Items of Type Book Section

Number of items: 165.
Ascher, Ivan; Hardin, Carolyn; Klein, Steven; Montgomerie, Johnna and Rosamond, Emily.
Finance and the Financialization of Capitalism.
In: Albena Azmanova and James Chamberlain, eds.
Capitalism, Democracy, Socialism: Critical Debates.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 71-97.
ISBN 9783031084065
[Book Section]
Asquith, Daisy.
Queerama: Re-imagining Queer Pasts and Futures.
In: Joanna Zylinska, ed.
The Future of Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 177-194.
ISBN 9781913380144
[Book Section]
Blackman, Lisa.
Future-Faking, Post-Truth and Affective Media.
In: Joanna Zylinkska, ed.
The Future of Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 59-78.
ISBN 9781913380144
[Book Section]
Blackman, Lisa.
The Re-Making of Sexual Kinds: Queer Subjects and the Limits of Representation.
In: Róisín Ryan-Flood and Alison Rook, eds.
Queering Methodology: Lessons and Dilemmas from Lesbian Lives.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 8-21.
ISBN 9781032298726
[Book Section]
Blackman, Lisa.
What kind of body does our current society demand?
In: M Emgreen and I Dragset, eds.
Useless Bodies?
Milan, Italy: Fondazione Prada.
ISBN 9788887029802
[Book Section]
Bonadio, Enrico; Dinev, Plamen and McDonagh, Luke.
Can Artificial Intelligence Infringe Copyright? Some Reflections.
In: Ryan Abbott, ed.
Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 245-258.
ISBN 9781800881891
[Book Section]
Bonham, Jennifer and Jungnickel, Kat.
Cycling and Gender: Past, Present and Paths Ahead.
In: Glen Norcliffe; Una Brogan; Peter Cox; Boyang Gao; Tony Hadland; Sheila Hanlon; Tim Jones; Nicholas Oddy and Luis Vivanco, eds.
Routledge Companion to Cycling.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 24-32.
ISBN 9780367683993
[Book Section]
Bourne, Clea D..
Our Platformised Future.
In: Joanna Zylinska, ed.
The Future of Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 99-110.
ISBN 9781913380144
[Book Section]
Braverman, Danny.
"This Island's Mine": University Teaching as Inclusive Dramaturgy.
In: Abby Day; Lois Lee; David S. P. Thomas and James Spickard, eds.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization: Practical Tools for Improving Teaching, Research and Scholarship.
Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 64-80.
ISBN 9781529216646
[Book Section]
Brody, D C; Hughston, L P and Yang, X.
On the Pricing of Storable Commodities.
In: Dorje C Brody; L P Hughston and A Macrina, eds.
Financial Informatics: An Information-Based Approach to Asset Pricing.
Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company.
ISBN 9789811246487
[Book Section]
Brondino, Gabriel and Lazzarini, Andres.
Economists and COVID-19: The Case of Argentina.
In: Andres Lazzarini and Denis Melnik, eds.
Economists and COVID-19: Ideas, Theories and Policies During the Pandemic.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 135-155.
ISBN 9783031058103
[Book Section]
Burton, James.
The Animal That Laughs at Itself: False False Alarms about the End of 'Man'.
In: Christoph F.E. Holzhey and Arnd Wedemeyer, eds.
Errans: Going Astray, Being Adrift, Coming to Nothing.
Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, pp. 49-74.
ISBN 9783965580350
[Book Section]
Burton, James.
Astronoetic Voyaging: Speculation, Media and Futurity.
In: Joanna Zylinska, ed.
The Future of Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 333-351.
ISBN 9781913380144
[Book Section]
Burton, James.
Manimism and the Primary Error.
In: Anselm Franke; Elisa Giuliano; Denise Ryner; Claire Tancons and Zairong Xiang, eds.
Ceremony (Burial of an Undead World).
Leipzig: Spector Books / Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), pp. 35-45.
ISBN 9783959056946
[Book Section]
Campbell, Kirsten.
On Violence as a Feminist Problem.
In: Zilka Spahić Šiljak; Jasna Kovačević and Jasmina Husanović, eds.
Uprkos strahu i tišini: univerziteti protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja.
Sarajevo: University of Sarajevo/TPO Foundation, pp. 31-40.
ISBN 9789958600845
[Book Section]
Campbell, Kirsten and Mlinarević, Gorana.
A Feminist Critique of Approaches to International Criminal Justice in the Age of Identity Politics: A Case Study of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Prosecutions Before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.
In: Indira Rosenthal; Valerie Oosterveld and Susana SáCouto, eds.
Gender and International Criminal Law.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 75-98.
ISBN 9780198871583
[Book Section]
Cefai, Sarah.
Exit Wounds of Feminist Theory.
In: Joanna Zylinska, ed.
The Future of Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 157-174.
ISBN 9781913380144
[Book Section]
Cefai, Sarah.
Feminist Aesthetics of Resistance.
In: Todd W. Reeser, ed.
The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 227-236.
ISBN 9780367492014
[Book Section]
Chamberlain, Rebecca.
The interplay of objective and subjective factors in empirical aesthetics.
In: Bogdan Ionescu; Wilma A. Bainbridge and Naila Murray, eds.
Human Perception of Visual Information: Psychological and Computational Perspectives.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 115-132.
ISBN 9783030814649
[Book Section]
Chung, Yu-Chiao and Macleroy, Vicky.
How Weird is Weird? Young people, activist citizenship and multivoiced digital stories.
In: Vally Lytra; Cristina Ros i Sole; Jim Anderson and Vicky Macleroy, eds.
Liberating Language Education.
Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 255-276.
ISBN 9781788927932
[Book Section]
Clériga Morales, Deyanira and McGuirk, Siobhán.
Creating and Contesting Knowledges at the Museo Migrante.
In: Dorota Golańska; Aleksandra M Różalska and Suzanne Clisby, eds.
Investigating Cultures of Equality.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 42-59.
ISBN 9781032138183
[Book Section]
Cogo, Alessia.
From global English to Global Englishes: questioning current approaches to ELT materials.
In: Julie Norton and Heather Buchanan, eds.
Routledge Handbook of Materials Development for Language Teaching.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 93-108.
ISBN 9780815382577
[Book Section]
Coleman, Victoria; Scott, Adrian J.; Gavin, Jeff and Rajakaruna, Nikki.
Crossing a Line? Understandings of the Relative Seriousness of Online and Offline Intrusive Behaviours Among Young Adults.
In: Anastasia Powell; Asher Flynn and Lisa Sugiura, eds.
The Palgrave Handbook of Gendered Violence and Technology.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 229-257.
ISBN 9783030837334
[Book Section]
Colin, Anna.
Éducation, art, démocratie, communauté.
In: Hélène Meisel, ed.
L'Art d'apprendre. Une école des créateurs.
Metz: Éditions du Centre Pompidou-Metz.
ISBN 9782359830651
[Book Section]
Crawford, Tim.
Luise Gottsched: Lute-playing heroine of her Age.
In: Andreas Schlegel, ed.
... in der verlorene Paradies: Festschrift in memoriam Annette Otterstedt.
Menziken, Switzerland: The Lute Corner, pp. 224-279.
ISBN 9783952323243
[Book Section]
Curran, James P..
An End to Futility: A Modest Proposal.
In: Joanna Zylinska, ed.
The Future of the Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 45-56.
ISBN 9781913380144
[Book Section]
Curran-Troop, Hannah; Gill, Rosalind and Littler, Jo.
“Stay Woke. Make Moves” Branding for a Feminist Future Amidst Pandemic Precarity.
In: Joel Gwynne, ed.
The Cultural Politics of Femvertising: Selling Empowerment.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-162.
[Book Section]
Day, Sophie E.; Smith, Jayne and Ward, Helen.
The Gardener and the Walled Garden.
In: Celia Lury; William Viney and Scott Wark, eds.
Figure: Concept and Method.
Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 149-172.
ISBN 9789811924750
[Book Section]
Dencik, Lina.
The datafied welfare state: a perspective from the UK.
In: Andreas Hepp; Juliane Jarke and Leif Kramp, eds.
New Perspectives in Critical Data Studies The Ambivalences of Data Power.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave, pp. 145-165.
ISBN 9783030961800
[Book Section]
Doussan, Jenny.
In: Pyotr Pavlensky, ed.
Pornopolitics and Other Precedents.
London: MOTHER, pp. 86-89.
ISBN 9791041502981
[Book Section]
Dymock, Alex.
Queering psychedelic erotics: Encounters with the inhuman and nonhuman.
In: Alex Belser; Clancy Cavnar and Beatriz C. Labate, eds.
Queering Psychedelics: From Oppression to Liberation in Psychedelic Medicine.
Santa Fe, New Mexico: Synergetic Press.
ISBN 9781957869032
[Book Section]
Fenton, Natalie and Freedman, Des (D. J.).
Media Reform and the Politics of Hope.
In: Joanna Zylinska, ed.
The Future of Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 25-41.
ISBN 9781913380144
[Book Section]
Fleetwood, Jennifer and Sandberg, Sveinung.
Narrative Criminology and Ethnography.
In: Sandra M. Bucerius; Kevin D. Haggerty and Luca Berardi, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 246-268.
ISBN 9780190904500
[Book Section]
Goddard, M N.
Noise Annoys, Noise Is the Future: Noise in Communication and Cybernetic Theories and Popular Music Practices.
In: Mark Delaere, ed.
Noise as a Constructive Element in Music: Theoretical and Music-Analytical Perspectives.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 19-34.
ISBN 9781032200392
[Book Section]
Harbison, Isobel.
In: Charles Asprey, ed.
A.B. Real Life.
London: Charles Asprey, pp. 34-39.
ISBN 9781399924894
[Book Section]
Harbison, Isobel.
Preserving Citizenry: Derry Film and Video Collective and the quest(ion) for institutions.
In: Bridget Crone and Bassam El Baroni, eds.
The Edinbugh Companion to Curatorial Futures.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
[Book Section]
Harbison, Isobel.
Whose time is it anyway?
In: Christina Kennedy, ed.
The Narrow Gate of the Here-and-Now - IMMA: 30 Years of the Global Contemporary.
Dublin: Irish Museum of Modern Art, pp. 22-30.
ISBN 9781909792272
[Book Section]
Heathcote, Gina; Koduthore, Elisabeth and Labenski, Sheri.
Teaching feminist peace through encounters with female violence.
In: Sarah Smith and Keina Yoshida, eds.
Feminist Conversations on Peace.
Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 181-193.
ISBN 9781529222050
[Book Section]
Khiabany, Gholam.
The Future and the ‘Poetry of the Past’.
In: Joanna Zylinska, ed.
The Future of Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 7-22.
ISBN 9781913380144
[Book Section]
Lai, Gorm and Khosmood, Foaad.
What is a Game Jam?
In: Allan Fowler and Foaad Khosmood, eds.
Game Jams – History, Technology, and Organisation.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 9783031151866
[Book Section]
Law, Agnes.
Sing your way home: Designing a creative group intervention in the women’s prison as a Dance Movement Therapist in Singapore.
In: Caroline Frizell and Marina Rova, eds.
Creative Bodies in Therapy, Performance and Community: Research and Practice that Brings us Home.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 143-151.
ISBN 9781032119809
[Book Section]
Lazzarini, Andres and Melnik, Denis.
In: Andres Lazzarini and Denis Melnik, eds.
Economists and COVID-19: Ideas, Theories and Policies During the Pandemic.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-8.
ISBN 9783031058103
[Book Section]
Lee, Haeeun and Orgs, Guido.
Experiencing art in social settings.
In: Martin Skov and Marcos Nadal, eds.
The Routledge International Handbook of Neuroaesthetics.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 448-460.
ISBN 9781003008675
[Book Section]
Lury, Celia; Viney, William and Wark, Scott.
Introduction: Figure, Figuring and Configuration.
In: Celia Lury; William Viney and Scott Wark, eds.
Figure: Concept and Method.
Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 9789811924750
[Book Section]
Lytra, Vally.
Making sense of the internal diversities of Greek schools abroad: Exploring the purposeful use of translation as communicative resource for language learning and identity construction.
In: Vally Lytra; Cristina Ros i Sole; Jim Anderson and Vicky Macleroy, eds.
Liberating Language Education.
Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 72-90.
ISBN 9781788927932
[Book Section]
Lytra, Vally; Ros i Sole, Cristina; Anderson, Jim and Macleroy, Vicky.
'Conclusion: Language Education Collages'.
In: Vally Lytra; Cristina Ros i Sole; Jim Anderson and Vicky Macleroy, eds.
Liberating Language Education.
Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 321-330.
ISBN 9781788927932
[Book Section]
Lytra, Vally; Ros i Sole, Cristina; Anderson, Jim and Macleroy, Vicky.
Introduction: Why Liberating Language Education?
In: Vally Lytra; Cristina Ros i Sole; Jim Anderson and Vicky Macleroy, eds.
Liberating Language Education.
Bristol: Multilingual Matters, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 9781788927932
[Book Section]
MacDonald, Richard.
The Smart City and the Extraction of Hope.
In: Joanna Zylinska, ed.
The Future of Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 297-312.
ISBN 9781913380144
[Book Section]
Macleroy, Vicky.
In: Richard Charlesworth; Deborah Friedland and Helen Jones, eds.
Children's Literature in Action.
London: Centre for Language, Culture and Learning, Goldsmiths, University of London, pp. 391-395.
ISBN 9781913694067
[Book Section]
Macleroy, Vicky.
Siblings’ Multilingual Discourse.
In: Anat Stavans and Ulrike Jessner-Schmid, eds.
The Cambridge Handbook of Childhood Multilingualism.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 325-352.
ISBN 9781108669771
[Book Section]
Madani, Adnan.
The Frame as Borderland: Islam, Allegory and the DIstance from Here.
In: Saira Ansari, ed.
Bani Abidi: The Artist Who.
Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag, pp. 134-149.
ISBN 9783775752886
[Book Section]
Madianou, Mirca.
Technological Futures as Colonial Debris: ‘Tech-for-Good’ as Technocolonialism.
In: Joanna Zylinska, ed.
The Future of Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 281-294.
ISBN 9781913380144
[Book Section]
Malik, Suhail.
In: Ilan Manouach and Anna Englehardt, eds.
Chimeras: Inventory of Synthetic Cognition.
Athens: Onassis Foundation, pp. 181-184.
ISBN 9786188536180
[Book Section]
Martin, James.
Marx's Rhetoric.
In: Dilip Gaonkar and Keith Topper, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Rhetoric and Political Theory.
New York: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780190220945
[Book Section]
Matsumoto, Naomi.
Notice sur l'établissement de la musique.
In: Marie-Claude Canova-Green and Suzanne Jones, eds.
Raymond Poisson: Théâtre complet.
Paris: Classique Garnier, pp. 53-60.
ISBN 9782406125198
[Book Section]
Matthews, Miranda.
Preface/ Introduction for the new edition of Foreday Morning by Paul Dash.
In: Eric Huntley, ed.
Foreday Morning.
Frigate Bird.
[Book Section]
McAuliffe, Sam.
The Changeability of the World: Utopia and Critique.
In: Kathrin Thiele; Birgit M. Kaiser and Timothy O’Leary, eds.
The Ends of Critique: Methods, Institutions, Politics.
Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 57-75.
ISBN 9781786616470
[Book Section]
McAuliffe, Sam.
Utopian Realism.
In: Peter Marks; Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor and Fátima Vieira, eds.
The Palgrave Handbook of Utopian and Dystopian Literatures.
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 219-230.
ISBN 9783030886547
[Book Section]
Mehta, Akanksha.
Pre-Existing Conditions: Feminisms, Empire, Futures.
In: , ed.
Disgrace: Feminism & The Political Right.
London: Arcadia Missa Publications, pp. 24-45.
ISBN 9781838284039
[Book Section]
Millman, L.S. Merritt; Richardson, Daniel C. and Orgs, Guido.
Continuous and collective measures of real-time audience engagement.
In: Matthew Reason; Lynne Conner; Katya Johanson and Ben Walmsley, eds.
Routledge Companion to Audiences and the Performing Arts.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 293-307.
ISBN 9780367470753
[Book Section]
Millora, Chris.
Making a difference: Addressing imbalances and inequalities in research on volunteering.
In: Michael Locke and Jurgen Grotz, eds.
Volunteering, research and the test of experience: A critical celebration for the 25th anniversary of the Institute for Volunteering Research.
Norwich: Institute for Volunteering Research & UEA Publishing Project, pp. 171-176.
ISBN 9781913861940
[Book Section]
Moreno, Louis.
Always Crashing in the Same City: Immobilien, Psychisches Kapital und Planetares Begehren.
In: Joerg Franzbecker; Naomi Hennig and Florian Wüst, eds.
X Properties. Berliner Hefte zu Geschichte und Gegenwart der Stadt 11.
Berlin: nGbK (neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst), pp. 77-103.
ISBN 9783946674108
[Book Section]
Moreno, Louis.
Internal Empire : The Neoclassical Architecture of Racial Capitalism.
In: Kelly M. Rich; Nicola M. Rizzuto and Susan Zieger, eds.
The Aesthetic Life of Infrastructure: Race, Affect, Environment.
Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, pp. 43-59.
ISBN 9780810145504
[Book Section]
Mozzachiodi, Roberto.
The End of Philosophy.
In: Beverley Skeggs; Sara R. Farris; Alberto Toscano and Svenja Bromberg, eds.
The SAGE Handbook of Marxism.
London: SAGE Publications, pp. 920-939.
ISBN 9781473974234
[Book Section]
Musgrave, George.
‘Losing Work, Losing Purpose’: Representations of Musicians’ Mental Health in the Time of Covid-19.
In: Guy Morrow; Daniel Nordgård and Peter Tschmuck, eds.
Rethinking the Music Business: Music Contexts, Rights, Data and, COVID-19.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 11-28.
ISBN 9783031095313
[Book Section]
Myrogiannis, Stratos and Repapis, Constantinos.
Introduction to the volume Economics and Art Theory.
In: Stratos Myrogiannis and Constantinos Repapis, eds.
Economics and Art Theory.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-14.
ISBN 9780367615383
[Book Section]
Mörtenböck, Peter and Mooshammer, Helge.
Platform Urbanism.
In: Bianca Anna Böckle; Celina Martinez-Cañavate and Peter A. Staub, eds.
Beyond the Biennale.
Zurich: Triest Verlag, pp. 128-135.
ISBN 9783038630678
[Book Section]
Müllensiefen, Daniel and Frieler, Klaus.
Statistical Methods in Music Corpus Studies: Application, Use Cases, and Best Practice Examples.
In: Daniel Shanahan; John Ashley Burgoyne and Ian Quinn, eds.
The Oxford Handbook of Music and Corpus Studies.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780190945442
[Book Section]
Ng, Julia.
無人之徑: 本雅明、無為和資本主義批判 [Chinese translation of No One’s Way: Benjamin, wu wei, and the critique of capitalism]. Trans. He Yuan.
In: Samuel Weber; Sha Li and Yong Zhao, eds.
The Travels of Critical Theory: Between Aesthetics and Society.
Beijing: Peking University Press, pp. 192-206.
ISBN 9787301330326
[Book Section]
Omand, Helen.
Drawing the group: a visual exploration of a therapeutic space online.
In: Usva Seregina and Astrid Van den Bossche, eds.
Art-based Research in the Context of a Global Pandemic.
New York: Routlege.
ISBN 9780367772628
[Book Section]
Omand, Helen.
Protested Space: artworks made in a therapeutic art studio in a time of cuts.
In: Sally Skaife and Jon Martyn, eds.
Art Psychotherapy Groups in the Hostile Environment of Neoliberalism: Collusion or Resistance?
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 145-167.
ISBN 9780367619855
[Book Section]
Popova, Gergana.
English participles in the derivational paradigm.
In: Alba E. Ruz; Cristina Fernández-Alcaina and Cristina Lara-Clarez, eds.
Paradigms in Word Formation.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 319-340.
ISBN 9789027257420
[Book Section]
Popoyan, Lilit and Galanis, Giorgos.
Mind the gap: monetary policy and financial regulations for supporting green finance.
In: L. P. Rochon; S. Kappes and G. Vallet, eds.
Central Banking, Monetary Policy and the Environment.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
ISBN 9781800371941
[Book Section]
Prajapat, Bhavna; Sinclair, Rose and Hardy, Alison.
How do we do race in design and technology?
In: Alison Hardy, ed.
Debates in Design and Technology Education (2nd Edition).
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 45-63.
ISBN 9780367763732
[Book Section]
Redhead, L.
‘Nothing Really Changes’: Material Processes in and as Time in hearmleoþ—gieddunga.
In: Michelle Phillips and Matthew Sergeant, eds.
Music and Time: Psychology, Philosophy, Practice.
Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer.
ISBN 9781783277087
[Book Section]
Repapis, Constantinos.
Fragments, spolia and economic texts.
In: Stratos Myrogiannis and Constantinos Repapis, eds.
Economics and Art Theory.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 128-150.
ISBN 9780367615383
[Book Section]
Repapis, Constantinos.
Ο ΞΕΝΟΣ: ΜΙΑ ΦΟΒΕΡΗ ΦΙΓΟΥΡΑ Ή ΜΙΑ ΣΥΜΠΑΘΗΤΙΚΗ ΕΥΚΑΙΡΙΑ; [Strangers; terrifying figures or sympathetic opportunities?].
In: Panagiotis Pangalos and Stavros Alifragkis, eds.
Athens: Citylab and University of West Attika, pp. 202-220.
ISBN 9786185690014
[Book Section]
Roberdeau, Wood.
Fog (a Delegation for Atmosphere).
In: Benek Cincik and Tiago Torres-Campos, eds.
Postcards from the Anthropocene: Unsettling the Geopolitics of Representation.
Barcelona: dpr-barcelona.
ISBN 9788494938870
[Book Section]
Ros i Sole, Cristina.
The Textures of Language: An auto-ethnography of a gloves collection.
In: Vally Lytra; Cristina Ros i Sole; Jim Anderson and Vicky Macleroy, eds.
Liberating Language Education.
Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
ISBN 9781788927932
[Book Section]
Rosamond, Emily.
Cloud Relationality.
In: Catherine Parayre, ed.
Cloud: Donna Szöke.
St. Catharines, Ontario: Small Walker Press, pp. 40-51.
ISBN 9781990208195
[Book Section]
Saadawi, Ghalya.
Vapid Virtues, Real Stakes: Diagnosis for Left Art Protocols.
In: Bassam El Baroni, ed.
Between the Material and the Possible: Infrastructural Re-examination and Speculation in Art.
Berlin: Sternberg Press and Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst, pp. 71-92.
ISBN 9783956796005
[Book Section]
Savransky, Martin.
Afterword: Speculative Earth.
In: Nina Williams and Thomas Keating, eds.
Speculative Geographies: Ethics, Technologies, Aesthetics.
Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 285-298.
ISBN 9789811906909
[Book Section]
Scott, Adrian J.; Mainwaring, Chelsea; Flynn, Asher; Powell, Anastasia and Henry, Nicola.
The extent and nature of image-based sexual abuse among Australian youths: Perspectives from victims, perpetrators and bystanders.
In: H. Lim, ed.
Interpersonal violence against children and youth.
Washington, DC: Lexington Books, pp. 85-108.
ISBN 9781793614339
[Book Section]
Scott, Richard.
'love version of' [Poem].
In: Mary Jean Chan and Andrew McMillan, eds.
100 Queer Poems.
London: Vintage, p. 31.
ISBN 9781529115321
[Book Section]
Scwalbe, Annette; Curtis, Sue and Greenland, Christina.
Holding Sacred: The Woman's Body in Supervision.
In: Céline Butte and Tasha Colbert, eds.
Embodied Approaches to Supervision: The Listening Body.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 123-145.
ISBN 9780367473341
[Book Section]
Sewell, Alexandra; Davies, Max; Zwarthoed, Jennifer; Baird, Alexandra; Matasovska, Klaudia; Kirk, Max and Sterk, Pippa.
Voice Practices to Support LGBTQIA+ Educators and Pupils.
In: Alexandra Sewell, ed.
Diverse Voices in Education: A Workbook for Promoting Pupil, Parent and Professional Voice.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 150-167.
ISBN 9780367761837
[Book Section]
Strutt, Daniel.
Motion capture and the digital dance aesthetic: Using inertial sensor motion tracking for devising and producing contemporary dance performance.
In: Carla Fernandes; Vito Evola and Cláudia Ribeiro, eds.
Dance Data, Cognition, and Multimodal Communication.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 131-146.
ISBN 9780367617455
[Book Section]
Strutt, Daniel; Schlegel, Andreas; Coghlan, Neal; Debaig, Clemence and Peng, Youhong ‘Friendred’.
New Telematic Technology for the Remote Creation and Performance of Choreographic Work.
In: Joanna Zylinska, ed.
The Future of Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 197-222.
ISBN 9781913380144
[Book Section]
Ting, Sum Pok and Cogo, Alessia.
Repetition and Rephrasing in English as a Lingua Franca Medical Consultations in Hong Kong.
In: M. Gregory Tweedie and Robert C. Johnson, eds.
Perspectives on Medical English as a Lingua Franca.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-26.
ISBN 9781527584808
[Book Section]
Varvia, Christina.
Habeas Corpus Expert Witness!
In: Mette Marie Kallehauge; Lærke Rydal Jørgensen; Kjeld Kjeldsen; Eyal Weizman and Christina Varvia, eds.
Forensic Architecture - Witnesses.
Humlebæk, Denmark: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, pp. 68-85.
ISBN 9788793659551
[Book Section]
Velloso, Luciana and Morais, Isabela Carvalho.
O mercado e suas dinâmicas.
In: Karin Brondino-Pompeo; Isabela Carvalho Morais and Carla Caires Abdalla, eds.
Aspectos Culturais do Consumo: Fundamentos, Fronteiras e Aplicações.
São Paulo: Pimenta Cultural, pp. 193-211.
ISBN 9786559394098
[Book Section]
Venkatachalam, Ragupathy.
Resemblances and Disjunctions: Art, Mathematics and Economic Models.
In: Stratos Myrogiannis and Constantinos Repapis, eds.
Economics and Art Theory.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 103-127.
ISBN 9780367615383
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Viney, William and Day, Sophie E..
Figuring Molecular Relapse in Breast Cancer Medicine.
In: Celia Lury; William Viney and Scott Wark, eds.
Figure: Concept and Method.
Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 127-148.
ISBN 9789811924750
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Vishmidt, Marina and Sutherland, Zoe.
(Un)making Value: Reading Social Reproduction through the Question of Totality.
In: Kevin Floyd; Jen Hedler Phillis and Sarika Chandra, eds.
Totality Inside Out: Rethinking Crisis and Conflict under Capita.
New York: Fordham University Press, pp. 67-90.
ISBN 9780823298198
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Ward, Matt.
The life and death of Critical and Speculative Design; Post-Disciplinarity, Post-Truth, Post-Self and Post-Capital.
In: Claudia Mareis; Moritz Greiner-Petter and Michael Renner, eds.
Critical by Design? Genealogies, Practices, Positions.
Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, pp. 288-305.
ISBN 9783837661040
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Wark, Scott.
In "The Cloud": Figuring and Inhabiting Media Milieus.
In: Celia Lury; William Viney and Scott Wark, eds.
Figure: Concept and Method.
Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 41-63.
ISBN 9789811924750
[Book Section]
Wark, Scott.
In: Timothy Neale; Courtney Addison and Thao Phan, eds.
An Anthropogenic Table of Elements: Experiments in the Fundamental.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 109-120.
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Wilkins, Andrew.
Academisation and the law of ‘attraction’: An ethnographic study of relays, connective strategies and regulated participation.
In: Christy Kulz; Kirsty Morrin and Ruth McGinity, eds.
Inside the English Education Lab: Critical Ethnographic Perspectives on the Academies Experiment.
Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 35-59.
ISBN 9781526145383
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Williamson, Milly.
The Celebrity Selfie: Gender, Race and 'New' Old Ways of Seeing.
In: Joanna Zylinkka, ed.
The Future of Media.
London: Goldsmiths Press, pp. 113-132.
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Wirkierman, Ariel Luis.
Disequilibrium and Instability (Not Equilibrium) as the Normal State of the Industrial Economies: A Methodological Standpoint on Structural Economic Dynamics.
In: Enrico Bellino and Sebastiano Nerozzi, eds.
Pasinetti and the Classical Keynesians: Nine Methodological Issues.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 187-213.
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Wirkierman, Ariel Luis.
Structural Dynamics in the Era of Smart Technologies.
In: Heinz D. Kurz; Marlies Schütz; Rita Strohmaier and Stella S. Zilian, eds.
The Routledge Handbook of Smart Technologies: An Economic and Social Perspective.
Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 269-289.
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Woods, Kathryn and Lees, David.
Supporting Arts and Humanities Student Development and Progression through Integrating Reflection into Personal Tutoring.
In: Dave Lochite; Andrew Stork and Ben W Walker, eds.
The Higher Education Personal Tutor’s and Advisor’s Companion: Translating Theory into Practice to Improve Student Success.
St Albans: Critical Publishing.
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Yee-King, Matthew.
Latent Spaces: A Creative Approach.
In: Craig Vear and Fabrizio Poltronieri, eds.
The Language of Creative AI: Practices, Aesthetics and Structures.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 137-154.
ISBN 9783031109591
[Book Section]