Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 126-140.
ISBN 9780335252152
[Book Section]
May, Katherine.
Blueprints: towards teaching fashion with care.
In: , ed.
Practicing Solidarity: Critical Fashion and Agency that Matters.
Arnhem: ArtEZ Press.
ISBN ISBN 9789491444753
[Book Section]
(In Press)
McQuillan, Daniel; Arvidsson, Matilda and Gandorfer, Daniela.
New Digital Technologies, Law, and a Non-Fascist Life? On Global Governance, Digital Networks, and the Molecular Unconscious.
In: Fleur Johns; Gavin Sullivan and Dimitri Van Den Meerssche, eds.
Global Governance by Data: Infrastructures of Algorithmic Rule.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[Book Section]
Millora, Chris and Karunungan, Renee Julienne.
Researching the criminalisation of young people’s dissent: insights from Southeast Asia.
In: Judith Bessant; Philippa Collin and Patrick O'Keefe, eds.
Research Handbook on the Sociology of Youth.
Cheltham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 69-82.
ISBN 9781803921792
[Book Section]
Minetti, Marta.
In: Pedro Caeiro; Sabine Gless; Valsamis Mitsilegas; Miguel Joao Costa; Janneke De Snaijer and Georgia Theodorakakou, eds.
Elgar Encyclopedia of Crime and Criminal Justice.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 310-318.
ISBN 9781789902983
[Book Section]
Muir, Pauline.
Decolonising Congregational Music.
In: Dulcie Dixon-McKenzie; Pauline Muir and Monique Ingalls, eds.
Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 215-236.
ISBN 9781032145853
[Book Section]
Murphy, Oonagh.
The Digital Transformation of Cultural Practice.
In: Christos Carras, ed.
The Handbook of Cultural Work.
London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 273-282.
ISBN 9781350359468
[Book Section]
Musgrave, George.
Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire: Music Education, Mental Health, and Our Students’ Futures.
In: David Arditi and Ryan Nolan, eds.
The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Music Industry Studies.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 119-135.
ISBN 9783031640124
[Book Section]
Norton, Barley.
Intimacy in Ethnographic Film: Listening to How to Improve the World by Nguyễn Trinh Thi.
In: Stephen Cottrell; Dafni Tragaki and Stephen Wilford, eds.
Ethnomusicology and its Intimacies.
New York: Routledge, pp. 148-162.
ISBN 9781032431314
[Book Section]
Odih, Pamela.
Political Economy of Bibby Stockholm.
In: Pamela Odih, ed.
Spectacular Migration Regulation.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
[Book Section]
Patience, Henrietta.
Addressing Sustainability in Art And Design.
In: Andy Ash and Peter Carr, eds.
A Practical Guide to Teaching Art and Design in the Secondary School.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 236-249.
ISBN 9781032455303
[Book Section]
Phan, Thao and Wark, Scott.
Race, by Proxy.
In: Fleur Johns; Gavin Sullivan and Dimitri Van Den Meerssche, eds.
Global Governance by Data: Infrastructures of Algorithmic Rule.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[Book Section]
Pierce, Nicole.
Law Reform and Regulated Credit Reporting Systems in Commonwealth Small Island Developing States: A Study of Jamaica.
In: Caroline Morris, ed.
Making and Changing Law in Small Jurisdictions.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 135-173.
ISBN 9783031469428
[Book Section]
Popova, Gergana.
From Syntax to Morphology.
In: Peter Arkadiev and Franz Rainer, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Historical Morphology.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[Book Section]
Redhead, L.
Sound as a Method: Creative Textual Practices as Critical Re-writings.
In: Marc Estibeiro; Dave Payling and David Cotter, eds.
Collaboration, Engagement, and Tradition in Contemporary and Electronic Music: NoiseFloor Perspectives.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 173-188.
ISBN 9781032553740
[Book Section]
Reynolds, Elle.
A selected mapping of some UK alternative pedagogies.
In: Elle Reynolds, ed.
How to Set up an Art School.
[Book Section]
Rhys-Taylor, Alex.
How to do social research with... a chilli.
In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds.
How to do Research With...
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 49-59.
ISBN 9781913380427
[Book Section]
Robinson, Katherine.
How to do social research with... knitting.
In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds.
How to do social research with….
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 163-171.
ISBN 9781913380427
[Book Section]
Rogers, Bradley.
The Monkees and the Manufactured Musical.
In: , ed.
The Oxford Handbook of the Television Musical.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[Book Section]
Rogers, Holly.
“The Shock of Time”: Hauntological Echoes of La Folia in Max Richter’s Woolf Works.
In: Delphine Vincent and Holly Rogers, eds.
Max Richter: History, Memory, Nostalgia.
Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, pp. 181-196.
ISBN 978-2-503-61185-3
[Book Section]
Rogoff, Irit.
ThruMmming With Knowledge.
In: Angela Conquet and Philipa Rothfield, eds.
Competing Choreographies: 10 Years of the Keir Choreographic Award.
Sydney, Australia: The Keir Foundation.
ISBN 9781763643307
[Book Section]
Saadawi, Ghalya.
The Structure of Desire in Ghassan Salhab's "The River" (2022).
In: Marwa Arsanios; Leon Filter and Leire Vergara, eds.
A Cut Through the Screen: Struggles’ Reverberations in Cinema.
Berlin: Archive Books and Dutch Art Institute.
[Book Section]
Saadawi, Ghalya and Abu Hamdan, Lawrence.
Air Pressure: A conversation between Lawrence Abu Hamdan and Ghalya Saadawi.
In: Riccardo Badano; Tomas Percival and Susan Schuppli, eds.
Militant Media.
Berlin: Spector Books.
ISBN 9783959056878
[Book Section]
Sadeghi-Boroujerdi, Eskandar and Mohajer, Nasser.
Translation, Revolutionary Praxis, and the Enigma of Manuchehr Hezarkhani.
In: Rasmus C. Elling and Sune Haugbølle, eds.
The Fate of Third Worldism in the Middle East: Iran, Palestine and Beyond.
London and New York: Oneworld Publications.
ISBN 9780861547289
[Book Section]
Sauma, Julia F..
Performing Normal: Deafness, intersectionality and academic exhaustion.
In: Kelly Fagan Robinson; Mark T. Carew and Nora Ellen Groce, eds.
Inaccessible Access: Rethinking Disability Inclusion in Academic Knowledge Creation.
New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
ISBN 9781978841468
[Book Section]
Savransky, Martin.
How to do social research with... ghosts.
In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds.
How to Do Social Research With….
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 121-130.
ISBN 9781913380427
[Book Section]
Savransky, Martin.
A New Taste for Life? Value Ecologies and the Aesthetics of the Outside.
In: Melanie Sehgal and Alex Wilkie, eds.
More-than-Human Aesthetics: Venturing Beyond the Bifurcation of Nature.
Bristol: Bristol University Press.
ISBN 9781529227789
[Book Section]
Shain, Farzana.
Addressing the triple challenge of right-wing populism, nationalism and colonial amnesia in and through human rights education.
In: Audrey Osler and Beate Goldschmidt-Gjerløw, eds.
Nordic Perspectives on Human Rights Education Research and Practice for Social Justice.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 241-246.
ISBN 9781032375373
[Book Section]
Shannon, Richard.
Paving the Way: Cameron Mackintosh and the Development and Impact of the Global Musical.
In: Robert J. Gordon and Olaf Jubin, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of the Global Stage Musical.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 217-244.
ISBN 9780190909734
[Book Section]
Shinn, Abigail.
In: Charlotte Scott, ed.
Shakespeare/Nature: Contemporary Readings in the Human and Non-human.
London: Bloomsbury, pp. 189-204.
ISBN 9781350259836
[Book Section]
Shinn, Abigail.
Spenser’s ‘apish crue’: Aping in Prosopopoia or Mother Hubberds Tale.
In: Rachel Stenner and Abigail Shinn, eds.
Edmund Spenser and Animal Life.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave, pp. 117-138.
ISBN 9783031426407
[Book Section]
Spencer, Andrew and Popova, Gergana.
Morphology and Syntax in Competition: The Place of Inflectional Periphrasis.
In: Adam Ledgeway; Edith Aldridge; Anne Breitbarth; Katalin Kiss É.; Joseph Salmons and Alexandra Simonenko, eds.
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics.
Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 9781119898016
[Book Section]
Stouraiti, Anastasia.
'Diplomatic Relations through Trade, Peace and Conflict:
the Doge, the Sultan, the Bailo, the Ambassador, the Dragoman'.
In: Stefano Carboni, ed.
Venice and the Ottoman Empire: A Tale of Art, Culture, and Exchange.
New York: Rizzoli International Publications.
ISBN 9780847838790
[Book Section]
Strutt, Daniel.
Dancing into the metaverse: Creating a framework for ethical and ecological telematic dance practice and performance.
In: Pascale Aebischer and Rachael Nicholas, eds.
Adaptation and resilience in the performing arts: The pandemic and beyond.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 42-64.
ISBN 9781526172402
[Book Section]
Tamari, Tomoko.
Introduction: Human perception and digital information technologies.
In: Tomoko Tamari, ed.
Human Perception and Digital Information Technologies: Animation, The Body and Affect.
Bristol: Bristol University Press.
ISBN 9781529226188
[Book Section]
Tamari, Tomoko.
Moving Image and Human Perception: Affect in Hand-drawing Animation and Computer-Generated Imagery.
In: Tomoko Tamari, ed.
Human Perception and Digital Information Technologies: Animation, the Body, and Affect.
Bristol: Bristol University Press.
ISBN 9781529226188
[Book Section]
Thompson, Naomi; Spacey, Meghan; Baker, Christopher and Cheal, Steve.
It seemed like the “rite” thing to do – choices about religious content in everyday celebrant-led funerals in the UK.
In: Terhi Utriainen; Dorothea Lüddeckens and Brenda Mathijssen, eds.
Handbook on Contemporary Death Rituals in Europe.
Leiden: Brill.
[Book Section]
(In Press)
Turner, Lynn.
Lapping it up: an introduction for these erotics of deconstruction.
In: Lynn Turner, ed.
Erotics of Deconstruction: Auto-Affection After Derrida.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
ISBN 9781399539739
[Book Section]
Turner, Lynn.
Sanguine Resistance: dreaming of a future for blood.
In: Lynn Turner, ed.
Erotics of Deconstruction: Auto-Affection After Derrida.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
ISBN 9781399539739
[Book Section]
Twitchin, Mischa.
Philosophical Problems and Stochastic Parrots: Between Aphorism and Algorithm.
In: Mischa Twitchin, ed.
Wittgenstein and Performance.
Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 219-233.
ISBN 9781538175095
[Book Section]
Twitchin, Mischa.
The Space Between.
In: Daria Feherova, ed.
Theatre in Exile.
Bratislava, Slovakia: Theatre Institute, Bratislava, pp. 42-51.
ISBN 9788081901171
[Book Section]
Twitchin, Mischa.
Wittgenstein and Performance: Introduction.
In: Mischa Twitchin, ed.
Wittgenstein and Performance.
Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 1-4.
ISBN 9781538175095
[Book Section]
Varvia, Christina.
A Call to Bear Witness.
In: Christos Carras, ed.
The Handbook of Cultural Work.
London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 165-172.
ISBN 9781350359468
[Book Section]
Vráblíková, Lenka.
Bodies in e-motion: Hélène Cixous and Sarah Kofman encountering Rembrandt.
In: Lynn Turner, ed.
Erotics of Deconstruction: Auto-Affection After Derrida.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
ISBN 9781399539739
[Book Section]
Vráblíková, Lenka and Kubelová, Lenka.
Gardening Ecofeminisms. Sympozium jako živná půda [Gardening Ecofeminisms: Symposium as a culture medium].
In: Kateřina Vídenová and Amálie Bulandrová, eds.
Kafkárna / Dům a Zahrada [Kafkárna /House and Garden].
Prague: UMPRUM, pp. 289-295.
[Book Section]
Wald, Erica.
Pigsticking: the ‘Noble’ Indian Boar and Colonial Constructions of Elite Masculinity.
In: Kate Imy; Teresa Segura-Garcia; Elena Valdameri and Erica Wald, eds.
Bodies Beyond Binaries in Colonial and Postcolonial Asia.
Leiden: Leiden University Press, pp. 245-262.
ISBN 9789087284558
[Book Section]
Walton, Neil.
Art History in the Art and Design Curriculum.
In: Andy Ash and Peter Carr, eds.
A Practical Guide to Teaching Art and Design in the Secondary School.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 181-191.
ISBN 9781032455303
[Book Section]
Wark, Scott.
Platformisation and Personalisation: The Making of "Contingent" Online Audiences.
In: Annette Hill and Peter Lunt, eds.
The Routledge Companion to Media Audiences.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 137-149.
ISBN 9781032214665
[Book Section]
Watson, Alexander.
Tactical Learning and Innovation in the Habsburg Army, 1914-1918.
In: Michael P.M. Finch; Aimée Fox and David G. Morgan-Owen, eds.
Framing the First World War: Knowledge, Learning, and Military Thought.
Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas.
[Book Section]
Webb, Martin; Salim, Farhat and Azam, Riad.
Putting the selfie to work: Image making and work/time discipline in the margins of the Indian state.
In: Avishek Ray; E. Gabriel Dattatreyan; Usha Raman; Martin Webb; Neha Gupta; Sai Amulya Komarraju; Anuja Premika; Riad Azam; Farhat Salim and Pranavesh Subramanian, eds.
Digital Expressions of the Self(ie): The Social Life of Selfies in India.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 50-73.
ISBN 9781032694788
[Book Section]
White, Niamh; Dobson, Amy; Coffey, Julia; Gill, Rosalind; Kanai, Akane and Hawker, Kiah.
Young bodies, images, and social media.
In: Johanna Wyn; Helen Cahill and Hernan Cuervo, eds.
Handbook of Children and Youth Studies.
Singapore: Springer.
ISBN 9789814451963
[Book Section]
Wilkins, Andrew; Collet-Sabé, Jordi; Esper, Tomás; Gobby, Brad and Grimaldi, Emiliano.
Assembling New Public Management: Actors, networks and projects.
In: Derek Brent Edwards; Antoni Verger; Keita Takayama and Marcia McKenzie, eds.
Researching Global Education Policy: Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement.
Bristol: Policy Press.
ISBN 9781447368021
[Book Section]
Yau, Carmen.
An Intersectional Approach to Understanding and Working with Disabled Communities.
In: Claudia A. Bernard; Carlene Firmin; Frank Keating and Carmen Yau, eds.
Handbook on Intersectionality and Social Work.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
[Book Section]
(In Press)
Yau, Carmen.
A Memoir of a Disabled Advocate in Hong Kong Umbrella Movement.
In: Stephen Hallett; Anna Lawson; Zhen Ni and Alex Pearl, eds.
Emerging Voices: Grassroots Disability Research in East Asia.
York: White Rose University Press.
[Book Section]
(In Press)
Yau, Carmen.
The Trajectory & Landscape of Disability Research in Hong Kong.
In: Stephen Hallett; Anna Lawson; Zhen Ni and Alex Pearl, eds.
Emerging Voices: Grassroots Disability Research in East Asia.
UK: White Rose University Press.
[Book Section]
(In Press)
Yau, Carmen and Siu, David.
Decolonizing the “Well-being ” Concept & Social Work Practice through the Lens of Buddhism.
In: Carmen Yau, ed.
The Routledge International Handbook of Global Social Work.
Abingdon: Routledge.
[Book Section]
(In Press)
Yee-King, Matthew; De Jonge, Dave; Confalonieri, Roberto; Osman, Nardine; d'Inverno, Mark; Sierra, Carles; Amgoud, Leila and Hazelden, Katina.
The WeCurate Application.
In: Nardine Osman, ed.
Electronic Institutions: Applications to uHelp, WeCurate and PeerLearn.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 81-96.
ISBN 9783319656045
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Yesil, Bilge and Bulut, Ergin.
Post-truth in Turkey: Political Economy of Media and Articulations of Gender, Ethnicity and Nationalism.
In: Jayson Harsin, ed.
Re-thinking Mediations of Post-truth Politics and Trust: Globality, Culture, Affect.
New York: Routledge, pp. 180-195.
ISBN 9781032484198
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Zeno, Mutton and Rhys-Taylor, Alex.
Sensing the Inner City: A Conversation with Alex Rhys-Taylor.
In: Ilaria Cattabriga; Enrico Chinellato; Arshia Eghbali; Zeno Mutton and Ramona Loffredo, eds.
The Historical City. A Critical Reference and Role Model.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 49-55.
ISBN 9783031714726
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