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Abdlkarim, Diar; Di Luca, Massimiliano; Aves, Poppy; Maaroufi, Mohamed; Yeo, Sang-Hoon; Miall, R. Chris; Holland, Peter and Galea, Joeseph M.. 2024. A methodological framework to assess the accuracy of virtual reality hand-tracking systems: A case study with the Meta Quest 2. Behavior Research Methods, 56(2), pp. 1052-1063. ISSN 1554-3528 [Article]

Aceska, Ana; Doughty, Karolina; Tiryaki, Muhammet Esat; Robinson, Katherine; Tisnikar, Eva and Xu, Fang. 2024. Doing sonic urban ethnography: voices from Shanghai, Berlin and London. Urban Studies, 61(10), pp. 1951-1967. ISSN 0042-0980 [Article]

Agunsoye, Ariane. 2024. Lived experiences of everyday financialization: A layered performativity approach. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 100, 102756. ISSN 1045-2354 [Article]

Agunsoye, Ariane and James, Hayley. 2024. Irrational or Rational? Time to Rethink our Understanding of Financially Responsible Behavior. Economic Geography, 100(2), pp. 191-212. ISSN 0013-0095 [Article]

Agyekum-Hene, Rhysvana; Smith, Peter K.; Turunen, Tiina and Salmivalli, Christina. 2024. The Healthy Context Paradox at a National/Country-Level: Is Victimisation associated with Worse Adjustment in Countries where the Average Level of Victimisation is Lower? International Journal of Bullying Prevention, ISSN 2523-3653 [Article] (In Press)

Allington, Daniel and Hirsh, David. 2024. Statistical associations between antisemitism and higher education: a cross-sectional study of UK-resident adults. Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism, 6(2), ISSN 2472-9914 [Article]

Alston, Adam. 2024. "It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors": Dorian Gray 2.0. Cusp: Late 19th-/Early 20th-Century Cultures, 2(2), pp. 339-346. ISSN 2768-637X [Article]

Amin Choudhury, Arshia; Lecchi, Tanya and Midgley, Nick. 2024. Understanding change – developing a typology of therapy outcomes from the experience of adolescents with depression. Psychotherapy Research, 34(2), pp. 171-181. ISSN 1050-3307 [Article]

Andrade, Paulo E.; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Andrade, Olga V.C.A.; Dunstan, Jade; Zuk, Jennifer and Gaab, Nadine. 2024. Sequence Processing in Music Predicts Reading Skills in Young Readers: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 57(1), pp. 43-60. ISSN 0022-2194 [Article]

Andrews, Jorella G.. 2024. Slow Looking: Noah Davis. RA The Royal Academy of Arts Magazine, ISSN 0956-9332 [Article] (Forthcoming)

Antović, Mihailo; Küssner, Mats B.; Kempf, Adrian; Omigie, Diana; Hashim, Sarah and Schiavio, Andrea. 2024. ‘A huge man is bursting out of a rock'. Bodies, motion, and creativity in verbal reports of musical connotation. Journal of New Music Research, 52(1), pp. 73-86. ISSN 0929-8215 [Article]

Atkinson, Dennis. 2024. After Progress Perhaps Another Education is Possible: We Can Be Pagans for More Than One Day! Nordic Studies in Education, 44(4), pp. 278-291. ISSN 1891-5949 [Article]

Atkinson, Dennis. 2024. Seeds for Reclaiming Art in Education. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 43(3), pp. 433-447. ISSN 1476-8062 [Article]

Attah, Tom; Cavett, Esther; Dueck, Byron; Miller, Sue and Redhead, L. 2024. Teaching music theory in UK higher education today: contexts and commentaries. Music Education Research, 26(1), pp. 71-81. ISSN 1461-3808 [Article]

Autieri, Arianna and Niskanen, Lauri A. 2024. Translating the songs of the “Sirens” in James Joyce’s Ulysses. Studia Translatorica(15), pp. 235-259. ISSN 2084-3321 [Article]


Bahceci, Sergen. 2024. Agency in waiting: innovation and repetition in a novel Turkish Cypriot nationalist commemoration. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 24(1), pp. 35-54. ISSN 1473-8481 [Article]

Banet-Weiser, Sarah and Higgins, Kathryn Claire. 2024. Liars, scammers and cheats: con(fident) women and post-authentic femininities on television. Journal of Gender Studies, ISSN 0958-9236 [Article] (In Press)

Barik, Kasturi; Dey, Spandan; Watanabe, Katsumi; Hirosawa, Tetsu; Yoshimura, Yuki; Kikuchi, Mitsuru; Bhattacharya, Joydeep and Saha, Goutam. 2024. Self-Supervised Machine Learning Approach for Autism Detection in Young Children using MEG Signal. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 98, 106671. ISSN 1746-8094 [Article]

Barone, Ada Maria; Grappi, Silvia and Romani, Simona. 2024. Investigating environmentally sustainable consumption: A diary study of home-based consumption behaviors. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(7), pp. 6275-6286. ISSN 0964-4733 [Article]

Barone, Ada Maria; Stagno, Emanuela and Donato, Carmela. 2024. Call it robot: anthropomorphic framing and failure of self-service technologies. Journal of Services Marketing, 38(3), pp. 272-287. ISSN 0887-6045 [Article]

Barrett, Caitlyn N.; Federico, Christopher M.; Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka and Baran, Tomasz. 2024. Unpacking the Relationship Between Right-Wing Authoritarianism and Religiosity in Poland: A Panel Analysis. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 34(2), pp. 49-62. ISSN 1050-8619 [Article]

Bartseva, Ksenia; Likhanov, Maxim; Tsigeman, Elina; Alenina, Evgenia; Reznichenko, Ivan; Soldatova, Elena and Kovas, Yulia. 2024. No spatial advantage in adolescent hockey players? Exploring measure specificity and masked effects. Intelligence, 102, 101805. ISSN 0160-2896 [Article]

Beaumont, Justin and Baker, Christopher. 2024. Recovering lost knowledges for transnational social justice. European Alternatives Journal, 4, pp. 20-25. [Article]

Bell, Marcus. 2024. ‘Dance against the void’: Derek Jarman, dance, queer classical receptions. Classical Receptions Journal, 16(2), pp. 178-193. ISSN 1759-5134 [Article]

Bell, Marcus. 2024. "I’ve been looking for things that last”. Contemporary Theatre Review, ISSN 1048-6801 [Article] (Forthcoming)

Bell, Marcus. 2024. “May amnesia never kiss us on the mouth”: An Aesthetics of Fracture. Contemporary Theatre Review, 35(2), ISSN 1048-6801 [Article] (Forthcoming)

Bernard, Claudia A.; Gupta, Anna; Lakhanpaul, Monica; Sharma, Anita and Peres, Teresa. 2024. Racially Minoritised Young People’s Experiences of Navigating COVID-19 Challenges: A Community Cultural Wealth Perspective. The British Journal of Social Work, 54(7), pp. 3258-3273. ISSN 0045-3102 [Article]

Beswick, Katie. 2024. Sonnets from the scrap-heap: Pollution, politics and London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone. The Sociological Review Magazine, ISSN 2754-1371 [Article]

Blom, Ina and Fuller, Matthew. 2024. A Filter Theory of Photography. Media Theory, 8(1), pp. 107-132. ISSN 2557-826X [Article]

Bodie, George. 2024. Introduction to Everyday Internationalism: Socialist–South Connections and Mass Culture during the Cold War. International Review of Social History, 69(S32), pp. 1-12. ISSN 0020-8590 [Article]

Boland, J R and Hughston, L P. 2024. Mathematical Foundations of Complex Tonality. Journal of Mathematics and Music, 18(2), pp. 173-202. ISSN 1745-9737 [Article]

Boldrini, Lucia. 2024. Biographical Fictions and the Writing of the World. Recherche littéraire / Literary Research, 39, pp. 33-53. ISSN 0849–0570 [Article]

Boldrini, Lucia. 2024. Familiar Ghosts: Imagining Lives, Re-imagining the Nation, Inventing the Future. Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 8(2), pp. 31-47. ISSN 2096-4374 [Article]

Borovica,, Tamara; Kokanovic, Renata; Flore, Jacinthe; Blackman, Lisa; Seal, Emma-Louise; Boydell, Kathrine and Bennett, Jill. 2024. Experimenting with arts-based methods and affective provocations to understand complex lived experience of a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder. Social Science & Medicine, 350, 116950. ISSN 0277-9536 [Article]

Borovica,, Tamara; Kokanović, Renata; Seal, Emma Louise; Flore, Jacinthe; Boydell, Katherine; Blackman, Lisa and Hayes, Laura. 2024. What does leisure have to do with mental health – arts, creative and leisure practices and living with mental distress. Leisure Studies, ISSN 0261-4367 [Article] (In Press)

Bourne, Clea D.. 2024. AI hype, promotional culture, and affective capitalism. AI and Ethics, 4(3), pp. 757-769. ISSN 2730-5953 [Article]

Bouzianis, G; Hughston, L P and Sánchez-Betancourt, L. 2024. Information-Based Trading. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 27(3,4), 2350030. ISSN 0219-0249 [Article]

Bowling, Natalie C.; Vafeiadou, Aikaterini; Hammond, Claudia and Banissy, Michael J.. 2024. Extraversion and adult attachment dimensions predict attitudes towards social touch. Journal of Research in Personality, 111, 104514. ISSN 0092-6566 [Article]

Brett, Hannah; Cooper, Andrew; Smith, Peter K. and Jones Bartoli, Alice. 2024. Bullying for Children in Social Care: The Role of Interpersonal Relationships. International Journal of Developmental Science, 18(3-4), pp. 103-117. ISSN 2192-001X [Article]

Brkić, Aleksandar. 2024. Caring for Cultural Heritage: An Integrated Approach to Legal and Ethical Initiatives in the United Kingdom. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 54(6), pp. 364-366. ISSN 1063-2921 [Article]

Brunswick, Nicola; Wilson, Nathan J; Kruger, Ian; Chamberlain, Rebecca and McManus, I. Christopher. 2024. The Prevalence of Specific Learning Difficulties in Higher Education: A Study of UK Universities Across 12 Academic Years. Journal of Learning Disabilities, ISSN 0022-2194 [Article] (In Press)

Brussels Collaboration on Bodily Integrity. 2024. Genital Modifications in Prepubescent Minors: When May Clinicians Ethically Proceed? The American Journal of Bioethics, ISSN 1526-5161 [Article] (In Press)

Bulut, Ergin and Can, Başak. 2024. The persistence of race, violence, and state in a post-truth world. Communication and Race, 1(1), pp. 64-72. ISSN 2834-6955 [Article]

Burt, Philippa. 2024. Edward Gordon Craig as Teacher-Dictator. New Theatre Quarterly, 40(4), pp. 329-342. ISSN 0266-464X [Article]

Burt, Philippa and Shevtsova, Maria. 2024. Dialogue: The Role of the Editor. New Theatre Quarterly, 40(4), pp. 291-304. ISSN 0266-464X [Article]


Cabañes, Jason Vincent and Luna, Mia Franchesca. 2024. Digital media research from beyond the West: theoretical directions from Philippine-based journals. Online Media and Global Communication, 3(2), pp. 261-289. ISSN 2749-9049 [Article]

Caggiano, Pietro; Cocchini, Gianna; De Stefano, Danila and Romano, Daniele. 2024. The different impact of attention, movement, and sensory information on body metric representation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(5), pp. 1044-1051. ISSN 1747-0218 [Article]

Callan, Brian. 2024. WEIRD: Political feeling and the emergence of dissent in Israeli Solidarity Activists. Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest, 12(1), pp. 31-51. ISSN 2572-7184 [Article]

Camp, J.; Durante, G.; Cooper, Andrew; Smith, Peter K. and Rimes, K. A.. 2024. Clinical outcomes for sexual and gender minority adolescents in a dialectical behaviour therapy programme. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 52(4), ISSN 1352-4658 [Article]

Cardinale, Ivano; Galbraith, James and Scazzieri, Roberto. 2024. Structural dynamics and the wealth of nations. Luigi Pasinetti's system of economic theory. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 69, pp. 692-698. ISSN 0954-349X [Article]

Cardinale, Ivano; Reggiani, Aura and Scazzieri, Roberto. 2024. Workshop on “Complexity in Socio-Economic Systems: The Connectivity Approach”. Annales. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna. Classis Scientiarum Moralium, 2, pp. 67-71. ISSN 2389-6116 [Article]

Cardinale, Ivano and Scazzieri, Roberto. 2024. Political economy revisited: structures and objectives at the systemic level. Economia Politica. Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 41(1), pp. 153-171. ISSN 1120-2890 [Article]

Caso, Alessandra; Gabbert, Fiona and Dando, Coral. 2024. Eyewitness confidence in the interviewing context: Understanding the impact of question type and order. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38(3), e4197. ISSN 0888-4080 [Article]

Cavallo, Francesca Laura; Dorfman, Paul; Edworthy, Judy; Lavia, Lisa; Ouzounian, Gascia; Revell, Irene; Satz, Aura and Stern, Joel. 2024. Preemptive listening: a roundtable discussion about sirens. Sound Studies, 10(2), pp. 313-332. ISSN 2055-1940 [Article]

Cefai, Sarah. 2024. Consent-deception: A feminist cultural media theory of commonsense consent. Feminist Theory, 25(3), pp. 471-492. ISSN 1464-7001 [Article]

Cefai, Sarah. 2024. He Said, She Said. European Journal of Cultural Studies, ISSN 1367-5494 [Article] (In Press)

Charlton, Rebecca A; McQuaid, Goldie A and Wallace, Gregory L. 2024. Exploring the effects of age and sex on sensory sensitivities in middle and older aged autistic adults. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 117, 102460. ISSN 1750-9467 [Article]

Chaudhuri, Soma; Dooley, Maura; Johnson, Dan; Beaty, Roger and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2024. Evaluation of poetic creativity: Predictors and the role of expertise—A multilevel approach. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, ISSN 1931-3896 [Article] (In Press)

Chen, Liuqing; Song, Yaxuan; Sun, Lingyun; Childs, Peter and Yin, Yuan. 2024. Development of an exploratory creativity assessment scale. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 12(2), pp. 101-117. ISSN 2165-0349 [Article]

Chen, Yixin; Jenkins, Christine A.; Charlton, Rebecca A; Happé, Francesca; Mandy, Will and Stewart, Gavin R.. 2024. “Utterly Overwhelming” – A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Sensory Processing Differences and Mental Health Experiences in Middle-aged and Older Autistic Adults. Autism in Adulthood, ISSN 2573-9581 [Article] (In Press)

Clift, Stephen; Bathke, Arne; Davies, Christina; Daffern, Helena; Grebosz-Haring, Katarzyna; Kaasgaard, Mette; McCrary, J. Matt; Musgrave, George and Thun-Hohenstein, Leonard. 2024. The WHO-Lancet Global Series on the Health Benefits of the Arts: A Response to Sajnani and Fietje. The Lancet, 403(10434), P1335. ISSN 0140-6736 [Article]

Cocchini, Gianna; Müllensiefen, Daniel; Platania, Ruggero; Niglio, Chiara; Tricomi, Enrica; Veronelli, Laura and Judica, Elda. 2024. Back and front peripersonal space: Behavioural and EMG evidence of top-down and bottom-up mechanisms. Experimental Brain Research, 242(1), pp. 241-255. ISSN 0014-4819 [Article]

Colin, Anna. 2024. Pour une pratique sociale écocentrée. RADIAL, ISSN 2678-3185 [Article] (Forthcoming)

Cornish, Helen; Weston, Gavin; Djohari, Natalie; Urdea, Alexandra; Liber, Elena and Evans, Lowri. 2024. For Love and Money: Navigating Values at the Antiques Roadshow Event. Journal of Popular Culture, 57(2), pp. 80-92. ISSN 0022-3840 [Article]

Coste, Bénédicte and Desmarais, Jane H.. 2024. Introduction. Quaderni di LEA - Scrittore e Scritture d'Oriente e d'Occidente(6), pp. 7-10. ISSN 1824-484X [Article]

Curran-Troop, Hannah; Gill, Rosalind and Littler, Jo. 2024. What is ‘freelance feminism’? European Journal of Cultural Studies, 27(3), pp. 317-332. ISSN 1367-5494 [Article]


Damianakis, Konstantinos. 2024. Spiralling Out of a Shell: Fictioning more-than-machine listening. Organised Sound, 29(3), pp. 262-274. ISSN 1355-7718 [Article]

Davies, Will. 2024. Owning Towards Death: The Asset Condition as Existential Conundrum. Finance & Society, 10(3), pp. 215-233. ISSN 2059-5999 [Article]

Davies, Will. 2024. Reaction Value: Affective reflex in the digital public sphere. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 25(3), pp. 297-317. ISSN 1600-910X [Article]

Davies, Will; Dutta, Sahil Jai and Taylor, Nick. 2024. Stay Home: Mapping the New Domestic Regime. Economy & Society, 53(3), pp. 400-423. ISSN 0308-5147 [Article]

Dencik, Lina; Brand, Jessica and Murphy, Sarah. 2024. What do data rights do for workers? A critical analysis of trade union engagement with the datafied workplace. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, ISSN 1024-2589 [Article] (In Press)

Desmarais, Jane H.. 2024. Decadent Aesthetics in Cyril Scott’sTranslations and Song Settings. Quaderni di LEA - Scrittore e Scritture d'Oriente e d'Occidente, 6, pp. 81-100. ISSN 1824-484X [Article]

Drake, Jennifer; Riccio, A; Chamberlain, Rebecca and Kozbelt, Aaron. 2024. Artists have superior local and global processing abilities but show a preference for initially drawing globally. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 18(3), pp. 357-371. ISSN 1931-3896 [Article]

Durcan, Oliver; Holland, Peter and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2024. A framework for neurophysiological experiments on flow states. Communications Psychology, 2, 66. ISSN 2731-9121 [Article]

de St Croix, Tania and Doherty, Louise. 2024. ‘Capturing the magic': grassroots perspectives on evaluating open youth work. Journal of Youth Studies, 27(4), pp. 486-502. ISSN 1367-6261 [Article]

du Rocher, Andrew R. and Pickering, Alan. 2024. Social interaction anxiety, social phobia, and cognitive control: controlled reactions to facial affect during an emotional face flanker task. Current Psychology, 43(5), pp. 4129-4141. ISSN 1046-1310 [Article]


Edwards, Martin; Charlwood, Andy; Guenole, Nigel and Marler, Janet. 2024. HR Analytics: An emerging field finding its place in the world alongside simmering ethical challenges. Human Resource Management Journal, 34(2), pp. 326-336. ISSN 0954-5395 [Article]

Elias, Hannah. 2024. Citizenship, Immigration and Race Relations in Lambeth Palace Library Archives. Journal of Religious History, 48(3), pp. 287-303. ISSN 0022-4227 [Article]

Eskandari, Elham; Jansari, Ashok S. and Bagheri, Mahdi. 2024. Validation of a Persian Version of an English Language Ecologically-Valid Assessment of Executive Functions Through Childhood and Adolescence. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 34(5), ISSN 0960-2011 [Article]

Eves, Natasha. 2024. Performing Reparative Craft: Oreet Ashery’s Passing through Metal. TEXTILE: Cloth and Culture, 22(3), pp. 571-585. ISSN 1475-9756 [Article]

Eze, Joy; Duan, Yanqing; Eze, Elias; Ramanathan, Ramakrishnan and Ajmal, Tahmina. 2024. Machine learning-based optimal temperature management model for safety and quality control of perishable food supply chain. Scientific Reports, 14, 27228. ISSN 2045-2322 [Article]


Falconer, Peter. 2024. Seaton Snook and the building of a parafictional seaside town. Tempo, 78(308), pp. 70-82. ISSN 0040-2982 [Article]

Faramelli, Anthony. 2024. Psychiatric Abolition: Deinstitutionalisation and Containment. History of the Human Sciences, ISSN 0952-6951 [Article] (Forthcoming)

Farkas, Timea; Hughes, Nathan Gerard Jayy and Fiebrink, Rebecca. 2024. How Boardgame Players Imagine Interacting With Technology. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CHI PLAY), 8, 313. ISSN 2573-0142 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.. 2024. The glass ceiling in the house of power. Prometeo, 42(165), pp. 28-29. ISSN 0394-1639 [Article]

Farris, Sara R.; Horton, Amy and Lloyd, Eva. 2024. Corporatisation and financialisation of social reproduction: Care homes and childcare in the United Kingdom. Environment and Planning F, ISSN 2634-9825 [Article] (In Press)

Farrugia, Laura; Gabbert, Fiona and Oxburgh, Gavin. 2024. Evaluation of Forensic Interviews and Interrogations: A Thematic Analysis of Law-Enforcement Views. Journal of Criminal Psychology, ISSN 2009-3829 [Article] (In Press)

Featherstone, Mike. 2024. The Public Sphere, the Post-University and the Scholarly Apparatus: An Introduction. Theory, Culture & Society, 41(7-8), pp. 5-18. ISSN 0263-2764 [Article]

Freed, Moss. 2024. Sonic Socialities: compositional voice in/as ensemble microtradition. Contemporary Music Review, ISSN 0749-4467 [Article] (Forthcoming)

Freedman, Des (D. J.). 2024. Neither private property nor public service: Critical reflections on the conceptual framework of public service media. European Journal of Communication, 39(5), pp. 472-485. ISSN 0267-3231 [Article]

Fuller, Matthew. 2024. National Word Inventory: Notes for a History. The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 33(67), pp. 210-212. ISSN 2000-1452 [Article]


Garland, Ruth. 2024. No escape from the No.10. bunker? UK government news management under siege: John Major (1990-97) and Boris Johnson (2019-2022). Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 29(1), pp. 24-37. ISSN 1356-3289 [Article]

Gazi, Jeeshan. 2024. Whose roar is it, anyway? Localization and ideological communication with respect to the Toho Godzilla franchise. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 16(1), 2367264. ISSN 2000-4214 [Article]

Gelens, Frank; Aijala, Julio; Roberts, Louis; Komatsu, Misako; Uran, Cem; Jensen, Michael A.; Miller, Kai J.; Ince, Robin A.A.; Garagnani, M.; Vinck, Martin and Canales-Johnson, Andres. 2024. Distributed representations of prediction error signals across the cortical hierarchy are synergistic. Nature Communications, 15, 3941. ISSN 2041-1723 [Article]

Ghani, Amna; Luft, Caroline Di Bernardi; Ovadio-Caro, Smadar; Muller, Klaus Robert and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2024. The Receptive Brain: Up-regulated Right Temporal Alpha Oscillation Boosting Aha! Creativity Research Journal, 36(3), pp. 424-435. ISSN 1040-0419 [Article]

Gilbert, Francis. 2024. The British Library, research and creative writing. Francis Gilbert's website, [Article]

Gilbert, Francis. 2024. Four ways education can make the world more socially just. Educational Studies blog, [Article]

Gilbert, Francis. 2024. Of Note- Four Ways Taking Notes have Enriched My Life. Blue Door Press Blog, [Article]

Gilbert, Francis. 2024. Teaching Mindfulness in an Unmindful System. British Journal of Educational Studies, 72(3), pp. 359-378. ISSN 0007-1005 [Article]

Gilbert, Thomas Jamin; Lin, Zexiao; Day, Sally; Hamilton, Antonia F de C and Ward, Jamie A. 2024. A Magnetometer-based Method for In-situ Syncing of Wearable Inertial Measurement Units. Frontiers in Computer Science, 6, 1385392. ISSN 2624-9898 [Article]

Gill, Rosalind. 2024. Perfect: feeling judged on social media: a roundtable discussion. Feminist Media Studies, ISSN 1468-0777 [Article] (In Press)

Gimenez, Telma; Cogo, Alessia; Cabrini Simões Calvo, Luciana and Salles El Kadri, Michele. 2024. English Language Hegemonies in the Internationalization of Two State Universities in Brazil: Unintended Consequences of English Medium Instruction. Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada, 24(2), e40232. ISSN 1984-6398 [Article]

Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka. 2024. Authoritarians and “revolutionaries in reverse”: Why collective narcissism threatens democracy. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 27(5), pp. 1027-1049. ISSN 1368-4302 [Article]

Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka and Federico, Christopher M.. 2024. The Father’s Love: Collective Narcissism and Defensive Reactions to Allegations about Pope John Paul II in Polish Public Opinion. Public Opinion Quarterly, 88(2), pp. 291-314. ISSN 0033-362X [Article]

Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka; Forster, Chiara; Ziegler, Matthias; Nalberczak-Skora, Maria; Ciesielski, Pawel and Mazurkiewicz, Magdalena. 2024. The shape of the change: Cumulative and incremental changes in daily mood during mobile-app-supported mindfulness training. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 16(3), pp. 1122-1140. ISSN 1758-0846 [Article]

Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka; Keenan, Oliver; Ziegler, Matthias; Ciesielski, Pawel; Wahl, Julia and Mazurkiewicz, Magdalena. 2024. App-based mindfulness training supported eudaimonic wellbeing during the COVID19 pandemic. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 16(1), pp. 42-59. ISSN 1758-0846 [Article]

Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka; Keenan, Oliver; Ziegler, Matthias; Mazurkiewicz, Magdalena; Nalberczak-Skóra, Maria; Ciesielski, Pawel; Wahl, Julia E. and Sedikides, Constantine. 2024. Mindful-Gratitude Practice Reduces Prejudice at High Levels of Collective Narcissism. Psychological Science, 35(2), pp. 137-149. ISSN 0956-7976 [Article]

Gordon, Neve and Rottenberg, Catherine. 2024. From Human Rights to A Politics of Care. Humanity, 14(3), pp. 327-346. ISSN 2151-4364 [Article]

Grasselli, M R and Hughston, L P. 2024. Brief Synopsis of the Scientific Career of T. R. Hurd. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 27(3,4), 2430001. ISSN 0219-0249 [Article]

Graywill, Kelsey and Chamberlain, Rebecca. 2024. The visual language of pain: the role of rendering style and pain type in aesthetic and empathetic appraisals of painful images. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, ISSN 1931-3896 [Article] (In Press)

Gregory, Alice M.; Madrid-Valero, Juan J and Bird, Ciara. 2024. Opinion: Sleep and the Law. Legal Issues Journal, 10(1), ISSN 2516-1210 [Article]

Gregory, Alice M.; Selita, Fatos and Kovas, Yulia. 2024. Editorial: For better or for worse? Intended and unintended consequences of science communication. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 65(8), pp. 995-997. ISSN 0021-9630 [Article]

Grennan, Simon; Matthews, Miranda; Penketh, Claire and Wild, Carol. 2024. Thinking About Drawing As Cause and Consequence: Practical Approaches in Time. The International Journal of Art and Design Education, 43(4), pp. 534-546. ISSN 1476-8062 [Article]

Guggenheim, Michael. 2024. Theorizing is not Abstraction but Horizontal Translation. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 25(2), pp. 165-182. ISSN 1600-910X [Article]

Gunaratnam, Yasmin and Eisa, Ali. 2024. Foreign bodies: a conversation between Yasmin Gunaratnam and Ali Eisa. Mortality, 29(1), pp. 207-221. ISSN 1357-6275 [Article]


Hake, Robin; Bürgel, Michel; Nguyen, Ninh K.; Greasley, Alinka; Müllensiefen, Daniel and Siedenburg, Kai. 2024. Development of an adaptive test of musical scene analysis abilities for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Behavior Research Methods, 56(6), pp. 5456-5481. ISSN 1554-351X [Article]

Hakim, Jamie; Kanai, Akane; Redmond, Sean; Winch, Alison and Wood, Rachel. 2024. Roundtable Discussion. Journal of Gender Studies, ISSN 0958-9236 [Article] (In Press)

Han, Yuxuan; Gilbert, Thomas J; Tan, Xiangyi and Ward, Jamie A. 2024. The Wand Chooses the IMU - Open Source Hardware for Synchronising Wearables using Magnetometers. ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 939-943. [Article]

Harrison, Mia; Rhodes, Tim and Lancaster, Kari. 2024. Constitution of Long COVID illness, patienthood and recovery: a critical synthesis of qualitative studies. BMJ Open, 14, e083340. ISSN 2044-6055 [Article]

Harrison, Mia; Rhodes, Tim and Lancaster, Kari. 2024. Object-oriented interviews in qualitative longitudinal research. Qualitative Research, ISSN 1468-7941 [Article] (In Press)

Hashim, Sarah; Küssner, Mats B.; Weinreich, André and Omigie, Diana. 2024. The neuro-oscillatory profiles of static and dynamic music-induced visual imagery. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 199, 112309. ISSN 0167-8760 [Article]

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Pira, Einollah; Rafe, Vahid and Esfandiary, Sajad. 2024. A three-phase approach to improve the functionality of t-way strategy. Soft Computing, 28(1), pp. 415-435. ISSN 1432-7643 [Article]

Pitanatri, Putu Diah Sastri; Hitchcock, Michael and Jackson, Annabel. 2024. Macau, Bali and the Malay World: A Gastronomic Perspective. Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies), 14(2), pp. 401-422. ISSN 2088-4443 [Article]

Porricelli, Daniele; Tecilla, Margherita; Pucci, Veronica; Di Rosa, Elisa; Mondini, Sara and Cappelletti, Marinella. 2024. Cognitive reserve modulates mental health in adulthood. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 36(1), 139. ISSN 1720-8319 [Article]

Powell, Anastasia; Scott, Adrian J.; Flynn, Asher and McCook, Sarah. 2024. A multi-country study of image-based sexual abuse: Extent, relational nature and correlates of victimisation experiences. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 30(1), pp. 25-40. ISSN 1355-2600 [Article]

Price, Heather L.; Luther, Kirk; Thomas, Wayne; Gabbert, Fiona and Hope, Lorraine. 2024. Extracting Witness Evidence in “Cold Case” Investigations: What we Know and What we Need to Learn. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, ISSN 0882-0783 [Article] (In Press)

Price, John. 2024. Baildon Street: The Blackest Street in Deptford? The London Journal, 49(2), pp. 167-187. ISSN 0305-8034 [Article]

Price, John. 2024. The Forgotten Heroes of Postman’s Park. Heroism Science, 9(1), ISSN 2573-7120 [Article] (Submitted)

Pringle, J.K.; Cassella, J.P; Wisniewski, K and Doyle, P.. 2024. Battle of the Somme: new research shows detonating a massive mine under German lines too early led to a British slaughter. The Conversation, [Article]

Purdy, Noel; Scheithauer, Herbert; Harris, Jonathan; Willems, Roy A.; Mameli, Consuelo; Guarini, Annalisa; Brighi, Antonella; Menin, Damiano; Culbert, Catherine; Hamilton, Jayne; Völlink, Trijntje; Ballentine, Mark; Fiedler, Nora and Smith, Peter K.. 2024. The Development of a Multi-Dimensional Coding System to Categorise Negative Online Experiences Including Cyberbullying Behaviors Among Adolescents with Lower Socioeconomic Status. International Journal of Developmental Science, 17(4), pp. 141-155. ISSN 2192-001X [Article]


Rakei, Amy and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2024. Professional status matters: Differences in flow proneness between professional and amateur contemporary musicians. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, ISSN 1931-3896 [Article] (In Press)

Rani, Somiya; Jain, Amita; Kumar, Akshi and Yang, Guang. 2024. CCheXR-Attention: Clinical concept extraction and chest x-ray reports classification using modified Mogrifier and bidirectional LSTM with multihead attention. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 34(1), e23025. ISSN 0899-9457 [Article]

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Rees, Peter. 2024. The nomos of citizenship: migrant rights, law and the possibility of justice. Contemporary Political Theory, 23(4), pp. 529-548. ISSN 1470-8914 [Article]

Reeves, David; Morgan, Catharine; Stamate, Daniel; Ford, Elizabeth; Ashcroft, Darren M.; Kontopantelis, Evangelos; Van Marwijk, Harm and McMillan, Brian. 2024. Identifying individuals at high risk for dementia in primary care: Development and validation of the DemRisk risk prediction model using routinely collected patient data. PLoS ONE, 19(10), e0310712. ISSN 1932-6203 [Article]

Repeykova, Vlada; Toivainen, Teemu; Lihanov, Maxim; van Broekhoven, Kim and Kovas, Yulia. 2024. Nothing but stereotypes? Negligible sex differences across creativity measures in Science, Arts and Sports adolescent high achievers. Journal of Creative Behavior, 58(1), pp. 47-65. ISSN 2162-6057 [Article]

Rhodes, Tim; Lancaster, Kari and Adams, Sophie. 2024. In search of a ‘good number’: knowledge controversy and population estimates in the endgame of hepatitis C elimination. BMJ Global Health, 2024(9), e014659. ISSN 2059-7908 [Article]

Rhodes, Tim; Ruiz Osorio, Maria Paula; Maldonado Martinez, Adriana; Restrepo Henao, Alexandra and Lancaster, Kari. 2024. Exhausting care: On the collateral realities of caring in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. Social Science & Medicine, 343, 116617. ISSN 0277-9536 [Article]

Rhys-Taylor, Alex. 2024. Changing Britain through the frame of snooker. Sport in Society, pp. 1-17. ISSN 1743-0437 [Article] (In Press)

Rocha, Sinead; Attaheri, Adam; Ní Choisdealbha, Áine; Brusini, Perrine; Mead, Natasha; Olawole‐Scott, Helen; Boutris, Panagiotis; Gibbon, Samuel; Williams, Isabel; Grey, Christina; Alfaro e Oliveira, Maria; Brough, Carmel; Flanagan, Sheila; Ahmed, Henna; Macrae, Emma and Goswami, Usha. 2024. Precursors to infant sensorimotor synchronization to speech and non‐speech rhythms: A longitudinal study. Developmental Science, 27(4), e13483. ISSN 1363-755X [Article]

Rocha, Sinead; Ní Choisdealbha, Áine; Attaheri, Adam; Mead, Natasha; Olawole-Scott, Helen; Grey, Christina; Williams, Isabel; Gibbon, Samuel; Boutris, Panagiotis; Brusini, Perrine; Brough, Carmel; Alfaro e Oliveira, Maria; Goswami, Usha and Hassinger-Das, Brenna. 2024. Language Acquisition in the Longitudinal Cambridge UK BabyRhythm Cohort. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1), 92998. ISSN 2474-7394 [Article]

Rondel, Louise. 2024. ‘Fighting for breath’: Inhabiting uninhabitable places. European Journal of Cultural Studies, ISSN 1367-5494 [Article] (In Press)

Rotta, Tomas. 2024. Intellectual Monopoly and Income Inequality in the United States, 1948–2021: A Long-Run Analysis. Review of Radical Political Economics, ISSN 0486-6134 [Article] (In Press)

Rotta, Tomas and Kumar, Rishabh. 2024. Was Marx right? Development and exploitation in 43 countries, 2000–2014. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 69, pp. 213-223. ISSN 0954-349X [Article]

Rottenberg, Catherine; Roy, Srila; Méndez Cota, Gabriela and Naqvi, Zainab. 2024. Special cultural commons section: Roundtable discussion of Catherine Rottenberg’s This Is Not a Feminism Textbook, Goldsmiths University Press (2023). European Journal of Cultural Studies, ISSN 1367-5494 [Article] (In Press)

Rovira, Aitor; Lambe, Sinead; Beckwith, Helen; Ahmed, Memoona; Hudson, Felicity; Haynes, Phoebe; Yu, Chun-Jou; Williams, Kira; Saidel, Simone; Iredale, Ellen; McBride, Sapphira; Waite, Felicity; Pan, Xueni and Freeman, Daniel. 2024. A randomized controlled experiment testing the use of virtual reality to trigger cigarette craving in people who smoke. Scientific Reports, 14, 19445. ISSN 2045-2322 [Article]


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Sadeghi-Boroujerdi, Eskandar. 2024. Iran and the Permanence of the Theologico-Political? Political Theology, 25(2), pp. 91-97. ISSN 1462-317X [Article]

Savransky, Martin. 2024. In the Fourth Person Singular: Pragmatism, Anarchism, and the Earth. Subjectivity, 31(1), pp. 1-15. ISSN 1755-6341 [Article]

Savransky, Martin. 2024. Passages to the Outside: A Prelude to a Geophilosophy of the Future. Dialogues in Human Geography, 14(2), pp. 259-263. ISSN 2043-8206 [Article]

Sayers, Esther. 2024. Book Review: Pedagogies of Taking Care by Dennis Atkinson. Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Blog, [Article]

Scharenberg, Antje and Rees, Peter. 2024. The Sea in Sea Rescue: Conceptualising solidarity with maritime migrants. Political Geography, 115, 103205. ISSN 0962-6298 [Article]

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Schilling Cuellar, Linda and Portal Carrasco, Fernando. 2024. A New Ecological Contract: Tools to See Otherwise. Journal of Architectural Education, 78(2), pp. 286-302. ISSN 1046-4883 [Article]

Schuppli, Susan. 2024. Cryoception. Journal of Environmental Media, 5(1), pp. 127-133. ISSN 2632-2463 [Article]

Seidler, Victor. 2024. Buber's Ethics: Dialogue, Revelation, Selves and Worlds. European Judaism, 57(1), pp. 6-27. ISSN 0014-3006 [Article]

Seita, Sophie. 2024. Lessons of Decal (Language as Repertoire). Performance Research, 29(1), pp. 66-69. ISSN 1352-8165 [Article]

Seita, Sophie. 2024. RECORD AND REFLECT: A Questionnaire on (Video) Lectures. Texte zur Kunst(136), pp. 96-97. ISSN 0940-9459 [Article]

Seita, Sophie. 2024. Too good to be entirely true (A coda on the pleasure of archives and avant-garde publishing). Textual Practice, 38(6), pp. 1012-1017. ISSN 0950-236X [Article]

Selita, Fatos; Chapman, Robert; Kovas, Yulia and Likhanov, Maxim. 2024. Are we ready for the genomic era? Insights from judges and lawyers. New Genetics and Society, 43(1), e2367210. ISSN 1463-6778 [Article]

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Sharma, Vikas; Kumar, Akshi and Sharma, Kapil. 2024. Digital twin application in women’s health: Cervical cancer diagnosis with CervixNet. Cognitive Systems Research, 87, 101264. ISSN 2214-4366 [Article]

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Shore, Cris. 2024. The bureaucratization of ethical integrity: Research ethics committees and imaginaries of risk. Anthropology Today, 40(2), pp. 8-10. ISSN 0268-540X [Article]

Sinclair, Rose. 2024. Curator’s Review: Althea McNish: Colour is Mine (The Whitworth, Manchester, April 2023). Text: For the Study of the History, Art and Design of Textiles, 50, pp. 109-113. ISSN 1336-476X [Article]

Sleigh-Johnson, Phoebe; Gabbert, Fiona and Scott, Adrian J.. 2024. An exploration into why there is an overrepresentation of BAME people in missing person cases. International Journal of Missing Persons, 2(1), 4. ISSN 2769-7037 [Article]

Smith, Anthony K. J.; Storer, Daniel; Lancaster, Kari; Haire, Bridget; Newman, Christy E.; Paparini, Sara; MacGibbon, James; Cornelisse, Vincent J.; Broady, Timothy R.; Lockwood, Timmy; McNulty, Anna; Delpech, Valerie and Holt, Martin. 2024. Mpox Illness Narratives: Stigmatising Care and Recovery During and After an Emergency Outbreak. Qualitative Health Research, 34(12), pp. 1161-1174. ISSN 1049-7323 [Article]

Sottini, Andrea; Zupic, Ivan and Giudici, Alessandro. 2024. Social entrepreneurship and social innovation: A bibliometric review and research agenda. European Management Journal, ISSN 0263-2373 [Article] (In Press)

Souza, Ana and Lytra, Vally. 2024. Learning and performing Sanskrit as a sacred language: children’s religious repertoires and syncretic practice in London. International Journal of Bilingualism, ISSN 1367-0069 [Article] (In Press)

Sparacio, Alessandro; IJzerman, Hans; Ropovik, Ivan; Giorgini, Filippo; Spiessens, Christoph; Uchino, Bert N.; Landvatter, Joshua; Tacana, Tracey; Diller, Sandra J.; Derrick, Jaye L.; Segundo, Joahana; Pierce, Jace D.; Ross, Robert M.; Francis, Zoë; LaBoucane, Amanda; Ma-Kellams, Christine; Ford, Maire B.; Schmidt, Kathleen; Wong, Celia C.; Higgins, Wendy C.; Stone, Bryant M.; Stanley, Samantha K.; Ribeiro, Gianni; Fuglestad, Paul T.; Jaklin, Valerie; Kübler, Andrea; Ziebell, Philipp; Jewell, Crystal L.; Kovas, Yulia; Allahghadri, Mahnoosh; Fransham, Charlotte; Baranski, Michael F.; Burgess, Hannah; Benz, Annika B. E.; DeSousa, Maysa; Nylin, Catherine E.; Brooks, Janae C.; Goldsmith, Caitlyn M.; Benson, Jessica M.; Griffin, Siobhán M.; Dunne, Stephen; Davis, William E.; Watermeyer, Tam J.; Meese, William B.; Howell, Jennifer L.; Standiford Reyes, Laurel; Strickland, Megan G.; Dickerson, Sally S.; Pescatore, Samantha; Skakoon-Sparling, Shayna; Wunder, Zachary I.; Day, Martin V.; Brenton, Shawna; Linden, Audrey H.; Hawk, Christopher E.; O’Brien, Léan V.; Urgyen, Tenzin; McDonald, Jennifer S.; van der Schans, Kim Lien; Blocker, Heidi; Ng Tseung-Wong, Caroline and Jiga-Boy, Gabriela M.. 2024. Self-administered mindfulness interventions reduce stress in a large, randomized controlled multi-site study. Nature Human Behaviour, ISSN 2397-3374 [Article]

Stamm, Julie C; Richardson, Daniel C. and Ward, Jamie A. 2024. Squeeze and Slide: Real-time continuous self-reports with physiological arousal to evaluate emotional engagement in short films of contemporary dance. CHI EA '24: Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 301. [Article]

Stewart, Gavin R.; Luedecke, Emily; Mandy, Will; Charlton, Rebecca A and Happe, Francesca. 2024. Experiences of social isolation and loneliness in middle-aged and older autistic adults. Neurodiversity, 2, ISSN 2754-6330 [Article]

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Svarre, Tanja and Russell-Rose, Tony. 2024. An evaluation of a visual interface for supporting query formulation in scholarly searching. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, ISSN 0961-0006 [Article] (In Press)

Sweeney, Carole-Anne. 2024. This Reality Thing: Anna Kavan’s Mid-Century Writing. Women: A Cultural Review, 35(2), pp. 160-162. ISSN 0957-4042 [Article]


Tamari, Tomoko. 2024. Reconsidering sport diplomacy: The 2020/1 Tokyo Olympics and ‘soft-power’. Asian Journal of Sport History & Culture, ISSN 2769-0148 [Article] (In Press)

Tan, Jasmine; Luft, Caroline Di Bernardi and Bhattacharya, Joydeep. 2024. The After-glow of flow: Neural correlates of flow in musicians. Creativity Research Journal, 36(3), pp. 469-490. ISSN 1040-0419 [Article]

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Taylor, Mark; Abrol, Shalini; Frieslaar, Sharon and Taylor, Corlea. 2024. A Workforce Development Team’s Reflections on Social Work Retention and Turnover in South-East London, UK. Journal of Social Care, 4, 6. [Article]

Tazzioli, Martina. 2024. Confining by choking refugees' lifetime. Geopolitics, 29(4), pp. 1121-1142. ISSN 1465-0045 [Article]

Tom, Dobson and Gilbert, Francis. 2024. Becoming the falconer: productive feedback for the redrafting of creative writing. New Writing, 21(3), pp. 259-278. ISSN 1479-0726 [Article]

Torenvliet, C.; Groenman, A.P.; Van der Burg, E.; Charlton, Rebecca A; Hamilton, C.J. and Geurts, H.M.. 2024. Memory strategies in autistic and older adults. Autism Research, 17(10), pp. 2092-2104. ISSN 1939-3792 [Article]

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Traianou, Anna and Hammersley, Martyn. 2024. Interrogating the Concept of ‘Vulnerability’ in Social Research Ethics. Diametros – A Journal of Philosophy, ISSN 1733-5566 [Article]

Treloar, Carla; Lancaster, Kari; Rhodes, Tim; Lafferty, Lise; Bryant, Joanne and Rance, Jake. 2024. The ‘missing’ in the ‘endgame’ of hepatitis C elimination: A qualitative study in New South Wales, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 43(5), pp. 1256-1263. ISSN 0959-5236 [Article]

Tsang, Edward P. K.; Ma, Shuai and Chinthalapati, V. L. Raju. 2024. Nowcasting directional change in high frequency FX markets. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, 31(1), e1552. ISSN 1055-615X [Article]

Tubridy, Derval. 2024. Toward a Politics of Vocal Expression: Beckett and Video Art. Journal of Beckett Studies, ISSN 0309-5207 [Article] (Forthcoming)

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Twitchin, Mischa. 2024. On ‘a certain convocation of politic worms’ (Hamlet). Performance Research, 29(1), pp. 104-111. ISSN 1352-8165 [Article]

Twitchin, Mischa. 2024. A Spectre is Haunting Europe... Contemporary Theatre Review, 34(1), pp. 101-106. ISSN 1048-6801 [Article]


Upton, Emily; Doogan, Catherine; Fleming, Victoria; Leyton, Pedro Quijada; Barbera, David; Zeidman, Peter; Hope, Tom; Latham, William; Coley-Fisher, Henry; Price, Cathy; Crinion, Jennifer and Leff, Alex. 2024. Efficacy of a gamified digital therapy for speech production in people with chronic aphasia (iTalkBetter): behavioural and imaging outcomes of a phase II item-randomised clinical trial. eClinicalMedicine, 70, 102483. ISSN 2589-5370 [Article]


Varvantakis, Christos and Nolas, Sevasti-Melissa. 2024. Touching heritage: Embodied politics in children’s photography. Visual Communication, 23(1), pp. 119-141. ISSN 1470-3572 [Article]

Vianna Franco, Marco P.. 2024. Environmental Economics, 1950-1970s: To Arcadia (and Back). Œconomia, 14(3), pp. 653-666. ISSN 2113-5207 [Article]

Villeneuve, Louise. 2024. John Stuart Mill and the art of consumption. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 31(1), pp. 40-58. ISSN 0967-2567 [Article]

Vogel, Gabriel; Hall, Lars; Moore, James W. and Johansson, Petter. 2024. The right face at the wrong place: How motor intentions can override outcome monitoring. iScience, 27(1), 108649. ISSN 2589-0042 [Article]

Vélez Serna, Maria A; Keilbach, Judith; Pabiś-Orzeszyna, Michał; Pape, Toni; Pedregal, Alejandro; ap Rhys, Iago and Voelcker, Becca. 2024. Enough: Reading notes from media studies. NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies, ISSN 2213-0217 [Article]

van Emmerik, Corine. 2024. Ethical Reflexivity, Care, and Slippery Data: Lessons From Working With the Mass Observation Project. Sociological Research Online, 29(3), pp. 758-766. ISSN 1360-7804 [Article]

van Emmerik, Corine; Coleman, Rebecca and Lyon, Dawn. 2024. Towards a minor sociology of futures: Shifting futures in Mass Observation accounts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Sociology, ISSN 1440-7833 [Article] (In Press)

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Wagner, Beny and Litvintseva, Sasha. 2024. Two Hundred Years of Total Conversion. Ecoes(6), ISSN 2772-5685 [Article]

Walker, Nicola; De Geeter, Davy; Anderson-Wallace, Murray; Bhurruth, Martin; Brooks, Frederica; Harding, Claudia; Davice-Bird, Jill; Fitzgerald, Christina; Jennings, Elaine and Collins, Catherine. 2024. Report of a small feasibility study involving group analysts and groupwork practitioners in facilitating self-practice/self-reflection groups in the training of cognitive behaviour therapists. Group Analysis, ISSN 0533-3164 [Article] (In Press)

Wang, Juanjuan; Zhou, Shujie; Liu, Wentong and Jiang, Lin. 2024. An ensemble model for stock index prediction based on media attention and emotional causal inference. Journal of Forecasting, 43(6), pp. 1998-2020. ISSN 0277-6693 [Article]

Webb, Martin; Khan, Aasim; Suri, Venkata Ratnadeep; Azam, Riad and Salim, Farhat. 2024. Between hunger and contagion: digital mediation and advocacy during the COVID-19 emergency in Delhi. Third World Quarterly, 45(5), pp. 946-962. ISSN 0143-6597 [Article]

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Wilkins, Andrew and Gobby, Brad. 2024. Objects and subjects of risk: A governmentality approach to education governance. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 22(5), pp. 915-928. ISSN 1476-7724 [Article]

Wilkins, Andrew and Mifsud, Denise. 2024. What is governance? Projects, objects and analytics in education. Journal of Education Policy, 39(3), pp. 349-365. ISSN 0268-0939 [Article]

Williamson, Milly and Khiabany, Gholam. 2024. The British State, Citizenship Rights and Gendered Folk Devils: The Case of Shamima Begum. European Journal of Cultural Studies, ISSN 1367-5494 [Article] (In Press)

Wilson, Kalpana; Ismail, Feyzi; Kharel, Sambriddhi and Dahal, Swechchha. 2024. Women construction workers in Nepal: Collectivities under precarious conditions. Gender, Work & Organization, 31(2), pp. 419-434. ISSN 0968-6673 [Article]

Wirkierman, Ariel Luis. 2024. Conceptualising productivity measurement from a classical perspective. PSL Quarterly Review, 77(309), pp. 145-172. ISSN 2037-3635 [Article]

Wirkierman, Ariel Luis; Ciarli, Tommaso and Savona, Maria. 2024. Employment imbalances in EU regions: technological dependence or high-tech trade centrality? Regional Studies, pp. 1-19. ISSN 0034-3404 [Article] (In Press)

Wisniewski, K.D.; Doyle, P.; Hunter, R.J.S; Pringle, J.K.; Stimpson, I.G.; Wright, D.; Squires, K.; Sutherland, Z.; Cassella, J.P.; Graham, F.C. and Ottey, P.. 2024. A multidisciplinary scientific investigation of the 1916 Hawthorn Mine Crater, Beaumont Hamel, Somme, Northern France. Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 18(2-3), pp. 125-156. ISSN 1574-0773 [Article]

Wisniewski, K.D.; Pringle, J.K.; Doyle, Peter; Barton, N; Stimpson, I.G. and Hobson, L.. 2024. Multi-disciplinary site investigations of WW2 Allied aerial bombing decoy sites in North Staffordshire, UK. Journal of Conflict Archaeology, ISSN 1574-0773 [Article] (In Press)


Yildirim, Aysegul. 2024. Ways of “Not Hearing”: Corporate Denial in the Case of Aircraft Noise and Victimisation in the UK. Critical Criminology, 32(3), pp. 707-723. ISSN 1205-8629 [Article]

You, Kefei; Chinthalapati, V. L. Raju; Mishra, Tapas and Patra, Ramakanta. 2024. International trade network and stock market connectedness: Evidence from eleven major economies. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 91, 101939. ISSN 1042-4431 [Article]


Zioga, Ioanna; Harrison, Peter M. C.; Pearce, Marcus T.; Bhattacharya, Joydeep and Luft, Caroline Di Bernardi. 2024. The association between liking, learning and creativity in music. Scientific Reports, 14, 19048. ISSN 2045-2322 [Article]

Zwartz, Micaiah; Thomson, Donald M. and Scott, Adrian J.. 2024. Identity crisis in eyewitness testimony: Exploring visual similarity judgments as an alternative to identification decisions. Criminal Law Journal, 47(2), pp. 93-108. ISSN 1321-6562 [Article]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 01:33:22 2025 BST.