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Number of items: 423.


Abrams, Dominic; Rutland, Adam; Ferrell, Jennifer M. and Pelletier, Joseph. 2008. Children's judgments of disloyal and immoral peer behavior: subjective group dynamics in minimal intergroup contexts. Child Development, 79(2), pp. 444-461. ISSN 0009-3920 [Article]

Adkins, Lisa. 2008. From Retroactivation to Futurity: The End of the Sexual Contract? Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 16(3), pp. 182-201. [Article]

Adkins, Lisa. 2008. Social Capital Put to the Test. Sociology Compass, 2(4), pp. 1209-1227. [Article]

Adkins, Lisa and Jokinen, Eeva. 2008. Gender, Living and Labour in the Fourth Shift. Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 16(3), pp. 138-149. [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 2008. The Happiness Turn. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics, 63, pp. 7-14. ISSN 0950-2378 [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 2008. Multiculturalism and the Promise of Happiness. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics, 63, pp. 121-137. ISSN 0950 [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 2008. Open Forum Imaginary Prohibitions: Some Preliminary Remarks on the Founding Gestures of the `New Materialism'. European Journal of Women's Studies, 15(1), pp. 23-39. ISSN 1350-5068 [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 2008. The Politics of Good Feeling. Australasian Journal of Critical Race and Whiteness Studies, 4(1), [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 2008. Sociable Happiness. Emotion, Space and Society, 1, pp. 10-13. ISSN 1755-4586 [Article]

Allan, Kevin and Gabbert, Fiona. 2008. I still think it was a banana: Memorable lies and forgettable truths. Acta Psychologica, 127(2), pp. 299-308. ISSN 0001-6918 [Article]

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Allen, Rory. 2008. Clairvoyance in cats: or eight good reasons to publish before writing up your thesis. Psychology Postgraduate Affairs Group(69), pp. 42-44. [Article]

Angeli, Adriana; Davidoff, Jules B. and Valentine, Tim. 2008. Face familiarity, distinctiveness, and categorical perception. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61(5), pp. 690-707. ISSN 1747-0218 [Article]

Anim-Addo, Joan. 2008. Daughter and his housekeeper. Edinburgh Review, 123, pp. 65-71. [Article]

Anim-Addo, Joan. 2008. Her Own Woman – Opal Palmer Adisa, Daughter and his Housekeeper. Edinburgh Review(128), pp. 65-71. ISSN 0267-6672 [Article]

Anim-Addo, Joan and Back, Les. 2008. British Literature in British Universities – A Twenty-first Century Reality? English Subject Centre Newsletter(15), pp. 10-14. [Article]

Atkinson, Dennis. 2008. Pedagogy against the state. International Journal Of Art & Design Education, pp. 226-240. ISSN 14768062 [Article]

Aucouturier, Jean-Julien and Pachet, François. 2008. A scale-free distribution of false positives for a large class of audio similarity measures. Pattern Recognition, 41(1), pp. 272-284. ISSN 0031-3203 [Article]

Awan, Nishat. 2008. Words and objects in transposing desire and making space. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 12, pp. 263-268. ISSN 1359-1355 [Article]


Back, Les. 2008. Sociologists Talking. Sociological Research Online, 13(6), [Article]

Back, Les. 2008. An ordinary virtue. New Jewish Thought, [Article]

Baker, Christopher and Miles-Watson, Jonathan. 2008. Exploring Secular Spiritual Capital: An Engagement in Religious and Secular Dialogue for a Common Future? International Journal of Public Theology, 2(4), pp. 442-464. ISSN 1872-5171 [Article]

Banissy, Michael J. and Ward, Jamie. 2008. On being moved: From mirror neurons to empathy. Child And Adolescent Mental Health, 13(1), pp. 50-51. [Article]

Batcup, Dawn. 2008. Evidence for the Effectiveness of DMT. e-motion, XVIII(1), p. 15. [Article]

Bell, Vikki. 2008. The Burden of Sensation and the Ethics of Form: Watching "Capturing the Friedmans". Theory, Culture and Society, 25(3), pp. 89-101. [Article]

Bell, Vikki. 2008. From Performativity to Ecology: On Judith Butler and Matters of Survival. Subjectivity, 25, pp. 395-412. ISSN 1755-6341 [Article]

Bengry, Justin. 2008. Wolfenden50: Sex/Life/Politics In The British World 1945-1969, King's College London, 28-30 July 2007. History Workshop Journal, 65(1), pp. 286-288. ISSN 1363-3554 [Article]

Benson, Michaela and Carter, Denise. 2008. Nothing in Return? Distinctions between Gift and Commodity in Contemporary Societies. Anthropology in Action, 15(3), pp. 1-7. ISSN 0967201X [Article]

Bernard, Claudia A. and Gupta, A.. 2008. Black African Children and the Child Protection System. The British Journal of Social Work, 38(3), pp. 476-792. ISSN 1468263X [Article]

Besson, Jean. 2008. Review of The language of dress: resistance and accommodation in Jamaica, 1760-1890 by Steeve O. Buckridge. New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, 80(3-4), pp. 265-267. ISSN 1382-2373 [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep; Watanabe, Katsumi; Shimojo, Shinsuke; Haenggi, Peter; Yulmetyeva, Dinara G.; Khusaenova, E. V. and Yulmetyev, Renat M.. 2008. Dynamic effects and information quantifiers of statistical memory of MEG's signals at photosensitive epilepsy. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 6(1), pp. 189-206. ISSN 1551-0018 [Article]

Blackman, Lisa. 2008. Affect, Relationality and the 'Problem of Personality'. Theory, Culture & Society, 25(1), pp. 23-47. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Blackman, Lisa. 2008. Is Happiness Contagious? New Formations, 63, pp. 15-32. ISSN 0950-2378 [Article]

Blackwell, Tim and Bratton, Daniel. 2008. Examination of Particle Tails. Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications, 2008, pp. 1-10. ISSN 1687-6229 [Article]

Boldrini, Lucia and Mussgnug, Florian. 2008. Guest Editors' Introduction. Comparative Critical Studies, 5(2-3), pp. 115-124. ISSN 1744-1854 [Article]

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Bond, Frank W.; Flaxman, Paul and Bunce, David. 2008. The influence of psychological flexibility on work redesign: Mediated moderation of a work reorganization intervention. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(3), pp. 645-654. ISSN 0021-9010 [Article]

Bratton, Daniel and Blackwell, Tim. 2008. A Simplified Recombinant PSO. Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications, 2008, pp. 1-10. ISSN 1687-6229 [Article]

Bremner, Andrew J.; Holmes, N. P. and Spence, C. 2008. Infants lost in (peripersonal) space? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12(8), pp. 298-305. [Article]

Bremner, Andrew J.; Mareschal, D.; Lloyd-Fox, S. and Spence, C. 2008. Spatial localization of touch in the first year of life: Early influence of a visual spatial code and the development of remapping across changes in limb position. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 137(1), pp. 149-162. [Article]

Bremner, Andrew J. and Spence, C. 2008. Unimodal experience constrains while multisensory experiences enrich cognitive construction. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 31, pp. 335-336. [Article]

Brody, D C; Gustavsson, A C T and Hughston, L P. 2008. Symplectic Approach to Quantum Constraints. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41(47), 475301. ISSN 1751-8113 [Article]

Brody, D C; Hughston, L P and Macrina, A. 2008. Dam Rain and Cumulative Gain. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 464(2095), pp. 1801-1822. ISSN 1364-5021 [Article]

Brody, D C; Hughston, L P and Macrina, A. 2008. Information-Based Asset Pricing. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 11(1), pp. 107-142. ISSN 0219-0249 [Article]

Buckley, Bernadette. 2008. `China Design Now'. Theory, Culture & Society, 25(7-8), pp. 341-352. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Butt, Gavin. 2008. Hoyle's Humility. Dance Theatre Journal, 23(1), pp. 30-34. ISSN 02649160 [Article]


Campbell, Jim. 2008. Stakeholders' views of legal and advice services for people admitted to psychiatric hospital. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 30(3), pp. 219-232. ISSN 0964-9069 [Article]

Campbell, Jim. 2008. Stakeholders’ views of legal and advice services for people admitted to psychiatric hospital. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 30(3), pp. 219-232. ISSN 0964-9069 [Article]

Caplan, Pat. 2008. Between socialism and neo-liberalism: Mafia Island, Tanzania, 1965-2004. Review of African Political Economy, 34(114), pp. 679-694. ISSN 0305-6244 [Article]

Caplan, Pat. 2008. Crossing the veg/non-veg divide: practising commensality among middle class women in Chennai. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 31(1), pp. 118-142. ISSN 0085-6401 [Article]

Cappelletti, Marinella; Jansari, Ashok S.; Kopelman, Michael and Butterworth, Brian. 2008. A case of selective impairment of encyclopaedic numerical knowledge or 'when December 25th is no longer Christmas day, but "20 + 5" is still 25. Cortex, 44(3), pp. 325-336. ISSN 0010-9452 [Article]

Cardeña, Etzel; Terhune, Devin Blair; Lööf, Angelica and Buratti, Sandra. 2008. Hypnotic Experience is Related to Emotional Contagion. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 57(1), pp. 33-46. ISSN 0020-7144 [Article]

Carlile, Anna. 2008. 'Bitchy girls and silly boys': Gender and exclusion from school. International Journal on School Disaffection, 6(2), pp. 30-36. ISSN 1478-8497 [Article]

Casey, Michael A.; Rhodes, Christophe and Slaney, Malcolm. 2008. Analysis of Minimum Distances in High-Dimensional Musical Spaces. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 16(5), pp. 1015-1028. ISSN 1558-7916 [Article]

Casey, Michael A. and Slaney, M.. 2008. Locality Sensitive Hashing for Large Music Databases. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE, 25(2), pp. 128-131. ISSN 1053-5888 [Article]

Casey, Michael A.; Veltkamp, R.; Goto, M.; Leman, M.; Rhodes, Christophe and Slaney, M.. 2008. Content-Based Music Information Retrieval: Current Directions and Future Challenges. Proceedings of the IEEE, 96(4), pp. 668-696. ISSN 0018-9219 [Article]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2008. Envisioning Inversion. Parallax, 14(2), pp. 1-6. ISSN 1353-4645 [Article]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2008. Viewed from Behind: The Projected Image and its Doppelgänger. Parallax, 14(2), pp. 115-125. ISSN 1353-4645 [Article]

Cassidy, Rebecca. 2008. Dolly mixtures: the remaking of genealogy – By Sarah Franklin. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 14(1), pp. 227-228. [Article]

Cella, Matteo; Cooper, Andrew; Dymond, Simon and Reed, Phil. 2008. The relationship between dysphoria and proneness to hallucination and delusions among young adults. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 49(6), pp. 544-550. ISSN 0010440X [Article]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas; Ahmetoglu, Gorkan and Furnham, Adrian. 2008. Little more than personality: Dispositional determinants of test anxiety (the Big Five, core self-evaluations, and self-assessed intelligence). Learning and Individual Differences, 18(2), pp. 258-263. ISSN 10416080 [Article]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas and Arteche, Adriane. 2008. Intellectual competence and academic performance: Preliminary validation of a model. Intelligence, 36(6), pp. 564-573. ISSN 01602896 [Article]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas and Furnham, Adrian. 2008. Personality, intelligence and approaches to learning as predictors of academic performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(7), pp. 1596-1603. ISSN 01918869 [Article]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas; Furnham, Adrian; Christopher, Andrew; Garwood, Jeanette and Martin, G. Neil. 2008. Birds of a feather: Students’ preferences for lecturers’ personalities as predicted by their own personality and learning approaches. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(4), pp. 965-976. ISSN 01918869 [Article]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas and Reichenbacher, Lisa. 2008. Effects of personality and threat of evaluation on divergent and convergent thinking. Journal of Research in Personality, 42(4), pp. 1095-1101. ISSN 00926566 [Article]

Charlton, Rebecca A; Landau, S; Schiavone, F; Barrick, T R; Clark, C A; Markus, H S and Morris, R G. 2008. A structural equation modeling investigation of age-related variance in executive function and DTI measured white matter damage. Neurobiology of aging, 29(10), pp. 1547-55. ISSN 1558-1497 [Article]

Chilver, John and Slotawa, Florian. 2008. Contingency and the Paradox of Composition: Florian Slotawa. Art Papers, 32(5), pp. 32-37. ISSN 1524-9581 [Article]

Clements, Paul. 2008. ‘Public art: radical, functional or democratic methodologies?’. Journal of Visual Arts Practice, 7(1), pp. 19-35. ISSN 1470-2029 [Article]

Cogo, Alessia. 2008. English as a Lingua Franca: form follows function. English Today, 24(3), pp. 58-61. ISSN 0266-0784 [Article]

Cohen, Josh. 2008. Review of M. Jay and T. Brennan (eds.), Vision in Context. Textual Practice, 12(2), pp. 349-421. ISSN 0950-236X [Article]

Cohen, Josh. 2008. The Strangeness in the Strangeness. Static, 7, ISSN 1754-5374 [Article]

Coleman, Rebecca. 2008. The Becoming of Bodies: Girls, media effects, and body image. Feminist Media Studies, 8(2), pp. 163-179. ISSN 1468-0777 [Article]

Coleman, Rebecca. 2008. A Method of Intuition: Becoming, Relationality, Ethics. History of the Human Sciences, 21(4), pp. 104-123. ISSN 0952-6951 [Article]

Coleman, Rebecca. 2008. `Things That Stay' Feminist theory, duration and the future. Time and Society, 17(1), pp. 85-102. ISSN 0961-463X [Article]

Cooper, Andrew and Gomez, Rapson. 2008. The development of a short form of the sensitivity to punishment and sensitivity to reward questionnaire. Journal of Individual Differences, 29(2), pp. 90-104. ISSN 1614-0001 [Article]

Cooper, Andrew; Gomez, Rapson and Buck, Emily. 2008. The relationships between the BIS and BAS, anger and responses to anger. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(2), pp. 403-413. ISSN 01918869 [Article]

Cooper, Andrew; Smillie, Luke D. and Jackson, Chris J.. 2008. A trait conceptualization of reward-reactivity. Journal of Individual Differences, 29(3), pp. 168-180. ISSN 1614-0001 [Article]

Couldry, Nick. 2008. Mediatization or Mediation? Alternative Understandings of the Emergent Space of Digital Storytelling. New Media & Society, 10(3), pp. 373-392. ISSN 1461-4448 [Article]

Couldry, Nick. 2008. Reality TV, or the Secret Theatre of Neoliberalism. Review of Education Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, 30(1), pp. 3-13. ISSN 1071-4413 [Article]

Couldry, Nick and Markham, T.. 2008. Troubled Closeness or Satisfied Distance? Researching Media Consumption and Public Connection. Media, Culture & Society, 30(1), pp. 5-22. ISSN 0163-4437 [Article]

Cowie, Dorothy; Braddick, Oliver and Atkinson, Janette. 2008. Visual control of action in step descent. Experimental Brain Research, 186(2), pp. 343-348. ISSN 0014-4819 [Article]

Crane, Laura and Goddard, Lorna. 2008. Episodic and semantic autobiographical memory in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38(3), pp. 498-506. ISSN 15733432 [Article]

Cribb, A.; Wainwright, S.; Williams, C.; Farsides, B. and Michael, Mike. 2008. Towards the applied: the construction of ethical positions in stem cell translational research. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 11(3), pp. 351-361. ISSN 1386-7423 [Article]

Cubitt, Sean. 2008. Virtual Dialectics and Technological Aesthetics. Cultural Politics, 4(2), pp. 133-154. ISSN 1743-2197 [Article]

Cuch, Laura. 2008. 24 Hour People: Japan 2007. Street Signs, 2008(Autumn), p. 28. ISSN 2043-0124 [Article]

Cuch, Laura. 2008. The Best Place in The World. London Independent Photography(11), pp. 14-15. ISSN 1746-4153 [Article]

Cuch, Laura. 2008. A poetics of the material. London Independent Photography(10), pp. 34-35. ISSN 1746-4153 [Article]

Custance, Deborah M. and Palmer, Robyn. 2008. A counterbalanced version of Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure reveals secure-base effects in dog-human relationships. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 109(2-4), pp. 306-319. ISSN 0168-1591 [Article]


Darling, Stephen; Valentine, Tim and Memon, Amina. 2008. Selection of lineup foils in operational contexts. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22(2), pp. 159-169. ISSN 08884080 [Article]

Davidoff, Jules B.; Fonteneau, Elisabeth and Fagot, J.. 2008. Local and global processing. Observations from a remote culture. Cognition, 108(3), pp. 702-709. ISSN 00100277 [Article]

Davidoff, Jules B.; Fonteneau, Elisabeth and Goldstein, Julie. 2008. Cultural Differences in Perception: Observations from a Remote Culture. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 8(3), pp. 189-209. ISSN 15677095 [Article]

Davies, Martin F.. 2008. Irrational beliefs and unconditional self-acceptance. II. Experimental evidence linking two key features of REBT. Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 26(2), pp. 89-101. ISSN 0894-9085 [Article]

Davies, Martin F.. 2008. Irrational beliefs and unconditional self-acceptance. III. The relative importance of different types of irrational belief. Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy, 26(2), pp. 102-118. ISSN 0894-9085 [Article]

Davis, O. S. P.; Kovas, Yulia; Harlaar, Nicole; Busfield, P.; McMillan, A.; Frances, J.; Petrill, Stephen A.; Dale, Philip S. and Plomin, Robert. 2008. Generalist genes and the Internet generation: etiology of learning abilities by web testing at age 10. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 7(4), pp. 455-462. ISSN 16011848 [Article]

Day, Abby. 2008. Wilfully Disempowered: A Gendered Response to a 'Fallen World'. European Journal of Women's Studies, 15(3), pp. 261-276. ISSN 1350-5068 [Article]

De Brito, Stephane A.; Mechelli, Andrea; Wilke, Marko; Laurens, Kristin R.; Jones, Alice P.; Barker, Gareth J.; Hodgins, Sheilagh and Viding, Essi. 2008. Size matters: Increased grey matter in boys with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits. Brain, 132(4), pp. 843-852. ISSN 0006-8950 [Article]

De Fockert, J. W. and Marchant, Alexander. 2008. Attention modulates set representation by statistical properties. Perception & Psychophysics, 70(5), pp. 789-794. ISSN 0031-5117 [Article]

De Genova, Nicholas. 2008. “American” Abjection “Chicanos,” Gangs, and Mexican/Migrant Transnationality in Chicago. Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies, 33(2), pp. 141-174. ISSN 0005-2604 [Article]

De Nicola, Bruno. 2008. Book review of George Lane, Daily Life in the Mongol Empire. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71(1), pp. 139-141. ISSN 0041-977X [Article]

DePalma, Renee and Teague, Laura. 2008. A democratic community of practice: unpicking all those words. Educational Action Research, 16(4), pp. 441-456. ISSN 0965-0792 [Article]

Deville, Joseph. 2008. Shopping with each other: Liminal Exchanges on the Northcote Road. Socioloy Working Papers, pp. 1-14. [Article]

Dinham, Adam and Lowndes, Vivien. 2008. Religion, Resources and Representation: three narratives of engagement in British urban governance. Urban Affairs Review, 43(6), pp. 817-845. ISSN 1078-0874 [Article]

Donner, Henrike. 2008. New Vegetarianism: Food, Gender and Neo-Liberal Regimes in Bengali Middle-Class Families. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 31(1), pp. 143-169. ISSN 0085-6401 [Article]

Downie, Alan (J. A.). 2008. Periodicals, the Book Trade, and the 'Bourgeois Public Sphere'. Media History, 14(3), pp. 261-274. ISSN 1368-8804 [Article]

Drever, John L.. 2008. Review: Barry Blesser and Linda-Ruth Salter, Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?: Experiencing Aural Architecture. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 28(3), pp. 301-303. ISSN 0272-4944 [Article]

Dryden, Windy and David, Daniel. 2008. Rational emotive behaviour therapy: Current Status. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 22(3), pp. 195-209. ISSN 0889-8391 [Article]

Dryden, Windy; Hurton, Nicola; Malki, Debbie; Manias, Payanota and Williams, Katie. 2008. Patients’ Initial Doubts, Reservations and Objections to the ABC’s of REBT and their Application. Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 26(2), pp. 63-88. ISSN 0894-9085 [Article]

Dunwoodie, Peter. 2008. Untimely Rewriting: Memory and Self-Censorship in Camus' "Le Premier Homme". Primerjalna knjizevnost Ljubljana, 31(1), pp. 271-281. ISSN 0351-1189 [Article]

Dutton, Michael. 2008. Building a Gift of Politics. Communication, Politics & Culture, 41(1), pp. 78-98. [Article]


Edginton, Trudi; Dawkins, Lynne; Bradon, L; Nikolla, D; Herbert, C and Jansari, Ashok S.. 2008. An investigation of the effects of nicotine on executive processes using a virtual reality environment. Brain Impairment, 9(2), p. 207. ISSN 1443-9646 [Article]

Edginton, Trudi; Jansari, Ashok S. and Zacharia, H. 2008. The functional dissociations between immediate and delayed emotional memory processing following right temporal lobe damage. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 14(2), p. 88. ISSN 1355-6177 [Article]

Edwards, Claire and Imrie, Rob. 2008. Disability and the Implications of the Well being Agenda: Some Reflections from the United Kingdom. Journal of Social Policy, 37(3), pp. 337-355. ISSN 0047-2794 [Article]

Eley, Thalia C.; Gregory, Alice M.; Lau, Jennifer Y. F.; McGuffin, Peter; Napolitano, Maria; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V. and Clark, David M.. 2008. In the face of uncertainty: a twin study of ambiguous information, anxiety and depression in children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36(1), pp. 55-65. ISSN 0091-0627 [Article]

Evans, Elizabeth. 2008. Supply and Demand: Women Candidates and the Liberal Democrats. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 4(10), pp. 590-606. ISSN 1369-1481 [Article]

Exarchos, Dimitris and Stamos, Yannis. 2008. Iannis Xenakis’s Writing and Outside-Time Musical Structures. 4th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology, [Article]


Fagan, Adam and Ostojic, Mladen. 2008. The UE and Civil Society in Serbia: Governance Rather than Politics. Balkanologie, 11(1-2), ISSN 1965-0582 [Article]

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Fairtlough, Anna. 2008. Growing up with a lesbian or gay parent: young people's perspectives. Health and Social Care in the Community, 16(5), pp. 521-528. [Article]

Fenton, Natalie. 2008. Mediating Hope: New Media, Politics and Resistance. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 11(2), pp. 230-248. ISSN 1367-8779 [Article]

Fenton, Natalie. 2008. Mediating Solidarity. Global Media and Communication, 4(1), pp. 37-57. ISSN 1742-7665 [Article]

Finburgh, Clare. 2008. Women in Howard Barker’s Theatre: Object or Subject? Études britanniques contemporaines, 35, pp. 127-139. ISSN 1168-4917 [Article]

Fisher, Andrew. 2008. Beyond Barthes: Rethinking the Phenomenology of Photography. Radical Philosophy(148), ISSN 0300 211X [Article]

Fletcher, Joan. 2008. Epiphany Storytelling as a means of reinforcing and embedding transformational therapeutic change. European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy, 3, pp. 30-37. [Article]

Forbes, Erika E.; Bertocci, Michele A.; Gregory, Alice M.; Ryan, Neal D.; Axelson, David A.; Birmaher, Boris and Dahl, Ronald E.. 2008. Objective Sleep in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders and Major Depressive Disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 47, pp. 148-155. [Article]

Forbes, Erika E.; Bertocci, Michele A.; Gregory, Alice M.; Ryan, Neal D.; Axelson, David A.; Birmaher, Boris and Dahl, Ronald E.. 2008. Objective sleep in pediatric anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 47(2), pp. 148-155. ISSN 08908567 [Article]

Franklin, M. I.. 2008. “What If? Confessions of a Sceptical Activist”. Making Communications Research Matter: Essay Forum in Social Science Perspectives, ?-?. [Article]

Fraser, Mariam and Puwar, Nirmal. 2008. Introduction: Intimacy in Research. History of the Human Sciences, 21(4), pp. 1-16. ISSN 1461720X [Article]

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French, Christopher C.; Santomauro, Julia; Hamilton, Victoria; Fox, Rachel and Thalbourne, Michael A.. 2008. Psychological aspects of the alien contact experience. Cortex, 44(10), pp. 1387-1395. ISSN 00109452 [Article]

Fuggle, Sophie. 2008. Discourses of Subversion: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Capoeira and Parkour. Dance Research, 26(2), pp. 204-222. ISSN 0264-2875 [Article]

Furse, Anna F. D.. 2008. Committed to the Other: The Ethics of Puppetry. Puppet Notebook, 13, pp. 20-21. ISSN 1745-1086 [Article]


Gabbert, Fiona; Hope, Lorraine and Fisher, Ronald P.. 2008. Protecting Eyewitness Evidence: Examining the Efficacy of a Self-Administered Interview Tool. Law and Human Behavior, 33, pp. 298-307. ISSN 0147-7307 [Article]

Garagnani, M.; Wennekers, T. and Pulvermüller, F.. 2008. A neuroanatomically grounded Hebbian-learning model of attention–language interactions in the human brain. European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(2), pp. 492-513. ISSN 0953-816X [Article]

García Düttmann, Alexander. 2008. Adorno's amerikanischer Traum. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, [Article]

García Düttmann, Alexander. 2008. Der Schein [Semblance]. Inaesthetik, pp. 149-157. [Article]

García Düttmann, Alexander. 2008. Making Poverty Visible: three theses. Parrhesia: a journal of critical philosophy(4), pp. 1-10. [Article]

Garfield, Rachel. 2008. Zineb Sedira - Biography. New Media Encyclopedia, [Article]

Gill, Rosalind. 2008. Culture and Subjectivity in Neoliberal and postfeminist times. Subjectivity, 25(1), pp. 432-445. ISSN 1755-6341 [Article]

Gill, Rosalind. 2008. Empowerment/sexism: Figuring female sexual agency in contemporary advertising. Feminism & Psychology, 18(1), pp. 35-60. ISSN 0959-3535 [Article]

Gill, Rosalind and Pratt, Andy. 2008. In the Social Factory?: Immaterial Labour, Precariousness and Cultural Work. Theory, Culture & Society, 25(7-8), pp. 1-30. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Gillies, Marco; Pan, Xueni; Slater, Mel and Shawe-Taylor, John. 2008. Responsive Listening Behavior. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 19(5), pp. 579-589. ISSN 1546-4261 [Article]

Gilroy, Andrea. 2008. Taking a Long Look at Art: Reflections on the Production and Consumption of Art in Art Therapy and Allied Organisational Settings. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 27(3), pp. 251-263. ISSN 14768062 [Article]

Grant, Catherine. 2008. Interview with Hal Foster. Immediations, 2(1), [Article]

Greco, Monica. 2008. On the art of life: a vitalist reading of medical humanities. The Sociological Review, 56(s2), pp. 23-45. [Article]

Green, Roger and Curran, Bonnie. 2008. Experiencing Youth Poverty: A Case Study. Youth and Policy, 100, pp. 129-138. ISSN 0262-9798 [Article]

Gregg, Aiden P.; Hart, Claire M.; Sedikides, Constantine and Kumashiro, Madoka. 2008. Everyday conceptions of modesty: a prototype analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34(7), pp. 978-992. ISSN 0146-1672 [Article]

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Gregory, Alice M.. 2008. Finding gene-environment interactions for anxiety. Psychiatry, 7, pp. 525-528. [Article]

Gregory, Alice M.. 2008. A genetic decomposition of the association between parasomnias and dyssomnias in 8 year old twins. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 162, pp. 299-304. [Article]

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Skeggs, Bev and Wood, Helen. 2008. The Labour of Transformation and Circuits of Value ‘around’ Reality Television. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 22(4), pp. 559-572. ISSN 1030-4312 [Article]

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Wright, Chris. 2008. “A Devil's Engine”: Photography and Spirits in the Western Solomon Islands. Visual Anthropology, 21(4), pp. 364-380. ISSN 0894-9468 [Article]

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