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Abtan, Freida. 2010. The Illusion of Pure Music. Intransitive Web Magazine, [Article]

Abtan, Freida and Turner, Shane. 2010. Steam and Fiction – artist statement. Collaborative Spaces, Vague Terrain Online Journal of Digital Culture(17), [Article]

Addyman, Caspar and Mareschal, Denis. 2010. The perceptual origins of the abstract same/different concept in human infants. Animal Cognition, 13(6), pp. 817-833. ISSN 1435-9448 [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 2010. 'Feminist Killjoys (and Other Willful Subjects)'. Scholar and Feminist Online, [Article]

Ahmed, Sara. 2010. Killing Joy: Feminism and the History of Happiness. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 35(3), pp. 571-592. ISSN 0097-9740 [Article]

Ahmetoglu, Gorkan; Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas and Furnham, Adrian. 2010. Interpersonal Relationship Orientations, Leadership, and Managerial Level: Assessing the practical usefulness of the FIRO-B in organizations. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 18(2), pp. 220-225. ISSN 0965075X [Article]

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Al-Azami, Salman; Kenner, Charmian; Ruby, Mahera and Gregory, Eve E.. 2010. Transliteration as a bridge to learning for bilingual children. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13(6), pp. 683-700. ISSN 1367-0050 [Article]

Alexander, Sally A.. 2010. Desert Island Texts? Sally Alexander on Margaret Drabble's The Garrick Year. Women: A Cultural Review, 21(1), pp. 10-74. ISSN 0957-4042 [Article]

Ali, Farah and Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas. 2010. Investigating Theory of Mind deficits in nonclinical psychopathy and Machiavellianism. Personality and Individual Differences, 49(3), pp. 169-174. ISSN 01918869 [Article]

Ali, Farah and Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas. 2010. The dark side of love and life satisfaction: Associations with intimate relationships, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(2), pp. 228-233. ISSN 01918869 [Article]

Allen, Rory and Heaton, Pam F.. 2010. Autism, music, and the therapeutic potential of music in alexithymia. Music Perception, 27(4), pp. 251-261. ISSN 0730-7829 [Article]

Anderson, Jim. 2010. Community languages, the arts and transformative pedagogy. Race Equality Teaching, 28(3), pp. 16-20. ISSN 1478-8551 [Article]

Appleton, Leo. 2010. LolliPop for learning resources: Information literacy staff training within further education. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 42(3), pp. 191-198. ISSN 0961-0006 [Article]

Archer, Michael. 2010. Moon Turned a Fire Red / Der Mond färbte ein Feuer rot. Parkett(87), pp. 104-115. ISSN 0256-0917 [Article]

Ashe, Jeanette; Campbell, Rosie; Childs, Sarah and Evans, Elizabeth. 2010. Stand by your man: Women’s Political Recruitment at the 2010 General Election’. British Politics, 5(4), pp. 455-480. ISSN 1369-1481 [Article]


Baily, John S.. 2010. Afghan Music in Australia. Migracoes: Journal of the Portuguese Immigration Observatory, 7, pp. 157-176. ISSN 1646-8104 [Article]

Baily, John S.. 2010. Tools of the Trade: The Afghan Rubab. Songlines, 71, pp. 43-46. [Article]

Baily, John S.. 2010. Two Different Worlds: Afghan Music for Afghanistanis and Kharejis. Ethnomusicology Forum, 19(1), pp. 69-88. ISSN 1741-1912 [Article]

Bain, Jennifer. 2010. Integrating student voice: assessment for empowerment. Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 4(1), pp. 14-29. ISSN 1755-1382 [Article]

Bajorek, Jennifer. 2010. Introduction: special section on recent photography theory: the state in visual matters. Theory, Culture & Society, 27(7), pp. 155-160. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Bajorek, Jennifer. 2010. Photography and National Memory: Senegal about 1960. History of Photography, 34(2), pp. 158-169. ISSN 0308-7298 [Article]

Bajorek, Jennifer and Haney, Erin. 2010. Beyond the biennial: Bamako at 15 years. AUTOGRAPH ABP Newspaper, [Article]

Ball, H.A.; Sumathipala, A.; Siribaddana, S.H.; Kovas, Yulia; Glozier, N.; McGuffin, P. and Hotopf, M.. 2010. Aetiology of fatigue in Sri Lanka and its overlap with depression. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 197(2), pp. 106-113. ISSN 0007-1250 [Article]

Ball, Harriet A.; Siribaddana, Sisira H.; Kovas, Yulia; Glozier, Nick; McGuffin, Peter; Sumathipala, Athula and Hotopf, Matthew. 2010. Epidemiology and symptomatology of depression in Sri Lanka: A cross-sectional population-based survey in Colombo District. Journal of Affective Disorders, 123(1-3), pp. 188-196. ISSN 01650327 [Article]

Ball, Harriet A.; Siribaddana, Sisira H.; Sumathipala, Athula; Kovas, Yulia; Glozier, Nick; McGuffin, Peter and Hotopf, Matthew. 2010. Environmental exposures and their genetic or environmental contribution to depression and fatigue: a twin study in Sri Lanka. BMC Psychiatry, 10(1), 13. ISSN 1471-244X [Article]

Banissy, Michael J.; Sauter, Disa Anna; Ward, Jamie; Warren, Jane E.; Walsh, Vincent and Scott, Sophie K.. 2010. Suppressing sensorimotor activity modulates the discrimination of auditory emotions but not speaker identity. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 30(41), pp. 13552-7. ISSN 1529-2401 [Article]

Barber, Ros. 2010. Exploring biographical fictions: the role of imagination in writing and reading narrative. Rethinking History, 14(2), pp. 165-187. ISSN 1364-2529 [Article]

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Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Archer, Simon N. and Gregory, Alice M.. 2010. Diurnal preference and sleep quality: same genes? A study of Young Adult twins. Chronobiology International, 27, pp. 278-296. [Article]

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Barclay, Nicola L.; Eley, Thalia C.; Buysse, Daniel J.; Rijsdijk, Fruhling V. and Gregory, Alice M.. 2010. Genetic and environmental influences on different components of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and their overlap. Sleep, 33, pp. 659-668. [Article]

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Barclay, Nicola L. and Gregory, Alice M.. 2010. The presence of a perseverative iterative style in poor vs. good sleepers. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 41(1), pp. 18-23. ISSN 00057916 [Article]

Barker, Edward D; Oliver, Bonamy R and Maughan, Barbara. 2010. Co-occurring problems of early onset persistent, childhood limited, and adolescent onset conduct problem youth. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51(11), pp. 1217-1226. ISSN 0021-9630 [Article]

Barrick, Thomas R; Charlton, Rebecca A; Clark, Chris A and Markus, Hugh S. 2010. White matter structural decline in normal ageing: a prospective longitudinal study using tract-based spatial statistics. NeuroImage, 51(2), pp. 565-77. ISSN 1053-8119 [Article]

Batey, Mark; Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas and Furnham, Adrian. 2010. Individual Differences in Ideational Behavior: Can the Big Five and Psychometric Intelligence Predict Creativity Scores? Creativity Research Journal, 22(1), pp. 90-97. ISSN 1040-0419 [Article]

Beattie, E K and Corr, P J. 2010. Reinforcement, arousal and temporal factors in procedural learning: A test of Eysenck’s and Gray’s personality theories. Journal of Individual Differences, 31(4), pp. 167-177. ISSN 1614-0001 [Article]

Beer, D. and Burrows, Roger. 2010. Consumption, Prosumption and Participatory Web Cultures: An introduction. Journal of Consumer Culture, 10(1), pp. 3-12. ISSN 1469-5405 [Article]

Bell, Vikki. 2010. New Scenes of Vulnerability, Agency and Plurality: An Interview with Judith Butler. Theory, Culture & Society, 27(1), pp. 130-152. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Bell, Vikki. 2010. On Fernando's Photograph: The Biopolitics of Aparicion in Contemporary Argentina. Theory, Culture & Society, 27(4), pp. 69-89. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Bengry, Justin. 2010. Peacock Revolution: Mainstreaming queer styles in post-war Britain, 1945-1967. Socialist History, 36, pp. 55-68. ISSN 0969-4331 [Article]

Bengry, Justin. 2010. Review of Before Wilde: Sex between Men in Britain's Age of Reform by Charles Upchurch. History: Reviews of New Books, 38(4), pp. 136-137. ISSN 0361-2759 [Article]

Benzecry, Claudio and Krause, Monika. 2010. How Do they Know? Practicing Knowledge in Comparative Perspective. Qualitative Sociology, 33(4), pp. 415-422. ISSN 0162-0436 [Article]

Bernard, M. E.; Froh, J. J.; DiGiuseppe, R.; Joyce, M. R. and Dryden, Windy. 2010. Albert Ellis: Unsung hero of positive psychology. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 5(4), pp. 302-310. [Article]

Berry, Chris. 2010. What is transnational cinema? Thinking from the Chinese situation. Transnational Cinemas, 1(2), pp. 111-127. ISSN 20403526 [Article]

Berry, Katherine; Blackburn, Clare and Cohen, Keren. 2010. Factors correlated with client attachment to mental health services. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 198(8), pp. 572-575. ISSN 0022-3018 [Article]

Besson, Jean. 2010. Review of Down town ladies: informal commercial importers, a Haitian anthropologist, and self-making in Jamaica by Gina A. Ulysse. New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, 84(3-4), pp. 315-318. ISSN 1382-2373 [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2010. Seeing red: Colour modulation and photosensitive epilepsy. Epilepsy Professional(18), pp. 26-29. [Article]

Bhattacharya, Joydeep and Pereda, Ernesto. 2010. An index of signal mode complexity based on orthogonal transformation. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 29(1-2), pp. 13-22. [Article]

Bishop, Mark (J. M.). 2010. The Imitation Game. Special Issue on the Turing Test, Kybernetes, 39(3), [Article]

Blackman, Lisa. 2010. Bodily Integrity. Body & Society, 16(3), pp. 1-9. ISSN 1357-034X [Article]

Blackman, Lisa. 2010. Embodying Affect: Voice-hearing, Telepathy, Suggestion and Modelling the Non-conscious. Body & Society, 16(1), pp. 163-192. ISSN 1357-034X [Article]

Blackman, Lisa and Venn, Couze. 2010. Affect. Body & Society, 16(1), pp. 7-28. ISSN 1357-034X [Article]

Blamires, Alcuin. 2010. 'May in January's Tree: Genealogical Space in The Merchant's Tale'. Chaucer Review, 45(1), pp. 106-117. ISSN 0009-2002 [Article]

Boldrini, Lucia. 2010. Comparative literature and translation, historical breaks and continuing debates: Can the past teach us something about the future? diacrítica. Dossier Literatura Comparada,, 24(3), pp. 181-199. ISSN 0808-8967 [Article]

Boulton, Michael J.; Smith, Peter K. and Cowie, Helen. 2010. Short-Term Longitudinal Relationships Between Children's Peer Victimization/Bullying Experiences and Self-Perceptions Evidence for Reciprocity. School Psychology International, 31(3), pp. 296-311. [Article]

Bratko, Denis; Butkovic, Ana and Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas. 2010. The genetics of general knowledge: A twin study from Croatia. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(4), pp. 403-407. ISSN 01918869 [Article]

Brkić, Aleksandar. 2010. Teaching Arts Management: Where Did We Lose the Core Ideas? The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 38(4), pp. 270-280. ISSN 1063-2921 [Article]

Brody, D C; Gustavsson, A C T and Hughston, L P. 2010. Nonlinearity and Constrained Quantum Motion. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43(8), 082003. ISSN 1751-8113 [Article]

Brody, D C; Hughston, L P and Parry, M F. 2010. Effects of Quantum Entanglement in Phase Transitions. Physics Letters A, 374(24), pp. 2424-2428. ISSN 0375-9601 [Article]

Buckley, Bernadette. 2010. Forum: Art and Politics. Postcolonial Studies, 13(2), pp. 121-131. ISSN 1368-8790 [Article]


Cakici, Baki; Hebing, Kenneth; Grünewald, Maria; Saretok, Paul and Hulth, Anette. 2010. CASE: A Framework for Computer Supported Outbreak Detection. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 10(14), ISSN 1472-6947 [Article]

Calvo-Merino, B; Urgesi, C; Orgs, Guido; Aglioti, S M and Haggard, P. 2010. Extrastriate body area underlies aesthetic evaluation of body stimuli. Experimental Brain Research, 204(3), pp. 447-456. ISSN 0014-4819 [Article]

Campbell, Jim. 2010. Deciding to Detain: The Use of Compulsory Mental Health Law by Social Workers. The British Journal of Social Work, 40(1), pp. 328-334. [Article]

Cannam, Chris; Sandler, Mark; Jewell, Michael O; Rhodes, Christophe and d'Inverno, Mark. 2010. Linked Data and you: Bringing music research software into the Semantic Web. Journal of New Music Research, 39(4), pp. 313-325. ISSN 0929-8215 [Article]

Caparos, Serge and Linnell, Karina J. 2010. The Spatial Focus of Attention Is Controlled at Perceptual and Cognitive Levels. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(5), pp. 1080-1107. ISSN 0096-1523 [Article]

Caplan, Pat. 2010. ‘Child sacrifice in Uganda? The BBC, ‘witch doctors’ and anthropologists’. Anthropology Today, 26(2), pp. 4-7. ISSN 0268-540X [Article]

Caplan, Pat. 2010. Death on the Farm: culling badgers in North Pembrokeshire. Anthropology Today, 26(2), pp. 14-18. ISSN 0268-540X [Article]

Caplan, Pat. 2010. Something for posterity or hostage to fortune? Archiving anthropological field material. Anthropology Today, 26(4), pp. 13-17. ISSN 0268-540X [Article]

Cappelletti, Marinella; Ling Lee, Hwee; Freemana, Elliot D. and Price, Cathy J.. 2010. The Role of Right and Left Parietal Lobes in the Conceptual Processing of Numbers. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(2), pp. 331-346. ISSN 0898-929X [Article]

Carletta, Jean; Hill, Robin L.; Nicol, Craig; Taylor, Tim; Ruiter, Jan Peter and Bard, Ellen Gurman. 2010. Eyetracking for two-person tasks with manipulation of a virtual world. Behavior Research Methods, 42(1), pp. 254-265. ISSN 1554-351X [Article]

Carpenter, Ele. 2010. Activist Tendencies in Craft. Concept Store #3 Art, Activism and Recuperation., 3, [Article]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2010. The Image of, or in, Sublation. Philosophy of Photography, 1(2), pp. 201-215. ISSN 2040-3682 [Article]

Cassar, Ignaz. 2010. The Open Book of the Humanities. New Formations, 69, pp. 171-174. ISSN 0950-2378 [Article]

Cassidy, Rebecca. 2010. Gambling as exchange: horserace betting in London. International Gambling Studies, 10(2), pp. 139-149. ISSN 1445-9795 [Article]

Cecolin, Alessandra. 2010. Non Solo Sakineh, A morte il re dei Blog. Il Fatto Quotidiano, p. 13. [Article]

Cefai, Sarah. 2010. Up Close and Personal, But Not Close Enough. Cultural Studies Review, 16(1), pp. 273-278. ISSN 1446-8123 [Article]

Cefai, Sarah and Elena, Indelicato Maria. 2010. No Such Thing as Standard Beauty: Intersectionality and Embodied Feeling on America's Next Top Model. Outskirts: Feminisms Along the Edge, 24, ISSN 1445-0445 [Article]

Cella, Matteo; Dymond, Simon and Cooper, Andrew. 2010. Impaired flexible decision-making in Major Depressive Disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 123(1-2), pp. 207-210. ISSN 0165-0327 [Article]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas; Arteche, Adriane; Bremner, Andrew J.; Greven, Corina and Furnham, Adrian. 2010. Soft skills in higher education: importance and improvement ratings as a function of individual differences and academic performance. Educational Psychology, 30(2), pp. 221-241. ISSN 0144-3410 [Article]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas; Burke, Charlotte; Hsu, Anne and Swami, Viren. 2010. Personality predictors of artistic preferences as a function of the emotional valence and perceived complexity of paintings. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 4(4), pp. 196-204. ISSN 1931-3896 [Article]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas; Fagan, Patrick and Furnham, Adrian. 2010. Personality and uses of music as predictors of preferences for music consensually classified as happy, sad, complex, and social. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 4(4), pp. 205-213. ISSN 1931-3896 [Article]

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas; Harlaar, Nicole; Greven, Corina U. and Plomin, Robert. 2010. More than just IQ: A longitudinal examination of self-perceived abilities as predictors of academic performance in a large sample of UK twins. Intelligence, 38(4), pp. 385-392. ISSN 01602896 [Article]

Charlton, Rebecca A; Barrick, T R; Markus, H S and Morris, R G. 2010. The relationship between episodic long-term memory and white matter integrity in normal aging. Neuropsychologia, 48(1), pp. 114-22. ISSN 1873-3514 [Article]

Charlton, Rebecca A; Barrick, Thomas R; Lawes, I Nigel C; Markus, Hugh S and Morris, Robin G. 2010. White matter pathways associated with working memory in normal aging. Cortex, 46(4), pp. 474-89. ISSN 1973-8102 [Article]

Charlton, Rebecca A; Schiavone, F; Barrick, T R; Morris, R G and Markus, H S. 2010. Diffusion tensor imaging detects age related white matter change over a 2 year follow-up which is associated with working memory decline. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 81(1), pp. 13-19. ISSN 0022-3050 [Article]

Cocchini, Gianna; Beschin, Nicoletta; Fotopoulou, Aikaterini and Della Sala, Sergio. 2010. Explicit and implicit anosognosia or upper limb motor impairment. Neuropsychologia, 48(5), pp. 1489-1494. ISSN 0028-3932 [Article]

Cocchini, Gianna; Gregg, Nicola; Beschin, Nicoletta; Dean, Michael and Sala, Sergio Della. 2010. Vata-L: Visual-Analogue Test Assessing Anosognosia for Language Impairment. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 24(8), pp. 1379-1399. ISSN 1385-4046 [Article]

Cochrane, Mary; Petch, Ian and Pickering, Alan. 2010. Do measures of schizotypal personality provide non-clinical analogues of schizophrenic symptomatology? Psychiatry Research, 176(2-3), pp. 150-154. [Article]

Cogo, Alessia. 2010. Strategic use and Perceptions of English as a Lingua Franca. Poznán Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 46(3), pp. 295-312. ISSN 0137-2459 [Article]

Cogo, Alessia and Jenkins, Jennifer. 2010. English as a lingua franca in Europe: A mismatch between policy and practice. European Journal of Language Policy, 2(2), pp. 271-293. ISSN 1757-6822 [Article]

Cohen, Josh. 2010. Reflexive Incomprehension: On Lydia Davis. Textual Practice, 24(3), pp. 501-516. ISSN 0950-236X [Article]

Cole, G. G. and Kuhn, Gustav. 2010. Attentional capture by object appearance and disappearance. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(1), pp. 147-159. [Article]

Cole, G. G. and Kuhn, Gustav. 2010. What the experimenter's prime tells the observer's brain. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 72(5), pp. 1367-1376. [Article]

Cole, G. G. and Kuhn, Gustav. 2010. The role of attention in a masked-prime effect. Perception, 39, p. 81. [Article]

Coleman, Rebecca. 2010. Dieting Temporalities: Interaction, Agency and the Measure of Online Weight Watching. Time & Society, 19(2), pp. 265-285. ISSN 0961-463X [Article]

Coleman, Rebecca. 2010. Past and Future Perfect? Beauty, Affect and Hope. Journal for Cultural Research, 14(4), pp. 357-373. ISSN 1479-7585 [Article]

Collins, Steven; Tharakan, N and O'Brien, C. 2010. Real-time Geometry Aware Motion Planning. Computer Graphics International, [Article]

Coolsen, Michael K.; Kumashiro, Madoka and Quesenberry, Keith A.. 2010. Not just the best years of my life: personal growth in higher education. Journal of International Business Disciplines, 4(2), pp. 1-15. ISSN 1934-1814 [Article]

Cooper, Andrew and Petrides, K. V.. 2010. A psychometric analysis of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire-short form (TEIQue-SF) using item response theory. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92(5), pp. 449-457. ISSN 0022-3891 [Article]

Cooper, Andrew; Smillie, Luke D. and Corr, Philip J.. 2010. A confirmatory factor analysis of the Mini-IPIP five-factor model personality scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(5), pp. 688-691. ISSN 01918869 [Article]

Couldry, Nick. 2010. Television as a Ritual Space. Studies of Broadcasting Culture [Korea], 22(1), pp. 8-29. [Article]

Cowie, Dorothy; Atkinson, Janette and Braddick, Oliver. 2010. Development of visual control in stepping down. Experimental Brain Research, 202(1), pp. 181-188. ISSN 0014-4819 [Article]

Cowie, Dorothy; Limousin, Patricia; Peters, Amy and Day, Brian L.. 2010. Insights into the neural control of locomotion from walking through doorways in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychologia, 48(9), pp. 2750-2757. ISSN 0028-3932 [Article]

Cowie, Dorothy; Smith, Liam and Braddick, Oliver. 2010. The development of locomotor planning for end-state comfort. Perception, 39(5), pp. 661-670. ISSN 0301-0066 [Article]

Crane, Laura; Goddard, Lorna and Pring, Linda. 2010. Brief Report: Self-defining and Everyday Autobiographical Memories in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40(3), pp. 383-391. ISSN 0162-3257 [Article]

Crone, Bridget. 2010. The Image: Disaffect in the theatre of representation. Journal of Visual Arts Practice, 9(2), pp. 123-198. ISSN 1470-2029 [Article]

Cubitt, Sean. 2010. Making Space. Senses Of Cinema(57), [Article]

Cubitt, Sean. 2010. The Sound of Sunlight. Screen, 51(2), pp. 118-128. ISSN 0036-9543 [Article]

Cubitt, Sean; Hassan, Robert and Volkmer, Ingrid. 2010. Postnormal network futures: A rejoinder to Ziauddin Sardar. Futures, 42(6), pp. 617-624. ISSN 0016-3287 [Article]

Curran, James P.. 2010. Democratic Value of Entertainment: A Reappraisal. Media & Jornalismo, 9(2), pp. 69-87. [Article]

Curran, James P.. 2010. The Future of Journalism. Journalism Studies, 11(4), pp. 464-476. ISSN 1461-670X [Article]

Curran, James P.; Coen, Sharon; Aalberg, Toril and Iyengar, Shanto. 2010. Media Systems and the Political Information Environment: A Cross-National Comparison. International Journal of Press/Politics, 15(3), pp. 255-271. ISSN 1940-1612 [Article]

Curran, James P.; Ivengar, Shanto; Brink Lund, Anker; Salovaara-Moring, Inka; Hahn, Kyu S and Coen, Sharon. 2010. Cross-National versus Individual Differences' in Political Information: A Media System Perspective. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 20(3), pp. 291-309. ISSN 1745-7289 [Article]

Curran, James P.; Salovaara-Moring, Inka; Coen, Sharon and Ivengar, Shanto. 2010. Crime, Foreigners and Hard News: A Cross-National Comparison of Reporting and Public Perception. Journalism, 11(1), pp. 1-17. ISSN 1464-8849 [Article]

Custance, Deborah M.; Kendal, Rachel L.; Kendal, Jeremy R.; Vale, Gillian; Stoinski, Tara S.; Rakotomalala, Nirina Lalaina and Rasamimanana, Hantanirina. 2010. Evidence for social learning in wild lemurs (Lemur catta). Learning & Behavior, 38(3), pp. 220-234. ISSN 1543-4494 [Article]


Danicic, Sebastian; Barraclough, Richard; Binkley, David; Harman, Mark; Hierons, Robert; Kiss, Ákos; Laurence, Michael and Ouarbya, Lahcen. 2010. A trajectory-based strict semantics for program slicing. Theoretical Computer Science, 411(11-13), pp. 1372-1386. ISSN 0304-3975 [Article]

Davidoff, Jules B. and Fagot, J.. 2010. Cross-­species Assessment of the Linguistic Origins of Colour Categories. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews, 5, pp. 100-116. ISSN 1911-4745 [Article]

Davidson, Gavin and Campbell, Jim. 2010. An Audit of Assessment and Reporting by Approved Social Workers (ASWs). The British Journal of Social Work, 40(5), pp. 1609-1627. ISSN 1468-0173 [Article]

Davies, Will. 2010. ‘Economics and the “nonsense” of law: the case of the Chicago antitrust revolution’. Economy and Society, 39(1), pp. 64-83. ISSN 0308-5147 [Article]

Davis, Aeron. 2010. New Media and Fat Democracy: The Paradox of Online Participation. New Media & Society, 12(5), pp. 745-761. ISSN 1461-4448 [Article]

Davis, Josh P.; Valentine, Tim and Davis, Robert. 2010. Computer assisted photo-anthropometric analyses of full-face and profile facial images. Forensic Science International, 200(1-3), pp. 165-176. ISSN 0379-0738 [Article]

Day, Abby. 2010. Propositions and Performativity: Relocating Belief to the Social. Culture and Religion, 11(1), pp. 9-30. ISSN 1475-5610 [Article]

Day, Sophie E.. 2010. The re-emergence of ‘trafficking’: sex work between slavery and freedom. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 16(4), pp. 816-834. ISSN 13590987 [Article]

Day, Sophie E. and Goddard, Victoria. 2010. New Beginnings between Public and Private: Arendt and Ethnographies of Activism. Cultural Dynamics, 22(2), pp. 137-154. ISSN 0921-3740 [Article]

De Brito, S. A.; McCrory, E. J.; Mechelli, A.; Wilke, M.; Jones, Alice P.; Hodgins, S. and Viding, E.. 2010. Small, but not perfectly formed: decreased white matter concentration in boys with psychopathic tendencies. Molecular Psychiatry, 16(5), pp. 476-477. ISSN 1476-5578 [Article]

De Fockert, J. W.. 2010. Early top-down attentional modulation in visual processing. Acta Psychologica, 135(2), pp. 112-113. [Article]

De Fockert, J. W.; Mizon, Guy A. and D'Ubaldo, Mariangela. 2010. No negative priming without cognitive control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(6), pp. 1333-1341. ISSN 0096-1523 [Article]

De Genova, Nicholas. 2010. The Queer Politics of Migration: Reflections on 'Illegality' and 'Incorrigibility'. Studies in Social Justice, 4(2), pp. 101-126. ISSN 1911-4788 [Article]

De Genova, Nicholas. 2010. The management of “quality”: class decomposition and racial formation in a Chicago factory. Dialectical Anthropology, 34(2), pp. 249-272. ISSN 0304-4092 [Article]

De Nicola, Bruno. 2010. Book review of Konrad Hirschler, Medieval Arabic Historiography. Authors as Actors. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 37(2), pp. 209-210. ISSN 1353-0194 [Article]

Dewar, Michaela; Della Sala, Sergio; Beschin, Nicoletta and Cowan, Nelson. 2010. Profound retroactive interference in anterograde amnesia: What interferes? Neuropsychology, 24(3), pp. 357-367. ISSN 0894-4105 [Article]

Diwakar, Rekha. 2010. Party Aggregation in India: A State Level Analysis. Party Politics, 16(4), pp. 1-20. [Article]

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Diwakar, Rekha. 2010. 'Voting Behaviour'. ‘The Encyclopedia of Political Science’, pp. 1-6. [Article]

Dixon, Simon; Sandler, Mark; d'Inverno, Mark and Rhodes, Christophe. 2010. Towards a Distributed Research Environment for Music Informatics and Computational Musicology. Journal of New Music Research, 39(4), pp. 291-294. ISSN 0929-8215 [Article]

Docherty, Sophia J.; Davis, O. S. P.; Kovas, Yulia; Meaburn, Emma; Dale, Philip S.; Petrill, Stephen A.; Schalkwyk, Leonard and Plomin, Robert. 2010. A genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci associated with mathematics ability and disability. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 9(2), pp. 234-247. ISSN 1601-1848 [Article]

Docherty, Sophia J.; Kovas, Yulia; Petrill, Stephen A. and Plomin, Robert. 2010. Generalist genes analysis of DNA markers associated with mathematical ability and disability reveals shared influence across ages and abilities. BMC Genetics, 11(1), 61. ISSN 1471-2156 [Article]

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