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Eshun, Kodwo. 2024. 'The Struggle Against This Colonial Barrage': Listening for Black Industrialism in the Theoretical Positions of Black Audio Film Collective circa 1986. In: Marwa Arsanios; Leon Filter and Leire Vergara, eds. A Cut Through The Screen: Struggles Reverberation in Cinema. Berlin: Archive Books and Dutch Art Institute. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Farris, Sara R.. 2024. La política del cuidado y la teoría de la reproducción social. In: Daniela Alegría and Lieta Vivaldi, eds. Reflexiones feministas sobre los cuidados. Santiago: LOM Ediciones, pp. 59-68. ISBN 9789560018113 [Book Section]

Fathi, Mastoureh and Torbati, Atlas. 2024. Migrant Respectability: An Intersectional Bourdieuan Approach to Iranian Migrants’ Experiences of Class and Religion. In: Başak Akkan; Julia Hahmann; Christine Hunner-Kreisel, and Melanie Kuhn, eds. Overlapping Inequalities in the Welfare State: Strengths and Challenges of Intersectionality Framework. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 69-82. ISBN 9783031522260 [Book Section]

Musgrave, George. 2024. Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire: Music Education, Mental Health, and Our Students’ Futures. In: David Arditi and Ryan Nolan, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Music Industry Studies. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 119-135. ISBN 9783031640124 [Book Section]

Patience, Henrietta. 2024. Addressing Sustainability in Art And Design. In: Andy Ash and Peter Carr, eds. A Practical Guide to Teaching Art and Design in the Secondary School. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 236-249. ISBN 9781032455303 [Book Section]

Popova, Gergana. 2024. From Syntax to Morphology. In: Peter Arkadiev and Franz Rainer, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Historical Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Saadawi, Ghalya. 2024. The Structure of Desire in Ghassan Salhab's "The River" (2022). In: Marwa Arsanios; Leon Filter and Leire Vergara, eds. A Cut Through the Screen: Struggles’ Reverberations in Cinema. Berlin: Archive Books and Dutch Art Institute. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Strutt, Daniel. 2024. Dancing into the metaverse: Creating a framework for ethical and ecological telematic dance practice and performance. In: Pascale Aebischer and Rachael Nicholas, eds. Adaptation and resilience in the performing arts: The pandemic and beyond. 3 Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 42-64. ISBN 9781526172402 [Book Section]

Walton, Neil. 2024. Art History in the Art and Design Curriculum. In: Andy Ash and Peter Carr, eds. A Practical Guide to Teaching Art and Design in the Secondary School. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 181-191. ISBN 9781032455303 [Book Section]


Bevan, Miranda. 2024. Conclusion - Rethinking the Use of Police Custody for Children. In: Miranda Bevan, ed. Children in Police Custody: Adversity and Adversariality Behind Closed Doors. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 308-345. ISBN 9780192855497 [Book Section]

Cornish, Helen. 2024. Surviving Frazerisms: twenty-first century Witchcraft and the eternal return. In: SL Budlin and CJ Tully, eds. A Century of James Frazer’s The Golden Bough: Shaking the Tree, Breaking the Bough. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 221-239. ISBN 9781032695631 [Book Section]

Eshun, Kodwo. 2024. On the Implications of Black Studies for Counter-Forensics and Counter-Forensics for Black Studies. In: Ricardo Badano; Tomas Percival and Susan Schuppli, eds. Militant Media. Leipzig: Spector Books, pp. 23-38. ISBN 9783959056878 [Book Section]

Eshun, Kodwo; Goodman, Steve and Pethick, Emily. 2024. To Release the Unnameable. In: Justin Barton; Myra B. Kronic and Steve Goodman, eds. Sonic Faction: Audio Essay as Medium and Method. Falmouth: Urbanomic. ISBN 9781915103123 [Book Section]

Hameed, Ayesha. 2024. A Tidalectic Atlas of the Plantationocene. In: Justin Barton; Maya B. Kronic and Steve Goodman, eds. Sonic Faction: Audio Essay as Medium and Method. Falmouth: Urbanomic. ISBN 9781915103123 [Book Section]

Macleroy, Vicky; Sahmland, Susi and Hackney, Claire. 2024. How can picturebooks and stories transform the way children learn languages and navigate digital spaces in the primary classroom? In: Grit Bergner and Charlott Falkenhagen, eds. Storytelling in Primary CLIL. Herne, Germany: Gabriele Schafer Verlag. ISBN 9783910594043 [Book Section]

Maitland, Sarah. 2024. Advocacy as legal argument: The judicial interpretive task of the translator. In: Catherine Boyle and Sarah Maitland, eds. Translation as Advocacy: Perspectives on Practice, Performance and Publishing. London: John Murray Learning, pp. 1-26. ISBN 9781399816144 [Book Section]

Maitland, Sarah. 2024. Foreword. In: Catherine Boyle and Sarah Maitland, eds. Translation as Advocacy: Perspectives on Practice, Performance and Publishing. London: John Murray Learning. ISBN 9781399816144 [Book Section]

Maitland, Sarah. 2024. The judgement of the translator. In: Susan Bassnett and David Johnston, eds. Debates in Translation Studies. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 155-167. ISBN 9780367612351 [Book Section]

Matthews, Miranda. 2024. The Education of the Sentiments. In: John Baldacchino and Herner Seaverot, eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Continental Philosophy of Education. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 459-476. ISBN 9781350334106 [Book Section]

Millora, Chris and Karunungan, Renee Julienne. 2024. Researching the criminalisation of young people’s dissent: insights from Southeast Asia. In: Judith Bessant; Philippa Collin and Patrick O'Keefe, eds. Research Handbook on the Sociology of Youth. Cheltham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 69-82. ISBN 9781803921792 [Book Section]

Saadawi, Ghalya and Abu Hamdan, Lawrence. 2024. Air Pressure: A conversation between Lawrence Abu Hamdan and Ghalya Saadawi. In: Riccardo Badano; Tomas Percival and Susan Schuppli, eds. Militant Media. Berlin: Spector Books. ISBN 9783959056878 [Book Section]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2024. Mnemotechnics, Echo and the Discrete Voice. In: Bart Buseyne; Georgios Tsagdis and Paul Willemarck, eds. Bernard Stiegler: Memories of the Future. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 205-215. ISBN 9781350410442 [Book Section]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2024. On the Subject of Chance Remarks: Practising Patience. In: Ne Barros and Eugenia Vilela, eds. Performances no Contemporaneo II. Porto, Portugal: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Porto, pp. 171-176. ISBN 9789899082779 [Book Section]

Yau, Carmen. 2024. An Intersectional Approach to Understanding and Working with Disabled Communities. In: Claudia A. Bernard; Carlene Firmin; Frank Keating and Carmen Yau, eds. Handbook on Intersectionality and Social Work. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [Book Section] (In Press)


Burt, Philippa. 2024. Ensembles and Companies. In: Claire Cochrane; Lynette Goddard; Catherine Hindson and Trish Reid, eds. The Routledge Companion to Twentieth Century British Theatre and Performance - Volume One: 1900–1950. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 184-196. ISBN 9780367487898 [Book Section]

Canova-Green, Marie-Claude and Matsumoto, Naomi. 2024. Exoticism or Eclecticism? Carnival at Court and the Mascarade du Roy de la Chine. In: Marie-Claude Canova-Green, ed. Spectacular Orientalism in Early Modern Europe. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. ISBN 9782503610566 [Book Section] (In Press)

Cogo, Alessia. 2024. English as a Lingua Franca and language teaching. In: Carol A. Chapelle, ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Hoboken: Wiley. ISBN 9781405198431 [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Dennis, Fay. 2024. How to do social research with… body mapping. In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds. How to Do Social Research With…. London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 29-37. ISBN 9781913380427 [Book Section]

Farris, Sara R.. 2024. Femonacionalismo. In: Corrochano Carlos, ed. Claves de politica global. Barcelona: Arpa, pp. 120-146. ISBN 9788419558893 [Book Section]

Fenton, Natalie. 2024. Corporate governance within and by the media. In: Thomas Clarke; Wafa Khlif and Coral Ingley, eds. Elgar Encyclopaedia of Corporate Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p. 240. ISBN 9781839107054 [Book Section]

Flynn, Asher; Scott, Adrian J. and Cama, Elena. 2024. An empirical research study on barriers, facilitators, and strategies to promote bystander intervention in intimate image abuse contexts. In: Gian Marco Caletti and Kolis Summerer, eds. Criminalizing intimate image abuse: a comparative perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 376-400. ISBN 9780198877813 [Book Section]

Guggenheim, Michael. 2024. Performative Experiments. In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds. How To do Sociology With... London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 297-311. ISBN 9781913380427 [Book Section]

Jungnickel, Kat. 2024. How to do social research with... sewing. In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds. How to do social research with…. London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 241-252. ISBN 9781913380427 [Book Section]

Kivotidis, Dimitrios. 2024. The Withering Away of the Legal Form: Revisiting Past Debates for Future Movements. In: Cosmin Cercel; Gian-Giacomo Fusco and Przemyslaw Tacik, eds. Legal Form and the End of Law: Pashukanis's Legacy. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 234-257. ISBN 9781032724492 [Book Section]

Levitas, Ben. 2024. The Healer and the Witch: Performative Transitions in the Theatre of Friel and Carr. In: Gregory Castle, ed. The Revival in Irish Literature and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Minetti, Marta. 2024. Italy. In: Pedro Caeiro; Sabine Gless; Valsamis Mitsilegas; Miguel Joao Costa; Janneke De Snaijer and Georgia Theodorakakou, eds. Elgar Encyclopedia of Crime and Criminal Justice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 310-318. ISBN 9781789902983 [Book Section]

Morosetti, Tiziana. 2024. Between Representation and Agency: Black Artists in the UK, 1900-1950. In: Claire Cochraine; Lynette Goddard; Catherine Hindson and Trish Reid, eds. The Routledge Companion to Twentieth Century British Theatre and Performance - Volume One: 1900–1950. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 159-169. ISBN 9780367487898 [Book Section]

Motamedi-Fraser, Mariam. 2024. How to do social research with... a dog. In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds. How to do Social Research With ... London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 89-97. ISBN 9781913380427 [Book Section]

Murphy, Oonagh. 2024. The Digital Transformation of Cultural Practice. In: Christos Carras, ed. The Handbook of Cultural Work. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 273-282. ISBN 9781350359468 [Book Section]

Norton, Barley. 2024. Intimacy in Ethnographic Film: Listening to How to Improve the World by Nguyễn Trinh Thi. In: Stephen Cottrell; Dafni Tragaki and Stephen Wilford, eds. Ethnomusicology and its Intimacies. New York: Routledge, pp. 148-162. ISBN 9781032431314 [Book Section]

Puwar, Nirmal. 2024. How to do social research with... an exhibition in a university corridor. In: Rebecca Coleman; Katrina Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds. How to do Social Research With... London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 111-119. ISBN 9781913380427 [Book Section]

Rhys-Taylor, Alex. 2024. How to do social research with... a chilli. In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds. How to do Research With... London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 49-59. ISBN 9781913380427 [Book Section]

Robinson, Katherine. 2024. How to do social research with... knitting. In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds. How to do social research with…. London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 163-171. ISBN 9781913380427 [Book Section]

Rogoff, Irit. 2024. ThruMmming With Knowledge. In: Angela Conquet and Philipa Rothfield, eds. Competing Choreographies: 10 Years of the Keir Choreographic Award. Sydney, Australia: The Keir Foundation. ISBN 9781763643307 [Book Section]

Savransky, Martin. 2024. How to do social research with... ghosts. In: Rebecca Coleman; Kat Jungnickel and Nirmal Puwar, eds. How to Do Social Research With…. London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 121-130. ISBN 9781913380427 [Book Section]

Stouraiti, Anastasia. 2024. 'Diplomatic Relations through Trade, Peace and Conflict: the Doge, the Sultan, the Bailo, the Ambassador, the Dragoman'. In: Stefano Carboni, ed. Venice and the Ottoman Empire: A Tale of Art, Culture, and Exchange. New York: Rizzoli International Publications. ISBN 9780847838790 [Book Section]

Varvia, Christina. 2024. A Call to Bear Witness. In: Christos Carras, ed. The Handbook of Cultural Work. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 165-172. ISBN 9781350359468 [Book Section]

Zeno, Mutton and Rhys-Taylor, Alex. 2024. Sensing the Inner City: A Conversation with Alex Rhys-Taylor. In: Ilaria Cattabriga; Enrico Chinellato; Arshia Eghbali; Zeno Mutton and Ramona Loffredo, eds. The Historical City. A Critical Reference and Role Model. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 49-55. ISBN 9783031714726 [Book Section]


Bell, Vikki and Diettes, Erika. 2024. On the Making of the Oratorio for the Disappeared: Erika Diettes in conversation with Vikki Bell. In: Maria M. Delgado; Michal Kobialka and Bryce Lease, eds. Staging Difficult Pasts: Transnational Memory, Theatres, and Museums. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 190-206. ISBN 9781032326030 [Book Section]

Buckley, Bernadette. 2024. Re-Echoing the Scream: Rod Dickinson’s Shock Machine and the Re-Emergence of Milgram’s ‘Obedience to Authority’ Experiments. In: Frederico Dinis, ed. Performativity and the Representation of Memory: Resignification, Appropriation, and Embodiment. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, pp. 121-148. ISBN 9798369322642 [Book Section]

Dixon-McKenzie, Dulcie; Muir, Pauline and Ingalls, Monique. 2024. Black British Gospel Music Past, Present, and Future: Final Reflections from the Editors. In: Dulcie Dixon-McKenzie; Pauline Muir and Monique Ingalls, eds. Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 237-250. ISBN 9781032145853 [Book Section]

Goddard, M N. 2024. “I don't wanna make it, I just wanna… ”: Cinematic Intertextuality in 2000s Emo Music Videos. In: Tomasz Dobrogoszcz; Agata Handley and Tomasz Fisiak, eds. Aesthetic Amalgams and Political Pursuits: Intertextuality in Music Videos. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 235-255. ISBN 9798765109519 [Book Section]

Gray, Ros. 2024. The Art of Planetary Rewilding. In: Anthony Downey, ed. Nida Sinnokrot: Palestine Is Not a Garden. Berlin: Sternberg Press. ISBN 9783956796302 [Book Section] (In Press)

Krause, Frank. 2024. Barthold Heinrich Brockes and Nature Writing. In: Gabriele Dürbeck and Christine Kanz, eds. German-Language Nature Writing from Eighteenth Century to the Present: Controversies, Positions, Perspectives. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 37-57. ISBN 9783031509094 [Book Section]

Muir, Pauline. 2024. Decolonising Congregational Music. In: Dulcie Dixon-McKenzie; Pauline Muir and Monique Ingalls, eds. Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 215-236. ISBN 9781032145853 [Book Section]

Muir, Pauline; Dixon-McKenzie, Dulcie and Monique, Ingalls. 2024. Introduction: Rivers of Babylon: Contextualizing Black British Gospel Music. In: Dulcie Dixon-Mckenzie; Pauline Muir and Monique Ingalls, eds. Black British Gospel Music: From the Windrush Generation to Black Lives Matter. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9781032145853 [Book Section]

Musgrave, George. 2024. Songwriting and Career Musicianship as a Technology of the Self: Autosociobiographical Reflections on Music and Wellbeing. In: Mark Donnelly and Richard Mills, eds. Song, Music and Wellbeing. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Pentaris, Panagiotis and Petricola, Mattia. 2024. Gender, Age and Identity. In: Douglas J. Davies, ed. A Cultural History of Death: Volume 6: A Cultural History of Death in the Modern Age. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781472536266 [Book Section]


Cabañes, Jason Vincent and Uy-Tioco, Cecilia S.. 2024. K-dramas as a space for cross-cultural exchange? Counter-flow and its entanglements with soft power and promotional culture. In: Lee Edwards; Clea D. Bourne; Jason Vincent Cabañes and Gisela Castro, eds. The Sage Handbook of Promotional Culture and Society. London: Sage, pp. 340-352. ISBN 9781529602623 [Book Section]

Redhead, L. 2024. Sound as a Method: Creative Textual Practices as Critical Re-writings. In: Marc Estibeiro; Dave Payling and David Cotter, eds. Collaboration, Engagement, and Tradition in Contemporary and Electronic Music: NoiseFloor Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 173-188. ISBN 9781032553740 [Book Section]

Sadeghi-Boroujerdi, Eskandar and Mohajer, Nasser. 2024. Translation, Revolutionary Praxis, and the Enigma of Manuchehr Hezarkhani. In: Rasmus C. Elling and Sune Haugbølle, eds. The Fate of Third Worldism in the Middle East: Iran, Palestine and Beyond. London and New York: Oneworld Publications. ISBN 9780861547289 [Book Section]

Wilkins, Andrew; Collet-Sabé, Jordi; Esper, Tomás; Gobby, Brad and Grimaldi, Emiliano. 2024. Assembling New Public Management: Actors, networks and projects. In: Derek Brent Edwards; Antoni Verger; Keita Takayama and Marcia McKenzie, eds. Researching Global Education Policy: Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement. Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN 9781447368021 [Book Section]


Fong, Kenneth Nai-kuen and Yau, Carmen. 2024. From Assistive Technology to Universal Design: Meeting the Needs of the Population. In: Kenneth Nai-kuen Fong and Kar-wai Tong, eds. Ageing Care in the Community: Current Practices and Future Directions. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. ISBN 9789629376437 [Book Section]

Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka. 2024. Bright sides of tribal exaggeration: Collective narcissism and tribal attitudes towards equality. In: Joseph P. Forgas, ed. The tribal mind and the psychology of collectivism. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 126-145. ISBN 9781032498652 [Book Section]

Mukerji, Siddhesh; Gannon, Kate and Mackenzie, Erin. 2024. A transformative approach to environmental social work education. In: Jan Fook and Danielle Jatlow, eds. Transformative Social Work: Practices for Academic Settings. New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN 9780231556767 [Book Section]

Samara, Muthanna; Smith, Peter K.; Francis, Jacinta; Horton, Paul; Markovikj, Marijana; Franco, Liat; Kulcsar, Gabriella; Massarwi, Adeem; Albawab, Alaa; El-Asam, Aiman; Sundaram, Suresh and Lee, Seung-ha. 2024. School physical design and its relation to bullying and student well-being. In: Hildegunn Fandrem and James O'Higgins Norman, eds. International Perspectives on Migration, Bullying, and School: Implications for Schools, Refugees, and Migrants. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 124-147. ISBN 9781032571331 [Book Section]

Sauma, Julia F.. 2024. Performing Normal: Deafness, intersectionality and academic exhaustion. In: Kelly Fagan Robinson; Mark T. Carew and Nora Ellen Groce, eds. Inaccessible Access: Rethinking Disability Inclusion in Academic Knowledge Creation. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. ISBN 9781978841468 [Book Section]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2024. The Space Between. In: Daria Feherova, ed. Theatre in Exile. Bratislava, Slovakia: Theatre Institute, Bratislava, pp. 42-51. ISBN 9788081901171 [Book Section]

Watson, Alexander. 2024. Tactical Learning and Innovation in the Habsburg Army, 1914-1918. In: Michael P.M. Finch; Aimée Fox and David G. Morgan-Owen, eds. Framing the First World War: Knowledge, Learning, and Military Thought. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)


Gordon, Robert J.. 2024. That Special Relationship: Dolores Gray, Mary Martin, and Elaine Stritch on the Postwar London Stage. In: Robert J. Gordon and Olaf Jubin, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Global Stage Musical. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 371-402. ISBN 9780190909734 [Book Section]

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Karantonis, Pamela. 2024. A Bran Nue Dae? Decolonising the Musical Theatre Curriculum. In: Robert J. Gordon and Olaf Jubin, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Global Stage Musical. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 863-892. ISBN 9780190909734 [Book Section]

Martin, James. 2024. Expressivity in Rhetoric. In: Daniel Gutzmann and Katharina Turgay, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Expressivity in Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Natarajan, Uttara. 2024. Styling the Other: Hazlitt's 'The Indian Jugglers'. In: Charlotte Grant and Alistair Robinson, eds. Cultures of London: Legacies of Migration. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 41-47. ISBN 9781350242036 [Book Section]

Natarajan, Uttara. 2024. The Urban Familiar Essay of the Romantic Era. In: Denise Gigante and Jason Childs, eds. The Cambridge History of the British Essay. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 275-288. ISBN 9781316516508 [Book Section]

Sagar, Ilona. 2024. The Radio Ballads. In: Layla Gatens; Elizabeth Graham and Amal Khalaf, eds. Radio Ballads: Songs for Change. London: Serpentine Civic Projects. [Book Section]

Shannon, Richard. 2024. Paving the Way: Cameron Mackintosh and the Development and Impact of the Global Musical. In: Robert J. Gordon and Olaf Jubin, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Global Stage Musical. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 217-244. ISBN 9780190909734 [Book Section]


Beswick, Katie. 2024. Specific Places/Global Spaces: Arrival — Neoliberal Placemaking in East London’s Royal Docks. In: Victoria Hunter and Cathy Turner, eds. The Routledge Companion to Site-Specific Performance. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 15-28. ISBN 9781032254104 [Book Section]

Higgins, Kathryn Claire and Banet-Weiser, Sarah. 2024. The Post-Truth of Rape. In: Jayson Harsin, ed. Re-thinking Mediations of Post-truth Politics and Trust: Globality, Culture, Affect. New York: Routledge, pp. 43-60. ISBN 9781032484198 [Book Section]

Morley, David G.. 2024. Constituting the Techno-Normal: The Practices of Everyday Media Consumption. In: Annette Hill and Peter Lunt, eds. The Routledge Companion to Media Audiences. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 24-35. ISBN 9781032214665 [Book Section]

Wark, Scott. 2024. Platformisation and Personalisation: The Making of "Contingent" Online Audiences. In: Annette Hill and Peter Lunt, eds. The Routledge Companion to Media Audiences. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 137-149. ISBN 9781032214665 [Book Section]

Yau, Carmen. 2024. A Memoir of a Disabled Advocate in Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. In: Stephen Hallett; Anna Lawson; Zhen Ni and Alex Pearl, eds. Emerging Voices: Grassroots Disability Research in East Asia. York: White Rose University Press. [Book Section] (In Press)

Yau, Carmen. 2024. The Trajectory & Landscape of Disability Research in Hong Kong. In: Stephen Hallett; Anna Lawson; Zhen Ni and Alex Pearl, eds. Emerging Voices: Grassroots Disability Research in East Asia. UK: White Rose University Press. [Book Section] (In Press)

Yesil, Bilge and Bulut, Ergin. 2024. Post-truth in Turkey: Political Economy of Media and Articulations of Gender, Ethnicity and Nationalism. In: Jayson Harsin, ed. Re-thinking Mediations of Post-truth Politics and Trust: Globality, Culture, Affect. New York: Routledge, pp. 180-195. ISBN 9781032484198 [Book Section]


Franchini, Livia. 2024. 'The Dragoon Affair'. In: Kirsten Irving and Jon Stone, eds. Ten Poets Get to the Bottom of Some Grisly Crimes. London: Sidekick Books, pp. 22-29. ISBN 9781909560352 [Book Section]

Hoque, Aminul. 2024. Educating Muslim children: Developing a culturally responsive pedagogy. In: Karamat Iqbal and Tahir Abbas, eds. Ethnicity, Religion, and Muslim Education in a Changing World: Navigating Contemporary Perspectives on Multicultural Schooling in the UK. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 117-135. ISBN 9781032364834 [Book Section]

Krause, Frank. 2024. Sinnliche Neigung und geistige Bindung. Zur Komposition von Richard Dehmels Weib und Welt (1896). In: Nikolas Immer and Julia Ilgner, eds. Richard-Dehmel-Handbuch. Berlin: De Gruyter. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Morosetti, Tiziana. 2024. Appropriating the Victorian Past in African-American Theatre. In: Kene Igweonu, ed. Routledge Handbook of African Theatre and Performance. London-New York: Routledge, pp. 365-377. ISBN 9781032008400 [Book Section]

Wald, Erica. 2024. Pigsticking: the ‘Noble’ Indian Boar and Colonial Constructions of Elite Masculinity. In: Kate Imy; Teresa Segura-Garcia; Elena Valdameri and Erica Wald, eds. Bodies Beyond Binaries in Colonial and Postcolonial Asia. Leiden: Leiden University Press, pp. 245-262. ISBN 9789087284558 [Book Section]


Cortes-Romero, Nuria. 2024. Los legados de grandes eventos de ocio como instrumentos de fomento y desarrollo de ciudades anfitrionas magnéticas y atractivas. In: María Jesús Monteagudo Sánchez, ed. Ciudades para vivir. Habitar y Transitar. Madrid: Catarata, pp. 235-254. ISBN 9788413529431 [Book Section]

Kennedy-McCracken, Caroline. 2024. The Critical Song of Serge Gainsbourg. In: Olivier Julien and Olivier Bourderionnet, eds. Serge Gainsbourg: An International Perspective. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 55-62. ISBN 9781501365669 [Book Section]

McQuillan, Daniel; Arvidsson, Matilda and Gandorfer, Daniela. 2024. New Digital Technologies, Law, and a Non-Fascist Life? On Global Governance, Digital Networks, and the Molecular Unconscious. In: Fleur Johns; Gavin Sullivan and Dimitri Van Den Meerssche, eds. Global Governance by Data: Infrastructures of Algorithmic Rule. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Phan, Thao and Wark, Scott. 2024. Race, by Proxy. In: Fleur Johns; Gavin Sullivan and Dimitri Van Den Meerssche, eds. Global Governance by Data: Infrastructures of Algorithmic Rule. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)


Finburgh Delijani, Clare. 2024. « Élargir le cercle » Le Public théâtral au XVIe siècle et aujourd’hui. In: Tiphaine Karsenti; Olivier Neveux and Christophe Triau, eds. Éloge du désordre : Pour Christian Biet. Paris: Classiques Garnier, pp. 45-64. ISBN 240615808X [Book Section]

Kivotidis, Dimitrios. 2024. Retrogression disguised as ‘Innovation’: The case of the ‘Executive State’ in Greece. In: Natalia Kohtamäki; Enrico Peuker and Natascha Zaun, eds. Innovative Public Governance in Times of Crisis. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 65-85. ISBN 9783756018246 [Book Section]

Little, Ben and Winch, Alison. 2024. A Conjunctural Cultural Studies Approach to the Millennial. In: Helen Kingstone and Jennie Bristow, eds. Studying Generations: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 85-104. ISBN 9781529223491 [Book Section]

Najafi, A. and Gregory, Alice M.. 2024. Ch.13. Sleep and Other Systems. In: Clete Kushida and Laura Weiss Roberts, eds. Textbook of Sleep and Circadian Medicine. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. [Book Section] (In Press)

Najafi, A. and Gregory, Alice M.. 2024. Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Special Populations and Situations. In: Clete Kushida and Laura Weiss Roberts, eds. Textbook of Sleep and Circadian Medicine. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. [Book Section] (In Press)


Garrelfs, Iris. 2024. Scores for Listening #8: How does one blade of grass sound. In: Stephanie Loveless, ed. A Year of Deep Listening: 365 Text Scores for Pauline Oliveros. Newark: Terra Nova Press. ISBN 9781949597349 [Book Section]

Krause, Frank. 2024. Spätexpressionismus. In: Maren Lickhardt and Robert Krause, eds. Handbuch Weimarer Republik. Literatur und Kultur. Stuttgart: J B Metzler Verlag, pp. 79-87. ISBN 9783476059505 [Book Section]

Pentaris, Panagiotis and Petricola, Mattia. 2024. Speculative fiction and thanatological imagination: challenging the ethics of technological aliveness and (im)mortality. In: Nina Lykke; Tara Mehrabi and Marietta Radomska, eds. Routledge Handbook of Queer Death Studies. Abingdon: Routledge. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Smith, Richard W. P.. 2024. West Indian Soldiers and the Mediated, Imagined Landscapes of the First World War. In: Mandy Link and Matthew M. Stith, eds. New Perspectives on the First World War: Beyond No Man's Land. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 39-54. ISBN 9783031493249 [Book Section]

Spencer, Andrew and Popova, Gergana. 2024. Morphology and Syntax in Competition: The Place of Inflectional Periphrasis. In: Adam Ledgeway; Edith Aldridge; Anne Breitbarth; Katalin Kiss É.; Joseph Salmons and Alexandra Simonenko, eds. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 9781119898016 [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Tubridy, Derval. 2024. Thomas Kinsella and the Visual Arts. In: Adrienne Leavey, ed. Where Love and Imagination Colour the Dark: Essays on Thomas Kinsella. Winston-Salem, NC: Wake Forest University Press. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)


Ahmad, Fauzia. 2024. Between Invisibility and Hypervisibility: Reflections on being ‘Permanently Precarious’ as a British Muslim Woman within the Ivory Towers of academia. In: Arif Mahmud and Maisha Islam, eds. Uncovering Islamophobia in Higher Education: Supporting the Success of Muslim Students and Staff. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 143-160. ISBN 9783031652523 [Book Section]

Daniels, Glenda and Douglas, Omega. 2024. It’s Rife: The Online Bullying of Women Journalists in Africa: What Is to Be Done? In: Bruce Mutsvairo and Kristin Skare Orgeret, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Digital Journalism. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 143-159. ISBN 9783031593789 [Book Section]

Drever, John L.. 2024. Aural Diverse Spatial Perception: From Paracusis to Panacusis Loci. In: Emma-Kate Matthews; Jane Burry and Mark Burry, eds. The Routledge Companion to the Sound of Space. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 164-179. ISBN 9781032388540 [Book Section]

Faramelli, Anthony and Miguel, Marlon. 2024. Institutional Psychotherapy from Saint-Alban to La Borde by Jean Oury, translated by Anthony Faramelli and Marlon Miguel. In: Marlon Miguel and Elena Vogman, eds. Psychotherapy and Materialism: Essays by François Tosquelles and Jean Oury. Berlin: ICI Press, pp. 89-119. ISBN 9783965580824 [Book Section]

Garland, Ruth. 2024. The Social Media Feeds of Loose Women: Taking the Temperature of Popular Feminism. In: Barbara Mitra; Sharon Young and Mehreen Mirza, eds. Gender in the Digital Sphere: Representation, Engagement and Expression. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 9781538155684 [Book Section]

Goddard, M N. 2024. “This Is Radio Clash”: First-Generation Punk as Radical Media Ecology and Communicational Noise. In: George McKay and Gina Arnold, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Punk Rock. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190859565 [Book Section]

Hessayon, Ariel. 2024. The tasks of the translators: social networks and the publication of continental European writings during the English Revolution, 1641–1660. In: Gaby Mahlberg and Thomas Munck, eds. Ideas Across Borders. Translating Visions of Authority and Civil Society in Europe c.1600–1840. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 65-82. ISBN 9781032343679 [Book Section]

Ibreck, Rachel and Weslety, Souhayel. 2024. Border Violence in Africa. In: Obert Bernard Mlambo and Ezra Chitando, eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Violence in Africa. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 119-139. ISBN 9783031407536 [Book Section]

Pierce, Nicole. 2024. Law Reform and Regulated Credit Reporting Systems in Commonwealth Small Island Developing States: A Study of Jamaica. In: Caroline Morris, ed. Making and Changing Law in Small Jurisdictions. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 135-173. ISBN 9783031469428 [Book Section]

Twitchin, Mischa and Gruszczynski, Piotr. 2024. Tragedy and the Gender of Sacrifice: On "The Difference between Poetry and Rhetoric". In: Ramona Mosse and Anna Street, eds. Genre Transgressions: Dialogues on Tragedy and Comedy. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 199-222. ISBN 9780367218300 [Book Section]


Tubridy, Derval. 2024. Disability and Diversity in the Beckettian Body. In: Mark Nixon and Dirk Van Hulle, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Samuel Beckett. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)


McVeigh, Simon. 2024. Concert Life and Programming. In: Julian Onderdonk and Ceri Owen, eds. Vaughan Williams in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 215-223. ISBN 9781108493321 [Book Section]

Odih, Pamela. 2024. Political Economy of Bibby Stockholm. In: Pamela Odih, ed. Spectacular Migration Regulation. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Shain, Farzana. 2024. Addressing the triple challenge of right-wing populism, nationalism and colonial amnesia in and through human rights education. In: Audrey Osler and Beate Goldschmidt-Gjerløw, eds. Nordic Perspectives on Human Rights Education Research and Practice for Social Justice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 241-246. ISBN 9781032375373 [Book Section]

Yee-King, Matthew; De Jonge, Dave; Confalonieri, Roberto; Osman, Nardine; d'Inverno, Mark; Sierra, Carles; Amgoud, Leila and Hazelden, Katina. 2024. The WeCurate Application. In: Nardine Osman, ed. Electronic Institutions: Applications to uHelp, WeCurate and PeerLearn. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 81-96. ISBN 9783319656045 [Book Section]


Kramer, Andreas. 2024. Geographies of Peripheral Modernism: The Case of the Russian Avant-Garde (Khlebnikov, Eisenstein, Tretyakov). In: Katia Pizzi and Roberta Gefter Wondrich, eds. Rethinking Peripheral Modernisms. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 121-139. ISBN 9783031355455 [Book Section]

Matthews, Miranda. 2024. Moving beyond immanence: artist teacher networking and collaborative arts practice. In: Rachel Payne, ed. Professional Learning for Artist Teachers: Pedagogy, Partnerships and Practice in UK Contexts, Edited by Rachel Payne. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 126-140. ISBN 9780335252152 [Book Section]


Hurst, Isobel. 2024. Classical Antiquity. In: Lisa Rodensky, ed. Oxford Bibliographies in Victorian Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199799558 [Book Section]

Ray, Avishek; Raman, Usha; Dattatreyan, E. Gabriel and Webb, Martin. 2024. Introduction: The digital self(ie) and world-making. In: Avishek Ray; E. Gabriel Dattatreyan; Usha Raman; Martin Webb; Neha Gupta; Sai Amulya Komarraju; Anuja Premika; Riad Azam; Farhat Salim and Pranavesh Subramanian, eds. Digital Expressions of the Self(ie): The Social Life of Selfies in India. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781032694788 [Book Section]

Reynolds, Elle. 2024. A selected mapping of some UK alternative pedagogies. In: Elle Reynolds, ed. How to Set up an Art School. London: [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Webb, Martin; Salim, Farhat and Azam, Riad. 2024. Putting the selfie to work: Image making and work/time discipline in the margins of the Indian state. In: Avishek Ray; E. Gabriel Dattatreyan; Usha Raman; Martin Webb; Neha Gupta; Sai Amulya Komarraju; Anuja Premika; Riad Azam; Farhat Salim and Pranavesh Subramanian, eds. Digital Expressions of the Self(ie): The Social Life of Selfies in India. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 50-73. ISBN 9781032694788 [Book Section]


Fuller, Matthew and Goffey, Andrew. 2024. Machinic Highs and Pathic Patchworks of Addicted Systems. In: Melanie Sehgal and Alex Wilkie, eds. More-Than-Human Aesthetics: Venturing Beyond the Bifurcation of Nature. Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 153-171. ISBN 9781529227789 [Book Section]

Philippy, David and Vianna Franco, Marco P.. 2024. Ecology and environment in home economics. In: Vitor Eduardo Schincariol, ed. Environment and Ecology in the History of Economic Thought: Reassessing the Legacy of the Classics. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 69-88. ISBN 9781032451091 [Book Section]

Savransky, Martin. 2024. A New Taste for Life? Value Ecologies and the Aesthetics of the Outside. In: Melanie Sehgal and Alex Wilkie, eds. More-than-Human Aesthetics: Venturing Beyond the Bifurcation of Nature. Bristol: Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781529227789 [Book Section]

Sehgal, Melanie and Wilkie, Alex. 2024. Beyond the bifurcation of nature: Tracing more-than-human aesthetics in times of socio-ecological crisis. In: Melanie Sehgal and Alex Wilkie, eds. More-Than-Human Aesthetics: Venturing Beyond the Bifurcation of Nature. Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 1-26. ISBN 9781529227789 [Book Section]

Shinn, Abigail. 2024. Animal/fable. In: Charlotte Scott, ed. Shakespeare/Nature: Contemporary Readings in the Human and Non-human. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 189-204. ISBN 9781350259836 [Book Section]

Shinn, Abigail. 2024. Spenser’s ‘apish crue’: Aping in Prosopopoia or Mother Hubberds Tale. In: Rachel Stenner and Abigail Shinn, eds. Edmund Spenser and Animal Life. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave, pp. 117-138. ISBN 9783031426407 [Book Section]

Weil, Dror and Yoeli-Tlalim, Ronit. 2024. Galen in Premodern Tibet and China: Impressions and Footprints. In: P. N. Singer and Ralph M. Rosen, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Galen. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 658-674. ISBN 9780190913687 [Book Section]

Wilkie, Alex. 2024. To err is more than more-than-human: Patient safety and the aesthetics of a Never Event. In: Melanie Sehgal and Alex Wilkie, eds. More-Than-Human Aesthetics: Venturing Beyond the Bifurcation of Nature. Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 139-152. ISBN 9781529227789 [Book Section]


McAuliffe, Sam. 2024. “A step beside yet upon a ground”: Derrida and Spivak on Practice and Context. In: Kathrin Thiele and Anirban Das, eds. Thinking About Doing: Practice and Theory Across Continents. Oxford University Press India. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Tamari, Tomoko. 2024. Introduction: Human perception and digital information technologies. In: Tomoko Tamari, ed. Human Perception and Digital Information Technologies: Animation, The Body and Affect. Bristol: Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781529226188 [Book Section]

Tamari, Tomoko. 2024. Moving Image and Human Perception: Affect in Hand-drawing Animation and Computer-Generated Imagery. In: Tomoko Tamari, ed. Human Perception and Digital Information Technologies: Animation, the Body, and Affect. Bristol: Bristol University Press. ISBN 9781529226188 [Book Section]

Turner, Lynn. 2024. Lapping it up: an introduction for these erotics of deconstruction. In: Lynn Turner, ed. Erotics of Deconstruction: Auto-Affection After Derrida. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781399539739 [Book Section]

Turner, Lynn. 2024. Sanguine Resistance: dreaming of a future for blood. In: Lynn Turner, ed. Erotics of Deconstruction: Auto-Affection After Derrida. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781399539739 [Book Section]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2024. Philosophical Problems and Stochastic Parrots: Between Aphorism and Algorithm. In: Mischa Twitchin, ed. Wittgenstein and Performance. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 219-233. ISBN 9781538175095 [Book Section]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2024. Wittgenstein and Performance: Introduction. In: Mischa Twitchin, ed. Wittgenstein and Performance. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 1-4. ISBN 9781538175095 [Book Section]

Vráblíková, Lenka. 2024. Bodies in e-motion: Hélène Cixous and Sarah Kofman encountering Rembrandt. In: Lynn Turner, ed. Erotics of Deconstruction: Auto-Affection After Derrida. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781399539739 [Book Section]


Thompson, Naomi; Spacey, Meghan; Baker, Christopher and Cheal, Steve. 2024. It seemed like the “rite” thing to do – choices about religious content in everyday celebrant-led funerals in the UK. In: Terhi Utriainen; Dorothea Lüddeckens and Brenda Mathijssen, eds. Handbook on Contemporary Death Rituals in Europe. Leiden: Brill. [Book Section] (In Press)


Blackman, Lisa. 2024. Hauntological Structures of Communication and Feeling: Making Space for the Non-Rational. In: Bretton Varga, ed. Hauntological Social Studies: More-than-Human Deviances, Imbrications, and Proliferations of Possibility. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. [Book Section] (Forthcoming)

Norton, Barley. 2024. Liệu nghệ thuật hát chèo có nên được bảo vệ như di sản văn hoá phi vật thể? Một số suy tư phản biện về việc phong thánh và tính sáng tạo. [Should Chèo Music Theatre be Safeguarded as Intangible Cultural Heritage? Some Critical Reflections on Canonisation and Creativity]. In: Hằng Thị Vũ and Thu Thị Hoàng, eds. Bảo vệ và phát huy giá trị di sản trình diễn dân gian và nghệ thuật chèo trong xã hội đương đại [Safeguarding and Promoting the Folk Performance and Art of Chèo in Contemporary Society]. Hanoi: Nhà Xuất Bản Văn Hoá Dân Tộc, pp. 28-45. ISBN 9786047041275 [Book Section]

Rogers, Holly. 2024. “The Shock of Time”: Hauntological Echoes of La Folia in Max Richter’s Woolf Works. In: Delphine Vincent and Holly Rogers, eds. Max Richter: History, Memory, Nostalgia. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, pp. 181-196. ISBN 978-2-503-61185-3 [Book Section]

Vráblíková, Lenka and Kubelová, Lenka. 2024. Gardening Ecofeminisms. Sympozium jako živná půda [Gardening Ecofeminisms: Symposium as a culture medium]. In: Kateřina Vídenová and Amálie Bulandrová, eds. Kafkárna / Dům a Zahrada [Kafkárna /House and Garden]. Prague: UMPRUM, pp. 289-295. [Book Section]


Doussan, Jenny. 2024. Attestation 3. In: Sarah Wilson; Michaël La Chance; Jenny Doussan; Carrie Pilto and Boris Groys, eds. Une œuvre d’art face au tribunal: sur Pornopolitique de Piotr Pavlenski. Paris: Au Diable Vauvert, pp. 51-65. ISBN 9791030706680 [Book Section]

Kozbelt, Aaron; Drake, Jennifer E. and Chamberlain, Rebecca. 2024. Expertise in drawing. In: A. M Williams; Aaron Kozbelt; Franzis Preckel and R. R Hoffman, eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, 3rd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Book Section] (In Press)

White, Niamh; Dobson, Amy; Coffey, Julia; Gill, Rosalind; Kanai, Akane and Hawker, Kiah. 2024. Young bodies, images, and social media. In: Johanna Wyn; Helen Cahill and Hernan Cuervo, eds. Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. Singapore: Springer. ISBN 9789814451963 [Book Section]


Yau, Carmen and Siu, David. 2024. Decolonizing the “Well-being ” Concept & Social Work Practice through the Lens of Buddhism. In: Carmen Yau, ed. The Routledge International Handbook of Global Social Work. Abingdon: Routledge. [Book Section] (In Press)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 01:31:18 2025 BST.